Daddy’s Home Ch. 05

Big Tits

Ch. 05: The Shy One

Disclaimer: All characters are 18 or older.

Before Rich now stood a scene so intensely erotic and so improbable that most people would call it ‘too unrealistic’ in all but the cheesiest of pornos. Five barely legal teenage sluts, all of different descriptions and bearing different appeals, his own daughter among them, all covered in gallons of his thick cum after an intense five-on-one blowjob. And now he was faced with a choice, a choice that every man has fantasized about at least once in their life, a choice very few would ever be able to make. He smiled, looking over the buffet of teenage sex before him. “Now… Who’s going to be first?”

Each girl before him was astonishingly beautiful, the sort of beauties that a man might brag about for the rest of his life, an indulgence that few would be able to experience even once. His sweet little girl, Samantha, not quite so innocent in his eyes anymore, with hypnotically alluring, glossy black pouty and talented lips. The devoted one, Rosa, her hourglass figure still softly trembling as the last vestiges of a powerful orgasm faded to afterglow, her fingers still teasing out the last of it from her sensitive folds. The proud one, Diamond, with an amazonian body and a mind-boggling ass, wrapped in dark chocolate skin that contrasted sharply against his pearly load on her features. The wild one, Anna, with bright copper locks and tits that could only be called ‘epic’, with a dirty mouth that always knew what buttons to push. And finally, the shy one, Aiko, a petite Japanese beauty with a tight, toned body and what looked to be a fixation with his seed, her body still softly shivering as she eagerly lapped his ball-batter from her face and hands.

“How about… he began, looking thoughtful. The choice was certainly a challenge… but there was one he knew he had to take first. “Aiko.” He announced. At the mention of her name, Aiko looked up, blinking as though she was snapping out of some sort of trance. She looked confused for a moment, then realized what she had just been doing. Her face turned nearly crimson, and she looked almost like she would panic. But then another realization hit her, that she’d been picked. Her eyes widened and she looked up at the man towering over her, confusion and surprise on her face. “…Me?” She managed to squeak out softly, her voice barely a whisper, heart pounding in her chest with anticipation and fear.

Rich smirked. “Yes, you.” He confirmed with a nod, stepping closer and offering her a strong hand to help her to her feet. The other girls felt pangs of disappointment as they realized they were to be left behind. Some were understanding, some envious, some completely surprised by their own reaction to the news. Aiko could only kneel there, staring blankly at the offered hand. She could hardly believe it was happening, she couldn’t even reach out for it, for fear that it all would be revealed to be some kind of dream or hallucination, that he would pop like a soap bubble and she’d know that none of it was real.

The silent moment wore on for a beat. And another. And another. Seeing her hesitance, Rich smiled and hook his head. Swiftly, he dropped into a crouch, wrapping his massive arms around her stunned form and scooping her up in a bridal carry, an arm behind her shoulders and beneath her knees. Aiko’s face stayed flushed at he effortlessly lifted her off the floor and returned to his feet, barely managing a wordless squeak as she looked up at him in awe. He smiled down to her. “No time to waste, milday, there’s much fun to be had.” He chuckled, and swiftly carried her off, mounting the stairs two-by-two and making hiw way to the guest room.

He quickly hip-checked the door open and bore her inside, nudging the light switch with an elbow. It wasn’t the fanciest room in the house, certainly, with simple furniture and bare walls, but it was clean and it would certainly satisfy for the moment. The girls often used the room for extra beds during their almost-weekly sleepovers, so it was familiar ground for the both of them. He swiftly crossed the room in a handful of long strides, and gently deposited the still-speechless teen on the edge of the bed before turning and shutting the door. Aiko was still stunned by how quickly everything was happening, thoughts drowned in a churning sea of shame, fear, anticipation, and desire, which was not helped by the view of Rich crossing the room again, his naked, muscular frame moving with confidence and strength, his foot-and-a-half cock swinging side to side with the movement of his hips, like some lewd divining rod leading him toward her.

