Picture This

Alexis Texas

Her husband was going to be out of town for an extended trip, a seriously extended trip, like 8 months. The trip came upon them suddenly, so they spend the last couple of weeks together trying to get everything in order so that she would have as little difficulty as possible. Friends and family came in from out of town to bid him farewell. The kids got their special time with dad, but she wasn’t able to do all of the things she had hoped to do before he left.

One morning, about a month into their involuntary separation we were talking out front, just simple stuff, weather, kids, and the like. I asked if she had heard from him recently. She said that he was pretty good about emailing her, and keeping her up to date on the events of his life, and likewise, she was keeping him posted on the happenings around the house. She said that she had been trying to take some pictures of the kids and the house to forward on to him, but was having difficulty getting it all to work.

Evidently, the camera he had purchased for her before he left was a little more than she was used to dealing with, and unfortunately, since he was called away so quickly, he was unable to help her figure out how to use it. I have several cameras myself, and although I am not much of a photographer, I have been known to take a picture or two, so I volunteered to assist her any time she wants. She said she would try to muddle through the best that she could. So I pretty much put it to rest.

About two weeks later, we found ourselves out front again watching the kids playing ball, and as usual, we began to talk. She said that everything was going well, although there were times when she thought the separation was going to get the best of her. She said that her husband’s emails had slowed down a bit, but she understood that he was busy with his work. I asked if she had ever figured the camera out and was ever able to send the pictures that he had wanted. She said that she was able to send some, but not all. Again, I asked if I could be of any assistance, she giggled a little, and said, that she didn’t think so. “I was able to take the pictures of the kids that he wanted, but, I have been unable to send him the other pictures that he wanted”.

“The other pictures” I asked.

She replied, “Do you remember before he left he was talking about a nurses costume he bought me? Well, with him leaving so quickly, we never got the chance to ummm use it. He wants me to send him some pictures of myself in the outfit, and I just can’t get the timer thing to work properly. Every time I try to take some, well, they come out looking pretty bad.” I laughed a little, and again, volunteered to assist in any way I could. She responded, “Yeah, I am sure you would love to help with that!”

A couple of days later, I had taken a day off of work. I had some “use or lose” vacation days, so I took time off to do a little work around the house. I slipped into a pair of shorts, and walked to the bus-stop with my son. As I passed her house, I saw that she was sitting on her porch watching her kids get on the bus. After the kids pulled away, I stopped off at her house to chat for a couple of minutes. She was dressed in her heavy robe and fuzzy slippers, as she often was in the morning as she watched the kids go off to school. Again, we chatted for a bit, about nothing in particular, just stuff. At one point in the conversation, she said that her husband had asked again about her sending the pictures to him, so the previous night she had tried once again, and again, she was unsuccessful. Always being one to help, I started to offer to help, but she stopped me saying, “Don’t even go there!” We laughed a little, and I headed home.

About 10 minutes later, my phone rang. It was her. She said, “Can I ask a favor of you?” And of course I answered that I would help if I could. “This picture thing has really got me frustrated, I want to send the pictures to him, but I just can’t get it to work.”

I quickly asked, “So you want me to take them” half thinking that she was really needing me to show her how to work the camera. We had had a pretty good friendship, in fact all of us got along very well. We had our moments at times, but I think that is normal for any neighborhood. Many times when we got together, we would joke around, and sometimes we would get quite flirtatious, but I was not prepared for her answer.

“Well, yes I do, but only if you can do it without getting all crazy. The idea is to do something special for my husband; I am not trying to get myself into a situation where I am fucking my neighbor.”

My jaw just about hit the floor, firstly because she really did want me to take the pictures, and secondly because of the language she was using. Don’t get me wrong, it was not uncommon for her to say something like that, but it was normally in reference to her husband, not to me. If she ever said anything to me like that it was normally something like, “Too bad you’ll never know what it’s like to fuck me”, but that was only Ataşehir Escort when she was in her most flirtatious moods. I asked if she was sure she wanted me to do this, and she reiterated that she would, but only if I promised to control myself. I assured her I would be good, to which she replied, “That’s what I am afraid of”.

