Connections Ch. 02

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Alex: Hey Grace. It’s Alex. Did you hear they are changing symposium from Chicago to Vegas?

Grace: I just read the email. Seems a bit late to do that don’t you think?

Alex: It does but I guess the survey they sent out to all the members said it was hands down they would prefer Vegas over Chicago.

Grace: I’ve never been to Vegas so it should be fun fun fun.

Alex: I have done some research on flights already. There is one leaving at 8am out of Toronto or we can leave Detroit at 6. Depends when you want to get there. Around noon or at night?

Grace: Oooh I think that is the week of the “Everything to do with sex show” in Toronto. I wonder if it is on. We should go before if it’s on. Let me check.

Alex: What is the Everything to do with sex show?

Grace: It’s a trade show of sex stuff. It’s so fun. I went a couple years ago with some girlfriends. I’ve wanted to go again ever since.

Alex: Ah. If we go we will have to head down the day before because the flight is early.

Grace: Yay! It’s on!!! We have to go. It’s at the convention centre which is right near the airport. Are you in?

Alex: Most definitely! I’ll book the hotel and flight and you book the tickets for the show. We can probably park at the hotel for the trip and take a shuttle to the airport in the morning.

Grace: Deal!

A couple weeks later

Alex: I booked the flights and the hotel. I’ll pick u up and we can carpool to Toronto.

Grace: Awesome. The tickets for the show came in today. I’m so excited.

Alex: you’ve got me excited too. Can hardly wait.

Grace: how excited did I get you? Lol

Alex: not quite as excited as our late night porn session in the hotel but still excited none the less.

Grace: That was crazy. I was so worked up from it. My panties definitely were a little moist. Lol.

Alex: Ya. That’s HOT. I can’t lie. I was a little stiff in the pants too.

Grace: ummm. I kinda noticed the tent you pitched. 🙂

Alex: Combined with the porn and the sexy half naked lady sitting next to me it was a little hard to control.

Grace: well it was flattering!!! 🙂 I do have to warn you though. The last time I was at the sex show I ended up buying a few things and may have been a little overly excited at times.

Alex: Just being there will be an experience for me. I’ll follow you where ever you need to go and try not to pitch my tent too high.

Grace: LMFAO. I’m sure you won’t be the only guy poking people accidentally with their tent pole. Alrighty. I better get going. I have a few things to do before bed.

Alex: And would those things happen to involve battery powered devices? 😉

Grace. Ummm. Maybe or maybe not. Night Alex. Thanks again for booking the travel stuff. Just send me an invoice and I’ll get you reimbursed.

Alex: No problem. Sweet Dreams.

Alex picked up Grace at home in his jacked up Ford F150. It wasn’t the typical insurance man’s vehicle but he always loved big trucks since he was a kid. It was 10am so the rest of the household was gone for the day. Grace opened the door with a huge smile and once the door was closed gave him a welcome hug.

“I hope I didn’t forget anything. It’s all here,”she said as she pointed to a couple bags and one piece of Samsonite luggage. “Do you have your passport?” Alex asked. Grace pulled the little booklet out of her purse to show Alex as well as confirmation for herself.

Alex grabbed her bags and placed them in the truck. Grace literally jumped in the passenger seat of the lifted truck and buckled up. “I love this truck. Kinda had a thing for guys in big trucks at one time,” she said in a way that was difficult to tell if it contained sarcasm or the truth. Alex thought likely a bit of both.

Grace had some last minute emails to do so the 2 hour drive was relatively quiet.

“All done! No more work for me until our meeting I promise,” she said about 20 minutes away from their destination.

Alex pulled into the Marriott hotel he had booked so they could get their rooms and drop off the luggage. He made sure during the booking they had adjacent rooms again. Alex and Grace agreed they needed 30 minutes for a bathroom break and freshen up for the show. Both took showers and changed out of their comfy travel clothes and into something more fashionable. Alex wore jeans and a long sleeve Abercrombie shirt while Grace dressed into black tight jeans and a red V-neck top. The black lace bra she was wearing was visibly lifting and presenting her breasts through the “V” of the shirt creating a cleavage focal point most men would have a hard time resisting.

Alex opened the adjoining door at Grace’s knock and she strolled in with a hint of perfume following her. As expected Alex couldn’t help but get a glance at Grace’s chest. Grace smirked and felt complimented at his notice.

