Good Neighbors Ch. 069


The rest of our trip to Vegas was fantastic. We went to a musical or two, had a few nights dancing and made sure to leave Vegas with smiles on our faces. We flew home shortly after before a cab dropped us off at her place. My neighbor looked at me in a sleepy way before she took my hand. I followed her into her house where she dropped her bags and turned to grab me around the neck.

“You are such a good date,” she said as she planted a huge kiss on my lips.

I returned the kiss in kind as my hands slid to the small of her back and held her close. We stood there for a bit before her phone rang. She turned and looked at it before I released my grip and went to it. She stood next to it talking as I made myself comfortable on her couch. She walked back in smiling a few moments later.

“That was my sis. She was checking up on me. I guess I forgot to tell everyone what was going on,” she said.

“Did she ask any questions about Vegas?”

“She asked if I tied you up with a ring.”

We both laughed a bit before we went back to holding each other. As we stayed there, I thought about all the fun we had. It was then I felt myself drifting off to sleep with her. It felt so simple since we slept in the same bed all week and she felt so heavenly in my arms. It was later when her phone woke both of us up. She started groaning before checking the caller ID. Not recognizing the number, she went back and took my hand.

“Come on, Romeo. Let’s at least get comfy.”

I followed her sleepily into her room where we both bursa escort stripped and fell into bed. Our arms went back in place, and we fell asleep again. The next morning, we woke up together and took a shower together, albeit a more PG-version. As we went into her kitchen to work on breakfast, I looked on my cell phone and saw about ten texts from different employees. I made a mental note to go visit the office that day before enjoying breakfast with my neighbor.

I walked next door and changed to more business-like attire before getting in the car and driving to the office. As I entered the office, security stopped me. After questioning me for a few moments, my assistant came in and vouched for me before escorting me to our floor.

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“Well, you have been homebound for six months and they had never met you. Plus, you’re missing a badge.”

She showed me hers before taking to our office.

“Did you get any texts this morning?”

“Ten of them. What’s going on?”

“Well, since Matt went on his honeymoon, some of the less directive ones were clueless what to do. Matt seems more hands on with some things. I doubt he was expecting you to coddle them like he does.”

I thought about that for a bit before getting to my desk and starting to check things out. Luckily, there was no announcement of my arrival, so the office was pretty quiet. It was when our Human Resources manager came in to take my picture for my badge that things became hectic. Three of our difficult employees bursa escort bayan barged in afterwards before we had a chance to stop them demanding raises and such. Our HR manager tried to calm them down, but they expected me to cave in to their demands. My assistant, noticing my mood starting to change, attempted to get them out. It was then I exploded. They were quiet as I stopped talking. Everyone was. They walked out defeated as the HR manager looked at me.

“Matt strung them along too long,” she said. “They were on the list of layoffs when we hit our next drop already. I think he was trying to be too nice to them.”

“No, he has a point. The fact is they think they deserve more money. Do we have their files on what their productivity is? Now that I can check it out without interruption, I can make the best decision regarding them.”

“Unless they quit first,” my assistant said.

“True, but the fact that this is my first time here since Missy passed should buy them a little consideration.”

“We could wait until Matt comes back,” HR said.

“They felt this was urgent. Let me at least take a look first. When was the last time we gave raises anyway?”

“Right around six months ago. That was after the Covid bump,” HR answered.

“Let me check things out, then we’ll talk about it.”

“Should I order in lunch, sir?” my assistant asked.

It was then my buzzer beeped. I tapped the button.


“Leo, um your neighbor is here. Should we escort her up?”

I smiled right escort bursa in front of my assistant and HR.

“I’ll meet her downstairs. Thank you.”

I started running to the elevator.

“Sir, you don’t have a badge yet,” HR said.

“Just make one for me. I’ll be right back.”

I was down on the ground floor before I saw her. She dressed in a business casual blouse and skirt. She looked ravishing standing before me. I went over and took her by the hand.

“I am so glad to see you,” I said.

“Feels like it. Rough day?”

“Just a bit. But it’s better because you’re here.”

We made it back up to my office where I introduced her to my HR and my assistant. They were respectful and saw my mood change immediately. We ordered some Asian food for lunch and shared it while we talked, and I went over the files of the difficult employees. Their files showed some merit for pay raises, but it was their confidence that I could do something that impressed me more. As my neighbor and my assistant were talking about something, I looked at my HR manager.

“When were their last pay raises?”

“They never had one. They were hired shortly after your wife passed. So, it’s been six months.”

“I want reviews sent from their supervisors to my desk with their recommendations. Then we’ll do something. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, sir. By the way, how did your neighbor know that you needed to calm down?”

I looked at her.

“She’s been my closest friend since Missy died. She lost her husband soon after. We’ve been there for each other, and she seems to know things. It’s hard to explain.”

It was then my neighbor looked at me.

“Did I come at a bad time, Leo?”

I smiled.

“No, Angel. You came right on time.”

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