Spanish Rose



It was spring. Fragrance and sunshine wrapped me in a warm cloak while birds chorused in newly greened trees. Wednesday is my favourite day of the week; it is when I get together with the girls at Antonio’s Coffee Palace and my smile brought several stares as I walked towards the mall.

Antonio’s has a nice view of the harbour and already I could see several yachts leaning away from the brisk breeze, their hulls skipping the choppy water. Everything was blue and new out there, the water, the sky…even the smell of the sea was blue today and my body tingled with delight at the sheer thrill of life.

I love alfresco dining and so I was pleased to see that the girls had commandeered a table on the piazza with one of those quaint Cinzano umbrellas shading us from the sun. Marlene waved and smiled her bare arms white after a winter of long sleeves and overcoats. Today she was wearing a summer frock of greens and yellows that swirled in a dance of colour broken only by the bright red belt around her middle. She had changed her hair; decided to be strawberry blonde this summer. Carol sat next to her nursing her first café latte and smiling through shocking red lipstick. She batted her green eyes as I approached and sipped at her brew. Next to her sat a new girl. She was frowning slightly though still wearing a smile. I noticed she wore a plunging mauve blouse that showed the curves of her bosoms to great advantage. Her hair was dark, cut almost pageboy style with a bob at the collar, and her eyes were dark and mysterious. Those eyes made me think of Spain.

I took a chair next to the new girl. As I seated myself, Carol put her hand on the new girl’s shoulder.

“Say hello to Kalina Del Rosa. Kalina, this is Sue Mallory.”

“Pleased to meet you.” Kalina pronounced it ‘djoo’ and her accent was definitely Latino.

“Buenos dias, Kalina. Encantada de conocerle” I replied, smiling and reaching for her hand. Her eyes opened wide as saucers and her smile beamed like sunlight.

“Hola. Habla Espanol?” She asked.

“That was about the limit of it.” I confessed and took her hand in mine, giving it a brief squeeze. She felt so warm and I could smell her perfume. It was based on roses, but such a subtle bouquet as to be almost a whisper.

Lunch was lovely. We decided on a seafood plate for four that was positively Mediterranean complimented with a crisp Riesling from the Australian Hunter Valley region. As we chatted I kept sneaking appreciative glances at Kalina. She spoke fast and used her hands, carving invisible sculptures in the air to demonstrate her point. Carol was smoking again and I frowned my disappointment at her when she lit an Alpine lite without so much as a ‘beg your pardon’ to the rest of the table. I saw that Kalina was not a smoker when she batted at the resulting blue drift that assailed her pert little nose.

Marlene Powell nodded at the Spanish girl’s chatter but I saw she was rather distracted, her look distant and troubled. I noticed that there was a dark shadow under the make-up of her right eye and my heart went out to her. My husband can be a boorish pig at times, but he has never ever hit me in our nine years of marriage. Her Gary must have gotten drunk again. Last time he had gotten drunk he visited her in hospital and knelt by her bed, crying like a schoolboy and promising her he would never, ever drink again. Well, I guess never is a much shorter time for a man, because that had been less than six months ago.

My attention drifted back to Kalina who was on about Roberto. I tuned in and caught the gist of her story. Roberto was her husband, a property developer with a lot of money and a roving eye. She had found out about his latest mistress just yesterday and was retelling the scenario with hot tears in her fiery Latin eyes.

“I catch him…” She hissed. “I catch him, I take off his salchicha with a very dull knife! Him and his puto!”

She spat on the ground … the sound almost rhyming with that Spanish word for ‘slut’.

“What I do?” She asked, her eyes roaming our faces in turn. “How do I teach him a big lesson?”

I had finished my latte and so I pushed my cup aside. She was beautiful in her anger and I caught myself glancing down at her slim legs protruding cheekily from a lilac skirt. My mind must have drifted momentarily as I suddenly started and looked up to see Kalina looking at me expectantly. By the expression on the other girl’s faces, it was obvious Kalina had asked me a question. I felt myself go red as I know they had all seen where my eyes had been.

“I’m sorry, Kalina. What was the question?”

She sighed and gave me a huge grin, showing her perfect pearly white teeth.

“I was wondering about your husband.” She repeated. Was it my imagination, or did she cast her eyes over my waist and legs quickly before meeting my eyes again. Her smile stayed in place and her eyes were warm and inviting.

