Dear Diary Ch. 06


“Mom I think I need to go see dad, I mean I’ve been here two days and haven’t even called him, and I shouldn’t have let that happen.” Marie said as she looked at her mother after she got back home from being out with the other kids. Susan looked at her and just nodded.

“That’s fine Marie, though you wouldn’t have too if your father wasn’t being so stubborn and staying at that damn hotel.” Susan said in some frustration. Her daughter nodded at her and shrugged.

“Maybe, but he feels betrayed…but I need to go see him. He’s my father and I love him and shouldn’t isolate him just because he’s not here.” Marie told her and her mother gave her a hurt look.

“Marie, I love your father too and I would do anything to get him back home…” Susan started to say then started to cry. Marie smiled and nodded and embraced her mother.

“I know mom, but at least for right now, dad doesn’t want to see…well I have the best bet of explaining things to him. And besides, it still creeps me out a bit about the others. I mean, I know they close the doors but I heard them last night and KNEW what they were doing. It made me feel…weird.” Marie told her mother and Susan nodded in agreement.

“Don’t I know it, I still am feeling conflicted.” Susan replied meekly. Her daughter smiled at her. “But I thought you were…comfortable with what they were doing?” She asked her daughter and Marie gave her a funny look.

“What do you mean mom?” Marie asked her mother as she leaned back onto the couch. Susan looked at her nervously, hoping not to alien her remaining child.

‘Well…you looked very…well you seemed to not mind what they were doing that much. I saw the way you guys were…well petting in the backseat the other night when we went out and you going with them afterward.” Susan trailed off quietly and her daughter smiled at her.

“Mom…I’m not going to lie to you and say thinking about it doesn’t make me…horny. It does…and it does you as well.” Marie said a bit defensively.

“I admitted it did, that’s why I’m conflicted honey, but you seem to embrace what they are doing far faster then I thought you would. I thought you would flip out and leave us to burn in hell sweetie!” Susan told her only half jokingly. Marie chuckled softly, but moved up and embraced her mother again.

“Mom, if the truth be told, I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching since you told me the skinny and to be honest, I find it very hot. What I didn’t like was the way they treated you…not even giving you a real chance to catch your breath or decide for yourself what you wanted.” Susan confided in her mother as she leaned back to look at her mother’s face. Susan looked stunned at what her eldest daughter had told her.

“So you like what they are doing? Have you and they…? Susan asked her child as she loosened her hold on her and now held her at arms length. Susan chuckled, but shook her head.

“No mom, but I have been thinking about it…and about this.” Susan said and leaning in softly and gently kissed her mother on the lips. Susan gasped but didn’t break the quick un-parental kiss. After a few seconds Marie pulled back.

“Oh my god Marie!” Susan exclaimed softly, but remained where she was, feeling her heart race and blood boiling.

“I wont ever do like the other’s mom; I’ll never take what you aren’t willing to give me. But, the offer is there if you want to take it.” Marie told her a bit timidly, and then hesitating went on. “I must admit, it’s a curiosity I’ve had a long time mom…what you would feel like naked against me, or even taste like.” Marie confided to her, now blushing a deep red. Her mother was blushing deeply as well as she absentmindedly stepped back another step

“Marie! This is a revelation to say the least.” Susan said softly, more at for her own ears then those of her daughters. Marie nodded.

“I know mom, but I’m just being honest. You know I’ve always had that failing. When I was growing up I buried thoughts like that, but after everything that’s happened I wanted to tell you…even if we never…you know.” Marie told her and Susan looked at her.

“But we shouldn’t Marie…we can’t…” Susan told her daughter as she looked at her almost pleadingly.

“After what the other’s have done, why not mom. But like I said, I only want what you want to give me.” Marie told her solemnly, but smiled at her mother as she finished. “BUT…we can deal with this later mom, I need to call dad and see if he wants me to come visit. It’s getting late, and he should be at the room now from work.” Marie said, looking away as if she was interested in the TV now, but Susan knew she was feeling hurt at her admission. Susan hesitated a few seconds as a thought hit her, then when her daughter passed her as she started to walk past her, Susan reached out and stopped her.