I quickly grabbed my cameras and headed over to her house. She met me at the door, still wearing her robe and slippers. We chatted for a bit, about everything but the pictures, it was apparent that we were both as nervous as we could be. Eventually I asked, “Are we going to do this or what?”

She said that she was having second thoughts about it all, since she wasn’t trying to get herself in any kind of trouble, and that her husband would be really mad if he found out that I was the one who took the pictures. She said that she was thinking of having one of her girlfriends take the pictures for her, but there was no one that she would feel comfortable being half-naked in front of. The mere mention of her being half-naked caused a stir in my shorts, making me realize that when I dressed this morning, I hadn’t put on anything under them, which is not at all unusual for me when I am working around the house. Fearing that she would see my secret desire, I tried to distract her by asking her to show me her camera, and assuring her that I would never tell anyone about the pictures.

She got her camera and started showing me what she knew of how to use it; it seemed quite similar to one of mine, so I didn’t see that there was going to be any problem using it. I was afraid that she was going to back out of doing it, so I decided to take control of the situation; instead of asking questions about it all, I started telling her what we would do.

“First, we have to have the right setting, because we want these to be something that will drive him absolutely crazy, I think we need to start in front of the fireplace. You need a little something to take the edge off, and to help you relax, so I am going to pour you a glass of wine. Besides, it will add to the pictures when you are posed holding the glass, as a matter of fact, we will take a few with you sipping some of the wine; that will drive him nuts.”

I walked to the refrigerator, and helped myself to a bottle of wine. I poured her a glass, and took a long pull off of the bottle myself. I walked over to the gas fireplace, and turned it on. I grabbed a red blanket that was lying on the sofa, and spread it out on the floor. “Now all we need is for you to change into your outfit”. She stated that she had the outfit on under her robe. “So I guess we are all set then, let’s do it.” Again she asked me to reassure her that I would not try anything, which I did. I handed her the glass of wine, she downed it one gulp, set down the glass, and let her robe drop to the floor.

I was in absolute awe of her. It was all I could do to keep myself from staring at her in this outfit. I was afraid if I made too much of her, she would back out, so I busied myself with getting the camera together, and only glanced in her direction periodically. She was gorgeous. She was obviously nervous having a very difficult time looking my way. It was as if she felt that as long as she didn’t look at me, the whole thing wasn’t really happening. I picked up her glass and refilled it with wine. My hands were shaking as I came to her to hand her the glass. Standing right next to her as I was handing her the wine, I was afforded an opportunity to see her in all of her glory. The outfit consisted of a white pushup bra that did amazing things to her breasts, and a matching pair of tight “hot pants”. Each piece of the outfit had a bold red cross stitched into them. It was as sexy as anything I had ever seen.

Fearing that if I lingered too long, she would get cold feet, I grabbed the camera and started dishing out instructions. I told her to stand next to the fireplace giving me a side-view. I clicked off a few pictures and asked her to sip a little wine from her glass. As she held the glass to her lips, I clicked off another 6 or 8 pictures. It was incredible. I asked if she had ever done anything like this before; she seemed like such a natural, but she said this was a first. She seemed to loosen up with each sip of wine. After a few standing pictures, I told her that I wanted her to kneel on the blanket I had placed on the floor. I walked over to her, and clicked off several shots looking down on her.

As I peered through the viewfinder, I was amazed at how beautiful she was. I had admired her for quite some time, but it never really hit me the way it was now, she was fucking gorgeous. I told her to hold the wine glass in both hands and bring it to her lips, don’t quite drink it, just have the liquid come in contact with your mouth. At one point, she slipped her tongue into the glass, and lapped at the wine like a cat drinking from its bowl. This caused us both to laugh, I felt my cock stirring again, and knew that I should move away Ataşehir Escort Bayan from her a couple of feet. As I stepped back, she once again downed the contents of the glass and placed it on a nearby table. I grabbed the bottle, and once again, refilled the emptied glass.

