Acts of Mercy

Big Dick

Holly had a good thing going and Jill didn’t, that was the bottom line. It wasn’t about money, they both had plenty of that. It wasn’t about a car or a house either. Not even about family, the ladies each had the moronic husband and adults kids. It was all about what makes a girl over fifty feel so very good now and then. Makes her still know she’s all woman. It was all about getting laid.

Not that either one of the husbands obliged, that had been out of the picture for ten years at least. It was one of life’s mysteries, guys slowing down just as a woman was really warming up. There was no logic in why Holly’s lost the interest, she still could turn a head now and then if a man didn’t mind 55 and some gray in the hair. Jill, maybe she’d gotten a little dumpy, a little frumpy, over the years but she still had assets and that blonde mane was natural, baby . Just no takers. Not that she had gone looking. A woman didn’t need a lifetime lover, she just needed a hand and a manhood. Not that Holly had gone looking for some either, it just happened. It happened and it was making Jill crazy.

She lit a cigarette and looked out the window. It was so crazy it was stupid, her sitting in the passenger seat of a car, parked outside some apartment building, waiting for Holly to get done. Get done getting screwed. Jill blew out the smoke and shook her head. Four times a week the bitch comes here, ready to drop her panties for the stallion on the side. Four times a week Holly was going bang-bang, hump and go, no questions asked. Jill hadn’t had it four times in the last twenty years. She felt a shiver go through her soul and wondered what was making her so unlucky.

Holly was a looker, no doubt, but it wasn’t like she was to die for beautiful either. Tall, still thin, elegant for sure but it wasn’t like she was carrying a rack. Not like Jill, no way. Holly didn’t even droop and every woman past fifty should have that curse. Gravity was an evil force to 38 D’s. Guys were supposed to like big boobs, not little mosquito bites. Jill took another drag on her smoke and glanced at her watch. It wouldn’t be long. Hooray for wham-bams.

Another shudder went through Jill as she exhaled. The wham, those were the good old days. Husband Jim must have thrown a hundred of them into her went the kids were growing up. Stolen five minutes here, a couple of minutes there, Daddy rolled off Mommy well pleased and there was still time to read a bed time story to one of the little ones. One of the great advantages of married life, getting it and getting it regular, once upon a time.

Not that she’d made Jim wait or anything. They’d pretty well known by the third date in college that hitting the sack was a real good idea. A real good idea. Jim knew what he was doing, she knew what she was doing and it felt so good, even with him wearing rubbers. A lot harder to get on the Pill in those days, way back when. Back when morality was actually common. Piss on morality, she’d needed it then like she needed it now, especially after that first guy of hers.

John, that was his name. They met working at the library their sophomore year at State. He claimed he’d screwed another girl but maybe, maybe not. Probably not. Hell, he must have taken her into the stacks a dozen times to cop feels before he got her pants off. Not that Jill was real crazy about losing it in a library one night after the place closed down. She could still smell the books in that study room he took her into. Shit, she could still remember it all.

Jill stubbed out her cigarette and fought an urge to gag. Hell, everybody did it back then. Both her roommates had gotten screwed the weekend before but not Jill. Jill the Virgin. They would have shit if they knew, her letting John take her up to that study room, her staring at acoustical ceiling tile while he just about ripped her clothes off. Smelling the books as he suckled her breasts. Feeling the cold table on her back as he started to grunt, his cock searching for her pussy. Pussy, that’s what he’d wanted and he finally found. It didn’t hurt or anything and she hadn’t gotten pregnant, but John wasn’t in the picture long. She was more than a fuck, at least in her mind. Not his maybe but that didn’t matter. Jim got into the picture, got into her pants and it was all right. Three kids, house in the suburbs, mini-van, all the right stuff. Everything but getting laid.

The opening of the driver’s side door made Jill jump. She snapped her head around, Holly now grinning like the canary fed cat as she slid behind the wheel. There’s just some radiant about a escort freshly screwed woman, no doubt.

