Relishing Tanya Ch. 3

Big Dicks

“Just pass me the rest of your chips, Al. It’ll make the night a lot less painful for you.”

Alan chuckled at the joke as Bob swept the pot towards himself, his greedy fingers clutching at chips as if they were gold. The man was a serious competitor in all things, but especially when it came to money. He was a tough opponent; Alan rarely won these matches. Most nights, Alan gave him a good fight. Tonight, he’d played badly, but he couldn’t care less. It had been a great night for games.

He was seated across the table from a woman who took his breath away, and that alone was enough to make him forget his losses. He stole another glance at Tanya, Bob’s irrepressible wife, and gave her a knowing smile. She smiled back at him, her liquid eyes dancing as she ran a fingertip languidly across the moist flesh of her lower lip. Beneath the table, Tanya brazenly pressed the toes of her right foot deeper into his crotch, which, as you might imagine, was the major reason his mind had wandered a bit during the game. She lifted her eyebrows, flexed her big toe and traced the length of his swollen manhood.

If she keeps this up, he agonized, I’ll cum in my pants. He eased his chair back just a bit, letting her foot fall to the floor. She pushed out her lower lip in a pout and sighed audibly, crestfallen.

“Tanya, bring me another bottle of Scotch, would you, darlin’? This one dead on the field of battle.”

“I think you’ve had enough for one night, Bob. How about some coffee, instead?” she offered.

“Dammit, woman, if I want coffee, I’ll ask for coffee. I’m on a winning streak here, and a winner always gets the best drinks the house has to offer. Alan’s the one who needs coffee. He’s been playing like he’s half-asleep all night long.”

“Some coffee would be nice, thanks.” He winked at Tanya, but she was too busy shooting angry looks at her husband to notice.

“Go on, now. Alan and I have something to discuss.”

She got up and stormed off towards the kitchen, the cheeks of her sculpted ass bounding inside of her black linen slacks like a Chinese acrobatic troupe. She was definitely wearing a thong, Alan mused appreciatively. Probably the red one. He’d already caught a glimpse of a red décolleté bra through a gap in her gold silk blouse. His mind ticked off a thousand scenarios for getting Bob out of the way long enough to fuck her on the kitchen floor, but nothing short of murder seemed plausible.

He pulled his folding knife from his pocket and started toying with the blade. It was tempting. Steady, boy. Steady. Bob looked up from his treasure in blissful ignorance that he was about to be gutted.

“So, Alan,” he murmured, “are you getting laid?”

Alan tensed, folded the knife blade and relaxed. A new game of poker had just begun. He was nearly certain that Bob didn’t suspect. The man was as subtle as a wrecking ball. If he’d had any idea that his gorgeous wife and his best friend had been getting into each other’s pants, there would already have been blood in the streets. It was a dangerous game he and Tanya were playing, but the odds were in their favor. Bob was so captivated by the world of corporate law that if his heart stopped, he wouldn’t notice for a week.

Tanya had been deeply hurt by her husband’s neglect. She hadn’t been seeking a lover, but when she needed one, Alan had been in the right place at the right time. She had an insatiable desire for love and sex, fed by anger and passion both, and Alan was only too happy to try to satisfy her.

“As a Muratpaşa Escort matter of fact,” Alan whispered, “I hit the jackpot just the other night.”

“Hot damn! You lucky bastard, you. What I wouldn’t give to be single again.”

“Bob, you have two wives already, the law and Tanya. You really don’t have the time for girlfriends.”

Bob smiled at that.

“If only you knew, buddy. Tell me about this woman of yours. What was she like?”

“Amazing. She was a like a wet dream–beautiful, hot, luscious, horny–she was incredible. The woman literally wore me out.”

Bob had stopped fingering his chips and was hanging on every word.

“Shit. Did she go down on you?”

“Bob, please, you’re asking me to kiss and tell?”

“Hell, yes! Throw an old married man a few crumbs, will you? Call it a voyeuristic curiousity, if you want. Give me the details, dammit! I want the juicy details!”

Alan chucked. “She went down on me twice. Deep-throated me like she was starving. I think I came three times. She came four or five.”