“Ready to go,” Alex asked.

“Yup but let’s get a drink downstairs first before kartal escort we call a cab,” Grace replied.

“After you,” Alex offered as he opened the door to the hallway.

After the second glass of wine Alex politely requested the waiter to call them a cab and ordered a third glass. They gulped down the red liquid before their ride arrived. Feeling giddy they frolicked out the lobby doors and down the front steps towards the taxi waiting in the drive-through entrance. The short ride to the show was quiet but there was a sense of childish playfulness in the air. Both were intensely eager to get to the show but were embarrassed of expressing it. The lag of alcohol induced candour hadn’t kicked in yet.

The massive room filled with booths was larger than Alex had imagined. This show dwarfed ‘Home Shows’ he had visited in his home town. He didn’t know where to look first. The room was filled with sexual devices and displays of nudity. Alex was literally spinning in circles absorbing all he could. Grace noticed and grabbed his hand, “this way,” and they headed down the first isle. Grace was a methodical person and had a planned route to see “everything” in the show.

They stopped at the first booth filled with bottles of flavored lubricants. There was a poster hung on the back of the display of a man licking a lady’s naval filled with a colorless fluid, presumably of the product being sold. Flashing lights on all the corners of the display were causing Alex’s pupils to constrict. There was even eye droppers in samplers to taste the different slippery liquids.

Grace quickly had seen enough and dragged Alex onward. The next booth in line was less sophisticated than the last. Homemade leather masks,chaps, bras, restraints and other bondage devices filled two fold up tables at the front of the allowed space. A single exhibitor sat in a chair while weaving several strips of leather into a whip handle. Grace’s eyes scanned the cluttered tables without stopping to investigate further.

Grace continued to pull Alex slowly past booths examining each as if on an assembly line. She stop at one on the end of the first isle. The booth was larger than most and had several manufactured display stands all designed with the same colours and fashion. The displays were topped with buzzing and twirling devices. Some looked like penises while others took on odd shapes. Like a cell phone display each device was connected by a cable to prevent theft. Patrons were allowed to fondle and study each phallus as they wished.

“Check out this one,” Grace called as she grabbed a pink curved toy from a shelf. It buzzed in her hand as she played with the vibration settings. “Wow, this one would make me gush. It’s designed especially for the g spot,” Grace offered as she continued to study the device. “Gush? You can squirt?” Alex asked flabbergasted.

“Sometimes. I can’t believe I just said that,” Grace replied now blushing. “Don’t be embarrassed. I think that’s amazing you have that ability. It’s secretly on my bucket list to witness that in real life. I thought it was rare and only porn stars could do it,” Alex said trying to make Grace comfortable with her candidness. “Well I can do it and I’m certainly not a porn star. Not all the time but under certain situations it’s wild,” Grace replied feeling comfortable after Alex made no judgement of her unique ability.

“So is it a lot or just a little?” Alex questioned out of curiosity.

“Ummmm,” Grace paused nervous to respond. After a short moment Grace gave in and answered, “If I don’t use a towel under me it’s like flip the mattress over when I gush.”

“Mmmmm, that’s hot,” Alex responded! “Why don’t you get that one?” Alex urged.

“Maybe… I wanna see what else is at the show before I pick something,” Grace responded after she debated it in her head.

Grace and Alex continued bouncing from booth to booth. As they moved throughout the show they became more and more comfortable in their setting. As the evening progressed Grace investigated the displays while strolling closer and closer to Alex. He noticed the decrease in personal space and frequent physical contact and started responding in his own ways. Alex started placing his hand on her back, making sure their fingers caressed each other’s while exchanging devices or simply looking over her shoulder while investigating something never seen before. At times they would rub their bodies against each other for a moment as they jockeyed positions from display to display. If anyone was watching them they would have thought they were a couple.

At one booth at the centre of the building Grace discovered a cream called flower balm. The exhibitor was holding a sampler and moments before placed a smear on the back of Grace’s hand. After a few seconds Grace’s jaw dropped and she giggled in disbelief. She quickly took dip with her finger into the sample capsule and and wiped a smear on Alex’s hand. Almost instantly Alex felt a warming sensation kaynarca escort followed by a tingle. “Holy shit! What is that stuff,” Alex inquired. “It’s meant to go on a woman’s clitoris. Imagine that! I’m gonna get some,” Grace said as she reached for her wallet. The balm came in a little tin which she quickly place into her purse along with her wallet.