Somewhat to her surprise, and perhaps a bit to her disappointment, Rich didn’t simply push her down to the mattress and ravage her, instead, he carefully sat himself next to her on the edge of it. He made no move beyond that, a moment of silence filling the air before he spoke. “So… Aiko. Before… before anything more happens. I want to be sure you’re okay with… eryaman escort well, all this.” He said, gesturing vaguely, his tone serious once again. “I know you agreed to it before, but I also know you’re not… not a very forceful girl. I want to be sure you’re actually fine with this, and not just being dragged along by peer pressure. If you’re not comfortable with anything, kissing, touching, oral, sex, wherever you want to draw the line… All you have to do is let me know, and I’ll respect it. Nobody’s gonna force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.” He spelled out, trying to be as clear as possible. He gave a wry smirk and straitened up, resting a hand on his chest, looking as formal and snooty as one could while entirely naked and sporting a titanic erection. “I’m nothing if not a gentleman.” He said, in a somewhat silly tone, trying to put her at ease a bit.

When he finished speaking, Aiko could only look up to him, her expression a mixture of awe and intense affection. She had to look away, gathering her thoughts. She swallowed, as though that would make the words come easier. “Th-thank you, Mr. Johnson… I’m glad you’re worried about me. B-but, I’m okay.” She replied, looking up to him once again, giving a small, reassuring smile. “I-I’m just a little… nervous, I guess.” She elaborated, her eyes downcast once again. “I keep… I keep thinking this has to be some… some sort of dream. Like… like I’m going to touch you and you’ll just disappear and I’ll wake up knowing… knowing none of this could actually happen to me…” She tried to explain, her voice quivering as she spoke the last words. She looked up to him once again. “I… I wanted something like this for… for so long… W-well, not exactly like this… I mean, it was just us two in my… fantasy… And we were married…” She realized what she’d confessed to and her face flushed once again.

He gave a sly smile, leaning closer to her. “Oh really? Married, huh? Sounds like quite a crush.” He commented, which only made her blush brighter, eyes once more averting to stare into the floor. She gave a barely-perceptible nod after a moment of silence. His grin grew wider. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he was enjoying her reactions immensely. Her embarrassment made her cuter, and he couldn’t help but be tempted to tease her more. That would be cruel, though. His smirk softened to a warm smile, and he reached out, putting one finger gently under her chin and steering it toward him. “Well, it would be a shame to disappoint such a beautiful girl after such a long wait.” He whispered softly, and leaned forward.

Their lips net, gently at first, just a chaste kiss. Slowly, he intensified their contact, tilting his head and parting his lips slightly. His tongue soon probed forward, tasting her cherry-glossed lips, then parting them and invading her mouth. His strong arm wrapped around her body, hand coming to rest on her waist, and pulling her body against his powerful frame. The kiss swiftly grew more and more intense, his tongue coiling around hers, his strong and confident while hers was tender and shy. The kiss seemed to go on forever.

When their lips parted, both paused for a moment, panting to catch their breath, faces just inches apart. “So, how do I compare to your imagination?” He asked with a grin.

Still a bit flushed, she shook her head slightly. “N-no comparison Mr. Johnson.” She replied.

“Now, you can’t call me Mr. Johnson after all that. Call me Rich.” He offered.

She shook her head more firmly. “Oh, no, I-I couldn’t…” She objected.

“Well, you can’t call me Mr. Johnson all night, I already feel like an old man compared to you girls.” He replied.

She shook her head again, the idea of referring to him by his name somehow incredibly embarrassing, causing the flush of her cheeks to intensify.

He thought for a second, and a wicked joke occurred to him. “Well, you can call me Rich, or you can call me Master.” He declared.

There was a moment of silence, her cheeks still burning as she looked down the ground. Then she opened her lips and out came possibly the two most arousing words she could have at that moment. “…Yes, master.” Her voice was barely a whisper, but he heard it loud and clear, and the sound of it sent a thrill running down his spine, a rush of power. He may have been joking, but the sound of it was undeniably exciting. He should tell her he had been joking… but he no longer wanted to. This might become addictive…

He leaned in again, once more lifting her chin to look at him, and kissed her again, even more forceful this time, more dominant. He drove his tongue forward and filled her mouth with the muscle, savoring her taste, their lips pressed tightly together. The hand around her back held her tight, and was soon joined by it’s twin, the large palm coming to rest on the bare skin of her smooth, toned stomach. He felt her core tense slightly at the unexpected contact, the tight muscles firming under eryaman escort bayan his warm touch, the distinct impression of her abs on the heel of his hand. Slowly, he caressed her soft, unblemished skin, his fingertips easing up under the hem of her blue tank-top, venturing further north with each movement. Her muscles slowly relaxed as she grew accustomed to the touch, her body melting into his grasp and her lips surrendering to his kiss.