“What?” Marie asked her softly, but her mother only replied by pulling them together and Marie watched a bit in shock as her mother leaned in a and kissed Ankara escort her. She was even more surprised when she felt her mother’s tongue invading her mouth, but after a quick moment she returned the favor and their tongues danced around for nearly a minute before Susan broke the elicit embrace, panting for breath.

‘Wow!” Was all Marie said as a huge grin covered her face.

“Wow is right. I surprised myself; I wasn’t going to make it that…invasive! I guess I got too worked up!” Susan confided to her, then broke out in a nervous laugh. She felt lightheaded and started to sway. “Woah!” Her daughter caught her before she fell and lowered her to sit on the floor. “That’s a rush.” Susan muttered out as she plopped to the floor still laughing softly.

“I’ll say mom.” Marie said as she knelt by her mother and slowly moved her mother’s hair from her face. “So…was that your answer to my offer mom?” Marie asked curiously, but also with a hint of teasing. Susan shrugged.

“I don’t know honey, I think I kissed you mainly because you looked to need it and…well it went somewhere else. But to answer you…I think so. Just give me time, ok?” Susan told her, then after a few seconds rolled her eyes. “What am I saying…your father! What am I doing to him!” Susan exclaimed, laying back on the floor and looking at the ceiling. Marie grinned, though her mother couldn’t see it.

“Don’t worry mom! That’s also why I need to see him. Too get him to stop being stupid and come home. Besides I think you need a good fucking to relive the stress!” Marie muttered out jokingly and Susan glanced up to look at her daughter.

“Marie! The language! But you’re right…I can use a real good fucking, I’ve been utterly so goddamn horny for so long. I swear my pussy juices are flooding my brain and that’s why I’ve been so crazy! Oh Jesus, I would never have talked like this way a year ago!” Susan exclaimed, and then chuckled ruefully as she lay on the floor.

“I know mom, like I said, you need to de-stress.” Marie said, offering her mother a hand up, which Susan took and stood up with her daughter’s help.

“I know and I do, but I really think your father should be the one too do that…at least for now. Or maybe at first…” Susan said, smiling softly at her. Marie nodded with a smile of her own.

“I know mom and that’s what I’m hoping will happen.” She told her mother.

“Oh I hope so sweetie, I hope you can get your father back here. I miss him terribly.” Susan said and again embraced her daughter. Marie pulled back slightly as she lowered her arms down her mothers back and she gave her mother’s ass a squeeze as she gave her a smile. Susan laughed, but also pushed her rear back into the hands groping her. “Now don’t start something we can’t finish at the moment.” She told her daughter, the smile still on her face.

“I know mom. Are you going to be ok when I leave? You know with the crew back there and all. I think they are at it again.” Marie asked her mother who just shrugged and grinned.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. They don’t bother me much now…less so, especially since you told them off.” Susan told her daughter. “But…you know I might just have to check up on them after you leave, I’m…I’m feeling a bit of an itch now. Actually a HUGE itch!” Susan confided to her daughter, blushing, but with a broad grin on her lips. Marie broke out in roaring laughter, but then looked at her mother.

“I thought you were going to wait on dad…or are you going to join…” Marie suggested but her mother broke in.

“No…oh no, I meant that. I’m waiting on your father and ONLY if he tells me its ok is anything but fingers going inside me from now on. He deserves that at least, but you have made me horribly horny…as if I wasn’t already with what’s been going own under this roof and it’s been a week since your father left. Marie…I’m a dripping mess down there! I have to have some damn relief or I’ll explode!” Susan said breathlessly to her daughter.

“I’m sorry mom; I wasn’t meaning to tease you with what I did.” Marie said regretfully too her, but with a smile on her lips.

“It’s ok Marie; it’s nothing I can’t alleviate for the most part…especially if I watch the others.” Susan told her and Marie nodded at her.

“I should go call dad and see if coming over is ok tonight.” Marie said, then after looking at her mother walked back to her room to use her cell phone. Passing Mary’s room, she thought she definitely heard soft moaning coming from within and she smiled to herself. She entered her room, closing the door behind her and went to her phone. She quickly called the number her mother had given her and her father picked up. He was glad she was indeed in town and happier yet when she asked to come over. She told him that she would be over in about an hour and she said her goodbyes and then hung up the phone. She smiled, thinking about what she should take in her car and overnight bag. She was almost laughing aloud as she opened Ankara escort bayan the door and entered the hall again, stopping at what she saw and heard.

