Amanda’s Screen Debut


Amanda wasn’t entirely sure what a film company would look like, but she didn’t think that it would look like an engineering works. She looked again at the card that he had given her when she met him in the pub. Number 27 Brunel Way. The sign at the end of the cul-de-sac definitely said Brunel Way. And the door she was standing next to had the number 23 on it. (It appeared to be a blacksmith’s or some such metalcraft business.) Number 27 Brunel Way must be further along. Or else Amanda had already walked past it. She walked on a bit further and, sure enough, there was number 27.

Amanda pressed the button and waited. After a few seconds, there was a buzz followed by a metallic clunk, and then a voice — possibly a human voice, but who could be sure these days? — said: ‘Welcome to LoLo Productions.’ Amanda pushed on the door.

The door opened into a broad corridor, the walls of which were hung with framed awards of one sort or another and boudoir photographs of women of a certain age. Directly ahead, lightly-frosted double glass doors led to what appeared to be a reception area. The doors slid open as Amanda approached.

‘Hello. Amanda, I presume?’ The smiling middle-aged woman behind the reception desk reminded Amanda of the rather attractive mother of one of her former school friends.

‘Umm… yes,’ Amanda said. ‘I’m… umm… here to see….’

‘David,’ the smiling woman said. ‘Yes. He’s expecting you. He’s through in Studio B. If you’d just like to come with me. How’s the weather out there now? It was rather chilly when I came in this morning. I do hope that it’s not a sign that summer is over already.’

‘It’s… umm… not too bad now,’ Amanda said. ‘Better than it was earlier anyway.’

‘Oh, good,’ the woman said. ‘Our summers are quite short enough as it is.’ And they were there. According to the sign on the door, they had reached Studio B.

‘Ah! Amanda. Nice to see you again.’ David Drake still didn’t look like the sort of person that made films — certainly not films of the sort that he apparently made. He looked, Amanda thought, as if he should have been a librarian or something like that. A conveyancing solicitor perhaps.

‘This is our small studio,’ David Drake said. ‘Well… technically, it’s our only studio these days. When we need a bigger studio we hire one from one of the facility companies. It’s easier that way. And, of course, half of our productions — more than half, now that I come to think about it — are made on location.’

The ‘small’ studio was not much more that a large bedroom — a large bedroom with lights everywhere and bits of electronic kit.

‘You’re still up for it then?’

‘I think so.’

David Drake smiled. ‘I think you’ll be a natural,’ he said.

A natural what, Amanda wondered. She had never been in a film before. She had certainly never been in the kind of film that David Drake made.

‘Do you want to just slip your dress off for me?’ David Drake said.

Did Amanda want to slip her dress off? No, not really. But it was why she was there. From the moment that she had first said yes, she had known that she was going to have to slip her dress off at some stage. Amanda reached behind for the zipper; lowered it; and then leaned forward slightly and shrugged the dress from her shoulders. She paused after she had exposed her top half… and then she continued. Then she stepped out of her dress and draped it over the back of a conveniently placed chair. And then she self-consciously straightened her bra and knickers.

David Drake nodded. ‘And if you could just turn around slowly.’

Amanda did a slow twirl.

David Drake nodded again. ‘Yes,’ he said. ‘And you’re not shaved down there, are you?’

Amanda shook her head.

David Drake nodded. ‘All natural. Nice,’ he said. ‘Oh, and you can put your dress on again.’

While Amanda dressed, David Drake consulted an electronic calendar. ‘I’m thinking Wednesday,’ he said. ‘We’ll probably start mid-afternoon. Say around three? How does that suit?’

‘You mean this coming Wednesday?’

‘Yes. I’d suggest Monday, but Moira has a shoot up north. She’s not back until Tuesday lunchtime.’

‘Umm… what would be involved?’ Amanda asked.

‘I’m thinking just you and Moira. Keep it simple.’

‘No. I mean what. What would I have to do?’

‘Oh. What? Yes. Oh… you know… just the usual. As I say… just keep it simple.’

‘I guess that’s my question. What is the usual. This is all a bit new to me.’

David Drake frowned slightly and looked even more like a librarian. ‘Have you… umm… not seen any of our girl-on-girl productions?’

Amanda mersin escort shook her head. ‘Not really. Well… not at all. If I’m honest. I just saw the advertisement.’

