Adventures in the Wilderness


Author’s note: This is an account of real events that happened when I was in my thirties. Meeting this woman and spending six months with her opened me to experiences I never imagined. She taught me so much about my own sexuality. Of course the names are changed for obvious reasons.


The place was called Dino’s Bar her hair dark brown and shoulder length. She was very petite with her curves in all the right places. Her blouse was stretched tight across breasts that were proportional to her small waist with flaring hips that showcased an ass that filled out her jeans nicely.

The pure animal attraction I was feeling toward her was causing the front of my jeans to bulge putting my arousal on display. When she went to the dance floor with her man I wanted to grab another woman and get out there too just so I could get near her. But alas, my condition would not allow me to stand without embarrassment. I felt sure I wasn’t the only male in the club who was experiencing the same testicular torture that night.

I spent the evening on my bar stool, my back to the bar, watching her as she danced. I couldn’t stop fantasizing about the things I would like to do with her. When I got home I was so worked up I masturbated to those fantasies before I could relax enough to sleep.

I went to Dino’s almost every night that week with hopes of seeing her there. She finally returned on Friday night with her man at her side. It was another night filled with desire and fantasies only to end in frustration as I rubbed one out to images of her.

For months she frequented the club; always on Fridays. Always with the same guy; the lucky bastard. I slipped into a routine of arriving at Dino’s early on Friday nights, anticipating seeing her enter. I was living a paradox. I desired this woman to the point of obsession, but at the same time I relegated myself to observing her from the safety of the bar; knowing she was unapproachable.

Then one Friday night she surprised me. I saw her when she entered because I couldn’t keep my eyes off the entrance until she arrived. She came in with another woman instead of her man. When they sat at an open table my pulse raced as I thought of the possibilities. I kept watching for her man to arrive, but by the time the band started playing he hadn’t appeared.

I didn’t know why she was without her date, but I sure wanted to find out. Thinking I had to make a move or forever stay on the sideline as an observer I gathered my courage, got up and walked to her table. The band had just started playing a fast tune that was popular with the crowd. As I approached her table she looked up and smiled.

This was as close as I had been to her and the most striking thing about her were her eyes. They were a striking blue, light as a morning sky. I asked her to dance and she held out her hand to me as she said, “I would love to.”

I led her to the crowded dance floor. Our eyes were locked on each other as we danced. The music was so loud conversation was nearly impossible. I could hardly believe I was finally dancing with this beautiful woman. When the song ended I motioned to guide her from the floor, but she stood still. As the music started up again she took my hand and said, “Wait. I’d like another dance.”

That was fine with me. The object of my months long fantasies was asking me to dance with her and there was no way I was passing up the opportunity. We danced; not talking, just smiling at each other while enjoying the rhythms of the music. When the song ended the band went immediately into the next number and it was a slow tune. The opportunity to wrap my arms around her supple body was not to be passed up. I had waited too long. I held out my arms and asked, “Shall we?”

She accepted my offer and stepped into my arms. Her left hand was resting on my shoulder and her right was in my left hand. As we started to move with the music she looked up at me and said, “Hello. We can finally hear well enough to talk. My name is Gail. I was hoping you would ask me to dance because I have wanted to meet you for awhile now.”

That caught me off guard. I had no clue she was even aware of my presence in the room. Finally, I was able to form words into sentences. “Hi Gail, my name is Dan. I’m very pleased to meet you. I have wanted to meet you for a long time too, but this is the first time I have seen you in here without your guy. And what do you mean you have wanted to meet me?”

“Well yes, it is my first time solo here. As for “my guy”, we ended our relationship this week. He turned out to be a real asshole and I got tired of his lack of a sense of adventure. I have noticed for a long time the way you watch me. I think you are handsome and I like the way bursa escort you try not to be so obvious. I think that the more my ex showed his true self the more I thought about you. I finally decided to dump him and find out if you were truly interested in me.”

She took her hand out of mine and placed it on my pec and let it rest there. I’m sure she could feel my heart pounding in my chest. She lay her head against my right pec and sighed. Her words blew me away. If I was hearing her correctly she was telling me that she came to the bar tonight just to meet me. This was a development beyond my wildest dreams.

I let my free hand join its mate already on her back. Her body felt awesome under my hands. As we danced I let my hands slip down from her upper back to her waist. They rested on the flare of her hips. My fingers could feel the swell of the top of her buttocks. The intimacy of our bodies pressing together, the sensuousness of her curves beneath my hands was extremely arousing. I was sure she could feel the burgeoning bulge in the front of my jeans pressing against her stomach.

My pulse raced when she pressed her body tighter against mine and sighed as we swayed to the music. When the number was over she smiled and invited me to her table. “Thank you so much for the dances, umm… Would you like to join my girlfriend and me at our table?”

There was no way I was turning down that invitation. “I would love to join you and continue our conversation,” I said

Although it was awkward walking from the dance floor, I reached their table and sat down. Gail introduced me to her friend. “Dan this is Ann. Ann this is Dan.’ Then she announced matter of factly, “He’s going to sit with us for the rest of the evening.”