“All set.”

“Yeah,” Jill nodded, forcing a smile. “Ready to go.”

“No, no,” Holly grinned. “We’re all set. For tomorrow.”


“Sure thing, babe,” Holly giggled. “We’re all going out to lunch. All of us.”


“Yep. Me, you and Todd. Time you two met. Socially. I’m getting bored, I’m boring him, time he moved on. Anyway, Hell, hubby jumped me last night finally. Looks like I don’t need something on the side if I get it at home. Get the good stuff.”

“Not necessary,” Jill grimaced, looking out her window. “I’d rather not,” preferring not to think about that drunk Holly married getting laid.

“You don’t get a choice, Jill. After all, this might be your big chance.”

Jill turned her head back to look at Holly long and hard before she said, “Chance for?”

“To get banged, bitch. I’m setting you up.”

“What?” Jill shrieked in disbelief. “Me?”

“You,” Holly repeated, still grinning. “I’m tired of you being a bitch in need. A bitch in heat. Look at you, you need it and you need it bad. Now it’s time.

“Face it, baby doll, we both needed a mercy fuck. I got lucky and got mine.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look,” Holly laughed hysterically. “Sugar, it’s extremely warm outside.”


“So why are your nipples straight out, honey?” the taller woman giggled. “Been thinking about men? Been thinking about how nice a hard pecker would feel getting some of that sweet you? Not some soul mate, a penis, Sugar. Hell, I know he’s balling me for no reason other than to ball. I’m not objecting either”

Jill looked away knowing Holly had seen far too much. No sense in admitting the truth, not about this. Still, getting banged casually? It wasn’t an option to be even mentioned. A sympathy screw, no purpose other than coming. Never an option. Until now.

“You need,” Holly said quietly, now serious in her tone. “You know you do. You’ve said it, you’re acting bitchy, you need something only getting laid can give ladies like us. The seniors still needing to be girls again. You know I’m right.”


“It’s a bang,” Holly whispered. “Just a bang, baby. Todd and I don’t have anything going other than that. He likes it he can’t knock me up. I like a man ten years younger than us still getting hard for me. It makes me feel so good, so pretty still being wanted. He’s nice. He’s sweet. He is good. Baby, please? Think on it, it’s going to cure a lot of what ails you. Trust me.”

Trust me. John had said that one time, just before he’d stripped her naked the first time. God, that was embarrassing and he hadn’t even done it then, just played with her. Trust me, just what the husband said when he talked her into going face down one night. Trust him, a piece of ass might be fun. Jill flushed, it had been fun. Hell, it was great, actually, him hammering away as he clutched her breasts. Trust me, let her best friend set her up and get laid? That one needed some thought. Not words, just thought.

Jill didn’t say anything on the way back home, not that there was anything to say. Holly was a friend, a dear friend, ever since those library days in college. Sure, she was a little more aggressive than Jill, at least when it came to sex, but she was a gem through thick and thin. She knew the score in Jill’s life without talking about it. A lot of stuff to be thought of. Odd, most of the thoughts that evening were about Todd.

They were watching television but Jill’s mind was on that red headed cutie who worked at the art gallery. She giggled to herself, the three of them had met when the girls were taking a tour. They figured he would be a funny boy, liking the men more than a couple of old bats. He was so good looking and such a shameless flirt, a poor over-aged bag just had to believe he wouldn’t like ancient pussy. Two weeks later and Holly proved that theory wrong.

She could still recall the phone call and then the look on Holly’s face when they met for coffee. It had been that morning, a Tuesday, that Holly had gone over to visit Todd at his place. Just to visit in the spirit of friendship. At least as friendly as climbing between the sheets and letting a man totally have his way could be. God, Holly had been so giddy, so incredibly happy telling Jill what happened. So incredibly happy. Jill almost had to wonder what that was like.