I suggested for the next set, we head upstairs to her bedroom. She seemed reluctant to go until I reminded her how much it will turn her husband on to see her on their bed. She walked ahead of me going up the stairs, giving me an ample opportunity to watch her ass as she climbed. I felt the familiar stirring in my shorts. I tried to look away from her ass, fearing I would get too excited, and she would notice, but my eyes kept finding their way back to watching her sway as she continued to climb the stairs. I took advantage of the fact that she could not see me behind her, and gave my cock a quick stroke through my shorts, and readjusted it so my erection wasn’t quite as noticeable.

When we entered her bedroom, she turned to me and asked “So, where do you want me?”

I bit my lip trying to avoid telling her where I really wanted her, and simply answered, “Let’s start with you laying on your belly on the bed.”

She climbed slowly up onto the bed, and crawled around seductively until she was facing me. She lowered herself to a laying position, and looked up at me and asked, “What do you want me to do now?” I cleared my throat, and brought the camera up to my eye. I clicked off a half dozen or so pictures and then lowered the camera. I asked her to raise up on her elbows, she looked down sheepishly, raised up, and then looked back to me. “How’s this?” The look in her eyes was indescribable, she was adorable.

I knelt down beside the bed, and moved in for a close up of her face. Looking through the camera, her face was framed perfectly; she had the characteristics of an angel, but had a grin that was far from angelic. As I moved in closer, I breathed in the faint aroma of her perfume. The perfume, her beautiful face, her cute lips, even the flow of her hair, were all taking their toll on me. I was thankful that I was kneeling beside the bed, for if I were standing, she would surely see my raging hard-on trying to escape the confines of my shorts. I could have taken 100 pictures of her beautiful face; I could have spent the entire day looking into her eyes. I couldn’t help but wonder if her husband appreciated the beauty that was before me; if he ever took the time to tell her just how beautiful she was.

I took several more pictures from up close, a few on her camera, and many more on mine. I slowly backed away from her, still clicking away, each click bringing more of her into view. At first I wasn’t sure, but by the time I was a foot or so away from her, I was convinced that her nipples were peeking out of her top. I didn’t want to draw her attention to the fact that she was showing more than she intended, so I was careful not to take too many pictures from this distance. I then handed her her glass of wine, and asked that she sip it slowly. As she brought the glass to her lips, she found that it was difficult to drink in that position. I convinced her to try any way. I marveled as a drop of wine escaped the glass, and ran slowly down her lip. She started to reach to wipe it a way, but I stopped her so I could capture its trail down her lip, and onto her chin. She giggled like a school girl, and wiped it away. I was hopeful that I got at least one good shot, it was so sensual.

I then asked her to roll over onto her back, and I proceeded to take pictures of her laid out in front of me. Starting at bed level, I got a tremendous view across her breasts and down to her stomach. Slowly I rose from beside the bed, till I was standing over her. By this time, my cock was begging to be released and would surely be visible to her should she look my way, but I really didn’t care. She was so very beautiful lying there, and I didn’t really care if she knew how much she was turning me on. I made my way around the bed continuing to take pictures of her laid out and waiting. Eventually, I ended up at her feet looking up to her smile. I lowered myself slowly, continuing to take pictures all the while. Each view in the camera was better than the one before. Once again, I found myself kneeling beside the bed but this time, I was looking straight between her legs. I could clearly see a large spot had developed on the white material of her hot pants; seems she might be enjoying this as much as I was. I told her to bring her hands down between her legs as if she was reaching out for her lover to come join her on the bed. Seeing her laying there, it was all that I could do to keep from ripping my shorts off and climbing in the bed with her. In the back of my mind, I kept hearing myself promise that I would be good.

I stood back up again, and retrieved her glass of wine. She asked if we were finished yet, to which I responded, “We are just getting warmed up”. She asked me what I wanted her to do next. “Take Escort Ataşehir off you top!” Her eyes shot wide open and her jaw dropped. She again reminded me that if her husband ever found out, we will both be killed.