Ann and I exchanged greetings. She was friendly and easy to talk to. They both were. I sat with them knowing I was the envy of several of the other men in the club. Gail, Ann, and I spent the rest of the evening sharing small talk getting to know a little about each other. I danced several more times with them both, but it was obvious who I was interested in. I tried my best not to ignore Ann, but I was failing miserably. Being that close to Gail was straining my ability to divide my attention.

When they were getting ready to leave at closing time I told them I enjoyed our evening and asked if they would like to get a coffee and talk some more. Gail declined my invitation claiming to have a busy day in just a few hours. Not giving up I asked if she would let me take her out on a diner date. She said she would like that and the following Friday would be a good night for her. We set a time, she gave me her phone number and they left.

When I got home my masturbatory pleasure was intensified by the events of the evening. I was barely into my fantasy before an orgasm consumed me; racking me with sensations of ecstasy. As worked up from the closeness to Gail had gotten me once was not enough to calm me. Sleep wouldn’t come so I ended up rubbing out a second orgasm before exhaustion won out.

The following week was a mixture of anticipation and torment as time seemed to defy physics and slow down. I did talk to her on Wednesday when I called on the pretense of having her choose a restaurant for our date. She declined to pick one and left the choice to me.

Finally, Friday came and I suffered through my final day before date night. After work I rushed home to get ready for what I was hoping to be a memorable night. I showered and shaved paying special attention to trimming unruly body hair. I got dressed in a new pair of jeans and a button up shirt I had been saving for a special occasion.

I called for directions so I could pick Gail up for our date. When I got there I couldn’t believe how nervous I was as I approached her front door. All that went away when she answered the door. I was stunned by what I saw. Gail was wearing a sleeveless sun dress. It was white with large black polka dots. The neckline plunged to show ample cleavage and her braless breasts looked larger than I remembered. It was almost impossible not to stare when I noticed her nipples were hard.

I took in the rest of her. The dress was cut to just above the knee with a flared skirt. Her knees and calves were gorgeous and her feet were wrapped in thin strapped sandals. Her toenails, although muted by the nylons she wore, were bright red to match her fingernails. As my eyes raked over her body on their way back up I saw she was wearing a small diamond pendant nestled at the top of her cleavage. She wore ear rings to match. Her lips were shiny red and sparkled with an irresistible smile.

Before I realized it I blurted out, “God, you are so beautiful!”

Her smile got even brighter. bursa escort bayan “Why thank you, Dan. I’m glad you like,” she purred as she did an exaggerated pirouette.

I complimented her outfit as we walked to the car. Holding the car door for her as she carefully sat in the passenger’s seat I got a look at her shapely legs. I discovered that she was wearing stockings, not panty hose. The brief look at the milky skin of her inner thighs above her stocking tops and the black garter straps supporting them was very arousing. I quickly closed her door and walked around to get behind the wheel. The distraction eased my arousal abating my erection.

To distract myself and prevent a visible and embarrassing bulge in my pants I told her we were having diner at a local Japanese steak house. When I told her she gushed, “Oh my god. That is so awesome. That place is my favorite restaurant in this whole town. I don’t know how you knew, but this is unbelievably special. You see, today is also my birthday and this is the perfect gift.”

“Really,” I said, “If I had known I could have got you an actual present.”

“That’s alright,” she said, “The diner will be quite enough. Well, maybe a little dancing afterwards to celebrate would be great too.”

We enjoyed our meal while being entertained by the chef at our Hibachi table. During our conversation I discovered that Gail was two years older than me. The rest of our conversation centered on filling each other in on our past. We talked about our likes and dislikes. One thing she told me stuck in my head. She loved the out of doors. More specifically the wilderness. “It brings the wild woman out of me,” she said.

After diner we went to Dino’s for drinks and dancing as she wanted. The slow dancing got a little intimate at times as we pressed our bodies together. I let my hand brush across her buttocks and Gail let out a little umm against my chest so I cupped her firm butt cheeks for an instant as the dance was ending.

“Umm, I love dancing with you, Dan,” she sighed, “I like how we fit together.”

We danced almost every dance, skipping some of the fast ones, and the sexual tension built steadily. I gave up on trying to hide my erection as we left the dance floor between dances. Gail seemed to like the feel of my hard member pressing against her tummy as we held each other tightly and swayed to the music.

We closed Dino’s down that night. This time when I held the car door for her she sat down with less care and her legs spread apart enough for me to see her black panties above those milky thighs. She was slow to close her legs and I stood there transfixed; imagining finding paradise beyond that thin fabric.

Suddenly Gail’s voice broke into my thoughts. “Dan, are you alright?”

I looked up at her face and knew I was caught being a prev. I stammered, “Y-yes, I-I’m fine. It’s just-just that you are so beautiful I can’t stop ogling you.” I ended with a nervous laugh and closed her car door. When I got behind the wheel Gail leaned over and with her hand on my thigh, kissed me on the cheek. She smiled knowingly and said, “Thank you, Dan. I love your compliments,” then sat back in her seat. The movement caused her dress to ride up and expose her stocking tops. I drove to her house dividing my attention between the road and her sexy legs.

