Before College


Hi, my name is Carl! Carl James or as my friends call me CJ. And this is my story.

I’m a fairly tall guy, not too bad looking with my dark brown hair and sharp jawline. A had some muscles but I wasn’t athletic. Usually hung out with the nerds playing Magic during breaks or playing video games at home.

So I lived in a fairly small town and the girls that I went to school with did not like nerdy. So yeah virgin if you had not figured that out. But now Highschool was finally over and after this summer break, I was going to college with my best friend.

My home consisted of just me, my mom Elizabeth and my sister Emma. My sister was now living at the college I was going to, so I hadn’t seen her for like 2 years… Well, she came during holidays and stuff.

My dad passed away when I was fairly young. He took part in the war but never came back.

He was where I got my good looks from according to mom and I got the brains from her.

My mom was a bit of a MILF according to my classmates and my sister was a younger cuter version of her. Comments which I did not appreciate.

So I didn’t really have a best friend until Jake moved into town one and a half years ago. He was a short skinny nerdy guy. He had the same hair color as me and thick glasses usually adorned his nose. He had a bit of a stutter sometimes, to his dismay. He was cute in the looks department but with him being skinny, short, and nerdy he was in the same seat as me relationship-wise. He had asthma so he never joined us for PE. Probably that’s why he was so skinny. But anyway, we were into the same games and we started playing together and then became close friends. He usually came over to my house and played as his parents were usually out working. They were architects or something in the same firm and had only moved here because it’s closer to the airport than the bigger town next to it. Which I’m glad for as the other nerds were a bit too… strangely enough… too nerdy.

And now during our summer break before college, they were going to be gone for a week so we decided to have a bit of a gaming marathon.

I lived in my parent’s basement as it was the most spacious and private area I knew. We had set up our consoles and two TVs and were pretty hype to game out with our online friends.

“Haha look at my KDR!” Squeaked Jake excitedly.

He was practically bouncing up and down on the sofa we had placed in front of the TV. My room was walled in by painted bricks with tons of nerdy posters. It had just a small window above my bed behind that sofa, which was more or less overgrown by bushes. I liked it that way. More privacy and no annoying sun would hit the screen.

“Fuck bro! You’re on fire!” I shouted back with equal excitement.

“Shit! Now I gotta step up my game noobs!” Exclaimed DarkStar666. Just one in the gang of misfits we played online with.

It was an intense multiplayer game with lots of guns and killstreak bonuses! But I and Jake were having a fun game where we did not use a single killstreak.

“I got your back!” I shouted again as I took out people popping up behind him.

The door to my room opened up with a creek and a tonne of non-screen light flooded down the stairs. Both our eyes squinted in annoyance.

“Boys! Dinner is going to be ready in an hour. Why don’t you take a break and go outside before dinner?” My mom pleaded from the stairs.

“Sure thing Mom!” I bellowed in even more annoyance.

The door shut and all the annoying light finally went away. I had to find a way to lock that door even if it didn’t have one. Now I didn’t think my response to my mom would be heard thanks to muting my headset but unfortunately, Jakes’s headset wasn’t. What followed was a bunch of comments like little baby, mommas boy, didn’t know we were playing with a baby, etc, etc.

“Yeah. Yeah. Fuck you guys too!” I groaned as I logged out.

I raised myself off the sofa and took a swig out of my glass of soda on the coffee table. After a satisfying burp, I turned to Jake.

“Hey, you coming Jake?” I asked with my eyebrow raised. The guy was leaning forward with his controller tightly gripped in his hands that they turned white with strain.

“Dude! CJ! I’m in the zone give me a sec!” He fervently argued. But his look of fervor died down as soon as he got shot in the back. Knew he wouldn’t last long without my protection I smugly thought for myself even if I knew he was better at this game than me.

“Yeah fine. W-want to take a walk in the forest?” He looked up at me and asked.

“As we always do my dear friend, as we always do.” I chided back.

My mom had suggested taking walks every now and then to keep our physiques in decent shape as once we get old. Just lazing on the couch and eating as little as we did we would still get fat. Especially with all that soda.

So we headed up the stairs to the main hallway. Before leaving from the front door I looked into the kitchen and saw mom prepping.

“See you later, mom.” I spoke istanbul travesti with dissatisfaction in my voice because of the earlier humiliation she caused.