“Shit, you’re fucking putting me on, aren’t you? I’m not that drunk, my friend. Tell me the truth: she deep-throated you?”

He nodded, smiling.

“Fucking damn! I’ve asked Tanya to go down on me, but she won’t do it. Says it makes her gag.” A dark cloud floated over his face.

That’s strange, Alan thought, she’s never showed the slightest hesitation about going down on me, Bob old friend. He feigned concern. “Well, you know how it is, some women have really sensitive gag reflexes. I’m sure Tanya finds lots of ways to make it up to you.”

“Yeah, I guess. Listen. Ever since I made senior counsel, every young secretary and intern seems to be flirting with me. I’m their ticket to a promotion, and suddenly they’re all giving me eyes and finding excuses to strut their stuff through my office. It’s damn hard to resist them, you know, especially the young ones. Short skirts, fuel-injected tits, tight cunts, every one of them just begging to be fucked.”

“It’s tough for women to make a living these days,” Alan agreed, “especially when they all look alike to the old boys up top. I guess they feel like they need to differentiate themselves. You know, find a way to add value to their resume.”

Bob nodded without comprehending.

“Yeah, whatever.”

“So tell me, Bob, old buddy. Have you been a good boy?” he murmured.

Bob gave him a devilish smile. “Occasionally. There’s this one intern, Chrissy… twenty-three years old, fresh-faced, tits to die for… Can you keep a secret, buddy?”

Bob’s face writhed in anguish. He was dying to confide in someone, and Alan wanted to hear this story. He nodded and leaned in closer.

“Chrissy and I were working late the other night on a brief, just the two of us. It was the night you took Tanya and the girls over to that sleep-over, remember? Anyway, she’s a real flirt, so I started teasing her, making comments about her figure… I figured her tits were store-bought and I told her so. Dared her to prove me wrong.”

A sheen of perspiration broke out on his forehead.

“She stripped off her blouse and told me to feel her breasts. Shit, how could I turn down an offer like that? They were marvels to behold, let me tell you, and 100% genuine. Damn, she was hot. Well, one thing led to another and she ended up going down on me. Chrissy’s only twenty-three, but she knew exactly what she was doing, you know what I mean? It was Side Escort damn incredible. The two of us ended up on the floor, fucking like teenagers. She says I made her feel like a real woman. Can you believe that shit?”

His eyes turned dreamy as he remembered it all.

Bob exploded. “I can’t believe you! Tanya is TNT in silk stockings, and you’re balling an intern at the office? Have you lost your fucking mind? You must be crazy.”

“Shhhh, she’ll hear you! Look, I know, I’m probably certifiable. But, Al, this Chrissy is so damn young! She’s got a body like one of those health club instructors, and you wouldn’t believe her moves. 38C’s that don’t sag a bit. Energy. Eager to please. And she just stripped and offered herself to me. What man in his right mind would turn that down?

“Sure, Tanya’s a great main course, but what’s the harm of having a little dessert every now and then, huh? When I was hammering away at Chrissy’s tight little twat, oh man, I felt like I could live forever. Or at least die with a smile.”

“Has anything happened since?”

“We did it again last night, but we’re being careful. We mostly cop feels at the coffee machine, stuff like that. I’ve never known a woman who could make me feel so hot, and that includes Tanya. And she wants me, Al. And the beauty of it is, if she gets to be a pain in the ass, I’ll just promote her and get rid of her. There’s no downside!”

“You’d better be damn careful, Bob. You’re playing with nitroglycerine here.”

“I know. I know. I can’t help myself. I’m taking her along with me to the ABA convention in Vegas next week. Three whole days! I may not attend a single seminar.”

Bob looked as though he was about to drool on his chips.

Tanya re-entered the room, a tray of coffee cups, a bottle of Scotch, and a steaming pot of coffee in her hands. She slammed the Scotch bottle down on the table next to Bob and let him pour his own. Moving to Alan’s right, her back to her husband, she leaned forward to position a cup and pour Alan’s coffee. As she did so, he noticed that she’d unfastened another button on her already low-cut blouse. Her ample breasts were quite visible.