The back of Alex’s hand continued to pulse for another 30 minutes as they walked through the show. Grace stumbled upon a device called the “We Vibe.” It was “U” shaped and had a remote to adjust the vibration setting. “See this end goes on the clit and this one goes inside the vagina. Then the guy can insert beside it and feel the vibration too,” Grace explained as she pointed out the two sides. “Another one that would make me gush,” she offered with a wink of her eye. Alex’s penis was yet again stiffening for the umpteenth tonight.

“Did you see anything you wanted to get?” Grace asked Alex.

“There are lots of things I’d like to play with but everything I liked are for girls. I’m not sure I can bring one of them home with me without raising questions. If your still interested in the one you showed me at the beginning of the show I’d love to buy it for you.”

“I do wanna get that vibrator but I can pay for it.”

“It’s the least I can do for you. This has been an amazing experience. I’ve had so much fun and would love to buy you it as a gift for inviting me to come,” Alex insisted.

“It was my pleasure that you came. It wouldn’t have been as much fun without you,” Grace argued.

“Well I haven’t came yet but with all this stimulus I might not make it though the night without a wet dream,” Alex joked and immediately started to laugh. Grace joined along Alex in his laughter.

Alex then grabbed Grace by the hand and started to double back to the front of the building. “Where are we going,” Grace asked? “To get you that vibrator. My treat. No ifs, ands or buts,” Alex finished with a light tap of Grace’s ass as he said the word “buts.” Grace cooed at the gesture and secretly wished it was harder.

Grace sat next to Alex in the middle seat of the cab and leaned on him. A black plastic bag rested on the seat next to her filled with the vibrator Alex bought as well as a pair of panties that had a pocket for a vibrating bullet that was remotely controlled by a ring with a button on it. Grace purchased the wireless vibrator panty combo while visiting a booth when Alex was in the washroom. Unbenounced to Alex, she secretly tucked it in the bag before he returned from urinating.

Grace rested her head on Alex’s shoulder and he could smell the lavender shampoo she used in her hair. He grabbed her knee and gave it a squeeze thanking her again for the night. Grace felt the heat from Alex’s hand travel up her thigh. She so wanted to kiss him but resisted the temptation. Instead she enjoyed the comfort of being this close to him. She felt connected again to Alex like she did on the trip to Toronto.

It was 9:30 when they arrived at their rooms. “I have a bottle of wine in my room. Would you like to share it together,” Alex asked hoping Grace would say yes? “I’d love too. I’ll be over in ten minutes,” she responded and disappeared into her room.

Grace changed out of her jeans, shirt and bra and put on a night shirt again. This one was pink and draped down to her mid thighs. She kept her white lace panties on. She brushed her teeth, took out her contacts and tied her hair back with an elastic. After putting on her glasses she checked herself in the mirror one last time and opened the door to Alex’s room.

The door on Alex’s side was already ajar. There was a full glass of wine on each side table and Alex was sitting on the bed flipping through the channels on the tv. “I forgot you wore glasses. I like them on you. Like a hot librarian,” Alex growled followed with a chuckle.

Grace joined Alex on the bed as he found much music on the tv. Mylie Cyrus was bouncing around on the screen. Grace’s night shirt slid up her thigh as she sat down. It now only rested four inches below her vulva. She tried to straighten it out but only managed to lengthen it another inch.

They both sipped wine and watched the music video. “Do you think the security scanners at the airport will pick up my new vibrator in my bag,” Grace asked Alex.

“Im not sure. That’s a good question. Can you imagine if they searched your bag and pulled it out for everyone in line to see,” Alex teased.

“Oh my god that would be so embarrassing,” Grace responded a little worried.

“I wouldn’t sweat it. I’m sure they can tell the difference between a penis shaped object and a gun.”

“That balm you bought was crazy. My hand was tingling for almost an hour,” Alex commented.

“I know. The skin on the back of my hand still doesn’t feel normal,” Grace responded while rubbing the area the balm was placed.

“You should put some on now. Give it a real test! You know, kozyatağı escort where it is really supposed to go,” Alex encouraged with a sly grin on his face.

“Really? I’m kinda worried what it will be like,” Grace replied pausing to think the suggestion through. “I will but only if you put some on too,” she negotiated.

