Big Cock Grad: Housemates


This story follows the first story in this series: Big Cock Graduate, Big Cock Grad: Sister, and Big Cock Grad: Neighbor. Please read these to better understand the characters.

Tracy, Debbie, and Doug involve Doug’s housemates.

Like my other stories, I have provided a porn star approximation of the characters involved. The list is at the end of the story in case you have your own image for the character.

This will be my last entry for now in this series. I have started a new story line which I hope to start releasing in the next month. I have over one hundred pages written already. There will be more character exposition and deeper plot. I hope you consider following me to get notified when it releases.

Many thanks to kenjisato who is my editor and made this better.

If you have comments, please add them and consider rating and favoriting the story. I appreciate the feedback and interest which keeps me writing.

All characters are 18 years of age or older.

Chapter 8: Surprise!

Tracy was due to come for a visit the following weekend. She took the train into the city and Nancy was able to pick her up after work, as her office was close to the station.

Upon Tracy and Nancy’s arrival, we all headed out to grab some dinner and a drink. Cathy and Nancy were very nice to Tracy, but were relentless with questions.

“Tracy, I have never seen Doug so involved,” Cathy said. “He has been down to see you every weekend. Are you responsible for his new clothing and his increased confidence?”

“I have always wanted a man who knows what he wants and is confident in getting it,” Tracy said. “I have encouraged him to be decisive so I may have had a small part in bringing this out in him. I believe, though, that he is an intelligent person who knows what he wants, so most of the change is him.”

“Wow, he certainly didn’t have that with Linda,” Cathy said. “She badgered him at all times and was constantly controlling him.”

“Speaking of Linda,” Nancy added, “she has been sniffing around and asking about you, Doug. I think she regrets the breakup.”

“I think that Linda is just after sex,” Cathy said. “When she came by last weekend, she was a bit drunk and horny as hell. She talked about needing ‘the monster’.”

I blushed as this was her nickname for my cock.

All the girls realized the reference Linda had made and laughed.

“You have the responsibility of feeding the monster now,” Cathy said to Tracy with a wink.

“If you need help with it tonight, you just have to call out,” Nancy suggested.

On my way back to the table from the washroom, I did notice that Cathy and Nancy gave my crotch a quick glance. I picked up the bill for the evening as I was now making more in salary than all the rest at the table combined and said it was a bit of a celebration.

I should talk more about Cathy and Nancy. We had all gone to the same university together. Nancy had taken business, but had hung out with some of the engineers which included Cathy. Nancy was a dark-haired beauty of about five feet nine in height, with pure white skin and a few moles which just added to her allure in a Cindy Crawford way.

I had always been attracted to Nancy, but she had been off limits due to her dating my friends.

Cathy was a tiny pixie of a person. She was only about five feet in height and weighed all of ninety pounds.

Both girls were whip smart and could carry a conversation with anyone. Sometimes when we were out on the town, they would get unwanted male attention whereupon they would pretend that I was their boyfriend. Having a six-and-a-half-foot friend in a bar did come in handy.

For the past couple of months, they had become much tighter and seemed to do almost everything together.

We went back to the house and sat around the living room talking about work, the news, and old stories. Cathy and Nancy made a good point of keeping Tracy in the conversation by not making too many inside jokes and keeping the conversation on topics we would all know.

I was on the love seat with Tracy who was starting to make motions to go to bed by rubbing my leg. I got the hint, and we said our goodnights to Cathy and Nancy. As I had not seen Tracy all week, I was starting to get excited so when I stood up from the couch, I saw Nancy do a double take at the bulge in my pants.

Tracy and I went upstairs to my modest room which did have a king bed.

On closing the door, we embraced more intimately and started to tear the clothes off of each other. We jumped on the bed and Tracy made a beeline to devour my cock.

I spun her around so I could return the favor. With this angle, she was able to get almost all of my cock in her throat and only gagged twice. Tracy had certainly become a better cocksucker.

For my part, I licked her clit while fingering her pussy with one hand and probing her ass with my other finger. She was getting pretty worked up and grup escort let out a squeal when she came on my face.

