TNT Pt. 07: Hiding a Threesome


“Hi y’all,” I heard as I was standing in Tommy’s living room sitting next to my boyfriend Terri. I snapped around and saw her. Lindsey. Everyone stopped to look at her. It was another Saturday night party at Tommy’s house. I was enjoying hanging out with everyone because I missed seeing everyone all week commuting for my job. For now I was especially enjoying catching up with Terri, but once everyone left, Tommy would join us so we could continue our threesome adventures.

Lindsey was not a usual in our group, but she acted like she belonged. She had joined our threesome a few weeks ago because I wanted to please my men. She was Tommy’s friend, and he had assured me she was only interested in girls so she wouldn’t touch him or Terri. During our encounter she tried several times to touch them and I didn’t want to share them with her. They were mine. Both of them.

Lindsay sauntered over to Tommy. A few people said a polite hello to her, but I didn’t. I wanted to see what she was going to say or do. She kissed Tommy right on the lips. No tongue, but still, really? I was sitting on the couch next to Terri and he grabbed my hand. To anyone else it might look like he was trying to be affectionate, but I knew he was trying to keep me calm.

“Everyone this is my friend Lindsey,” Tommy said, “Lindsey, this is everyone.” The party resumed and no one took much notice of Lindsey and Tommy. Except me. I was watching their every move. Tommy got her a drink. She thanked him by running her hand down his chest.

“Why is she touching him?” I whispered to Terri through gritted teeth.

“It’s ok babe,” Terri insisted, “It’s nothing.” I didn’t agree, but what could I do? To everyone else I was Terri’s girl, and Tommy was free to do whatever he pleased.

Tommy and Lindsay ended up sitting in the corner of the living room on the floor. Tommy had his electric guitar unplugged and Lindsey was watching him play and talking to him. When she put her fingers on his lips I couldn’t take one more second.

I stood up and said, “What the fuck?” Of course no one else knew what I was talking about. Tommy and Terri did, and I was sure Lindsey did too.

“Control your fucking woman,” Tommy yelled to Terri while looking at me coldly. Tears sprang to my eyes and I saw Tommy’s face soften when he noticed my emotion.

Terri stood up and dragged me to Tommy’s room. He shut the door and leaned against it so I couldn’t leave. Normally I would have been excited by his demonstrativeness, but I was mad. Really mad.

“Lesbian my ass,” I yelled to Terri.

“Shhhh,” he said to me trying to get me to calm down.

“I’ll yell if I want to!” I screamed. He grabbed my upper arms and kissed me. As much as I liked it, I knew he was just trying to shut me up.

“Babe, please,” he started and he moved his hands up to my cheeks, “It’s ok. Really.” He was looking me in the eyes and I knew he would do anything to make me feel better. But he didn’t know what that was, and quite frankly I had no idea either.

“I just need…” I started and couldn’t fill in the blank. What did I really need?

“I love you,” he said, “That’s all you need right now.” Sweet, but I wasn’t convinced. If that were true I wouldn’t be so upset.

“I love you too,” I said, “Let me just try to calm down.” I sat down on Tommy’s bed.

“Ok,” Terri said and he turned to leave.

“Can you send Tommy in?” I requested. Maybe I just needed him to ease my concern.

Terri left, and I sat there for a long time waiting but no Tommy. That only fueled anger. Oh really? He couldn’t even tear himself away from her for a minute to talk to me? Why the fuck not?

Finally I decided I needed to leave. I walked back out to the living room and found Terri sitting on the couch. He stood up as I walked to him.

“Let’s go,” I said to him.

“No,” he said with a chuckle, “We can’t leave. We’ve been drinking.”

“Come on,” I said, “You’ve done it before.”

“Shit, you aren’t kidding. Who the fuck are you right now?” he asked in disbelief. It was true, I was always the one to say no drinking and driving.

“I don’t know,” I said, putting my head on his shoulder.

Tommy came over to both of us. “What’s going on?” he asked. Oh finally he tore himself away from Lindsey.

“Nothing,” Terri replied before I could.

“Nothing?” I said shooting him a dirty look. “Fine, I’ll just go by myself.”

I turned around and walked straight out the front door not saying a word to anyone. I got all the way to my car before Tommy grabbed me by the arm. He spun me around to face him pushing me back up against my car. He was so close to me. Everyone else was far away back in the house. They could see us but couldn’t hear us.

“You better stop this,” he warned, talking sternly but in a whisper, “You started this and now you have to learn to deal with it better or I’ll kiss you right here.”

“What?” I asked, wondering if I had heard right.