“Where would I put it,” Alex inquired intrigued by Grace’s suggestion.

“I don’t know. Your balls. Penis?” Grace responded with a little hesitation at the words coming out of her mouth.

“Deal. Go get it,” Alex enthusiastically responded acting brave at the idea.

Grace left the room for a moment to get the container. Alex caught a glimpse of the back of her upper thighs as the night shirt swayed as she walked through the doors. After a couple minutes Grace re-entered the room skipping and quickly jumped onto the bed landing on her knees. Her breasts jiggled naturally without her bra on.

“Your turn,” she persuaded as she threw the little metal container into Alex’s lap. Alex left into the bathroom and coated a generous amount on his testicles and the shaft of his penis. It took only a few moments before the effect started to kick in. His scrotum was both burning and cool at the same time.

As Alex reentered the bedroom he immediately noticed Grace’s flushed face and her nipples erect under her shirt. “So what do you think?” Grace inquired. She had felt the warming sensation when she entered the room but the tingling had set in once Alex left for the washroom. Before Alex had a chance to respond Grace said, “Crazy eh. Can you feel the tingling yet?”

Alex continued around the bed to find his usual position before responding. Grace followed Alex by moving from her kneeling state to an upright sitting position.

Alex’s eyes focused on the ceiling as he absorbed the feelings his genital region was enduring. The tingling sensation started to kick in once seated. “Um it’s just starting to tingle. My balls are on fire and at the same time I feel like I dropped an ice cube down my pants,” Alex noted. “Shit. Is Viagra an ingredient of that stuff? I’m getting an instant erection,” he commented as the crotch of his pants began growing like a volcano and then laid flat as his penis fell to his stomach. There was a definite outline of a ridge where his penis was positioned.

Grace couldn’t help but focus her attention on Alex’s crotch. The penis silhouette was much more distinct than she thought it would be. She could tell he wasn’t wearing underwear because the detail of the rod shape. She noticed a faint crease between his circumsized foreskin and the head of the phalus member.

“Wow. Your right. Can’t hide that thing,” Grace giggled.

Alex blushed and whined, “sorry I can’t help it.”

“Well if it makes you feel better your not the only one feeling a little turned on at the moment,” Grace replied sarcastically accentuating the word “little.”

“Are you wet,” Alex asked?

“Ummm. I’m sure I am,” Grace responded while hiking up her night shirt and visually inspecting her panties as if she could see the wetness between her legs.

When Grace lifted her shirt Alex was able to see her white laced panties in the dimly lit room. The exhibitionist act was short but long enough for Alex to burn a picture in his mind. He recalled the image long after she covered back up. He realized the translucent material had no dark discoloration from pubic hair and assumed she was shaved.

Alex’s penis ached under the intense erection he was experiencing. He reached down and shifted the position of his penis to alleviate some of the pressure. “I can’t believe how hard that stuff has made me. I’m about to rip through these pants here,” Alex exaggerating his point knowing full well his stretchy jogging pants would likely fit a dick the size of his arm and not rip.

Grace squirmed on the bed beside Alex. Her legs shifted around the surface of the bedding and she would often bend her knees and straighten them again. She seemed antsy. Under each movement her night shirt bunched higher and higher up her legs until her panties were nearly visible. After a few moments of fidgeting Grace placed her bare left leg on Alex’s right and she immediately stopped moving as if the contact calmed her nerves.

Alex instinctively grabbed her knee and gave it a squeeze. Electricity flowed between their bodies and Grace for the first time that night could actual feel moisture between her legs. She starred at Alex without blinking. Alex looked back and their eyes locked.

Both felt the urge to kiss each other but somehow resisted. Their minds were running wildly between feelings of sexuality and guilt. The angel on one shoulder urged them to say goodnight while the devil on the other shoulder urged them to ravage each other. Tossed between the two emotions they remained motionless.

Grace was first to break the stare with an uncontrollable blink. Almost immediately Alex loosened his grip on Grace’s knee and she removed her leg from his.

They stared at the tv for a moment in silence.

“This stuff is crazy. My vagina is on cloud nine,” Grace said breaking the silence and not ready to say goodnight. She twisted and grabbed the wine on the side table. Alex caught a glimpse of her panty covered ass for an instant as she reached for the glass.

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