Christmas with the Count Pt. 10


December 30th

Maggie felt a cold nose pressing into the middle of her back. The nose was joined by equally cold feet resting on the back of her calves and she shuddered as icy cold hand engulfed both her breasts, “What the fuck!” she yelled, now fully awake and spinning around to see who was groping her, and more importantly why!

Gabrielle smiled coyly at Maggie as she whispered, “It was cold and lonely in my room. I thought you wouldn`t mind a visit.” Maggie`s face creased into a smile as Gabrielle added, “Plus, I haven`t had any sex for a few days, and I cannot remember the last time I got to taste you my yummy friend.”

Before Maggie could answer the beautiful Italian head dipped under the duvet and Maggie felt Gabrielle roughly spreading her legs as the cold nose now rested on her Mons. Feigning reluctance and with a loud theatrical sigh she opened her legs allowing Gabrielle access to her most private parts. The next ten minutes were spent with Gabrielle pleasuring her with her tongue and fingers until Maggie`s labia were so sensitive that she couldn`t stand it anymore, and the two orgasms she had had were more than satisfying. She dragged Gabrielle upwards with hands under the girls armpits, kissed her passionately, whilst their tongues fought each other for dominance.

“My turn,” Maggie said as she began to slide downwards, but Gabrielle shook her head and said, “Just cuddle me. I want love not sex!” They spent the next twenty minutes with Maggie stroking Gabrielle`s hair as the younger girl snuggled into her arms. The light was now fully illuminating the room and Maggie checked the time. It was nearly ten thirty. Maggie had slept for nearly ten hours and felt refreshed and in good spirits, especially after Gabrielle`s early morning visit.

Giving her friend a nudge she said, “Come on. It`s time to get up. We have the ceremony starting at twelve and I need a coffee and something to eat before that.” Gabrielle made a pouty face but soon headed off to her own room with a promise to return in half an hour so they could go down together. Maggie had already told her that the Count had visited Charlotte last night, so they had decided to wake her up together, when they were both ready.

Thirty minutes later Maggie and Gabrielle walked into Charlotte`s room to find her splayed on top of the covers still wearing her black corset ensemble from last evening. There were traces of the Count`s seed on her bare bottom and even on the pale grey stockings that were held up by only one strap instead of the normal four. Her pussy looked puffy and sore between her spread legs and Maggie and Gabrielle gave each other knowing looks as they had both experienced the Count`s visits when he was super horny. They too had looked like Charlotte did now on many an occasion in the past.

“Come on get up you old slag!” Maggie yelled and Charlotte groggily raised her head and looked at the pair through sleepy, puffy, red rimmed eyes.

“Fuck off!” she croaked. „The fucking Count didn`t leave until five this morning. I`m dying. I couldn`t even be arsed to get undressed. Three blow jobs, three fucks and twice up the arse. I can`t anymore. I`m fucking sure he is a robot!”

For all her moaning Charlotte got off the bed and limped into the bathroom. Maggie heard the toilet flush and then water running. Ten minutes later Charlotte walked out looking stunning in designer jeans and a thick blue jumper. Her hair was immaculate, and her makeup was subtle but perfect. „Aren’t you two going to the ceremony?” she asked with a perplexed look on her face.

Maggie and Gabrielle exchanged glances before Maggie asked, “What do you mean?” Both Maggie and Gabrielle had not known what to wear so had agreed on smart casual. They were both dressed in blouses and skirts with a thin blazer.

“The ceremony is outside; you will freeze your doo-dahs off dressed like that.”

Maggie and Gabrielle hastily left the room before returning three minutes later dressed similarly to Charlotte and clutching their winter coats and woollen hats.

Charlotte took her coat from where it was slung over the sofa and the trio made their way downstairs. As usual Franky was already there with her mug of coffee and surprisingly so was Fahima. “Where`s Ken?” Charlotte asked cheerfully.

“He said he had something to do with the ceremony. He left early. Wouldn`t even let me suck him off before he went!” Fahima answered through a mouthful of toast and eggs.