Taking that as his cue, his hand made a bold venture up beneath the fabric, forefinger and thumb just barely grazing the tender slope of her perfectly perky breasts. They were just as they appeared, the surface buttery-soft and tender, but firm and springy beneath. Judging by the tiny whimper she released into the kiss, they seemed quite sensitive, too. His hand made a brief retreat back down to her smooth belly while their tongues continued to tangle lustily, letting her prepare for the next touch. Slowly hand headed north again, fingers gently tracing along the base of those irresistible breasts, even his large hands insufficient to the titanic task. This time the hand lingered, and gave a gentle squeeze, and he drank in the soft moan she released, and felt her tender skin break into goosebumps. He smiled, softly.

His hand continued to delicately explore that perfect swell of teenage tit-flesh, gently cupping the full orb in his strong hand. He felt their weight, their flawless curves, his fingers slowly closing in toward the sensitive peaks. Each new movement provoked a new whimper and the occasional wiggle from the petite teen. Their lips parted quietly, her eyes remaining closed as she panted and whimpered under his tender touches. She made no move to stop him as he explored freely under the light fabric of her tender tank top. Finally, his questing digits closed on that pinnacle of pleasure, thumb and forefinger capturing her hardening nipple between them, gently tugging and rolling the little bead. Aiko was taken aback by the sudden intensity of the sensation. Her eyes snapped open, and she gasped, barely able to believe how powerful it was, it was so completely different from when she touched herself.

Rich grinned as his hand remained on that swiftly-blossoming bud. He gave it a gentle squeeze, watching her face as she let out a soft moan, blushing intensely. He was having too much fun teasing her. “Do you like that?” He asked, punctuating the question with a tiny tweak.

“Y-yes!” She yelped almost instantly.

He tweaked again, more sharply this time, still grinning. “Yes who?”

“Yes, M-Master!” She responded, biting her lip to hold back another moan. She wasn’t quite sure why she had responded so quickly, or even how she had known what to say. This was all strange to her…

“Good girl.” He praised her. He couldn’t seem to stop himself from teasing her, or enjoying it quite so much. Something about her begged for this sort of treatment, and the rush of authority resonated with him.

He shifted his hand, pulling away from her nipple suddenly. She looked to him, somewhat confused and perhaps a bit… disappointed? But his reasoning was soon revealed as he began to lift the light material of her top with his wrist. His mouth practically watered at the perfectly perky peaks came into view. Her soft, tan skin looked almost golden in the light, the flawless, cantaloupe-sized mounds capped by small, dark areolae, the hard nipples jutting proudly from those gravity-defying swells. The hypnotic breasts rose and fell softly with her quickening breath. Her hands came up to cover her burning blush, her forearms attempting to hide her nipples, but only serving to flatten the orbs, making them look even larger as they bulged around her slender limbs. He couldn’t help but grin at the reaction, and released her top, the fabric pooling on the shelf of her impeccable tits.

He moved off the bed to stand in front of her. He lifted his hands up, wedging them between her forearms and slowly prying them apart to reveal her face, hands going forward to cradle her jaw gently. He smiled as he looked into her eyes. “Don’t be embarrassed. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You’re beautiful.” He told her, sounding sincere. He gently pulled her face forward and leaned in, planting another kiss. As their lips locked, he pushed forward slightly, easing her back onto the bed, coming with her to hover over her petite frame, his powerful body looming above her.

When their lips parted this time, he gave her another reassuring smile and a tender peck on the lips. Then another peck, on her chin. His breath was hot on her neck as he kissed along her jawline, into the cradle of her neck. His tender touch tickled a bit, provoking a wiggle from the tiny teen. He kept moving down neck, tracing along the collarbone. He pushed the tank top up, carrying through the motion to help her pull the garment off entirely. She was entirely topless now, but she was barely embarrassed, too focused on the trail of kisses that escort eryaman now moved to her chest, the valley between her mammoth mounds. He placed a spiraling track of kisses on the slopes of her tender tit, ascending the mountain of flesh to pause just barely shy of the tender peak. He moved away, leaving only a waft of hot breath on the aching nipple as he moved to the other peak, repeating the spiraling track. His lips followed through this time, after only a moment of delay, first planting a tender kiss, then a teasing flick of the tongue, then pulling it between his lips and giving it a soft suck. Aiko was now whimpering and moaning almost constantly, her tight little frame squirming uncontrollably under the assault.