I then spun her around and had her mount me while I lied on my back. She rode me to another orgasm. I then rolled over her, spun her, and pushed my cock into her mouth where I exploded, which she hungrily ate.

We laid together afterwards and I couldn’t hear any conversation or movement in our old house. Maybe Cathy and Nancy had gone to bed?

“I really like your housemates, Doug,” Tracy said, as we caught our breath. “They both care about you and I can see that you care about them. I thought I was going to be jealous of them, but I now don’t seem them in that way at all. I do worry about Linda, but know that you aren’t going back to her. I just hope she doesn’t do anything crazy.”

I awoke the next morning and we went downstairs to see both Cathy and Nancy in the kitchen wearing cute pyjamas and making coffee. We were so grateful.

“You have the best morning hair,” Cathy teased Tracy.

“That is a wild mane of red hair,” Nancy said, with a knowing smile. “You must have had a restless sleep to get it that way.”

I spent the day with Tracy, showing her places around the city. We were planning on going to an open-air concert that night which would have reprised our first date, but a torrential rain that afternoon forced the cancellation of the show. We grabbed some dinner and then headed back to my place.

Upon arriving, I noticed that Cathy and Nancy were home, and we found them in living room with a couple of empty wine bottles. They were feeling no pain.

We joined them in the living room for a glass.

“How was your day, Tracy?” Cathy asked. “I hope you weren’t terrorized by any ‘monsters’ while wandering around.”

“No ‘monsters’ today,” Tracy responded with a smile. “I hear they come out at night and am worried it might attack.”

“This talk of a ‘monster’ has to be exaggerated,” Cathy said. “I know it must play well for Doug’s ego, but I doubt that it is that exceptional.”

Tracy just looked up and gave her head a little shake.

Nancy saw this and said, “Come on, Tracy, it can’t be that big?” Tracy held her hands apart by about the length of my cock and both the girl’s jaws dropped.

“How do you even manage something like that?” Cathy asked.

Tracy was thoughtful for moment and then said, “With practice and help” as a smile crossed her face. It was hard to keep the conversation going after that showstopper.

I thought of pushing the matter and just showing them, but these were my housemates, and I didn’t want to wreck our relationship, as these girls had been so central to my recovery from Linda and had given me the confidence to dump her. In real terms, they were my family.

Tracy and I headed up to my room where we quickly disrobed.

Tracy sat on the bed and reached over to my cock and started softly stroking me. “I am not sure if I should have given them that information. They are going to be very curious about you for the next while and while I am initially jealous of them trying to get at you, I know that I am better being honest about everything. It has been liberating to share you with others and if that includes them, I would be okay with that. They genuinely care about you, and I really like them both.”

I was totally blown away by Tracy’s comments. It was the exact opposite attitude Linda had always exhibited. I sat down next to Tracy and turned her face to mine and said, “Tracy, you are so giving and caring, and I just want you to know how much I love you.”

Tears came to her eyes, and we embraced tightly with passionate and gentle kisses.

“I love you so much,” Tracy said. “You dominate me in bed, but at the same time, treat me with respect and care.”

That night, we made love slowly, starting with some mutual oral stimulation and then ending in a missionary position where I finished inside of her, while staring into her beautiful, green eyes as she orgasmed as well. It was slow and sensual and the love I felt from Tracy made it very special.

The next morning, I woke up with the sun coming into my room.

Tracy was already up, and I heard voices downstairs.

I donned my robe and headed downstairs to find all the girls sitting around the living room with mugs of steaming coffee and still wearing pyjamas. I joined the conversation after getting a mug of my own.

They were quizzing Tracy about her family and her sister, Iris, who was coming to town to start college at the end of the summer. Cathy and Nancy had good advice for Iris and suggested that they would help in any way when she came to town.

We talked away for another hour about Cathy’s and Nancy’s jobs, which were both good, early-career roles.

“Doug has really moved his career forward with his new job,” Nancy said. “Tracy, I think you were a big part of that.”

“Doug has made a huge upgrade,” Cathy said.

“I can’t take all iranlı escort the credit,” Tracy said. “Debbie, the woman I work for, has also given Doug great advice and even helped him select his new work wardrobe.”

