Love Quest: The Audition


I clicked my heels nervously as I waited for the elevator to arrive and carry me the 28 floors to Mark Sterling’s office. My heart pounded excitedly in my chest as my mind raced with ideas of what was in store for me today.

The up arrow to my left signaled the end of my wait, and I took a deep breath and stepped forward as the large metal doors before me opened to swallowing me whole.

Being alone in the cold and confining space seemed to quiet my anxiety. This was far from my first trip up to see Mark, but it could quite possibly be my last, and that disturbed me.

The episode had begun 3 weeks earlier on a whim. Seeing a commercial about casting for the latest in the reality TV shows, I impulsively responded. Personally, before all this began I could never have fathomed participating in such a display. Not that I don’t possess a sense of adventure, quite the opposite actually. It’s just that I prefer to keep my private life private. But something about this particular idea had intrigued me. Maybe it was the shear idiocy of the premise, meeting the man or woman of your dreams through a series of 24 hour long dates with total strangers.

I’ve always known that love at first sight was the biggest load of crap ever spewed to get someone in to bed. So perhaps my motives were cynical and sarcastic at the start. But since then, something in me had changed. As I came closer and closer to being chosen as the woman at the center of it all, I cared more and more, and thought less and less that this was just a game. It could be that I just didn’t want to lose, after I had gone so far, but really, I think I was daring the world to prove me wrong. To force it to justify this notion of spontaneously falling madly in love with someone you’ve just met, to put up or shut up once and for all.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors to my cage slid open, revealing the perfectly decorated reception area of one Mark Sterling, Executive Producer extraordinaire of “Love Quest”, what was soon to be the next big hit in reality TV.

I stepped out and approached Stephanie, Mark’s secretary, perched dutifully at her desk.

“Hello Claire, nice to see you,” Stephanie said in her usual polite manner.

“Hi Stephanie, nice to see you to,” I answered, feeling the nervousness begin to tug at my stomach once again.

“Mark is expecting you, you can go right in,” Stephanie replied with casual confidence.

“Thank you,” I replied quickly, forcing an unnaturally large smile.

Mark looked up at as I entered the room. He exuded his usual air of confidence, and I immediately felt my tension ease under his soft gaze.

“Claire, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you,” he said with a warm smile. “Come sit down a relax, we have a lot to discuss.”

I walked quickly over to the leather chair in front of Mark’s imposing desk and settled into it. Taking a deep breath, I resolved to enjoy this final stage of the interview. Whatever Mark decided was beyond my control so why should I waste my time worrying.

Leaning slightly aydınlı escort forward, Mark stared at me intently as he spoke. “Claire, as you know, our meeting here today is the last step in the selection process for Love Quest. First of all, I want to thank you for all the time and dedication you’ve shown us, me, so far. It’s been great getting to know you and I really think you’d be great for the show. There are just some loose ends we have to tie up first. How ’bout we get started, ok?”

I took another deep breath before responding, “Thank you Mark. That sounds good.” My mind buzzed as with anticipation as I awaited the next series of questions. We had talked so much in these interviews that I felt a strange sense of closeness to Mark. Not something tangible or real, but rather a sanctity that existed between us, within these walls.

“This stage will be a bit different than the others,” Mark continued. “I’ve asked Stephanie to help us out with it.”

A door in the far right corner of the room, beyond Mark’s desk opened and Stephanie entered the room.

Looking over at her, my breath caught in my throat as I the sunlight from the window caught her golden hair. She usually kept it tied up neatly on top of her head. My heart pounded as I saw the free locks of hair dance over her shoulder.

“Now just relax and enjoy yourself, Claire,” Mark said calmly from his perch behind his desk.

As he spoke, Stephanie crossed the room to stand behind me.

“I think you’ll find our departure from the norm today…quite enlightening.”

I nodded my head, unable to find the words to communicate my curiosity.

Feeling Stephanie’s gentle touch on my shoulders, I eased back into the chair as she began to massage them lightly. My entire body let go as she kneaded my muscles with masterful skill and I felt my eyelids begin to lower as my mind filled with a delightful heaviness.

Her hands soon moved from my shoulders, down the front of my blouse, my pulse quickened once again, as her fingers expertly undid the buttons of my shirt and pulled it open. Still drowsy from her care, I offered no resistance as she removed the shirt entirely, throwing it on the floor.

Easing her hands back to my shoulders, she slowly removed each strap of my bra, kissing my neck tenderly as she did so. Taking in a deep breath, I sighed quietly as sweet sensation began to crawl up my spine and through my arms. Gingerly she removed the garment and ran her fingers down to my newly exposed breasts.

My body ached as she lightly caressed them, gently teasing the nipples and continuing to kiss my softly. I prayed she would never stop, that I could just sit like this bathed in the touch of her lips and hands forever.

Sensing my complete surrender, she easily took hold of my right arm and guided it behind the chair. Feeling the cold touch of leather, my heart leapt as I felt her close a leather cuff upon my wrist. Repeating the procedure with the other arm, I felt my sex begin to moisten as bağdat caddesi escort she tied the bind between the two cuffs. Moving on she bound each ankle and secured them to the legs of the chair imprisoning me in my seat.