“Oh, he is a dental surgeon and has his own practice bahçeşehir escort in the heart of the city.” I replied.

“Does he have girlfriends like my Roberto?”

I looked at Marlene. She just smiled and cast her gaze over the bay, and when I looked at Carol she was busy digging for another menthol.

“I don’t think so…” I wasn’t sounding too sure. Paul was a very handsome man, very attractive to the girls and he did spend a lot of time away from home. I’d never really thought about it much, but in retrospect, sex was a little sporadic these days. I tried to remember the last time he had made love to me, and came to the realisation that the last time he had made love to me was over a month ago and that had been a ‘quickie’ before he dashed off to work. I also remembered that it had been in response to my complaint of not ‘getting enough attention’

I must have looked a little glum because Kalina gave me a huge grin and placed both her hands on my forearm and dropped her head momentarily on my shoulder.

“Ayayai.” She sighed. “I should not pry, no? Forgive me.”

My smile was all the forgiveness Kalina needed and she gave my arm a little squeeze before she let go.

“Sometimes I wonder if it would not be better that us women take care of each other when it comes to love.” She said, looking around the table. Marlene smiled and fiddled with her empty glass while carol threw her head back and laughed.

“My vibrator has never let me down as long as I don’t forget to buy the Evereadys” She replied.

I blushed again and automatically looked at Kalina. My strict Catholic upbringing had precluded such ‘devices’ and I was a little shocked at how easily Carol spoke about her ‘toy’, even if we were all women and friends.

I peeked at Kalina and saw she was looking directly at me, her smile wide and suggestive. It was then that I noticed how full her lips were. Not heavily painted with lipstick. Just soft, and natural in their beauty. She had my attention and now she glanced quickly at each of the other two before turning back to me. Her hand reached over, hidden by the table, and squeezed my leg. She winked at me, and the tip of her tongue flicked across her lip in a fleeting gesture that set my body tingling.

My mind drifted away from the conversation although I saw Kalina was chatting amicably with my two friends. I just couldn’t help glancing at her lovely tanned legs and the swell of her breasts. The tingle had faded but it was still there, as well as the feeling of naughtiness that I had not felt since my school days. I became aware that I was wet between my legs and a hot feeling of desire spread from there.

It was almost as if Kalina was aware of my feeling. Although she kept up her chatter, she looked often at me and her eyes twinkled with merry mischief. My responding smile must have given her some mute encouragement as I felt her hand upon my thigh, high up above the knee. Again that little squeeze, but this time she didn’t take her hand away. I swallowed and looked quickly across at my two very good friends. They were both talking at once, giggling at jokes and totally oblivious of the development between Kalina and I under that small table.

Somewhere halfway through the second Café Latte I felt Kalina’s hand on my thigh again. She had managed to manoeuvre her chair a little closer and much of her conversation was directed at me. I thrilled at the warmth of her touch but nearly gasped as her fourth and little fingers slid under my skirt, stroking the inside of my leg. She had turned to the girls and was giving them travelogue tours of Barcelona as she explored my thigh, her hand creeping slowly higher, inch by inch.

It was a little after 12-00pm before we decided to disband. Marlene looked at her watch and gave a nervous little start. “Oh dear, I have to meet Gary in twenty minutes. I mustn’t be late.” She explained.

Carol patted her hand and dug in her purse, producing a $50 note. “Treat’s mine” She pre-empted Marlene who was also rummaging through her bag. “Want company?”

Marlene looked almost birdlike as Carol said it, and then gave a quick nod of her head. “That would be nice.” She acknowledged.

“Let’s go then.” Carol turned to Kalina and I, giving each of us her best smile. “I will see you two girls later then, take care.” The last two words were said with a broad wink in my direction.


Kalina watched me gazing after the two women as they headed for Carol’s five-year-old Mercedes. Her dark Spanish eyes twinkled with amusement as her hand fell back onto my thigh.

“Very perceptive, our Carol.” She chortled.

I didn’t reply, but picked up my latte cup only to find it was empty.

“Would you like to return to my house for a coffee, perhaps?” Kalina added. “It isn’t far, only a few kilometres.”