The three friends all tucked into the buffet and ate ravenously as the sipped the scalding hot coffee. When they were all full the five women made there way through a maze of corridors until Franky opened a door and they entered a large courtyard. There was a large platform at the centre and areas were cordoned off with red rope and silver barriers. Franky led them through the gradually increasing crowd towards a raised dais with several chairs on it. This was the VIP area apparently, and Maggie saw that Peter and Ilya were already sitting there as balgat escort they climbed the four wooden steps to the dais. Another man and woman were also sitting there. As the five women made their way towards some vacant seats the couple stood and introduced themselves as Ivan, the mayor of Novi Pyre, and his wife Helena. Both were in their fifties and handsome and pretty enough, but apparently not good looking or sexually liberated enough to be asked to one of the Count`s dinner parties.

Just as they sat down Doctor David Sterling climbed the steps with a beautiful woman on his arm. She was maybe thirty-five, with blue eyes the colour of glacial water. High cheekbones and thin, red painted lips gave her a slightly Scandinavian appearance. Her tall, trim body was made even taller by the four-inch heels she wore. Her body was muffled in a thick winter coat with fur collar and cuffs. Her shoulder length blonde hair was held in place by a fur band that covered her ears and matched the fur on the coat. She smiled and shook hands with everybody present, introducing herself as Maria, David`s wife in a strong mid-western American accent.

Maggie overheard her as she told Franky that she had just flown in yesterday and was staying for the Count`s party before flying back to the States. She must have been a surgeon, as she told Franky that she had several operations scheduled for the first week in January.

Obviously nurse Stella was David`s bit on the side when his wife wasn`t here.

Maggie had to rethink that assessment when she heard heels clicking behind her and Stella walked onto the dais dressed in a long wool coat that was nearly rubbing along the floor. Maggie stared in amazement as Stella kissed Maria passionately on the lips as the two women embraced. She then kissed David identically, hugging him to her breasts. Stella then sat in the middle of the couple, her right-hand holding David`s while her left held Maria`s. Maggie was intrigued by this polyamorous arrangement and found it hard to tear her eyes from the trio so brazenly flaunting their arrangement.

There were no seats left now on the tiny stage. Maggie gazed around and saw that all the standing areas were nearly completely full. She estimated there must have been nearly five hundred townsfolk in attendance. Only then did she notice that the entire perimeter of the courtyard was guarded by Ken`s men at ten-meter intervals with machine guns pointed down at the cobble stones.

The bell in the huge clock tower chimed out twelve o`clock and a hush fell over the crowd. There was a walkway between the two standing areas that led from the chateau to the platform set up in the middle.

Maggie watched completely enthralled as the Count marched down the middle of the walkway with three girls and three boys following him in two perfect lines. The Count was dressed in a bright blue uniform with bold yellow stripes down the outside of each trouser leg. He even had a sword attached to his belt. The girls were dressed in just simple grey flannel dresses and must have been freezing in the sub-zero temperatures. The boys had thin shirts and loose trousers made of the same material as the girls.

Franky leaned forward so that Maggie, Fahima, Charlotte and Gabrielle could hear as she explained what was happening. “These are the young men and women who have completed their service. They were twenty-two when they took the oath, so are now twenty-six.” As the procession climbed the stairs onto the stage Franky explained, The Count will now ask each in turn if they want to be released from their servitude and return to their families:”

Maggie stared at the stage. The man who had been dressed in uniform for the court proceedings stood to one side with a tall desk like those old wooden desks with a flip lid that they used to have in schools back in the sixties. He was still wearing his uniform.

The Count went to stand in the middle of the stage with a microphone on a stand before him. The three girls and boys lined up on either side of him facing the crowd. Maggie heard speakers crackling around the courtyard as the Count made a short speech. Franky translated, He is just thanking everyone for coming and he wished them a merry Christmas and happy New Year. He also said he wanted to thank the six young people. He called them by name. For their excellent service.”

The first girl came to stand before him as the Count asked her a question, “This is the traditional bit,” Franky said. “Everybody already knows what the answers will be, it’s a bit of a horse and pony show for the crowd. The Count just asked Irina if she would like to be released from her servitude.”

