Mushrooms and Sex

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Tracy laughed as she told Lester. “Ha, I don’t give a shit if it’s illegal, I’m not going to stop enjoying my life just because our government is so fucking hell-bent on controlling all of us with their bullshit nanny state laws.”

“Settle down there turbo, I didn’t mean to get you all twisted over this, I just think you need to be really careful when you go out picking wild mushrooms.”

“I don’t go out picking, I have a friend who grows them, and I’m not going to stop enjoying tripping occasionally and microdosing. Who the fuck has the right to tell me I can’t do something that humans have been doing for hundreds of years, maybe thousands. The pharmaceutical companies lobby to keep the human race from using natural medicines so they can profit with their synthesized copies of the same things. When recent research clearly shows that mushrooms are good for us. Did you know that DNA shows that mushrooms are more closely related to humans than they are plants?”

Lester took a deep breath and exhaled with a whistle. Tracy obviously was just getting warmed up on the subject at hand. “No, I didn’t know that.” He confessed.

“Well they are! You should research it, Just Google John Hopkins university mushrooms, or psilocybin research for depression or post traumatic stress disorder, the list goes on and on. Personally, I would probably be dead if my uncle hadn’t turned me on to them a few years ago.”

“Why would you be dead?” Lester’s curiosity starting to get the better of him.

“Depression, It’s a long story, let’s save it for another time. Besides that, I need to get back home and check in with work.” Joking, she said, “To tell the truth, I don’t mind all this social distancing stuff, I’ve been doing it for years.” Tracy giggled, stood up and kissed Lester on the cheek. “Come by later, I’ll make dinner, Sixish.”

She turned and walked away without waiting for him to reply.

Lester had walked two miles to have a sack lunch in the park with Tracy. Having lost his job, due to the company that they both worked for downsizing because of the Rona thing. It felt good to go for long walks outside. Not to mention he and Tracy had become good friends while working together.

Lester walked slowly down the bicycle path while reading on his phone. He got so engrossed reading about the research that he had to stop a couple of times to just sit and read. Once on a bench at a bus stop that no longer had any buses stopping there, and once on a big rock about the size of his kitchen table that was part of the landscape in front of a restaurant with a sign on the door that read, “Closed, probably forever!”

Tracy logged into the company server. She hadn’t received any more orders to process or clients to bill. She left her computer on and went to her refrigerator to get a Nutty-Buddy. Thinking about Lester, she pulled a package of frozen shrimp from the freezer. “I’ll make stir fry!” She mumbled to herself.

Lester spent most of the afternoon laying on his couch reading about psilocybin mushrooms. He had no idea there was so much ongoing research at so many different universities. He literally spent four hours reading and watching Ted Talks videos on the subject. It all began to make sense. The laws obviously needed to change. His concerns for Tracy’s wellbeing were obviously out of ignorance. He remembered something his junior high art teacher had said years ago, “There is a big difference between being stupid and being uneducated!” Tracy shook about half the shrimp out of the bag into a bowl and stuffed the rest back in the freezer. She filled the bowl with water and stood biting small chunks of chocolate and peanuts off the icecream cone while watching the ice melt off the shrimp. She rinsed them off and put them in the refrigerator to thaw.

Around five thirty she heard the familiar sound of her uncle Fred’s motorcycle. Fred had taken care of her after loosing both her parents in a car accident. Fred had put her through college and made sure she always had a place to come home to. At 67 years old he was still riding the same old 1956 Harley panhead that he had bought from his uncle. It made her smile when she heard him cussing at the neighbors cat that seemed to always be curled up in front of her door. “Get out of here you mangy son-of-a-bitch!” He greeted her with a hug and “Hi pumpkin, I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop by and see how the hell yer doing.”

“I’m doing okay, was making dinner for a friend. Please tell me you have time to join us.” She hugged him and kissed his cheek.

“Oh, I don’t want to intrude, was just out for a ride. But whatever your cooking smells good! I’ll take you up on the offer.”

She chuckled to herself, knowing all it would take was a cold beer and a comfortable seat to keep him there. She was delighted to see him.