“Say the word and I’ll push you up against your car and kiss you so passionately ulus escort everyone will know you’re my lover,” he said and my mouth dropped open, “Is that what you want?”

“Yes, um, well, no, clearly we can’t do that in front of everyone…” I stammered. Although I wanted him to touch me so badly at that moment.

“You know I can’t, even though I want to more than I’ve ever wanted anything,” he said, “Do you know how hard this is for me?”

“I know but-” I tried to defend myself.

“No, you really don’t know,” he said, “I’m doing the best I can.” He paused and swallowed. I could tell he was trying to not get emotional. “You know I love you but I have to hide it most of the time.”

“I do too…” I offered but I did know what he meant.

“You didn’t pick me first, so I’m the one no one knows about,” he continued baring himself to me, “But I love you just as much. I just didn’t get to show you first and now I have to stuff it down, a lot.”

He was standing so close to me. I wanted to caress his cheek. Kiss him. Hug him. Anything. I felt our electricity and I knew he was right. I had put this on him and now I was acting like the idiot.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “I am, but I don’t want to lose you.”

“Is that what you thought Lindsey was trying to do? Steal me from you?” he asked laughing, “You know that’s not possible right?”

“I know, I know you said she’s only interested in girls,” I said, still not convinced that mattered, “But she touched you. You know, she can have sex with anyone. There’s no rule against.” I had no problem with anyone having sex with anyone they wanted. Unless it was sex with my man. Either of them. And selfishly Tommy was mine even though I already had Terri.

“Oh, I know!” he said, “She can and does. But it’s not possible with me because I’m taken.” I melted and reached out to touch his arm.

“That’s so sweet,” I said.

“Take your hand off me,” he said, gritting his teeth as if it pained him to say it.

“I’m sorry…” I said.

“I love when you touch me but I don’t know who’s watching,” he said again, “All I want to do is kiss you right now, but I can’t.”

“I do too,” I said, licking my lips.

“Don’t fucking tease me,” he said smiling, “How am I going to explain walking back into the party with a hard on.

“I didn’t mean to tease,” I said, “I just wish you could touch my lips.”

“If this is what we want,” he explained, “We have to put on a show in public. Just a show where we are friends.”

“I know,” I said, “You are my friend so that’s easy. It’s the hiding everything else part that I’m not good at yet. I know it’s selfish of me to lose it like I did tonight. I’ll do better. I’ll be better. For you.”

“You just have to know that everything I do is for you,” he explained, “Everything. That’s even why Lindsey was here tonight.”

“For me?” I asked, “But I told you guys I really don’t want to-“

“No for me,” he said, cutting me off, “To help me finish my new song. For you. It’s a surprise. Well it was a surprise.”

“Ohhh…” I said, feeling even more embarrassed of my behavior, “I’m so sorry.”

“Just come back to the party. Relax and I promise it will be fine.” Tommy said.

“Oh really?” I said, taking a deep breath, “You can’t promise that you know.”

“I can promise to do everything in my power to make it fine though. Everything,” he said, holding out his pinky.

“Pinky promise?” I laughed.

“Yes, friends can do that,” he said, sliding his pinky around mine.

“I want to do so much more though,” I said looking in his eyes and smiling.

“We will,” he said, lifting my chin to look back in his eyes. For a second I thought he was going to forget people were watching and finally lean in for the kiss, but he took a step back. “Stuff it down inside for now,” he laughed, “We’ll enjoy the explosion of it all later.”

“I like the sound of that,” I said smiling.

“I knew you would,” he said, “Quick hug. Friends can do that too.”

“Ok,” I said, hugging him. We walked back into the party together. I’m sure our friends were probably confused by my behavior, but no one questioned us. Tommy went back to hanging out with Lindsey and I went back to Terri. I sat down on the couch next to him. He laced his fingers in between mine and I put my head on his shoulder so he could kiss the top of it.

“You ok?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said and I was.

“Tommy ok?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said and I hoped he really was.

“You know this is hard for him,” Terri said.

“He told you that?” I asked. Of course they still hung out all week while I was gone. I was sure sometimes they must talk about me.

“Yes. He’s got a surprise for you,” he explained.

“I know, he told me,” I said feeling bad again.

“Oh babe, you shouldn’t have made him-” he started but I cut him off.

“I know, I know, I already feel like shit enough about everything, don’t…” I sighed.

He lifted my chin to his yenimahalle escort lips and kissed me. We could sit on the couch and kiss and no one thought anything of it. But I couldn’t do that with Tommy. I looked over at him and he smiled, but I knew it had to feel shitty.