Husband Jim was off to bed, the house so quiet. Years ago he would have dragged her on the mattress and balled her until izmit escort bayan the sun came up. Now she was lucky to get a kiss on the cheek. A lot of women have one on the side, no obligations, friend with benefits. Not even friend, just a safe, clean, casual bang. A lot of women. It wasn’t like she’s a saint or anything. Women don’t go looking. The hell they don’t. Just lunch, just talk. Nothing has to come of it. God, she needed it so bad.

Not that she let it show, sitting at the restaurant that next noon, conservative clothes, blazer over black shirt and slacks, polite conversation and nothing really being said about anything. Just marking time. This Todd is actually quite pleasant. Quite a charmer. Nothing being said at all, not even when Jill motioned for the check.

“I’ll get it,” he’d said with a grin.

“No, my pleasure,” Jill smiled back in return. “I’m going to get it. We should do this. Again.”

Silence, and then Holly said, “You should. Today. Get it.”

A smart woman would have laughed off the slip of the tongue and made an almost dirty joke. A desperate woman looked first at Holly and then Todd before she nodded. The night before had been a time for thinking. To think now was to stay the bitch. She needed this, God, she needed this so bad. Silently she prayed nobody say a word, to speak and she’d go back to what she was. Back to hurting those long, lonely nights. Jill paid the bill without looking and gave Todd a nod.

Holly would pick her up later, she knew how this worked. She knew where to find her and how long this should take. He drives a Lexus, not bad. This Todd is so good looking and smart. He knows when to shut up, to let a woman try to talk herself out of this idiotic thing she’d just gotten into. To talk herself back into sanity, even when they pulled into the apartment. Even when she knew what reality was quite well.

Four times a week Holly comes here to get screwed. Whenever she needs a cover story, Jill’s along, waiting in the parking lot. The girls out shopping so a husband doesn’t ask, that sort of thing. This Todd probably bangs some others on the side too. He’s probably screwed a lot of women. It’s just a screw, there’s nothing to it. She can’t get knocked up. It’s been so long. God, she needs it so much. The apartment door was unlocked. Jesus, she was there.

It wasn’t like she’d ever screwed on the first date or anything. Not unless you wanted to count that one guy in college that poured a dozen beers into her and then balled her at the frat house. That wasn’t really a date or anything. Then again, neither was this. She’d gotten set up by her best friend to get laid by a younger model. Hell, guys go after younger pussy all the time, why shouldn’t a woman chase some young cock? It’s not like the kids haven’t done something like this, for sure. Not like her husband hadn’t either, no doubt. Not like her jacket was still on either.

She needed this even if it all blurred together. Hands were undressing her even as she whimpered it had been a long time. Stupidly she was sorry she hadn’t worn frillier underthings. Her breasts were bare, she knew that but had no idea how she got into his bedroom. God, there was a man on her body, a naked man, well endowed and so ready. She needed this, God, she needed his hungry mouth at her nipples. Feeding, driving her wild, her woman scent filling the room. God, she needed laid so bad and he was in.

He was using a rubber, she could feel that. That was good, he might have something hard to explain. His cock was good but not great, that was good too. She had to be just like cherry pie, years since Jim humped her. A big man might hurt too much, make her stop and it was too late for that. An orgasm probably was out of the question but maybe not. He definitely had staying power. Man power. Jill shut off her mind, wrapped her legs around him, draped her arms around his neck and let him fuck the living shit out of her.

On and on he pounded into her, Jill’s body growing weaker with each lust thrust of the cock. She panted, she moaned and she wallowed in this. God, she needed. God, she had.

“How many?” she gasped. “How many babies you banging?”


“How many women you banging now,” Jill groaned, the first hint of her pure pleasure growing deep in her body.

“Holly,” Todd grunted, his cock thrusting deep and then deep again. “Just Holly. And you. Now. God, you’re good, baby. You’re so good. You’re the best. Now, babe, now.”