‘Oh! Oh, I see. Yes. Well. Tell you what: why don’t I find you a little taster? And then I’ll go and make us a cup of coffee while you have a quick squizz.’

‘A squizz?’

‘While you watch it,’ David Drake said. ‘See what’s what. Get a bit of a feeling for…. Well, you know.’

On one side of the room there was a laptop and a stand-alone monitor on a trolley. David Drake tapped a few keys on the laptop’s keyboard and then turned the trolley so that the monitor faced Amanda. ‘How do you take your coffee?’ he asked.

Brandon, Amanda’s first proper boyfriend, had tried to get her to watch some girl-on-girl action. But it wasn’t something that Amanda had felt comfortable with. She wasn’t sure why. She had watched the odd porno, of course. Who hadn’t? But there had always been a bloke involved. In some cases there had been more than one bloke involved.

Brandon had explained to her the difference between MFM and MMF. ‘With MMF, the blokes get it on with the woman, but also with each other,’ he said. ‘With MFM, they just get it on with the woman.’ Brandon seemed to prefer MMF. Amanda wasn’t sure why. She wondered if, perhaps, he was secretly gay.

The clip that David Drake had lined up for Amanda didn’t seem to have much of a story. A woman (who seemed to be in her late 30s) had invited her new next door neighbour (who also looked to be in her late 30s) over for coffee. Within minutes, the hostess was showing her new neighbour some freshly-laundered items of lingerie. Bras. Knickers. Suspender belts. And then they were kissing and doing other things to each other.

‘What if… umm… Moira — is that her name? — what if she doesn’t like me?’ Amanda asked when David Drake returned with the coffee.

David Drake did his little librarian frown. ‘Why would she not?’ he asked.

‘Well… I don’t know. But she’s never even met me.’

‘Oh, I think she’ll like you,’ David Drake said. ‘I think she will like you a lot. And I think you’ll like her. Yes, I think that you two will be very good together.’

Amanda didn’t feel entirely convinced.

‘Well… you could always meet up beforehand,’ David Drake said. ‘You know… if that would make you feel more comfortable. Get together for a drink or something.’

And then it was Amanda’s turn to frown. ‘It’s just…. Well, it’s just that this is all new to me. I’m sorry.’

‘No, no. That’s OK,’ David Drake said. ‘Umm… let me give Moira a call.’

David Drake phoned Moira and arranged for her and Amanda to meet — at Moira’s place — on Tuesday afternoon.

‘I’m sorry,’ Amanda said. ‘It’s just that….’

‘No. That’s quite all right,’ David Drake said. ‘First time and all that. But I’m sure we have nothing to worry about. I can see you two getting along just fine. I wouldn’t be putting you two together if I couldn’t see you getting along.’

* * *

Moira’s flat was in St Kathrine Docks. Near the marina.

‘Gosh. This is lovely,’ Amanda said.

‘It is nice, isn’t it?’ Moira said. ‘Nice and central. Nice and handy.’

‘Must be expensive,’ Amanda said.

Moira smiled. ‘Funnily enough, when my late mother bought this place, they could hardly give them away. Not now, of course. But you’ve got to have some luck in life, don’t you? Now… what would you like to drink? A glass of wine? Vodka and tonic? I may even have some gin. What’s your poison?’

‘Wine would be nice. Thank you.’

‘I gather this will be your first production,’ Moira said, as she poured a couple of glasses of supermarket Pinot Grigio.

Amanda nodded. Nervously.

‘You’ll be OK,’ Moira said. ‘David’s very easy to work with. Not too pushy. David pretty much leaves it up to the talent. Some of them, I just won’t work with. But David….’

Amanda guessed that Moira must have been about 50. But she was a very tidy 50. A good haircut. Manicured nails. Nice makeup. And she was nice. She was really nice. Moira might have made Amanda — who had only just turned 21 — feel rather young, but she certainly didn’t make her feel silly.

‘The trick is to ignore the camera,’ Moira said. ‘It’s David’s job to worry about the camera. If he hasn’t got the camera in the right position, or if he hasn’t got the lighting right, that’s his worry. We just need to try to be ourselves and have fun. If we’re having fun, that’s what’ll come across to the viewers. That’s what the punters will see.’

‘I suppose so,’ Amanda said.