“Oh my god Genie, that’s hot!” Marie heard her mother say aloud. Marie looked out and saw her mother just on the edge of the doorway to Mary’s room. She had opened the door and was standing there. Marie softly walked up to her, unable to see more then her mother back. She heard more of what was going on now that the door was open, with more moaning and even some wet slurping noises reaching her. She grinned and steeled herself of the sight of what she was walking toward. “Yeah Peter, fuck her!” She heard her mother speak again just as she got behind her and could now see past her into her small sister’s room.

“Having fun?” Marie asked her mother as she walked behind her. “I see they are.” She said as she glanced past her mother and saw her brother with his cock buried in Mary’s pussy and Genie sitting pretty on her sister’s face, getting her pussy licked from below. “Jesus!” Marie said in amazement, knowing what her brother and sisters did, but truly shocked actually seeing it. She felt a wave of horniness rush through her as well as some repulsion, watching the family she used to know when they were little.

“Come on sis, come join us…ohh god lick me Mary!” Genie asked her, all the while grinding her hips onto her sister’s tongue. Marie shook her head, feeling light headed. She looked away and at her mother.

“I’m going mom…to stay with dad for a day or two.” Marie told her and Susan looked away from the scene before them as well, taking her hand from her pants as she did. She took Marie’s arm and led her daughter back to the hallway.

“A day or two? I thought you were just going for a few hours?” Susan asked her daughter, looking with confusion at her face. Marie nodded at her.

“I know, but I really should spend some time with dad as well and…it might take some time to bring him around. And…this still freaks me out a bit. I need time to think, away from it. It’s kinda all in my face.” Marie confided in her, unsure what to feel after seeing the others having sex…even her mother watching them.

“I understand marie…honestly I do. You go see your father, just make sure you come back for Thanksgiving ok? Maybe your father will come as well.” Susan told her then grabbed her daughters face to kiss her goodbye, but Marie grabbed her wrist.

“Mom, you had your hand…” Marie reminded her mother where her fingers had been and Susan blushed deeply. “They should be cleaned first.” Marie told her, then brought her mothers fingers to her own mouth, sucking them clean one at a time.

“Oh Jesus Marie! I thought you were freaked out over this!” Susan exclaimed as she watched the erotic sight of her eldest daughter sucking her juices off her fingers. She felt her pussy flooding anew as she watched and felt her daughter complete what she was doing.

“I know mom, and I still am…I just couldn’t resist. But I need to go pack and leave.” Marie said with a teasing smile as she turned back to her room. She heard her mother’s frustrated grunt behind her.

“Marie…you are a horrible tease, I am frigging soaked now!” Susan muttered out as her daughter reached her door.

“Well, you have a free show to use mom…” Marie told her smiling as she entered her room and started to grab clothes and a few other items and toss them into her night bag. Her mother hadn’t followed and after a minute Marie finished up and reentered the hall and saw that her mother had indeed went back to the show before her…and her masturbation. Marie walked behind her again, hearing the squishing noises her mother’s fingers were making as well as the noises from her sister’s bedroom. “Enjoy yourself mom…” Marie muttered as she leaned over and nibbled her mother’s neck and ear.

“UUhhhh Marie!” Susan moaned out as she felt her daughter’s actions. Then she felt her daughter stop and noticed she was walking off. “Ohhh you…tease!” Susan growled out, but stayed where she was at the door, only now working her fingers inside her panties faster. Marie smiled as she rounded the corner into the kitchen and then out the side door to her car.

…I must say today took a turn for the weird. Marie, the eldest of my children told me she was going to visit Michael. But then she confided in me that she had been attracted to me for a long time and even offered that we become lovers if I so wished. After everything that has happened with the other kids this was tame I guess but more erotic to me and I’m not sure why. Maybe because it was offer on me and not forced like what the other had done. But I found myself extremely tempted and kissed her back after she did me. I was so turned on.

Later I watched Mary, Genie and Peter having sex. Very loud, rutting, wet and extremely tempting sex. I had to fight myself to stay at the door masturbating and not join in. I hope Marie can convince Michael Escort Ankara to come back because I won’t be able to resist forever the advances of my own children.