I had nothing else on my agenda and by now I was feeling rather aroused my pussy tingling bakırköy escort and wet. I had never ever even contemplated what Kalina was implying. She still smiled and cocked her head a little in silent encouragent.

“Come. We are friends now aren’t we? It is only such a short way.”

I felt myself nodding and stood up, smoothing my skirt self consciously as I gazed at the other customers on the piazza. No one was even remotely interested in us; all were either concentrating on their food or in animate conversations with their luncheon guests.

Kalina took my hand and led me back onto the street, guiding me towards a dark blue BMW convertible and even opening the passenger door so I could settle into the soft white leather upholstery.

She was a great driver, working her hands on the shift and the wheel while berating other motorists animatedly as we scurried through the light lunchtime traffic. Too soon the ride was over as we drew up in the well-manicured front yard of her house. She came quickly around my side and opened the door, grasping my hand and pulling me gently from the seat.

We ran together, hand in hand to the front door and I stood trembling a little and panting while she unlocked doors and disarmed alarm systems. Then with a real Latin flourish she turned to me and said,

“Welcome to my home. Mi casa es su casa”

Laughing, I spun slowly around taking in the delightful décor somewhere between English/Australian and Spanish. She crossed to me as I completed my pirouette and caught both my hands in hers.

“You like?” She asked, her head flicking in a way as to indicate the whole house.

I nodded and looked into her eyes. There was a pause that seemed a thousand years before Kalina lent forward and kissed me on the lips. It was not what the bible described a ‘motherly kiss’. It was full of fire and Latin passion and I felt my nipples respond to the warm womanly taste of her on my lips.

It made me gasp and, as my lips parted, I felt her tongue flick past them into my mouth, then retreat so quickly it was as if only a memory had passed. Her right hand let go of my left, and I felt it slide around my waist, fingers cupping my tight buttocks which were quivering in anticipation.

Somewhere in the recess of my mind I heard a voice I remember with some dread, the withered old croak of Sister Kathryn. Catholic taboos and the fleeting terror of fire and eternal damnation eddied in the dark niche where the old nun’s ghost resided but the half- formed visions quickly faded as Kalina’s long fingers dug into my buttocks. Her tongue quested again. My eyes closed simultaneously to my lips parting and the Catholic terror faded in an ethereal scream as her hot wet tongue met mine.

Never have I been kissed like that. There was such tenderness in it – not the hard, bruising urgency of a man’s kiss. I felt myself drawn into her and there was an electric sensation as our breasts came together, nipple to nipple. Sweet perfume engulfed me and my hands went around her clasping her to me, as did she clasp me in mutual embrace. Universes were born, and died in the time of that kiss. Passion rose in a fiery wave and I could feel the wetness soak into my panties as the tingling in my groin increased in intensity.

She drew back, dark eyes on mine. Still holding my hand, she walked deeper into the house with me in tow.

“Come.” She whispered, her sensuous lips wet from my kisses.

“Where are you going?” My whisper had a tremble in it and I realised there was still a feeling within me of the naughty schoolgirl purloining forbidden fruit.

Kalina shushed me with a long, slender finger that briefly touched my lips. We had reached a door and she turned, twisted the crystal door handle and pushed. Standing back with a flourish her mystery was revealed. It was the largest bathroom I had ever seen and the spa would have passed as a small pool with poorer folk. Gentle steam rose from water as clear as glass and the scent of roses filled the room.

“Undress, mi carino.” Kalina began stripping off her clothes and, by the time I had stripped to bra and panties, she stood before me naked. I paused with my arms twisted back to reach the catch on my bras. She had beautiful ample breasts with skin the colour of sweet honey topped and dark nipples that stood hard and proud. My eyes scanned down her body to the neatly trimmed thatch between her shapely legs. The hair was so black there, but trimmed to a neat strip and I felt an overwhelming desire to run my hand through it.

“Let me get that for you.” Kalina’s voice broke my reverie and I smiled as she stood in front of me and reached around me to unclasp my bra. My hands hung loose, teasingly close to her mound…I wondered if I should touch it…then my bra popped off.

“Oooh, Madre Dios, you are beautiful!” She held me at arm’s length and unashamedly gazed at my breasts. They are not especially large, but başakşehir escort I am proud of their firmness and my nipples stood out like ripe, pink strawberries. They ached for want of being touched. I shrugged out of my panties while Kalina viewed my body. Some time ago, when Paul and I had still been frequent lovers, he had expressed his fondness for the ‘bald badger’ as he so eloquently put it and had been shaving ever since.

