Lucky Star Ch. 04


**This is the last chapter of Lucky Star. It was not meant to be long. You’ll see them again in other stories plus a few short stories that will come out later. It’s some Russian in here that I’m not sure of and some offensive language. Enjoy!**


“Star, I’m tired of this damn rabbit food.” I whined while stabbing my salad. All he eats is greens and chicken. Never any cookies or chips and he hardly eats meat (unless he’s eating me). Don’t get me wrong, I eat healthy but only most of the time not all the time, like him. He only ever eats healthy.

“It’s good for you.” He said with that thick accent.

“Ugh. This is killing me.” I groaned.

“Chance it’s not that bad.” He smiled. He brought me on a date to some fancy vegan place. It was a nice place but I like meat.

“This is our first ever date and you thought I would like some vegan restaurant.” I glared at him.

“Wait till the main dish baby.” I rolled my eyes while eating my lettuce.


“Okay I admit the food was good.” I said, I kissed his cheek with a smile. We were on a walk at the park. It was dark but the street lights illuminated the way. It was other couples out for a walk and while I know some gay couples would be worried about kissing in public me and Zola weren’t. I carry a gun with me at all times and I know he does too.

“I told you.” He smirked down at me.

After a month of messing around we finally decided to go on a real date. I really like Zola and I hope he likes me as much as I like him. He’s been able to keep up with me sexually minus actual sex and he deals with my loud mouth. I think I might love him and even though it scares me I’m happy to have this feeling again.

“What is it baby?” He asked. I was staring up at his handsome face.

“It’s nothing big daddy.” I smirked. He gave me a worried smile.

“Chance, I have to go back to Russia.” I went to speak but he placed his hand on my mouth. “Before you start I want you to come with me. I want you to meet my family and see where I grew up.”

“You sure?” I was worried his family would not like me. I am black and I know he doesn’t care but his family might. Also I am very different from his calm persona. I just don’t want to embarrass him or myself. Going with him would really take our relationship to a whole new level.

“Of course baby.” He smiled and kissed me.


In Russia:

“Fuck that feel so fucking good.” I was on top of Zola getting eaten like a cake. I leaned down, grabbing his dick and licking slowly. I lifted his leg and circled his hole with my finger. He jerked back letting out a long moan.

We were sixtynining and I had him so close to cumming. He had me the same way with his finger in my ass. Ever since that first time he licked my hole we’ve been rimming each other. He took a step further today though and started playing with my ass with his fingers.

“I’m so fucking close Zola.” I moaned so loud I’m sure the whole house could hear. He stuffed my balls in his mouth and swirled his tongue around them. I moaned, wrapping my lips around him again. I came all over his chest while he came in the back of my throat.

“We gotta go home soon.” He mumbled once I was back laying on his side.

“Yeah and I can’t wait.” I glared. He laughed, hugging my side.

We were in Russia and it’s been hell for me. Thankfully getting here wasn’t that bad. Tyrell took it pretty easy and just made sure we were still working while we were here. My mom, who forced me to introduce them when we got back, wanted pictures and a souvenir. The plane ride was long but that’s to be expected coming from Detroit to Russia.

“That man meant nothing to me at the time and even till this day. You’re the only one I love.” He reassured me. I nodded and kissed his cum stained chest.

When we first got here one of his old flings came rushing up to him and kissed him. Zola ain’t do shit he just stood there and let the nigga kiss him. Well, he did push him back but it was a few seconds too fucking late. I almost killed both of them but I calmed down because I didn’t wanna show out in public in a new place. I’m not only a foreigner who doesn’t speak any Russian but I’m also black so that was bound to get me in trouble if I started something.

After Zola handled the random nigga, we went to his house and his family was acting like they didn’t like me. I didn’t understand them but I’m sure they didn’t want Zola to be with me. He introduced me as his boyfriend and they had a nasty look on their face.

They were treating me like shit but I bottled it up until one night I heard Zola talking about him and ole dude and how he used to love being with him and how he missed the old days. That was the final straw.

I’m usually a relaxed guy. I know I’m loud but I try not to get angry but I had to let it out.