‘Oh, I know so, darling,’ Moira mersin escort bayan told her. And she leaned over and gave Amanda a little kiss. ‘Now… what are you thinking of wearing?’

‘I don’t know. I hadn’t thought that far.’

‘Well… the underlying idea of these little films is that I’m the older Lesbian and you are the young ingenue who, although new to it, soon develops a taste for a touch of the velvet. With that in mind, your costume needs to be youngish, but not too slutty. I’m supposed to be seducing you, not the other way around. And it helps if your outer garments can be removed relatively easily. Not too many buttons and bows.’

‘OK,’ Amanda said.

‘And I assume that you’re au naturel down below.’

‘Au naturel? Oh. Umm… yes.’

‘Good,’ Moira said. ‘David prefers it that way. Well… his gentleman customers seem to. I think that you and I are going to get along just fine.’

* * *

On Wednesday afternoon, Amanda arrived at LoLo Productions soon after two-thirty. Maria, the woman who reminded Amanda of the mother of an old school friend, buzzed her in and greeted her like an old friend. There was also another woman sitting in reception drinking coffee. Maria introduced her as Calley. ‘Calley will be doing your hair and makeup,’ Maria said.

‘May I?’ Calley said. And, without waiting for a reply, she ran her fingers through Amanda’s hair. ‘Mmm. Nice hair. Nice cut,’ she said. And then she gently manoeuvred Amanda’s chin so that her face was turned slightly more to the light ‘Nice,’ she said. ‘Nice. You won’t need much retouching, will you?’ And she nodded and smiled.

Amanda wasn’t sure exactly what it was that Calley found nice, but at least she hadn’t said anything that might suggest that she thought Amanda was ugly.

‘I can do you first, if you like,’ Calley said. ‘Are you going to shower?’

Was she? These were all details that Amanda hadn’t really thought about.

‘The dressing room is on the right,’ Maria said. ‘Opposite the studio.’

‘I’ll show you,’ Calley said. ‘Come with me.’

The dressing room, complete with a wet box, was almost as big as the studio.

‘I don’t think that we need to wash your hair,’ Calley said. She handed Amanda a plastic shower cap. And then she started unpacking her ‘toolbox’ of powders and pencils and brushes and other bits and pieces.

Oh, well, Amanda told herself, and she turned on the shower and nervously started to undress. When she had removed her clothes, she donned the shower cap. It was unfortunate that there were mirrors everywhere. Dressed in just the shower cap, Amanda thought that she looked anything but sexy. Mind you, the frown didn’t help.

Amanda stepped into the wet box and adjusted the water temperature.

‘Hello, darling,’ a voice called out. It was Moira. ‘I hope that I haven’t been keeping you girls waiting.’

‘No problem. We’ve just started,’ Calley said.

Moira undressed and, to Amanda’s surprise, joined Amanda under the shower.

It was the first time that Amanda had seen Moira naked and she tried not to be too obvious as she took in what was before her. Moira was definitely more ‘padded’ than Amanda. Her boobs were bigger. And they sagged a bit — but not unattractively. Her hips were more rounded and she had a bit of a tummy. And her furry mound — which Amanda noted was quite pronounced — was lightly streaked with silver. But it too was not unattractive.

‘Let me wash your back for you, darling,’ Moira said, and she soaped up a flannel and washed Amanda’s back, starting at the nape of her neck and working her way down from her shoulders. Amanda thought that it felt very nice. She was a bit surprised, however, when Moira didn’t stop at her waist but continued on, paying particular attention to the crack between her buttocks. But… oh, well.

* * *

‘Right, here’s the scenario,’ David Drake said when the two ‘stars’ — showered, Calley-ed, and dressed — arrived on set. ‘Moira, you have been out shopping. You have purchased some girly fripperies.’ David Drake indicated a couple of distinctive Selfridges shopping bags.

‘Amanda, you have arrived to visit Moira. You call out — from off set — to announce your arrival. “Hello. Is anyone home?” Or something like that. And Moira invites you to come into the bedroom to see what she has bought.

‘Amanda, you are a little shy. You are intrigued by Moira’s purchases but you are in two minds as to whether Moira, this good-looking older woman who you don’t know that well, should be showing them to you so eagerly. But Moira just steams right on, holding the garments up against her body. escort mersin Asking for your opinion. And then holding them up against your body — although, of course, Moira’s fripperies are at least a couple of sizes too big for you.’