“Bye Mrs. J!” Jake cheerily shouted as he opened the door.

“Take care boys! Be back before dinner!” She cheerily responded without turning around and her focus was still on the food prep.

We walked around the house and headed for a little trail that started in my backyard into the forest. The old branches and leaves crunched beneath our feet and the sun was shining brightly. Thanks to the hot summer weather you could smell all of nature around us and hear all the birds chirping.

“So do you want to play some JRPG when we get back?” I inquired as my shorter friend walked beside me.

He was a little dorky-looking. Always wore baggy pants or jeans and sometimes a leather coat when it got colder. Now though he just had a baggy t-shirt with a nerdy DnD comment about dungeon masters and some baggy sweat pants.

“Sure sounds cool to me! S-so are you excited about college?” He asked with some hesitation.

“Yeah, dude! We’re gonna have so much fun. Meet girls. Hopefully hot women and not like the ones that live in this small town! And you and I are both 18 so it’s going to be fun living by ourselves.” I answered with glee

“Yes! I’m going to have to fend women off me to get any studies done!” He shouted as he picked up a stick to do some fencing moves.

“Yeah… Sure dude. You might want to hit the gym first.” He chuckled as I saw his thin arms waving the stick around with some effort.

“CJ I don’t need that! I-I got a big dick!” He sputtered as he put the stick in front of him like it was his penis.

“Sure you do!” I responded with doubt dripping off my lips.

“W-whatever… I’m sure I’m gonna get more women than you.” He huffed.

“Mhmm… So wanna take turns whenever someone dies or do you want to put a timer on it.” I asked completely ignoring his comment. Though the idea of him with big cock got my heart to beat a bit, I quickly shoved that feeling down.

“Sure sounds fun.” He confirmed as he threw the stick to the side of the trail.

We kept on talking about what tactics we were gonna do. We had played the prequel of this JRPG together but this new one we had bought the day before, as a celebration of the end of our high school years. And then the conversation lead to who would beat who of the characters available. After talking for a while nature called.

“Hey, dude! I need to take a leak.” I groaned as I headed off the trail next to some bushes.

“Yeah me as well!” He squeaked behind me and turned off to the other side.

The warm summer wind was blowing softly. It was such a relief of pressure when I let go. Looking straight up to the cloud-free blue sky. I liked this trail we walked together. And I was excited about going to college but also nervous about all the new things and nervous about meeting new people. Well, at least I had Jake with me so I wouldn’t be alone. I let out a pleasurable Ahhh as I zipped up my pants.

“Hey CJ! This is what I told you about!” He proudly cried out.

I looked over at Jake and what I saw stunned me. There stood Jake next to a tree with his pants and underwear at his ankles holding up his t-shirt with both of his hands. Between his legs was something that looked so out of place on someone so skinny. A huge fat dick at least over 9 inches long and hanging just an inch below it some massive baseball-sized nuts hung in a lightly hairy ballsack. My heart started beating fast.

The cock was thick as his wrist and had veins visibly running down it but it looked flaccid as it hung in between his legs. At the base of his cock was a dark bush nestled on top which made the pale skin of his cock stand out even more as it emerged from it. He had foreskin unlike me which drooped a little from the tip. I saw a drop of urine fall from its tip down into the leaf-covered ground.

“Dude! Put away your erection!” I shouted as a brought forward a hand that actually didn’t cover his private from my view.

“I ain’t got a hard-on! L-look!” He insisted as he looked down and started swinging his hips back and forth.

The huge cock and balls started swinging back and forth. His balls more or less bobbed up and down as they were hitting his thighs. His cock on the other hand started first madly flailing about until a pace got set and his flaccid cock was audibly smacking into the front of his thighs. The sight was so powerful.

“Fine! Fine! I got you…” I pleaded as I could hear the arousing smacking of cock on flesh.

I could feel the heat on my face rise. Holy shit! Holy shit! I couldn’t tear my eyes from the meaty cock swinging rapidly back and forth. I tried to not think about how hot I found it. I tried to push it down. No way does it get any bigger. What if it does?! I hope not. He had to be a shower, not a grower. He was maybe an inch or two bigger than my erection when it was flaccid. I hesitated a istanbul travestileri bit.

“Bet you’re just a shower dude.” I smugly spoke to keep my now crumbling masculinity intact.