She threw back the remaining wine in the glass, and a second later she was sitting before me with her tits fully exposed. As much as I tried, I could not keep the words “My God….” from escaping my lips. She looked at me shyly, and then smiled the prettiest smile I had ever seen. She lay back down on the bed and raised her hands to run her fingers through her hair. I was in heaven. I immediately started clicking away. In my excitement, I didn’t realize that I was slowly climbing on to the bed with her. Before I knew it, I was straddling her torso, looking down at her steady clicking away. Her breasts were amazing. Her nipples were pointing straight to the ceiling. I wanted so badly to kiss them, to nuzzle against them, to suck them into my mouth, but I knew that if I did anything out of line, we were done. I continued to take more pictures, managing to, hopefully, zoom in on her tits for a couple of them. I then told her to bring her hands back down to her tits, and to stroke them softly. I was surprised when she complied. She kneaded each of her breasts, and her nipples somehow seemed to swell more. She then closed her eyes and started twisting her nipples between her fingers. Taking advantage of her eyes being closed, I lowered slightly, and centered one tit in the viewfinder; I just knew this would be the best picture yet.

I was in total awe of her body, completely lost in the moment. Evidently, I spent a little more time staring at her than I thought, because she suddenly spoke, “I think that we need to stop”. The sound echoed in my head. It was the worst thing she could have possibly said. I sat there stupefied. My thoughts were running ramped, what could I say to make her continue. She spoke again, “I really don’t think that I could send any of these pictures to my husband without raising suspicion in him”. I certainly couldn’t tell her that he would never see these pictures, because they were on my camera, but I had to come up with something fast. I suddenly noticed that although she was saying that we should stop, she was still softly massaging her breasts, maybe I still had a chance.

“I don’t think you are ready to stop. I think that maybe, you just want to finish on your own.”

She looked at my questioning, “What do you mean?”

I answered, “I think you know what I mean!”

I slowly lifted myself off of the bed and said, “I think that you are enjoying me watching you, and that you want me to see more.” With that, I laid the camera on the bed, and reached for the waistband of her hot pants.

“What do you think you are doing” she asked, I just stared deeply into her eyes. The seconds passed like hours, we seemed to be at an impasse, but I stuck to my guns, just looking into her eyes keeping my fingers in the waistband of her pants. She looked away briefly, and then returned her eyes to mine. Then slowly, as if struggling with herself, she raised her hips off the bed, allowing me to gently slide her bottoms down her legs, and over her feet. There she was, completely naked before me. I continued to look into her eyes but could see her entire body laid out before me. Slowly I scanned down, taking in every inch of her. It was all I could do to hold myself back, her words echoing in my mind, “You have to promise me you will be good”. Her breasts were magnificent, her stomach begging to be kissed, her belly button needing to be tongued. The light patch of hair around her pussy was blowing softly from the breeze of the ceiling fan. Her legs were tanned and muscular spread slightly in front of me. I reached over and took her hand in mine, and brought it down to the fine hair surrounding her pussy and told her to stroke it lightly. I picked up the camera, and clicked away as she tugged lightly on her bush. I leaned over closely to her, and took close ups of her fingers busying them selves where I was dreaming to play. She parted her legs a little further, a reaction to the sensations she was giving to herself.

I continued to take more pictures. This went on for a couple of minutes, until I just couldn’t take any more. I laid the camera on the floor, and with one pull, my shorts were removed, and I was standing before her naked as well. She looked over at my swollen cock, and moaned slightly, breathing a little heavier she said, “You promised you wouldn’t do anything”. I reminded her that I promised that I would not do anything to HER. With that, I climbed onto the bed with her. Kneeling beside her, I stroked my cock with my left hand, and used my right hand to direct her hand to her pussy lips.

She moaned softly when her fingertip came in contact with her clit for the first time. Her eyes closed slightly, and her hand continued to softly stroke the outer edges of her pussy lips. She opened her eyes and looked at my cock, watching me as I continued to slide my hand back and forth. In a soft sensual whisper she said that she had always fanaticized about watching a man bring himself off. Her words made me pump a little harder which in turn caused her to rub herself with a renewed fever.

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