Amanda frowned slightly, but nodded. Moira nodded too. But she didn’t frown, she smiled. In fact she beamed.

David Drake continued. ‘Moira, you then give Amanda a peep of the bra and knickers that you are already wearing. And then you kiss her — just lightly, just tentatively. And, Amanda, you are little surprised — but pleasantly so. Let’s start with that, shall we? We’ll work out the next bit once we get that bit in the can.’

David Drake handed Moira the two shopping bags and Moira positioned herself for the opening scene.

‘And… action!’ David Drake called.

Moira began unpacking her ‘shopping’, enthusiastically removing each tissue-wrapped garment from the bag, and then carefully removing the tissue paper. Amanda could see why David Drake liked working with Moira: she really was a natural. And then David Drake gestured to Amanda.

‘Umm… hello? It’s me. Is anyone home?’ Amanda sounded hesitant. She sounded tentative. But that was exactly how she was supposed to sound.

‘I’m in here. In the bedroom,’ Moira called back. ‘I’ve been naughty. I’ve been shopping. Come and see what I’ve bought.’

Amanda had not seen ‘the fripperies’ before they had started filming — neither of them had — and so her reaction that they were beautiful was 100 percent real. ‘Oh, they’re beautiful,’ she said. ‘And so sexy.’ David Drake was smiling. It was all coming together nicely.

When they came to the part where Moira gave Amanda a peep of the lingerie she was actually wearing, David Drake got her to hold her skirt up for a little longer so that he could get a close-up shot of Moira’s plump knicker-clad crotch. ‘We’ll cut this in later,’ he said.

And then it was time for the first screen kiss. Moira had given Amanda a little kiss when they had met up the previous afternoon. She had also given her a little kiss when the were in the shower together. But they were rather like the kisses that your grandmother might give you on your birthday. That first screen kiss that Moira gave Amanda was something else again. Amanda could not help thinking: ‘I kissed a girl and I liked it’ — except, of course, it was Moira who kissed Amanda.

And then Amanda felt Moira putting her hand up under Amanda’s skirt. ‘Oh, yes,’ Amanda mumbled. ‘Oh, yes.’ And they kissed again. And then Amanda tried to remember in what order things had happened in the clip that David Drake had played for her. What were they supposed to do next? Who undressed whom? And how? Amanda didn’t want to get it wrong, but she didn’t want to break the spell either.

Moira pushed Amanda gently back onto the bed and raised her skirt up to her girlish waist. Amanda didn’t need any further encouragement. In the time that it took Moira to get down on her knees, Amanda had pushed down her own knickers and she was spreading her fur-covered cunt lips. When she opened her eyes, Moira had moved a little to one side and David Drake had the camera focused on Amanda’s hot box. But not for long. Almost as quickly as he had arrived, David Drake had moved to one side again and Moira was back in control: nuzzling Amanda like a randy dog, and running the tip of her tongue along the length of Amanda’s girly valley.

If someone had later asked Amanda what had happened, and when, she couldn’t have told them. It had just happened. Somehow both she and Moira had shed their clothes — or had them removed; each had eaten from the other’s honey pot; and, to Amanda’s complete surprise (and delight), Moira had tongued Amanda’s arsehole while strumming her clit.

Both women reached a noisy climax — first Amanda and then Moira — and then they had both collapsed in a fleshy heap on the bed.

‘Yes. I think that worked rather well,’ David Drake said. And he put down the camera, took out his cock, and joined the ladies in a celebratory jacking while the two women jilled themselves to simultaneous second orgasms. Amanda thought that, for the first time since she had met him, David Drake didn’t look quite so much like a librarian.

When David Drake had wiped off his cock and put it away again he announced that he thought he would ‘go and make a rough cut’. ‘While it’s all still fresh in my mind,’ he said. ‘And you ladies… would you like a glass of something?’

‘Thank you. But I think that we might go back to mine,’ Moira said. ‘I think that I have some fizz in the fridge. You’d be a starter for a glass of fizz, wouldn’t you?’ she asked Amanda.

Amanda smiled and nodded.

‘We’ll see if Maria wants to join us,’ Moira said. ‘Maria is rather partial to a few bubbles and a bit of girly muff munching.’

Was Amanda surprised? No. Not really.

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