“It’s ok,” Terri said as he saw me look at Tommy, “He is ok with everything. You don’t need to feel bad about anything. Really.”

“I just wish it wasn’t so hard,” I said.

“Well I’m not yet,” he laughed, picking up my hand and trying to put it on his shorts.

“Terri!” I laughed pulling my hand away. He tried to grab it back by tickling me.

“I’ll get you,” he said, kissing me and leaning me back on the couch.

“Yes you will,” I said between kisses.

“Get a room,” yelled Rob, Tommy’s roommate.

“Ha ha,” I said sitting up. Rob knew what room we’d be in later and he also knew Tommy would be there too. He had never said anything to me but I was sure he knew what we were doing. He always gave me a knowing smile. I wondered why he never called us out. Maybe he thought he could get in on it? But he had a girlfriend so maybe he just kept his mouth closed so he could listen to our fun. Or had he ever seen the three of us together? More than once I had noticed Tommy’s bedroom door open in the morning. I imagined him watching us and it excited me, just like that first time Tommy saw me sucking Terri’s cock and I instantly wished he could join us. That had started us on this amazing journey. But no more. I didn’t want to add any more to our happy threesome.

I was relieved when Lindsey finally left. I know Tommy said she was just helping him with the song, but I didn’t trust her. I didn’t regret being with a girl, but I should have known better than to be with a girl I didn’t know. I also wasn’t in control that night and it just didn’t work for me. I’m glad we learned our lesson. I don’t share my playthings very well!

As people started to leave Tommy’s house, Tommy invited me to sit on the floor with him and his guitar. He put the guitar in my lap and wrapped his legs and arms around me.

I turned my face back towards him to whisper, “We’re not alone yet.”

“I’m not doing anything inappropriate,” he breathed against my cheek. “Just giving you a friendly guitar lesson.” I swallowed hard. I tried to not show any outward signs of how hot he had already made me.

“Ok, show me what to do,” I said smiling. He put each of his hands on mine and tried to show me exactly what to do with my fingers. I had played guitar before but I didn’t really know what I was doing. I laughed every time he showed me how easy something was and I fucked it up. I was enjoying sitting with Tommy like this though so I let him continue. I wasn’t going to get any better at playing even if Tommy was a patient teacher.

Terri watched and laughed at us too. “Everyone left,” he said, “and Rob went to bed. You don’t have to torture that poor guitar anymore.”

“I’m sure it appreciates you saying that,” I said laughing. “Play me something babe,” I said to Tommy and I put my hands down on his thighs. His arms and legs were still wrapped around me.

“Just like this?” he asked.

I turned my head towards his face and my lips grazing his cheek as I slowly said, “Just. Like. This.”

He didn’t say a word. He started playing. I felt his excitement growing because I was sitting right up against him. He played one of my favorite love songs. I felt his breath on my ear as he sang the words. I was in absolute heaven at that moment. I watched Terri watch us. He looked happy. That made me even happier.

When Tommy finished the song I turned my head all the way around until our lips met. I kissed him for a long time.

“Ok, ok,” Terri finally said standing up and walking towards us, “Come on what if Rob comes back out? Let’s go.” He held his hand out to me so I could stand up. As I stood up he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me while Tommy put away his guitar.

“Let’s go,” Tommy said, holding my hand and leading me to his bedroom. Terri followed, holding my other hand. As soon as we were in the bedroom with the door locked, Tommy put me up against the door again like he had when I came home last night.

“Sorry Terri,” Tommy said as he held my hands up against the door above my head and kissed me, “I have to….” He didn’t even finish his explanation. He just did what I had wished he could have done when he was so close to me out at the car earlier.

“Yes babe,” I moaned against his lips, “Take me like I know you wanted to before.” He released my hands, but I kept them up. He slipped my shirt over my head and my pants and underwear down. I was naked pinned up against his door.

“Oh babe, you’re so,” he said slowly, caressing my breasts and then bringing his hands to my ass, “So…I want…no, I need…this…”

“Let me undress you,” I requested, asking for permission to take my hands off of the door. I wanted him to keep the control. He had so much restraint in front of everyone else I wanted him to have complete control over me when he could.

“Yes,” he moaned. I ripped his shirt off over his head and slid his pants off. No underwear. His cock sprang forward, now freed.

“Ok, hands back up,” he said, holding my hands back up over my head against the door. Shit that was so fucking hot.

“Terri come here,” Tommy said looking right in my eyes. What was he planning? It excited me even more.

