Speed Demon Darkness

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There was something in the air today. An innate sense of foreboding that crept up her spine and made her tingle all over. She could feel the darkness crawling its way through her to get to the top. To bring itself out.

She loved to let her darkness out. To play. To own her wholly and fully. But lately it had an edge. Something driving her. To an extreme.

Today she was feeling it more than usual. Trying to keep it at bay was a losing battle and she decided a drive was just the thing. She needed speed. She needed exhilaration. She grabbed her keys from the hook next to the door and headed out to nowhere in particular.

She slid into the car seat and put the keys in the ignition and started the car. The car was nothing special but was blessed with a sport mode which was reminiscent of her speed days of old. She remembered the wonderful street racing she used to do when she was younger. Being a woman with great instincts and a penchant for accuracy she rarely got beat. Men loved the the macho maleness and dominance of racing but she could take the best of them and loved it.

Her darkness was loving the reminiscing and headed for the interstate. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this but her darkness was begging for it and her mood of late was calling for it too. She felt trapped, unloved, unappreciated and most of all underestimated. Underestimated and unloved was the worst. Why was it that she was always the one everyone went to when they needed advice or something within her expertise and then underestimated her for other things? She was a very complex and multi-talented, creative person after all.

But today, right now, she was the speed demon, the evil. And she was on a mission to find a match. Or a temptation or just an exquisite painfulness that could reach through the mundane of her existence and break it apart.

She veered onto the exit that took her onto the interstate of Atlanta. Traffic abounded and her darkness clapped with glee. She wove her way through the traffic elegantly to begin with and then the demon reached for her. She needed music. Music was the connection from heart, soul and speed. She found a pounding gothic rock beat and turned it up all the way. The air conditioning blasted cold air into her face and the music filled her ears and she relished in it all.

She began to maneuver her car through the traffic with no destination in mind. She pushed the gas pedal down hard as if it were a straight line to her core. And it was. Each lane change, each speed increase and braking to slide into the rear of another vehicle thrilled her. The exhilaration of her perfect maneuvering between lanes, the loud music and the cold air pushed her on.

As she passed other vehicles it gave her energy. Made her feel invincible. Gave her a high that she craved. The danger, the speed. It was erotic and sedating at once.

She noticed a vague sign off to the side and took the next exit. A long and winding road lay out before her and she dared any to follow. She was a woman gaziantep escort possessed. A woman on the edge. The darkness had the wheel.

She raced her way along the road and found herself at a truck stop of sorts. Well, not a truck stop. A strip joint, full of truckers and the scourge of mankind. She stopped her car and sat there pondering if this was a good idea at all. A strip club truck stop. Really?

Why the hell not. The darkness was impeding on her senses and creating a sense of disconnection from reality. Something she desperately needed right now. She needed…

She stepped out of the car, determined with only the excess of the speed high she was still riding on and boldly walked to the door. She knew she’d be the only female attendee and she knew she liked the idea of that.

As she walked boldly in the double doors she was met with the smell of stale cigarettes, alcohol and sex. Her darkness grabbed on to the smell of sex and headed to the bar. She took in the clientele currently in the bar. It was early afternoon and there was not may there. She noticed a table of businessmen directly in front of the center stage all leering and doling out bills to the scantily clad badly bleached blond in front of them. Ample cleavage and wide hips made he movements in front them and on the pole enticing and even drew her eyes to her.

To their right was a few tables with men she assumed to be truckers with glazed over expressions and a table full of empty beer bottles in front of them. Such sad souls and she silently mourned for them.

The bar held a few more faces both vulnerable and threatening and she took a seat at one end away from them. A burly bartender that obviously doubled as bouncer came her way. He smiled at her “whatcha doing in a place like this hon?”

She smiled at him and answered, “My dark side was curious I guess.”

He grinned at her and offered her a drink. “So, what’s your poison then? First one’s on me. Call it an introductory offer.” He was endearing in a menacing sort of way and she accepted his offer.

“Red wine?” she asked.

“We have that. And how about a tequila chaser?” he smirked at her knowingly.

Her face went warm as a blush crawled up her to her cheeks and she agreed.

The bartender pushed the drinks towards her as the music took a turn and she glanced at the stage just in time to see a buxom brunette change places at the main stage. The brunette writhed her body close to the pole humping and pulsating all the important parts to the hoots and hollers of the truckers and half orgasms of the businessmen. Her darkness smiled and wanted to throw a few bills towards the stripper herself.

She turned around and faced her own reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Deep contemplation took over and she wondered what actually brought her here.

Oh yeah. Speed.

She downed the glass of wine and threw back the shot of tequila and decides to leave. The exhilaration of her speed high now waning.

Just as she began to slide off the bar stool she heard a voice “You’re not leaving on my account are you?” a voice asked.