Now. Now she felt his cock head begin to swell, his come soon izmit sınırsız escort to explode inside the latex. Jill gritted her teeth, thrust her hips forward and then arched back, her own orgasm gushing with one animal scream from deep in her throat. Todd was coming but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. God, she’d needed. God, she still was a woman after all.

He lay panting in her arms, his pecker spent as her body continued to come alive. Gently Jill stroked his back, the strength of his chest against her breasts reminding her of the good old days. Of the last ten minutes. Her body was electrified, every pore tingling, every hole needing what she’d been missing for so long. What she’d just got. The world was getting to be a beautiful place after all.

Todd rolled off of her, stripping off the condom and tossing it into the can by the bed. Jill sat up, his work done. She thought about thanking him but that would be crass. It was a favor though. He’d hadn’t had to fuck her. A mercy job, maybe but he was still treating her like a lady. She slid off the bed and padded towards the bathroom she’d spotted. He didn’t have to but praise God, he had.

Holly had been so right, she needed banged. Nothing mattered now, not the bills, not the roof needing fixed, the oil changed in the car or anything else Jim had put off. It just didn’t matter. Jill washed up and gave herself one quick review. Other than the radiance, about the same as an hour ago. Shit, who was she kidding? A grin like that only meant one thing. This bitch had gotten laid. She opened the bathroom door and realized it was only the beginning.

There he stood, stark naked and so beautiful. Todd looked at her, so bare and began to grin as his cock rose to the occasion. Jill felt a gasp escape her lips. Jesus, not this quick. Shit, Jim had jumped her that weekend when she first told him she was pregnant, jumped her seventeen times between Friday evening and Monday morning, but no man got her twice in ten minutes. No man before, not in ten minutes. Better make that five minutes instead.

Jill began to walk towards him, Todd slowly sinking to his knees to welcome her. She cradled his head in her arms, feeling his mouth find her left breast and beginning to suckle. Her body was alive, wonderfully alive as he fed hungrily. So alive, so wet in that barren place for so long, now so wanting again. So ready, even as her man of the hour rose slowly, kissing up her chest and neck as he moved her against the wall. Moved her into Paradise.

With one groan he lifted her off her feet, Jill again draping her arms around his neck as Todd positioned her body. God, it was so dirty, so back alley, so hot. Jill felt her shoulders press against the wall and then slide up just slightly. With one savage lust grunt he slammed her onto his rod, impaling her body with his penis. He wasn’t huge but God, Jill loved standing up. Loved being loved. From deep in her chest came a long, low, savage growl of pleasure. From deep in her body the orgasms erupted, again and again and again. He was bare, no condom now, her wet, willing walls sucking in his cock and showering it with every ounce of her own lust. Jill’s breasts swelled, her nipples went rock hard and she screamed as Todd exploded inside her. Jesus have mercy, God there is a heaven after all.

Husband Jim never asked what changed, not that the idiot would have believed it anyway. She’d been a piece of furniture for so long. That furniture had gotten reupholstered in the next six months. Twenty pounds fell off and she started looking good to him again. There was just something he couldn’t put his finger on, something about the bounce in her step or the absolute happiness she carried around. Couldn’t put his finger on but his cock was another matter.

God, he’d banged her hard the night before. Six months to the day since Todd had first gone down on her and the husband was back in the saddle between her legs again. She’d been silly, playing the virgin college girl, just enough resistance to excited the handsome stallion and make him crazy. Jill blushed at the thought of seeing his eyes go wide as he put it in, she’d been so wet for him. She’d put out like a mink and was still wallowing in it, even if there was one more point of business to be taken care of for the common good.

Jill sipped her coffee and then turned to face her friend Debbie. Thursday morning coffee at the Corner Café were so enjoyable. She appraised her old friend from high school and could see the potential. Sure, Deb had a few too many grays and maybe ten pounds too much, but she did have a rack. Once upon a time she was the life of every party but things change, not always for the better. To a woman the situation was perfectly clear.

“You know what, Debbie? I think I might know something you need…….”

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