The dinner:

“What the hell is wrong with you? You’re acting like an asshole.” Zola glared at me. Were standing in the hallway leading to the dining room. His whole family istanbul travesti lives in this big ass mansion and they always have dinner together. Every night I’ve been here I’ve sat and ate some nasty ass food and kept my mouth shut while his shitty family laughed at me, and I’m the asshole.

“Yeah I’m an asshole.” I nodded. I got his asshole.

I sat down with steam coming out of my ears. The bitch trying to take my man is sitting across from me with a smirk. I got his asshole that’s for fucking sure. Every night since I was here his family was talking Russian, tuning me completely out. I’ve tried laughing and joking with them but was met with silence.

They would look at me and laugh or praise the guy in English just so I would hear and understand but tonight I’m ending all this shit. I don’t give a fuck if they are the Russian mob imma die before I let a person disrespect me on this type of level. I aint no pussy, and they are going to find out about me tonight.

Zola was sitting next to me with a shitty look on his face. Imma give that ass something to be mad about.

“зачем бы Зола привел его сюда, он не вписывается и он тупица.”(Why would Zola bring him here? He doesn’t fit in and he’s a dumbass.) The hoe spoke.

The family laughed at what the hoe was saying. Zola was just sitting there letting them say this shit about me. I’m breaking up with him as soon as this night is over. I would look fucking dumb if I stay with somebody who lets some bitch disrespect me.

“What did you just say?” I looked at him with a glare. I haven’t even touched my food because I’m so fucking angry. That shit nasty anyway. When I was trying to be in their ass I forced the nasty shit down but after tonight they gon know exactly how I feel.

“Nothing.” His family’s faces fell. All the smiles went away.

“No yo ass said something so I wanna fucking know what it was.” He still had a smirk on his face.

“I said you don’t belong here. You don’t notice that you’re out of p-.” I jumped out of my seat and across the table before anybody could stop me. I punched the shit out of him. He didn’t have time to react before I was throwing him out of his chair and onto the ground. I started beating the shit out of him till his face was bloody and he was unconscious. I didn’t throw that many punches but every time my fist would land his head would bounce off the ground.

His family just sat there until I got up. The hoe was hanging on with an inch of his life. They watched as I tore his pretty boy face up. They all pulled out guns on me when I finished beating his sorry ass. I pulled mine out cause I stay fucking ready.

“I ain’t scared of no punk ass guns if you gon shoot me do that shit right fucking now. I just want y’all to know one fucking thing I’m not a nigga to be played with so all that crackiling shit it’s gon end I don’t care if I get shot but know I’m taking at least five of y’all with me.” They all cocked their guns ready to shoot. At least I was a thug till the very end.

“Останови это!”(Stop it.) Zola shouted across the room. “Put the fucking guns down and get Zander some help he’s bleeding out on the floor.” They all looked around still with raised guns. “СЕЙЧАС!”(Now.) They all rushed to get the beat up, hoe up off the ground. His family rushed around the hoe, dragging him out the room.

I waited till it was clear so I could break up with him. I can’t believe I actually liked his hoe ass. I knew I should have never let him in.

“It’s over. Don’t talk to me, don’t call me, don’t look at me, fuck, don’t even think about me.” I walked away making sure to skip over the blood on the ground. Bitch got what he deserved.

I got to the room and started packing up so I could head home. Soon all my bags were packed and I had typed out my speeches because I still can’t speak any Russian and I can barely understand it. It took me at least two hours to do all that and Zola never came in here. He really must not care.

“Chance, can we please talk about this?” I grabbed my shit and went to the door, ignoring him. I might get lost in this big ass house but imma make it out somehow. I made sure my gun was tucked in my pants just in case his family wanted it.

Before I could open the door he grabbed my bag and threw it across the room and grabbed me by the neck. He held on to me tight as I shook around trying to get free. I was pushed with my face against the door and my back up against his chest.

“Let me the fuck go.” He held on until I stopped. “Alright let’s talk then. Yo ass got a whole nigga in Russia and didn’t tell me. Got me sitting at that table with yo shitty ass family who don’t even like me. Eating they nasty ass food you know I wouldn’t like. You got a nigga in my face thinking it’s okay to be smiling and thinking he hold rein over me. Since I’ve been here all I’ve done is get talked about and shitted on. Then I heard yo ass say you miss the old days and you miss his loose ass. I bet when it’s windy it’s cause his loose istanbul travestileri ass farted. I bet you can fit a small human in his ass.” He let me go and stepped back. I turned and smacked the fuck out of him. “I’m done. I let you get a chance and you didn’t know what to do with it so it’s over.”