Marie wasn’t sure about how she was going to do it, but she knew she had to convince her father to return to the house when she went back. Marie figured that if she didn’t and went back to school, that the next time she returned home her parents would either be divorced or getting one. As she drove to the other side of town to her father’s hotel she thought about how she was going to handle it. She was the only one who could probally, with him being convinced his wife having played a part in his children’s copulations….which she had, though not the part that he suspected of her. And Peter was out, their father might kill him. Marie thought about Genie, she might be able to talk to their father, but Marie knew that without Mary backing her up and pushing her, genie could never convince their father. And Mary…even if Mary could get close enough now to their father, which Marie thought she might, she always could get in good with their father, she probably might just try and seduce him again. Marie then almost yelled as she thought that.

“He wouldn’t fall for that again, not from Mary, he’d be watching for that, but maybe…” Marie thought aloud as she drove close to the hotel. As she pulled into the parking lot, her hands were shaking at her thoughts and she parked at the first spot she saw and stopped the car. “Could I do that? Do I want to do that? If I can’t get dad back, I’ll have to visit him separately like this from now on that’s for sure. Jesus!” Marie considered her thoughts for a few minutes, trying to get her heart rate under control and herself to stop shaking. “Only as a last resort.” She told herself as she opened the car door and stood on trembling legs. She grabbed her bag and slowly walked the parking lot to the room number that she knew her father was at. She hesitated a few seconds as she went to knock, and then heard footsteps after she had.

“Hey daddy.” Marie said simply as her father opened the door. He grinned when he saw that it was her.

“Hey sweetie. Come in and take a seat. There’s only the one chair so I’ll sit on the bed.” Her father said and he closed the door behind her. He noticed as she put the bag she was carrying on the floor and thought it was a really bug purse, until it hit him that it wasn’t “What’s with the bag?” He asked, moving to take a seat on bed opposite the chair in room.

“Well…I figured I’d stay here tonight, or maybe even through Wednesday night, then we can both go over Thursday for Thanksgiving.” She told him simply, her stomach rising to her throat, she was still nervous at her earlier thoughts. Her father gave her a funny look, then shrugged his shoulders.

“Well, yes you can stay here Marie…there’s two beds so that isn’t a problem, but as for “Us” going over Thanksgiving…honey I don’t think so.” Michael told her, and saw the reaction in her face. “I’m not sure if I’m ready to face…what’s been going on. Did your mother tell you?” He asked her nervously, unable to put into words about what he thought or felt. She nodded.

“Yes dad, mom told me everything…everything, including what she didn’t tell you. She was too nervous and you didn’t give her a chance to tell you what happened.” Marie told her father, and he interrupted before she could go on.

“What happened? What happened was that she allowed the others to have sex! Sex for god’s sake and not do anything about it…including tell me!” He said, feeling anger again. He had bottled it up for most of the time since he had left, having to work and cope with what he saw in private, unable to tell friends and co-workers. Marie just nodded again.

“Dad, will you let me tell you what she told me and…what I saw while there?” Marie asked him quietly, watching him trying to calm down his anger.

“I’m not sure if I want to hear about what you saw honey. I don’t even like to think that you saw anything while over there.” Michael told her.

“Well that is part of why I wanted to stay here, I was a bit uncomfortable over there. I was very surprised when mom told me Saturday, but you need to hear what she told me…you do!” She explained to him and after a few seconds he nodded.

“Fine I’ll try and listen, but don’t think it’s going to change how I feel.” He said simply as he looked at her. He saw her thinking, he wondered with what she was going to say and how, but he was silent as promised, waiting for her to start.

“Alright, this is a bit long winded and you’ll have to be quiet till I finish or it will take forever.” Marie told him and he nodded to her in agreement yet again. He knew she had to leave out her brother’s molesting of her mother or her dad would flip, Marie was quite sure her father would hurt his son if he ever knew. Marie started off saying her mother didn’t have a hand in what the kid decided or what they did. She told her father that their mother did tell the kids to use the house instead of the shed in the back, but only so they wouldn’t get arrested or have the neighbor’s tongues wagging. Her father squirmed at this but Marie asked him to hold off questions.

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