Kalina nodded and smiled. Her hand traced gently down my body, brushing against my nipple and along my flat stomach. I held my breath as her fingers touched my mound rubbing gently in small circles.

“It feels so smooth.” She breathed, “Like the petals of a rose.”

Her free hand sought mine and guided it the short distance to her own trimmed mound. It was like crossing no man’s land into a new and slightly terrifying territory and for an instant Sister Kathryn’s voice gibbered somewhere in the guilt-stricken corridors of my mind. But the silky sensation of her pubic hair against my finger brought such a flood of passion that the desiccated old crone’s remonstrations were drowned in their swirling depths.

“…feel the difference” Kalina finished saying. I rubber her warm mound with shaking fingers as she did mine and our naked breasts came together skin touching skin for the first time. My nipples felt like they had received an electric shock as her dark, hard one’s rubbed against mine. I moaned softly and pressed my body tighter as we massaged each other with our hands. Our mouths came together and this time it was my tongue that slid in past her lips, seeking the warm wetness of her tongue.

As we kissed and my excitement grew, so did the urgency of our caress until I felt Kalina move ever so slightly. It was just a small adjustment of her legs, but instantly my finger dipped into a hot, wet zone that brought a deep moan from Kalina. Her mouth opened wide and her warm breath caressed my face. She moved her hips in small motions that caused my finger to rub in between her soft vaginal lips.

“Oooh…Mi carino, si, si” She moaned and I felt a shock-thrill like the vibrating of a church bell as her finger penetrated my pussy’s lips. The only female fingers ever to have entered that place up to now had been my own during those long lonely nights when masturbation had been the only sexual relief available to me. This felt so different. Not the hard, rough fingers of a sexually excited male, but the caring soft finger of a woman who knows where to stimulate for maximum pleasure. I parted my legs to give her more room and our kissing became sensuously animated.

For what seemed ages we clung in our embrace letting fingers explore. Mine had stopped trembling and the terror I had briefly felt dissipated until only desire stood in its place. I felt forward in Kalina’s pussy, seeking her clitoris and finding it. It was hard and somewhat larger than mine, and felt divine under my finger as I stimulated it. Kalina moaned directly into my mouth and returned the favour. Taking my clitoris gently between finger and thumb she began to massage it in a way that brought me soaring towards orgasm within moments. I gave a small scream and rubbed hers a little faster.

I could not say who came first but my orgasm was so intense my whole body shuddered and the warm cum flooded from my pussy, running down my legs. Kalina screamed and pressed against my hand as she came, and I felt her juices wet me. We stood clinging to each other for several minutes, mute with our own passion and thoughts before she gently backed away a little.

“The warm spa is waiting, mi carino…Shall we?”

Like Gemini we crossed the floor, two women in their naked beauty holding hands and immersing themselves into the warm, sensuous waters…



We helped each other with the body wash. It was very smooth and oily, and it was also the source of the smell of roses that had been my first impression of this room. Kalina’s hands were slick with the lotion as they moved in slow, erotic circles over my breasts. My own were ministering her bosoms. They held my attention. Hers were much larger than mine were and they bounced enticingly as she moved.

“You have such gorgeous breasts” It came out in a gusty whisper and made her smile.

“Gracias. Your breasts are very beautiful too.”

I leaned forward and took one of her large, thumb-like nipples in my mouth and teased it with my lips and tongue. She placed one hand behind my head, pulling me towards her, urging me to continue. I felt her other hand reach between my legs from behind and her fingers burrowed into my pussy. It was something so new…so vastly different to anything I’d ever experienced. Long, agile fingers exploring my depths, stroking the inside walls of my hot and eager sex while I sucked on her nipple.

“Oh, Susie…Carino, my darling…Make love to my pussy too.” She breathed in my ear. I felt for her, my fingers moving through her silky mat before ducking into her hot cleft. I savoured the sensation of my finger slipping along between her vaginal lips until I found the Entrance to her tunnel of love and without further hesitation, my index finger popped into that inviting place. She wriggled as I pushed in deeper, moaning softly and her fingers began working inside of me in response.

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