“Can I talk now or are you gonna smack me again.” His accent was really pronounced right now and it’s kinda turning me on. Russians are scary and he is very scary but he is also sinfully sexy. He is also a top shelf asshole.

“Fuck you.” I was turning to leave. The next thing I knew my body was being smashed between his body and the wall again.

“Stop talking to me like I’m a bitch Chance. You only focused on the fact that Zander wants me, not the fact that I don’t want him. If your nosy ass kept listening you would have heard the rest of my sentence. I said I miss the past but I wouldn’t replace my present with you or the future I planned on having with you. Zander was nothing but a fuck.” He backed off when he was done. I stayed on the wall for a minute trying to calm my breath. I finally turned around to look at his distressed face.

“What about your family? You let them dog me this whole entire trip.” He sighed pushing his hair back.

“I’ve told them to stop, they don’t listen. Chance, whatever you ask I do. I haven’t spoken Russian this whole week out of respect for you, I’ve been pushing to get food you like, but I can only do so much. Chance I’m all for you. Fuck we haven’t even had sex yet it’s been weeks since I last fucked someone and I don’t mind because being with you is enough. I know you’re mad and I know I fucked up not telling Zander to stop but you should have told me you were feeling this way.” I stood there with a blank stare. “I feel something more for you then all the others. You just don’t see that I’m more than in love with you.” I sat next to him on the bed and grabbed his hand. He had bags under his eyes and he looked fed up. I forgot he was here to fix a problem with his family. I only cared about myself but he did fuck up but I shouldn’t have held back and spoke to him about it first.

I stroked his head and got up. I walked into the bathroom attached to his room and started to run a bath. His house was big so of course his room was. The bathroom had a big enough tub for the both of us.

I felt bad for lashing out now and I know he’s right about really liking me. We still haven’t fully had sex yet and it’s been hard. We are so used to having sex with people and not caring about emotions that this experience is new. We’ve really been getting to each other for the personality not just sex. I should’ve known not to lash out but it’s hard being here and being alone. I lashed out because I wanted to find a flaw.

I just let my emotions get the best of me and I flipped out on his family and Zander. I just felt alone here. He was working all the time and no one speaks English and I’m black with dreads so I know people were talking about me. I’m different than them and I know they don’t like that. Everybody here was pale and had light eyes. I stuck out like a sore thumb and I know Zola is sweet and caring but all of Russia including his family is not like that.

I feel bad but I’m happy I did it because I had to show his family I don’t take no shit.

“Come and join me. Please.” I stripped in the bathroom and walked out to see him lying back with his eyes closed. His eyes lit up when he saw me naked standing in the doorway. He nodded and started taking off his clothes.

I pulled my dreads into a ponytail and sat in the tub. He joined me sitting in between my legs.

“I’m sorry for the way I acted today. It was childish and uncalled for but you know how I feel about people making me out to be a fool. I thought you weren’t doing anything to stop them and it just continued then I heard you say that shit so I just kind of blew up.” His head was laying back so he was looking up at me.

“I know you’re in a new place with new people and that’s hard. I promise I’ll do better from now on.” I nodded and kissed him. I reached forward and grabbed his dick stroking it slowly.

“I’m sorry Zo, really. I wanna make it up to you.” He moaned, rocking into my hand. I kept a slow pace while I kissed his neck. “Let me take some of the stress away.”

Back to the present:

“Well, let’s pack. I got a surprise for you.” I nodded and got up. I didn’t bother putting back on my boxers because he’s licked my asshole before, what’s the point of clothes.

After that night we were perfectly fine and his family even started respecting me. They said they might not like me but I have great strength so they’ll tolerate me. They even let me make my own food for dinner.

“Okay I’m ready for tonight and tomorrow.” I took a shower and got dressed for tonight. I grabbed my suitcase and followed him to the door. He had a driver come and get us.

“I’ll grab those.” The driver took our bags and put them in the trunk. travesti istanbul I got in the car with a surprised look. We had been cooped up in the house most of the time so I was shocked he was taking me out. He wanted to do something special since it was our last day here. He finally has the time to show me some attention and I hope he knows I’m going to suck him dry. Earlier it was just an appetizer.