“You want to know how to get rid of that mangy cat?” Not giving her time to tell him that the cat didn’t bother her. “Just get one of them nerf balls, cut it up in gaziantep escort little pieces and soak em in gravy, wrap a string around em until there about the size of a green pea. Put em in the freezer until they are frozen solid. Cut the string off and toss a couple of em out on the porch. That mangy cat will swallow em. They swell up after they thaw out. Can’t pass em!”

“Fred! Good lord, that’s just horrible!”

“Well that mangy cats horrible!”

He looked over the top of his beer bottle as he sipped it. Obviously grinning and joking.

A few minutes later Lester knocked on the door. Tracy hollered, “Come on in.” She heard the familiar squeak of the hinges on the front door. It made her laugh when Fred hollered, “Don’t let that mangy cat in!”

Tracy introduced Lester and Fred. Fred stood up to shake hands. Tracy handed Lester a beer and sat another one on the table for her uncle.

Lester asked. “Is that your motorcycle out front?”

“Yep, that’s Helen, after my third wife. Every time I lost a wife I renamed that old scooter after um.” The three of them laughed. Tracy knew he was a jokester. A jokester with the biggest heart in the world.

“Hay Lester.” Tracy said as she dumped all the chopped up ingredients into the wok. “So check this out, uncle Fred is sixty seven years old, never had a broken bone, never been arrested, never seen the inside of a jail and most impressive of all, he has never had a ticket!”

“Are you serious?” Lester looking at Fred.

Fred sipping his beer, knocked on the table. “Knock on wood!” He said.

“Not even a ticket?”

“Nope, not yet!”

Lester couldn’t help himself. “You just never got caught, did you?”

It was the beginning of a most enjoyable evening. The mood had been set, joking and laughter filled the room.

Tracy asked Lester if he had had a chance to do any reading. He knew what she was asking and explained that he had spent the whole afternoon reading. She smiled at her uncle. “I was explaining to Lester earlier today about the pleasures of mushies.”

Fred replied, “Ahhh, spreading the good word, were ya? Good for you!” He smiled. “Oh, that reminds me.” He scooted his chair back and pulled a ziploc bag from his pocket. “I brought you a little something from the garden.”

Tracy thanked him as she held the bag up, “There huge!”

“Clones, teachers!” He smiled a proud smile.

Tracy giggled, looking at Lester but obviously talking to Fred she said, “Maybe I’ll talk Lester into trying some one day.”

Fred, serious as he could be replied, “Hell, why wait? Why don’t you just put some in that stuff your cooking?”

“Ahhh, I better not, they always make me horny. I’m not sure that would be a good thing to do to a friend.”

Fred teasing replied, “I couldn’t think of a better thing to do to a good friend, just don’t over do it!” Tracy smiled at Lester, “Are you up for an interesting evening?”

A wave of anxiety swept through him, “It kinda scares me, I read a lot about it, but I’m not sure what to expect.” Fred in a more serious tone told Lester, “like I said, don’t over do it! You don’t buy a fifth of whiskey and drink the whole damn thing or you will regret it, same with mushrooms.” Lester smiled and looked back and forth at Fred and Tracy. “Okay, I’ll trust you on this.”

Tracy giggled, still holding the bag of dried mushrooms. She asked her uncle. “Have you tried these? How much do you think?

Fred grinned as he said, “No more than two grams to start.”

“Two it is!” She said as she got up. She pulled a small digital scale from the top of her refrigerator, she weighed out six grams then dumped them into her coffee grinder and instantly turned them into powder. She sat a paper plate on the scale and proceeded to tap the little coffee grinder like it was a salt shaker. At two grams she replaced the paper plate with a new one and did it again. The remaining powder was just dumped onto the third plate. She sat the sizzling Wok on the table along with three bowls and three fresh beers, giggling as she sat a paper plate beside each bowl.

Lester was feeling nervous about his decision but he knew he was going to go through with the plan. Curiosity held the upper hand. Not to mention the possibility of Tracy getting horny. She was an extremely good looking woman. He had been totally taken by her from the moment they met at work. They had been flirting with each other for a few weeks.

He watched Fred politely push the Wok across the table, offering Lester to help himself. The stir fry looked and smelled delicious. Using the big spoon, Lester filled his bowl about half full and slid the Wok across the table to Tracy. He waited politely to see what the other two did so he could follow suit. Tracy spooned some of the colorful medley of vegetables and shrimp into her bowl then picked up the paper plate and dumped the powder in on top. She smiled as she stirred it all together with her fork. Lester followed suit as Fred was dishing himself stir fry and complimenting Tracy on how good it smelled.