The girl answered in a strong voice that echoed around the courtyard as it was fed through the speakers. “She told him no!” whispered Franky, “She would like to stay, as she is now acting as assistant to the Manageress of the house maids. She would like to continue to serve.” With that the girl knelt and kissed the hand of the batıkent escort Count, then walked stiff backed to the man in the uniform who handed her a green envelope. She bowed her head and walked proudly down the stairs and up to a middle-aged couple in the crowd who hugged her and kissed her, tears running down their cheeks. The girl gave them the envelope and walked back into the chateau as the crowd applauded loudly.

“The green envelope contains one thousand dollars. This is the Count`s gift to her parents for her continued service:” Franky told them.

The same procedure was carried out for the next two girls. They however choose not to stay and were given an orange envelope that apparently contained five hundred dollars as a bonus for their service. They walked from the stage and were warmly embraced by their parents, before they hurried through a gateway on the far side of the courtyard and back to their homes. All of this Maggie gathered from Franky as she talked them through what was happening.

The first two boys decided to leave and were given orange envelopes before disappearing with their overjoyed parents. The third boy wanted to stay as he was working in the stables and loved being with the horses. He handed his red envelope to his distraught parents, before hastily re-entering the chateau before they could change his mind.

That concluded the first round of events. The crowd all milled around as serving staff streamed from the chateau with jugs of mulled wine and cups for the crowd. Maggie recognised the young man who served the VIP guests. He was the young man who had fed his dick to Fahima after he had fucked her in the arse. He showed no embarrassment as he handed a cup to Fahima, and in fairness, neither did she as she took it with a polite thank you.

The intermission was about twenty minutes long, before a horn was blown and the crowd all swung their eyes back to the stage. The Count was still on the stage as twelve young girls walked down the gangway, up the steps and lined up behind the Count. They all wore long white, identical smock dresses. “That is every girl from the town who turned twenty-two since the last day of Servitude:” Franky told them. The Count then started to read out names. The girl whose name was called walked forward, kissed the Counts hand, received an orange envelope and returned to their ecstatic parents in the crowd. “Those were the exemptions,” Franky whispered, “They have either been accepted to study at places of learning all over the World, or they have an illness or handicap that prevents them from serving.”

There were only four girls left now on the stage. Three were very shy and beautiful and one looked to be seriously over weight. The Count made another speech, and the large girl was dismissed, taking her envelope clutched in her pudgy hand to her equally obese and happy parents. The Count was still talking as Maggie saw Ken appear on stage. He was in a far corner nearly hidden from their view and he was standing next to a brazier filled with glowing coals. Maggie took a sharp intake of breath as all the girls lifted their dresses over their heads in unison and stood naked and shivering on the stage.

Maggie could see that the crowds were holding their breath just as she was. Ken walked forward; in his gloved hand he carried the same branding iron the Count had used on Nadja. He handed it to the Count who spoke a few words and then branded the first girl, who fainted immediately. A few more words and the second girl experienced the same fate, although this one took it without uttering a sound. The third girl was visibly shaking with fear and Ken had to hold her steady as the Count placed the white-hot iron to the side of her breast. Her scream rang around the courtyard with no requirement for speakers to carry her anguish to the watching crowd.

No sooner had the branding been completed, a crowd of current serving staff ran up to the stage and helped their three new colleagues down and into the Chateau. The Count spoke into the microphone once more and Maggie watched three pairs of weeping parents walk up the stairs and collect their green envelopes before leaving the way they had come.

The same now happened for the boys. From ten total, five were left after the extensions. The Count named his chosen three. Everybody collected envelopes as with the girls. Franky told them in hushed tones that the Count was given a dossier on all the candidates, male and female. This file contained their health records, report cards from the school and family situation. From these files he decided who to keep and who to reject. Maggie`s attention was drawn from Franky`s description of events as she heard the first boy scream. He was naked on the stage, no penis visible as the cold had put paid to that. The boys were branded on the buttock and not the breast. All of the young men tried hard to act manly, but Maggie could see the tears streaming down their faces as their new colleagues hurried beşevler escort them past the crowd and into the chateau.