“Okay come on love, let’s go check in and get settled.” I lifted my head from his shoulder and kissed him softly before stepping out of the car. We kept far enough distance and I covered most of my face. Since he’s well known around here for being a model I don’t want anything to come out of our outing.

Since we’ve been here I’ve only seen him in the house a few times but he’s been all over the magazines here and once I saw him on tv in a commercial. I didn’t even know he was a big thing over here until after our huge fight. I was so surprised but not really because he’s fine as hell so it’s a given that he’s a model. It’s just a cover though for all the illegal shit he does. His family is rich without the illegal shit so he’s always been in the limelight.

“Come on, my love.” I walked with him to the desk, staying a few steps back. I was close enough to be with him but not enough to be seen as lovers or even friends. I was at bodyguard length.

After he ordered the room we rushed to the stairs. I opened the door and rushed in. It was a big ass bed in the middle of the room with cream pillows and blue sheets. It was a huge mirror on the ceiling. A big window that showed the downtown area. The bathroom looked like his house bathroom but it was a slightly bigger tub.

“Just stay on the lookout to make sure we’re not interrupted.” The guard nodded and sat outside the door.

“Take it all off.” I commanded. Zola smirked and started stripping down to his underwear. “Don’t stop there. I want the boxers too.”

“Don’t let me be the only one. Take off your clothes.” He smirked.

“I want you to strip me.” I smiled. I walked over till I was standing in front of him. He had an intense look as he stripped me down till I wasn’t wearing anything.

We stood in front of each other with nothing on. I stared at his body taking in all of his beauty. His body was flawless with no scars or tattoos. Unlike my own that was covered with tattoos and scars from over the years. We were the complete opposite but so similar it was scary. Though our body looked different, the shape was similar. He had an amazing six pack and strong legs. Zola took good care of himself, trimming his hair around his dick, keeping clean pretty hands, and he always made sure he smelt good.

I took the first step and grabbed him in my arms. He fit perfectly up against my body. His skin was smooth and burning hot.

“I love you big daddy.” I whispered on his lips. He smiled and kissed me. His lips were soft and gentle. He caressed me with his hands on my back. I felt them travel from my shoulders down to my ass and back again.

“I want you on all fours.” He moaned. I nodded and walked over to the bed and got on all fours. I know what’s coming and while I am scared Zola is the only one I trust with my ass. “Mm. You have a beautiful behind baby.” He moaned, rubbing my ass. I arched my back so he could have better access to my hole.

His tongue was the first thing to touch my ass. His hands were stroking me while his tongue was drawing lazy circles on my hole. It felt good to be getting pleased like this and I really liked how talented his mouth was.

“Zola.” I moaned, sticking my ass out. I heard a cap popping open before I felt his first finger slide in.

“Are you okay my love?” He asked, slowly inserting his finger. I nodded. It wasn’t painful, just weird. I wasn’t in pain though so I let him continue. We’ve done fingers before so I’m fine.

He was soon letting me adjust to having three fingers in my ass. It was starting to feel good so I pushed back letting him know I was ready. He slowly started finger fucking me. I was a moaning mess while he fingered me. My body collapsed on the bed with my ass still poking out.

“Zola fuck I want you now.” I pleaded looking back at him. His eyes were focused on my ass that was tightening around his fingers.

Zola kissed my hold softly before laying on top of me. He turned us so I was on top.

“I want you to guide us.” He said handing me a condom and the lube. I nodded. I leaned down, giving him a peck before getting us ready.


“My love, are you alright.” I nodded with a small smile.

“I’m more than alright. I’m perfect. You’re perfect.” I grabbed his arms that were wrapped around me. We were laying with my back on his chest. His arms were around me.

“That was amazing.” He kissed the nape of my neck.

“You know what’s next right?” I smiled back at him.

“Huh?” He asked with a cute frown.

“Oh baby it’s your turn.” I smiled. He groaned. I detached myself from his arms so I could get in between his legs. I placed my dick so it was rubbing against his and I started slowly rocking back and forth. “Remember you said 50/50.” I smirked.

“I know love.” He said staring down at his rehardening dick. I took it in my hand and started stroking. “But,” I placed my other hand over his mouth.

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