“No way dude!” He refuted angrily as he stopped moving and dropped his t-shirt down so it just covered the base of his cock several inches of cock and balls still visible.

“Here, look!” He called out confidently as he grabbed his cock at the middle and lifted his t-shirt a bit with the other hand. His fingers sank into the soft cock flesh. It looked like he grabbed a tube of dough and it just sank in deep and when it did the several veins running across his cock became more visible and stuck out. I just stood there in silence.

He closed his eyes and started pumping the fat cock in his hands slowly. I could visibly see it getting bigger and bigger for each stroke back and forth. His cock head peeked out from the foreskin each time he stroked his hand back to be covered again when he stroked forward. His cock made a wet noise as tip flopped in his hand.

“Dude!” I exclaimed worriedly about the scene taking place in front of my eyes and I took a step forward without thinking of it.

He must not have heard me or ignored me because he kept jerking his massive dick. I could clearly see each vein of his fat cock growing in his hand. His grip became tighter and tighter and the cock flesh pushed his previously closed hand open more and more as it pulsed into life. I was terrified of each inch being added as the seconds passed. It was growing so quickly in front of me. It went from pointing towards the ground to pointing menacingly towards me. Nothing like my own erection. His was growing so fast and much you could feel the terror of it. And when I thought “Now it can’t grow anymore” it kept going. My stomach sank but I could feel my heartbeat rise and my loins tingle a bit.

The foreskin was now drawn back and I could see his pink purplish head stick out. A small pulse of transparent liquid dropped from the tip of his cock and his cockslit opened a little. Jake’s eyes were still closed but you could see him biting a bit on his lips and changing his expression a little every time he pumped the out-of-place fat cock that was attached to him. Then it stopped growing which made me let out a sigh of relief but there was a little disappointment in it as well. I couldn’t tear my eyes off the fat and extremely long cock bobbing in front of me.

He kept pumping it a few more times as I was mesmerized by its size. It had to have at least doubled in length and a quite thicker as well, as his fingers weren’t even close to reaching around. There was over a foot of cock standing straight out from his skinny frame. Hell, it could be almost two feet.

“Holy shit!”I hollered as he let go of his cock but still holding onto his t-shirt.

“See!” He huffed as he panted. “I told you I was big” He finished with a big breath and smug grin.

“Shit dude! I can see that.” I stuttered as I took another unconscious step forward.

“Yeah! W-what do you think? I ain’t going to have any problems with ladies with this!” He proudly stated while breathing a bit heavily. Still showing it off by moving his hips back and forth. If I had taken three more steps closer It would’ve hit me in my thigh. My eyes still locked onto the behemoth in front of me as the rock hard giant swung back and forth.

“Yeah, I can see that.” I repeated and swallowed a bit out of nervousness.

The beast was throbbing visibly and looked so… It looked so. So fucking hot.

I hesitated but said was on my mind.

“Does a big dick cum a lot?” I inquired as my gaze fixed on the tip as another bead of liquid emerged from the cock.

“Y-yeah, I think I cum a fair bit.” He hesitantly answered.

I took another step forward. Tried to pry my gaze to his face but it was locked to his cock.

“It’s so big.” I said loudly to myself.

“Yeah, I know. I grew it myself.” He proudly exclaimed with heavy breath.

Then he flexed and bounced it up and down. It was so thick and I could smell the musk from it from a few feet away. Another string of transparent liquid spilled from the tip and got flung up in the air and landed a few inches in front of me. I took two more steps forward. My heartbeat picked up as I just let my arousal take control of any sense I had. I turned my eyes towards his face.

“Can I touch it?” I spluttered out.

His eyes went wide and his mouth was agape. He swallowed hard then it was open again.

“Ummm… I’m not gay or anything. But sure… just once.” He answered with a shaky voice.

“I’m not gay either!” I exclaimed and took a few steps back realizing the situation I was in.

I turned to the side and tried to fix my gaze at the trail in front of me. Trying really hard not to show my embarrassment over it all. I just stole one quick look at the fat cock on my left.

“Oh ok. Good…” He let out with a little sigh.