Nancy and Cathy asked a bit about Debbie and then the conversation moved on.

After a late brunch, Tracy and I headed out to tour the campus at Iris’s college and get some opinion on which residence might be best for her. We saw some of the sample rooms which were quite generous in size and talked to some of the students to help determine which areas were better. Armed with some photos and information, we headed to the train station for Tracy’s departure.

We talked about our very domestic weekend and Tracy said how much she liked Nancy and Cathy.

“Get ready for a big weekend, next weekend,” Tracy said. “Debbie and I will be very hungry.”

We embraced as the last call was made for her to board.

I went back to an empty house as Nancy and Cathy were both out with their women’s softball team.

The next day was long at work, as I was preparing to leave and wanted to complete my projects for a good hand off to the next engineer.

I got home late to the aroma of cooking vegetables and rice. Nancy had made a stir fry for both Cathy and me.

We had a relaxing house dinner together, and both Nancy and Cathy talked about Tracy and how awesome they both thought she was.

“You are lucky to have found her,” Cathy said. “And apparently, she is quite lucky finding a monster.”

I blushed as they both made an exaggerated stare at my groin with a smile and maybe a bit of hunger.

“Tracy has been great, and Debbie did play a role in my change as well,” I said.

“I am looking forward to seeing Tracy again,” Cathy said. “If Debbie is there, as well, that would be great.”

I thanked Nancy for her thoughtful dinner and headed to bed.

The next night, I came home late again and found that only Nancy was home as Cathy had a last-minute trip for work out of town.

While sitting on lounge chairs in the living room, Nancy brought up Tracy again. “There was a comment that she made that I can’t get out of my head.”

I responded by holding my hands apart about nine inches and raising my eyebrows.

“Exactly!” Nancy blurted. “I find it hard to conceive of a penis being that big, and I have to admit that I have had impure thoughts thinking about it. Cathy and I talked about that reveal and how surprised we were, and how we were going to try and confirm it. We have both been kicking ourselves for not realizing this sooner.”

“I am surprised that Cathy and you are interested in me this way,” I said.

“We both saw you as this super-nice guy, who was a bit unsure of himself,” Nancy said. “Then you dumped Linda and got some confidence. That is when I started looking at you with fresh eyes. The horse-cock revelation was just the cherry on top.”

I looked at Nancy and said, “Cathy and you have both been so good for me. I really love you both, but I don’t want to do something that would wreck our friendship and nor do I want to betray Tracy.”

“I understand completely, but still can’t get you out of my mind,” Nancy said.

“Let me think about this and see if there is a way to resolve it,” I offered. I headed to bed with all kinds of mixed thoughts in my head. Tracy was right about my housemates, and I was intrigued as they were both great women on top of being very attractive.

I had impure thoughts of both of them that night and woke with erection in the morning. I went to our common washroom and on the way heard a gasp from behind Nancy’s door which was opened a crack. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her and now she had caught a glimpse of the monster.

The rest of the week passed uneventfully. I said my goodbyes to my work colleagues and boss and was able to depart a bit early on the Friday. I headed straight down to see Tracy and Debbie with lewd thoughts of what we might have for dessert tonight.

On my way down, I got a call from Linda, against my better judgement, I decided to take it.

“Hello Linda,” I answered succinctly.

“Doug, how are you doing?” Linda opened up with.

I wasn’t going to encourage a long or deep conversation, so I answered with, “Fine”

“I was hoping we could get together to discuss things,” Linda said with pleading in her voice.

“I don’t think so,” I responded. “I have moved on and so should you.”

“Don’t say that, Doug,” Linda pleaded. “Even if we aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, we could still get together for some fun.”

Picking up the call was clearly a bad idea and I said, “Linda, I have to go. I don’t want to talk about it or see you.” I then hung up the call as I heard that she wanted to say more.

I stewed in the car for the rest of the ride to Debbie and Tracy’s. I arrived about an hour later and was greeted with matching kisses from both.

Debbie had dressed in a black, keçiören escort tight-knit, one-piece dress that was form fitting along with a black silk band around her neck.

Tracy had the exact same outfit, only in white.

As was now tradition, we had dinner and discussed our week.