He only reluctantly pulled away from his treat after a few long moments, giving the bud a parting flick with his tongue as he moved. She panted quietly, her smooth stomach and perfect peaches rhythmically rising and falling as she struggled to recapture her breath. He wasn’t going to let her though, and he swiftly descended on the other tit, taking a moment to tease the hard nipple with the tip of his tongue, swirling it around that sensitive bead.

He paused in his ministrations for a moment, looking up to her face. “Ever had anything like this before?” He prompted, eager to see the innocent girl’s reactions.

She silently shook her head, eyes on his.

His teeth grazed her nipple sharply, drawing a sharp moan from her. “Speak up. And say it clearly.” He chided.

“N-no, Master. Nobody. Nobody’s ever… touched me, like this… no boys have even seen my… my boobies” She clarified. She was confused once again. Why had she told him all that? She hadn’t even thought, she’d just… obeyed.

Rich smirked. His hand came up, gently cupping and massaging the breast he’d tasted first. He felt an odd compulsion to keep pushing. “Boobies?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, these beautiful breasts are way too big and sexy to be boobies.” He informed her, dragging his tongue over her hard areola while kneaded her opposite mound. “These are tits. Hot. Naughty. Sexy. Tits.” He punctuated each word with a flick of his tongue over her sensitive nipple. “Understand?”

She nodded silently, which drew a sharp pinch from Rich, and swiftly corrected herself. “Y-yes Master.” She squeaked.

He pulled his hand and lips away for a moment. “What are they?”

“T-tits, Master.” she replied.

“And what would you like me to do with these sexy tits?” he asked, blowing across an achingly hard nipple.

Aiko whimpered, before squeaking out “…T-touch them, Master…”

He playfully cupped his ear, miming deafness. “What was that?”

She bit her lip, and repeated, louder. “T-touch them, Master!”

He smirked. “Well, that’s not how you ask for something. Ask nicely.”

Aiko’s nipples burned with desire. “P-please, Master, touch my naughty tits! Please!” She begged, desperation in her voice.

“Good girl.” He whispered as he lowered his head, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. His free hand kneaded her other tit firmly, almost hard enough to hurt. Aiko’s back arched involuntarily, pushing her perfect mounds up into his mouth, begging for more. He was not one to disappoint. He pulled back his lips, sucking her mound hard enough to pull it out, almost cone-shaped, before it popped from his lips. At it sprang back he pounced on it once again, capturing it gently between his teeth and lashing it this way and that with the tip of his tongue. Her eyes went wide. The sudden intensity of the attack was incredible, but something was.. strange.

She felt pressure building inside her, almost like… But no, that couldn’t happen. Something had to be wrong. She tried to find the words to ask him to slow down, but her voice was stolen by the waves rolling out from her nipples. She lifted her hand, pushing at his granite shoulders, but she was too weak and he was immovable. And then it was too late to stop it. It felt like an explosion that rolled through her breasts and out to fill her entire body, an electric shock that made her every muscle dance. Her body writhed and her mouth opened, eyes wide as a high-pitched squeal, loud enough to be heard all through the house, forced itself out her throat. It was… pleasure, but pleasure so intense it almost hurt, burning through her nerves as she trembled in it’s grip. She shook and shivered even as Rich pulled away from her nipples, looking down on her writhing form.

As the most intense part ebbed away, she was left panting on the bed, her breasts visibly throbbing as they bobbed with her breathing, nipples so achingly sensitive that the movement of the air across their peaks made them tingle. Rich’s cock bobbed with his pulse after witnessing that erotic display, mouth dry. “That was… Intense.” He commented, somewhat surprised, but his face resolved to a smile after a few moments.

“I’ve never seen a girl cum with her tits before.” He grinned, leaning forward to once more hover over her limp form. “Very sexy.”

Aiko looked confused. “I…I came?” She blinked. It certainly felt like one, but… very different too. “I didn’t know I could… with my boobies…” she muttered, still stunned.

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