I still stared on the trail not travesti istanbul saying a word. And after a few very long seconds of hearing my heartbeat. He moved a little and let his t-shirt fall back down. I looked back towards him and he was visibly red on his face and he was adjusting his glasses. His rock-hard huge cock still pointing towards me. Another bead of translucent liquid dripped from his gaping cumslit. I turned to face back towards the trail and started walking after just two steps he interrupted me.

“Can you give me a second CJ?! I-I can’t really walk with this out.” He pleaded.

I stopped and breathed hard. The wind picked up a little and rustled the leaves around us a little. I tried breathing in and out to calm myself. But I could feel my cock in my pants growing. Then I smelled the musky scent of his cock.

“Y-you can still touch it if you want to… Before it goes soft.” He said as he closed his eyes and stood there with his arms by his side.

I looked back towards him. And now seeing it a bit from the side it looked fucking massive. His cock and balls looked so huge on his thin frame. He must be the record holder of the biggest cock in this world. Fuck that was hot. I hesitated. I didn’t want him to call me gay or give me a hard time for this. But my arousal took the wheel again. I walked slowly towards him. His eyes were still shut but his cock was bouncing up and down. I stood beside him and finally got a closer look. The fat cock was thick and veins spread out from it but most of all it was inhumanely long. His balls looked massive and covered in fuzzy dark hairs and they were moving slightly as he stood there.

His eyes strained to stay closed and his lips were thin as they pressed together.

I reached out with my hand fingers spread out as if to catch a ball. I could feel the heat emanating off it before I even touched it. I grabbed the middle of it. When my fingers touched it my mind went blank I just stood there holding it. It was smooth. Much smoother than my own. It was as if he had bathed it in lotion before going to bed every night. He probably had…

I could feel it twitch and giving me some trouble keeping it in place. It was pulsing hard in my hand.

“Y-yeah that should be enou…” He was interrupted as I unconsciously started stroking my hand up and down its length. My hand was bigger than his but it still didn’t fit all the way around but it was so long. It was like stroking a pulsing flesh-covered handrail.

I saw another little stream of clear liquid poured from the front of his cock. I had tasted my own. I usually always did when I jerked off. But I had never tasted someone else’s. I had never touched anyone’s dick before! But here I was stroking my friend’s unbelievably long and fat cock. I touched Jake’s cockhead with my other hand’s finger. It almost sank into the cumslit as I pushed a bit on the tip. I quickly brought it back as my heart did a leap when a little mewl escaped the lips of my friend’s mouth. Oh he liked that! I hesitantly brought the finger up to my mouth. I enveloped the finger into my mouth. It was so sweet! And it tasted just like his cock had smelled. I kept on moving it back and forth with my hands for maybe a minute. My arm was getting a bit tired from the awkward position I was in.

I moved slowly as I still was moving my hand up and down his fat cock. I looked at him in a panic as he mewled again. He still had his eyes shut but tried to have a serious look on his face as if locked in concentration.

I was now in front of him again no longer standing beside his cock. I crouched down and I could feel my cock straining against my sweatpants as the new position stretched the fabric over my crotch. The sweet cock smell hit me like a tonne of bricks. Fuck! I opened my mouth ignoring any thoughts about my sexuality and pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. I wanted to see him cum. My lips clamped down on his spongy smooth cockhead. Instantly there was a reaction. His eyes flung open and he looked shocked! And then I sucked the sweet juice out of him. His eyes went up into his head and he moaned out.

“Ohhh fuck MmmhhaaAAAAahhh!” He cried out.

I continued to suck the sweet ambrosia out of him while pumping his inhumanly long shaft.

I tried to inhale more of his cock as I opened my mouth as much as I could. The fat cock head entered my mouth and my jaw was a bit strained. I’m glad I had such a big mouth. He leaned his back on the tree and I followed still attached to the end of his cock.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” He continued to moan out as he lifted his t-shirt with both of his hands showing his thin belly to me. He had a little trail of dark hair leading all the way up to his belly button.

I got more of his cock into my mouth. It was so tasty and I could feel my already hard cock bouncing in delight getting even harder. I’m glad it wasn’t proportionally as thick as it was long else it would’ve never fit. I got maybe 5-6 inches into my hungry maw before I started gagging on that fat cock. His fat balls were wobbling back and forth each time I went further.

“GwOCK! GwOCK!” Was the sound that escaped my gagging throat as I bobbed my head on his cock. I sounded like a pornstar gagging on a monster cock.

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