“I’m nervous!” Lester said as he swirled the mixture all together in his bowl.

Fred, in a concerned voice told Lester, “No one can tell you what’s going to happen, but I can tell you that the evening will be a mixture of emotions. At times it will be pure ecstasy, it could get frightening at times. Just roll with it because you will wake up in the morning with a new outlook on life. Nothing to be afraid of, Tracy would never do anything to cause you to have bad trip. Your in good hands, enjoy!”

Lester took a bite and chewed slowly, cautiously at first, tasting it. He looked across the table at Tracy and smiled. As he was getting another bite he felt her bare foot sliding up his leg under the table. She smiled back and winked at him, obviously teasing.

They all joked and teased as they finished dinner. When they were done Fred stood up and mumbled, “Well I better be getting on home, wouldn’t want to hurt Helen!” He kind of chuckled, “You two enjoy the evening. It was nice to meet ya Lester.” He shook hands. Tracy and Lester walked out with him. Tracy gave him a hug after he was comfortably seated on his old scooter. He waved as he rumbled down the street.

They went back in the house and Tracy quickly did the dishes. She told Lester, “Well, its probably going to be another half hour before we start feeling anything. Let’s go for a walk down by the river. I know a really nice place, its not far.” With a cute smile that somehow told him that everything was going to be alright.

They walked slowly and visited for about a quarter of a mile before she turned on what was little more than a trail through tall grass between a couple of houses. She began walking slower, at a snail’s pace. Stepping close to Lester, she put her arm around his waist. Not much was said, all just seemed peaceful. They walked another hundred yards through the tall grass. The trees were getting thick and the ground moist with thick bushes and undergrowth. They followed what was nothing more than a small trail made by animals.

Lester could hear the sound of water moving before he could see it. They stepped out of the trees and stood on a narrow, sandy river bank between the water and thick willows and brush. The sounds of the water that moved slowly around a huge tree that had fallen into the water was like listening to Native American flute music. It seemed he could hear birds chirping miles away. The clouds seemed to be filled with swirling rainbows against the turquoise sky.

They strolled up the narrow, sandy river bank. Everything was starting to feel surreal, intensely vivid. Tracy stepped off the path. He followed her through the tall grass back into the trees and dense underbrush. She stopped at a huge fallen tree that lay with big branches sprawled out that seemed to be holding the gray, bark-less trunk up off the ground like a huge monolithic piece of driftwood.

Lester stood in silence, he closed his eyes and listened to birds and a bee buzzing, a slight breeze whistling music through the trees was soft and flute-like. He opened his eyes to find Tracy standing on the huge fallen tree trunk. She was smiling at him as she began very slowly taking her clothes off. He stood motionless, taking in the beauty of her gorgeous body being unwrapped like a fragile, porcelain Iris. Her breasts seemed to be politely asking him to kiss them. He blinked, when he opened his eyes, Tracy had been replaced, he was watching the goddess Aphrodite standing naked on a huge weathered, wooden pedestal that had grown from the earth only to present the unfathomable beauty of a goddess born of sea foam.

He felt his heart beating in his ears as he submitted to her smile and porcelain like index finger that beckoned him closer.

He climbed up one of the large, weathered, driftwood fingers that held the pedestal until he stood beside her above the thick underbrush. . She knelt before him, her long auburn hair flowed like glistening water that ran off her breasts in twin waterfalls. She reached up and unbuttoned his pants. The denim material felt like rice paper as she gently pulled them over his hips and slid them down. Unspoken words asked him to step out of them.

His scrotum and cock hung, swinging between his legs as he stood balanced on one foot, watching from above as Aphrodite undressed her pray. Electric tingles completely engulfed his body as he watched her lips part, eyes locked on his. The sensation was almost paralyzing as he stood and watched her grasp his cock. She held it to her parted lips then effortlessly slipped into her warm mouth and down her throat. Her finger tips were injecting some unfamiliar ancient magic into his scrotum. Standing back up she smiled at him, still the magic flowed from her fingers into his testicles.

“Lay down.” She whispered as she pressed her lips to his. It was a kiss like nothing he had ever felt. Their lips melted together, they traded the oxygen in their lungs with every breath.