My pulse raced as I struggled against my confinement, in an involuntary effort of futility. Stepping before me as if to inspect her work, Stephanie looked down at me. Suddenly gripped with self-consciousness, I looked down to avoid Stephanie’s penetrating gaze. Taking my chin in her hand, she tilted my head up so my eyes could once again meet her own. Satisfied that I would not look away, she took her hand away and began to strip.

Standing naked in front of me, I was completely awash in her beauty. My arms struggled to free themselves as I longed to touch her, kiss her, feel her soft skin next to mine. Leaning forward, she kissed me tenderly, holding her lips next to mine. Teasing my exposed nipple with her finger, I moaned softly, arching forward and sending streams of scintillating pain through my muscles as I fought to get closer to her.

She stood upright placing her pussy directly in front of me and looked down at me, penetrating me with her gaze. “Lick me Claire,” she commanded.

Eagerly I complied, reaching out to shower gorgeous sex with kisses. As she moved closer to me, I licked furiously, teasing and nibbling her clit, lapping up the delicious juices and burying my tongue deep inside of her. Twisting in the chair I worked at a fevered pace, her satisfaction was my own. I was hers completely. Moaning with pleasure, she bucked her pussy against my face as I moved my hips in response.

Suddenly she took a step back and looked away from me. I struggled and moaned to get free, confused as to why she had moved away, unable to pursue her.

Following her glance, I saw standing on the other side of the room a strange man, completely naked, staring at us. He walked over towards her and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately. My heart leapt out of my chest as pulled forward against the chair with all my might, tortured by the sight of her with him.

Painfully I watched as he caressed her skin and fondled her breasts, his erect cock pressed against her. Anger shot through me like flames as I watched in horror. Moving directly in front of me he positioned her over the desk, rubbing her firm ass and give it a firm smack.

He entered her swiftly, thrusting his hips steadily against her as she rocked into him. I twisted in a combination of frustration and arousal as she began moaning loudly. Placing his hands on her hips he fucked her furiously, as her beautiful hair danced over the top of the desk, her breasts shaking with delight. I was drenched with need and yet I devastated by the sight of someone else pleasuring her. I needed to taste her again, but she had forgotten I even existed.

Screaming loudly as she came, my heart dropped to my knees and I was thankful to be bound for it was the only thing holding bostancı escort me upright.

The stranger continued to fuck her, his face distorted at the edge of orgasm, grunting staccato rhythms as reached his peak filling her with his juices.

I was shocked and stunned, comforted only by the safety of my capture.

Stephanie got up and stood before me once again, although her eyes did not meet my own. As the strange man moved away I felt the presence of someone else in the room. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked over to see another woman had joined us.

“I don’t know if I can take any more of this,” I thought to myself. “What am I doing here?”

Stephanie walked over to the second stranger, standing only inches from me and pulled the naked woman close to her. They were the same height and the seemed to melt into one another. My mind told me to look away, but I could not pull myself from the sight of their tender embrace.

Running her hands up and down the other girls back, Stephanie lovingly kissed her, painting her neck and shoulders with her lips.

My body pulsed with electricity at the site of their tenderness. My legs keenly aware of their immobility, my arms held securely at bay, leaving me captive in the whirlpool of my emotions all other form of reaction stripped away.

I continued to stare as Stephanie got down on her knees before the other girl. Her face inches from those new nether lips. Something inside of me shattered as she kissed it delicately. Running her hands upon the girl’s thighs, massaging her ass. I saw her tongue reach out and bathe the new girl’s pussy my ears flooded with her enjoyment.

Of all the sexual escapades I had experienced in my life, none had managed to captivate and mold me from the inside like this. I had been so careful my to keep anyone from penetrating that core, that guarded center that protected my sense of who I would always be; and now I was forced to completely let go. If I didn’t I would surely begin to crumble as I sat there.

My body filled with warmth as I watched Stephanie satisfy her. The restraints held me tighter than before as I breathed deeply feeling the entirety of their grip upon me. Tears stained my cheeks as I was held in submission my mind frozen in time.

The two girls finished their lovemaking and departed the room. Leaving me alone with Mark.

I looked at him timidly, unable to speak. Sure that I had failed to obtain a spot on the show, and not caring one bit.

After an eternal moment’s deliberation he looked at me plainly and spoke. “You see Claire, vulnerability is a very subtle, very intimidating thing. Whoever is chosen for the show will have a tremendous amount of power, power that could be used recklessly and arbitrarily. In order for me to know whom I could trust with such responsibility I had to see how they would react for themselves in such a situation. I know in time you’ll understand even more.”

I looked at him incredulously as his words sank in. My mind unable to fully process the their meaning.

“You will do wonderfully on the show Claire.” He said, caring in his voice. “I think you’ll find it more intriguing than you imaged. I need to prepare the paperwork, but Stephanie will be back in a moment to assist you. This will be quite an interesting few weeks, so we have to take good care of you.”

With that he rose and exited the room. Leaving me entirely alone.

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