“Yes,” Terri said, standing to one side of Tommy. Tommy moved off of my body just a little bit.

“Tell me how wet she is,” Tommy said as he kissed me hard.

Terri slid one finger in my pussy. I gasped against Tommy’s hard kiss but he didn’t let me catch my breath, he just kept kissing harder.

“So fucking wet,” Terri said, slipping in another finger.

“Oh!” I tried to scream out against Tommy’s kiss again.

“You like this babe?” Terri said knowing the answer that I wasn’t able to speak because Tommy was devouring my mouth.

“Ok,” Tommy said, finally breaking free from the kiss and moving his body to push Terri out of the way. He replaced Terri’s fingers with his hard cock.

“Oh!” I screamed out, as his cock thrust in a little bit.

“This is what I would have done up against the car if only I could have,” he said as he pulled his cock nearly all the way out.

“Tease me?” I breathed.

“Fuck yes,” he said still holding my hands, “You want this?” He slid in a little further but still not all the way.

“Yes,” I moaned.

“Beg,” he said, slipping almost all the way out again.

“Please babe, please fuck me,” I said trying to kiss him. But he pulled his face back a little and didn’t put his cock back in.

“No, don’t be sweet,” he instructed, “Be hungry for it. Beg.”

“Shit Tommy, fuck me, stick your cock all the way in me. Now. All. The. Way. In,” I breathed my demand and waited.

“I guess that was pretty convincing, Terri,” he said, bringing his lips a little closer to mine. “What do you think?”

I peeked around Tommy to see Terri rubbing his cock hard and fast with the hand he had just used to finger my pussy.

“Yes,” Terri grunted, “Give it to her.” That’s what I wanted to hear.

Tommy put his lips so softly on mine and then slammed his cock all the way into me, in one swift thrust.

I gasped against his lips, “Oh!” I expected him to start pumping in and out and cum quickly but he stayed in, not moving.

“Beg,” he said again looking in my eyes.

“Again,” I said.

“Not convincing,” he said.

“Slam me again. Now.” I demanded.

“Now?” Tommy teased.

“Fuck yes!” I screamed, “Now!” He slid all the way out and back in harder.

“Ohhhh Yes!” I screamed hoping it would be enough encouragement for him to just keep going. He was really making me work for this. Was he punishing me because he had to wait all night to touch me? Maybe. I didn’t care about the reason. It was delicious torture and I was loving every second of it.

“Beg for me,” Tommy said again.

“Fuck me. Hard,” I gasped. He slipped out and all the way back in again. “Oh!” I was nearly out of breath. This slow fucking was so hot. “What if I stop begging?” I said wondering if that would make him pump uncontrollably.

“Keep begging or I’ll stop,” he threatened with a smile and moved his lips to my neck.

“Again. Now. Fuck me.” I rattled off and Tommy slammed into me with each request. He kissed and sucked my neck. My hands were still pinned against the door. I was having trouble giving commands with all of the sensations but I kept going, “Yes. Slam me. Again. Fuck yes. Now.”

I heard Terri grunt and I knew he was cumming. I would have bet Tommy would have cum first with all of the sexual tension from tonight. Then I felt Tommy’s first burst inside me.

“Yes!” I screamed out. Tommy let go of my hands and grabbed my hips. I dug my nails into his shoulders. He brought his mouth to mine as he pumped his cock in and out until he was done coming.

“Oh babe,” Tommy said, kissing me, “Oh thank you.”

“Thank you,” I said back, “That was fucking hot. Hotter than last night.”

“It was so fucking hot,” Terri agreed. Clearly he had enjoyed watching us.

I moved around Tommy so I could go to Terri and kiss him. He kissed me and then went to bring his lips to my neck and he gasped.

“What?” I asked concerned.

Terri laughed, “You’ve been marked.” He ran his finger over the hickey Tommy left on my neck. I brought my fingers up and felt it.

Tommy turned back to me and kissed me. “Good,” he said, “Don’t you forget it or I’ll mark you again!”

“Oh shit man,” Terri said, still laughing, “She marked you too.” I turned Tommy around and ran my hand over his shoulders. He had welts where I had dug my nails into him.

“Sorry babe,” I stood on my tiptoes to sprinkle kisses all over his shoulders.

I actually liked that we had temporarily marked each other. Since our love was secret, it was one of the only pieces of evidence of our time together.

“I’m jealous,” Terri laughed.

“Be careful what you wish for,” I said going towards him.

“No I’m just kidding, no marking me,” he said seriously, “If I do get a modeling job I don’t want that to mess it up.”

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