She let go and stepped back a couple of steps. “Lay down.” She motioned with a wave of her hand and smiled at him.

Lester took off his shoes and shirt. He sat down on the giant driftwood pedestal then laid back until he was stretched out. She stepped forward until she towered above him with a foot beside each of his hips. Her naked body, an exquisite example of flawless perfection slowly squatted, lower and lower until the warmth of her hairless crotch pinned his throbbing cock between them. She raised her arms high, leaving her breasts in full view for the world to admire. Her eyes reflected pure love as she began to slide her cunt up and down the length of his stiff cock. He raised his head to watch as she reached down between them and grasped his swollen cock as she raised up. He noticed cobalt blue liquid seeping from the tiny hole as she held it pointed up. They both held their breath as she sat down and swallowed him completely in one slow motion. Her eyes closed as her head tipped back, her jaw dropped and she inhaled what seemed like a desperate breath.

Electric currents exploded through him. All since of time evaporated. He wondered if this was what being electrocuted in a electric chair felt like. The thought of dying by orgasm flashed through his mind. It seemed he was ejaculating nonstop. Tracy’s stomach and pelvis turned transparent. He could see his throbbing cock twitching inside her, he watched cobalt blue cum rushing through his cock and blasting into her, her cunt milking and swallowing in perfect time with each blast.

She began to shake and quiver on top of him. The whimpering sounds she made were frightening as they echoed through the woods. The uncontrollable thrusting and pulsing between his legs continued to pump his soul into her. Or was she siphoning, somehow vacuuming it out of him? He couldn’t tell. It felt like they were one and the same body, fucking itself. At one point it all reversed, Lester lay in physical ecstasy, his body being injected with liquid love as the blue, healing fluid was forced back through the tiny hole, filling first his testicles and prostate before soaking into the tissue of his being.

He didn’t know how much time had passed when Tracy released him and the coolness of an occasional, gentle breeze licked the wetness that covered his cock and scrotum. They lay on the huge tree trunk catching their breath, snuggling and exploring each others bodies with over sensitive fingers, feeling the sun kissing their nakedness.

“You okay?” She asked.

“I’m not sure!”

She giggled and kissed his forehead, She kissed him again. “I promise you will wake up in the morning feeling right as rain, happy and clear minded with a whole new outlook on life, I promise!”

They left the tree of life with their clothes in hand. Lester followed the gorgeous, naked woman until they sat naked in the damp sand beside the river. Hearing voices in the distance, they moved off the sandy bank and crawled back into the tall grass just a few yards off the trail. Hidden, they lay looking up at the sky using their clothes for pillows. Lester noticed Tracy had closed her eyes. He visually consumed her entire body. The desire to taste her was making him hard again. She moaned her approval when she felt his lips kissing her breasts. Her fingers in his hair followed him as he kissed across her stomach. Her knees raised and parted when she felt his breath on her mound. He move around until he was between her legs. The wetness that lay between her labia was still thick and creamy looking. The sun sparkled like diamonds on the long strings of stretchy, thick liquid that clung to his fingers. Parting her lips, the pink, wet flesh inside glistened like freshly glazed donuts. Her back arched and a tremor rolled up her spine when he licked the frosting off her clit.

He smiled to himself realizing that he had no desire to have another orgasm. What he did desire was to drink from her jeweled chalice. The thick liquid that seeped from her was life giving, no, it was the basis of human life, no, it was just life.

Holding her pulled apart, he opened his mouth, pressed his lips to the pink flesh and began lapping into the depths of her entrance, lapping and gently sucking.

She began to jerk. He paused licking and sucking only long enough to swallow. The tip of his nose massaged her throbbing clit in time to the motion of his head as he licked up and down.

Tracy began to whimper as the tall grass began to braid itself into ropes, grass ropes that grew from the earth and snaked around her wrists and feet. Holding her firmly bound to the ground. She raised her head to see a leprechaun between her legs. She giggled and relaxed letting her head fall back to the pile of clothes, and her eyes close. The brilliant orange from the sun through her closed eyelids began to burn fractals into her brain, sending her to another realm, a realm of bliss, sexual bliss, bound to the earth by living ropes of grass, unable and unwilling to escape, being tongue fucked by a leprechaun.

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