She took a deep breath and her right breast lifted away from the cup of her bra just enough to give him a glimpse of her pink, pebbled nipple. She smiled, knowing how much he loved her breasts. She imagined him nibbling at her nipple, his tongue teasing her sensitive flesh. A sudden gush of liquid heat flowed between her legs and made her woozy. She squeezed her thighs together, biting her lower lip as the electricity shot through her.

She played this game because it made her amazingly horny. Her sexual appetite had always driven her to take risks, and taking risks always increased her sexual appetite. Her libido was like a runaway nuclear reaction–once it got going, it fed on itself and blazed quickly out of control.

Alan, himself a risk-taker, enjoyed the game as much as she did. He slipped the index finger of his right hand between the buttons of her blouse and lightly stroked her tummy with edge of his fingernail. Her pussy clenched, juices soaking her panties.

Her face flushed. She wanted his cock, wanted him moving inside of her, wanted to rock herself on that muscle of his until she was dead from exhaustion. A part of her fried brain began to consider stripping naked and fucking Alan in Bob’s presence.

God! In the heat of her daydreaming, she’d forgotten what she was doing. She quickly tipped the coffee pot upright just before creating a flood. Her hand shook as she returned the heavy pot to the tray. It was all she could do to keep from shoving her fingers into the folds of her pussy to relieve the pressure.

Bob scooted his chair back as she straightened up.

“Gotta hit the can. Tanya, don’t let this card shark steal my chips while I’m gone, ok?”

“I’ll watch him like a hawk,” she said, weakly.

As Bob disappeared down the hall, Tanya popped another button loose and lifted her right breast free from her bra. She bent down quickly and pressed a turgid nipple between Alan’s open lips, taking his head with her free hand and pulling him tightly to her breast. He instinctively chewed on her rubbery nipple while flicking the tip lightly with his tongue. She gasped, and he could feel her nipple swell–his cock was doing the same thing. He trailed his right hand up her inner thigh until he cupped her steaming mound. Squeezing, he began massaging her labia in a circular motion while assaulting her nipple.

“Oh, baby… Oh, yes… I need your cock inside of me,” she whispered.

She felt strong tides arising and she willed them to take her quickly. Only a few more minutes and she’d be surfing the waves to shore…

Not enough time! She groaned in frustration. He was close, but not close enough. She looked down at him and caught his gaze, delight written all over his face as he pleasured her and felt her respond to his touches.

When they were alone again, she would repay him in full. She would deep-throat him and fuck him until they were both exhausted, and then they would lie in each other’s arms and whisper endearments until they’d regained the energy to do it again. She needed this man more than air, more than life. And when he filled her with his cock, she could fly!

A door slammed in the hallway. She jumped up, gathered her blouse together and hurried off to the kitchen, moments before Bob reappeared.

He sat down and looked around carefully, then leaned towards Alan.

“You won’t say anything to Tanya about Chrissy, right? You and me, we’re buddies. You understand what it’s like for a man in my position. If I didn’t take care of Chrissy, pretty soon people might talk. They’d say I couldn’t get it up anymore or some shit like that. My reputation would be in the toilet. Men need to have their secrets, too, right? God knows women have plenty of them.”

“Bob, believe me, I know all about secrets. Don’t worry about a thing. Tanya could torture me and I’d never tell.”

Bob smiled and gave him a wink as Tanya returned, her blouse tucked and buttoned conservatively but her face still flushed.


“Can you go in late this morning?”

He looked at the clock. 6:30 am. Tanya’s honeyed voice. It was a damn-sight better way to wake up than the sounds of the Morning Zoo on KQEZ.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“9 o’clock. I’ll have something for you, and you’ll like it.” Click.

He called the office and left a message. He’d forgotten an appointment with the dentist. Probably wouldn’t be in until noon.

He leapt from bed with new enthusiasm and headed for the shower.


Easing the front door open without knocking, he stepped inside, taking care to leave himself exposed on the front porch for as little time as possible.

“Tanya? It’s Alan,” he called.

“Be out in a minute. Have a seat in the living room.”

He did. He picked up a magazine from the end table and started browsing. The headline caught his attention: “Five Secrets to Great Sex!” Seems like every month they discover new sex secrets, he mused. I wonder how one gets to be a sex secret researcher? Must have an amazing R she would let the sensations build until they demanded release.

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