That was obviously the end of things as the crowd started to melt away, the Count and his man in uniform walked out to the crowd and the Count stopped to chat with a few and shake hands with even more. He even posed for a couple of selfies. Then he was gone, and Maggie was the last to leave their VIP area as all the guest followed Franky back into the chateau, through the corridors before arriving in the dining hall. The large table had been filled with food and drink. The guests stood around chatting, picking at the snacks. There were hot drinks as well as wine and spirits.

Maggie stood to one side and viewed all the guests with interest. As they had entered the hot dining hall a servant had taken their winter coats and Maggie got her first look at the new people without their thick outer clothing.

David and Stella she had already seen naked, as they had her, so she only casually ran her eyes over them. Maria was the one that interested her. Tall at maybe five feet ten or eleven. Under her thick coat she had been wearing a dark green woollen dress that stopped at mid-thigh. A belt of yellow leather was cinched at her waist creating the perfect hour glass figure that a lot of women seek. As she turned her back to Maggie to talk to Franky, Maggie saw a peach shaped behind that filled out the dark green wool just enough to be enormously sexy. When Maggie got a side view she saw her breasts were hard and not so large. They were cute little mounds in the green wool with smaller indentations where her nipples were hard from the cold, or maybe because Stella was now rubbing her hand surreptitiously over that peach shaped behind. Her long, athletic legs were clad in pale grey nylon that just had to be stockings, they were so sheer. As David came and kissed his wife, he playful grabbed her buttocks and the dress was pulled tight against her thighs. Maggie salivated slightly as the tell-tale bumps of old-style suspenders appeared in the wool dress. The heels she wore were black leather ankle boots with four-inch thin gold heels. Despite herself Maggie could feel her pussy start to moisten as her mind ran through a few erotic scenarios she would like to act out with Maria.

Before she got caught staring Maggie looked around for the other new guest. Eventually she saw Helena chatting to Charlotte, so she walked over to join them. Charlotte was in full assistant bank manager mode and chatting amicably with the woman and had just asked Helena if she had children, The woman leaned in and whispered so only Maggie and Charlotte could hear, “No we don`t Ivan and I like the rumpy-pumpy bit, but not the screaming, crying and dirty nappies. We decided very early in our marriage that we would screw ourselves silly, but make sure we had no kids.” Glancing around furtively to make sure no one was listening she confided, “Ivan is a randy old goat. We have been married thirty years and he has never strayed, apart from the few times when we went to Bucharest for a swipe right hook up. I keep him well satisfied, and he loves it when I fix up a threesome. We only do that in Bucharest, as he is the mayor, and you have to be professional don`t you.”

Maggie watched Helena take a mouthful of red wine from her glass. Apparently it wasn`t her first drink of the day as she continued in a hushed whisper telling Charlotte all of her intimate secrets as Charlotte egged her on with the occasional “Really,” or “Tell me more.”

Maggie studied Helena. Definitely around fifty or fifty-one. The first crows feet around her sparkling green eyes bore testament to that. She obviously kept herself in shape and her large breasts were natural and filled the pale beige silk blouse she was wearing. Her waist was small, and her bum was starting to spread a little, but her taut leg muscles wrapped in nylon showed that she followed a serious work out routine. Her short skirt that stopped a good five inches above the knee would have pointed Maggie to her racier side, even without the comments she had overheard. Her ebony hair was cut short and styled around her ears showing the gold drop earrings she wore off to perfection. Her throat showed the first signs of ageing, but all in all she was still a very beautiful woman.

Maggie tuned back into what Helena was saying as she told Charlotte, “The last time was only a few weeks ago. Ivan and I went Christmas shopping in the capital. We both buy what we want, it saves all the hassle of returning stuff that doesn’t fit or you don`t like. Well I know that Ivan likes me to wear sexy underwear sometimes so as a treat we went to an exclusive little store that I love. Ivan was waiting outside the curtain as I tried on some things. The shop assistant was so cute and I noticed that she let her fingers linger when she was testing my bra size. I have rather large breasts as you can see. “

Seeing her glass was empty Maggie grabbed her another as the story was getting interesting. Helena took a large swig from the glass before she went on, “Well I can tell you. This cutie playing with my boobs had me horny as hell, so I decided to push it as far as I could. I told her I wanted to try some of those panties with the gusset missing.”

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