She looked next her and saw a vision in motorcycle leather and tattoos staring back at her. Intense grey eyes, dark hair and trimmed facial hair. Good boy gone wrong, bad boy extreme. She smiled at him “No, just bored now.” she replied.

The bad boy gabbed her arm before she could come off the bar stool and growled “but I haven’t even bought you a drink yet. Sit down.”

Really? He was going to growl at her? Her darkness was both outraged and intrigued. So she sat.

The bad boy looked a the bartender without saying a word and two shots of tequila each appeared in front of them. He smiled at her and threw back the first then the second in smooth succession.

She looked first at the bartender who gave her an encouraging smile and then at the biker and threw back the two shots in front of her with equal ease. She could feel the seductive burn of the alcohol traversing down her throat and something else she couldn’t quite place. Something foreign but heated and erotic.

The biker grabbed her hand and led her to a table in front of the main stage where the buxom brunette was still displaying her goods in an erotic way. She watched amused as the biker tucked several bills into the skimpy waistband of the brunette. She was intrigued. He noticed and handed her a few bills. “Never been to a strip joint before huh?”

She forced herself to look away from him and to the body of the pert twenty something before her. The girls’ ample ass and full breasts were enough o turn anyone on. Even her, and she tucked the bills into the front of the girls’ waistband. Much to the admiration of the biker and to the joy her darkness.

The biker ordered several more shots and a lap dance from the brunette. But for her, not for himself. He just watched. It was an amazing turn on and she found herself getting wet. He noticed.

The biker grabbed her up and grabbed her hair forcefully and brought her lips to his. He explored her mouth deeply, sensually and she found herself moaning and giving way to his tongue. Answering with hers in a most erotic fashion.

She felt herself being forcefully lifted from her chair and being led into a dark alcove, curtained on one side for privacy with a tale and velvet couch all covered in darkness and candlelight.

The biker laid her down on the couch and she protested.

He grabbed her wrists in one hand and raised them above her head and kissed her deeply to quiet her. She mewled into his mouth and relaxed her body, her darkness giving way to him. His hands explored expertly making his way across her ample curves and in between her legs.

She began to protest again and suddenly felt another pair of lips upon her and whispering into her ear. “Relax. Give into him.” The words were mesmerizing and held and indescribable evil in them. Joyous evil.

Two pairs of lips moved along her body. Caressing her and wrapping her in heat. Heady scents of sex filled her senses as she began to feel her clothes falling away. Hands wandering on her body, caressing her breasts. Teethe tugging at her nipples and then lips at her sex.

Hot breath covered her sex and then she felt light kisses and then suction on her clit. At the same time she could feel light nibbles on her nipples and electricity ran down her spine. Her darkness screamed with joy and ecstasy.

She arched her back and pushed herself into the hot waiting mouth and he sucked her into his mouth. Between his lips and massaged her clit with his tongue. She moaned with pleasure and he dipped his tongue inside of her. He twisted his tongue around and he plunged his fingers inside of her causing her to scream out.

Suddenly the lips at her nipples came to her mouth to cover her screams of ecstasy as his tongue dove in for more and lapped the wetness she now dripped. As the invading lips kissed he deeply she felt him begin to stroke her with his cock. Not entering but bringing her to the brink of orgasm over and over just rubbing his engorged cock across her clit and through her folds. He groaned with satisfaction.

She felt her body being turned and lifted until her bottom was in the air and she could feel lips from below her sucking her clit and diving inside her. She screamed out and then felt his hardness against her ass. She couldn’t’ help but to buck against it and she heard him moan loudly.

“I’m going to fuck you now. And I mean fuck you hard. Are you ready?” She groaned he compliance and he answered “good girl.” With no preamble he thrust into her hard and she screamed out. He began pumping into her hard and she screamed out her pleasure. He fisted a hand into her hair and pulled harshly as he took out a punishing rhythm inside her.

He parted her ass checks with his hands and slowly massaged her hole with her his thumb. She immediately tensed in ecstasy and bucked harder into him. She screamed out again in pure evil ecstasy and he plunged harder and farther into her in answer. His hands ripped her ass tighter as he drove into her and suddenly she felt lips on her clit as well.

She was taken over the top. Not able to hold on any longer, she felt her orgasm come in mighty waves, over and over. Squeezing him tighter and milking his cock until he realized his own release. She throbbed around him over and over until the orgasm released and she spiraled down into exhaustion.

He pulled from her and brushed his lips over hers. “Exquisite.” he murmured. “You must come again.” he chuckled. There was no sign of anyone else but she was sure the brunette stripper was close.

Once she was redressed and the biker had disappeared she found herself back in her car. Needing speed again but this time for another reason. She felt her phone vibrate and she looked down at it. A foreign caller id glared back up at her and a text charged at her. “I want you again. Meet me here next week, same time.”

“Arrogant much?” she thought. But she knew. Her darkness demanded it. Evil called for it. She would be back. He would be waiting and he would own her, again.

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