“I have interesting news about Sidney and Christine,” Debbie said. “Sidney had already completed a trip to L.A. to interview with porn companies. She had found that most of her interviews were predatory in nature and that she didn’t like the management of any of the companies she met with. She has come back and has now convinced Christine that they should start their own company.

Christine has come around to the idea in thinking that her daughter would at least determine all the terms of what she did. She has accepted who her daughter is and is now finding ways to support her.

Christine has approached me to do the marketing of the new company. They are offering me a twenty-five percent share for building the website and streaming services. Part of the deal includes that I will be a creative consultant who can provide stories for them to execute on.”

“Wow, what a change for them,” I said. “It is very non-traditional, but it may work given the choices Sidney wants to make. As for the creative side, I am sure that we can both help you.”

Tracy was a bit elusive on what she had done that week.

I shared my excitement for the new job that was starting on Monday and conversations I had with Cathy and Nancy. Tracy just smiled and gave a subtle wink to Debbie. “What is for dessert?” I asked, with a hungry grin.

Both ladies got up and reached out to take me to the theatre room. “We have a special treat for you tonight,” Debbie purred. “I hope you are up for it.”

“I am already up,” I joked back. “I am just wondering what ‘it’ is.”

They guided me to sit in the middle of the couch where they removed my pants and briefs to reveal an already raging erection. Both ladies sat down on either side of me, and both grabbed my cock and started pumping very slowly.

“I got a call on Tuesday from a friend,” Tracy said. “She had heard about you and wanted to experience you herself. I told her that she would certainly need to some prep work before getting to experience the real thing as she thought that there might be a fit issue. She of course agreed to all my terms and arrived for training on Wednesday”

As Tracy finished her story, Debbie hit start on the video and up came footage of first Tracy and then Debbie coming on screen, stripping naked and then donning strap-ons. After they were into their harnesses, they moved to Debbie’s bed where there was a very petite woman on all fours and totally naked with her ass facing towards the camera.

“Look how narrow those hips are,” Debbie said. “Your cock is going to stretch her out so wide.”

Tracy went to her behind and placed her dildo at the entrance to this girl’s tiny cunt, while Debbie was at the girl’s head ready to spit roast her.

“She was so tight when I entered her,” Tracy said. “She took it all like a champ, though.”

The camera then rotated to the side of new woman where I could see how petite she was, with small ‘B’ cup breasts and small pink nipples. She had a spiky pixie cut of hair and then turned her face to the camera and said, “I am practicing with Tracy and Debbie, but can’t wait for the real thing.” Realization dawned on me when I saw that this was Cathy.

Cathy had been away during the week and clearly had taken off work to practice fucking with Tracy and Debbie.

At that moment, the door opened, and Cathy came in naked with only a silk band around her neck. She came towards me and kneeled between my legs and looked at me and said, “As you have heard from Nancy, we were both fascinated with your cock. Being an engineer, I worked to resolve the problem by approaching Tracy instead of you. I hope you like my solution.”

She then leaned forward and grabbed my cock with both her tiny hands an inserted the head in her mouth. On the screen, Debbie was face fucking Cathy with her large strap-on while Tracy was pounding her pussy.

“She is an accomplished cocksucker,” Debbie said. “Watch her take the dildo into her throat. She will attempt that with you later tonight.”

Cathy was alternatively gagging and groaning from the penetration on the video.

On couch, Tracy and Debbie were stripping while Cathy was sucking me to the back of her mouth, and using both hands to piston up and down my shaft.

Because Cathy was so small, my nine-inch cock looked enormous in her tiny mouth. All the while, Cathy was running her tongue up and down my mushroom head and pushing a bit into the small slit on the end.

Tracy had finished undressing and then slouched down on the couch next to me extending her naked bum over the edge. She then pulled up her legs to her body and put her arms over her legs thus completely exposing herself. Debbie then guided Cathy to start sucking Tracy which she willingly did.

“Cathy, you have been hiding your nymphomaniac tendencies well at home,” I said.

Cathy raised her glistening mouth from Tracy’s pussy and said, “It has always been inside of me. Making the leap to call Tracy and then following through has been a revelation. I love this and will do anything.”

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