When I got her home I parked, got out and walked around to open the car door for her. The interior lighting illuminated Gail perfectly. As she swiveled in her seat to exit the car I got another look at her luscious thighs and her black panties were on full display. My semi hard dick expanded further as I helped her from the car. I walked her to her door hoping that the evening was not at its end. Not wanting to push it, I said, “I had a fabulous time tonight. Thank you for the best evening I have had in a long time. I would love a repeat if you feel the same.”

“Yes,” she said, “I definitely would like a repeat. Call me and we can set it up. I had a great time dancing and talking with you tonight. And the diner was fantastic. I had a wonderful birthday celebration with you. Thank you.”

“No, thank you for letting me share your birthday with you. I am glad you enjoyed yourself. Good night,” I said and leaned down to kiss her lightly on her lips. Instead she put her arms around my neck and planted a massive kiss on me. She pressed her body hard against mine. I felt her tongue probing my lips and parted them letting it slip into my mouth.

I returned the kiss as well as the passion. I cupped a buttock in one hand and let the other stray to her chest. I drew her to me hard as we continued to kiss passionately. My erection grew to full stature between us.

Gail started moaning escort bursa into my mouth. When we broke the kiss she put her hand on my crotch and squeezed my engorged member. Sighing softly she said, “I think you might have a birthday present you can give me after all. Let me unwrap it.” Before I realized what was happening she sank to her knees. She reached to unbuckle my pants. When she had them undone she pulled them down my legs and let them pool at my feet.

My hard on was tenting my underwear in her face. Gail took the waistband of my boxer briefs in her hands and pulled them down my legs to join my pants. My dick was pulled downward by the movement of my shorts and when the waistband cleared the head it sprang up almost slapping her in the chin.

“Oh nice. God, I need this tonight,” she purred as she took my dick in her hand and stroked it slowly pulling the foreskin off the head. Her hand fit nicely around the shaft. She leaned forward and took me into her mouth. She sucked the head and tongued it, rimming the base of the head sending hot spikes through me. Then she commenced to give me the best blow job of my life.

She lowered her mouth on the shaft until her mouth was full of my cock and I could feel the head of it pressing against the entrance to her throat. Gail used her tongue to put pressure on the under side of my dick as she withdrew until just the head remained in her mouth. She sucked hard on the head then went down again to fill her mouth with dick.

I was relived her porch light was not on. Leaning weak kneed against her front door I was aroused by her boldness. The chance that we might be seen raced through my mind as Gail sucked me with abandon. At that moment I could not have cared less if we were discovered. I unbuttoned my shirt, but did not remove it. I managed to kick off my shoes and step out of my pants in case we had to move inside quickly.

Gail continued to suck my dick with unrestrained passion. She kept repeatedly sliding her lips down my shaft until the head pressed against her throat. God, did that ever feel good. Every time Gail pulled back to the head and started down again it drew me closer to orgasm.

I found myself wishing I had masturbated before leaving home so the pleasurable sensations Gail was giving me would last longer. She was moaning on every stroke of her mouth down my shaft. Without warning she pushed on down until her lips were encircling the base of my dick. The head of my dick was buried in her throat. I moaned as she started pumping up and down with her head taking me into her throat on every stroke. After four or five deep strokes she pulled off of me to catch her breath.

The desire to cum was strong, but I wasn’t ready for the high level of arousal I was experiencing to end so soon. I had been fantasizing about this exact scenario for months. Cupping her head in my hands I stopped her before she could take me in her mouth again. I panted out a plea. “Please stop. I am so close and I don’t want this to be over so soon.”

Gail looked up as she continued to kneel before me. Her voice was so sweet and sultry when she said, “Don’t worry baby. Nothing is going to be over for quite some time tonight. Right now I want to suck your cock until your hot cum fills my mouth. I want you to experience the pleasure that brings us both. Then I will get you ready for round two.”

She didn’t wait on my response before taking my dick into her mouth again. I thought, “Who can argue with that.”

She resumed deep throating me. This time I let her have complete control. It took less than a minute for my cum to rise from my balls and explode into her throat. When she felt the first ejaculation she pulled back to collect the rest of my cum in her mouth. After I finished cumming she pulled off my dick and swallowed. “Umm,” she said and smiled, “I loved my birthday present.” She stood up and kissed me.

The distinct taste of my cum was on her tongue when she probed my lips. I didn’t care. Even though I had just had a tremendous orgasm my level of arousal was still sky high. The anticipation of fucking her was foremost in my mind and besides, it wasn’t like I had never tasted myself on a woman’s tongue before. As we kissed passionately and Gail pressed her body against mine my dick started to regain a life of it’s own.

She broke our kiss and bent over to kiss the head of my swiftly inflating dick. As she straightened up she squeezed my dick and said, “It doesn’t look like we will have to wait very long before we can do anything else with this.”

I put my arms around her, cupped her ass and pulled her tight against me. “Now it’s my turn,” I said as I reached for the zipper of her dress. She moaned as I slowly pulled the zipper down and slipped her dress off her shoulders. I took her bare breasts in my hands and caressed them, tweaking her hard nipples. Gail stepped back from me and pushed her dress down over her hips letting it fall to the porch.

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