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You’re lying on a lounge chair, out by the pool, basking in the faint breeze and warm sunshine of a beautiful Florida afternoon. Your favorite song is on the radio and the book you’re reading is amazing.

You slip your bookmark between the pages and sigh. This could be such a perfect day- if only you weren’t alone. He was supposed to be here by now, but his flight got cancelled. You haven’t seen him in almost two months, and some German airline has the nerve to make you wait two more days.

You were so excited when he called this morning, just hearing the sound of his voice made your body tingle and knowing that his touch would soon be accompanying his voice had made you wet. But he told you he wouldn’t be coming home today.. you’d have to wait a little longer…

Your body aches for him… you can still remember everything about the night before he left- his lips and hands all over you… you can almost still feel it… and you think you may die if you have to wait much longer to feel him again.

You get up, throwing your book on the lounge chair, and look around.. it’s the middle of the day… you usually reserve your exhibitionist urges for after dark- but you’re bored and lonely.. and want to be submersed and surrounded by something.. if not him.. then water will have to do.

You take your swimming suit off and wade slowly into the pool. You tug the scrunchie out of your hair, allowing it to fall down around your shoulders. You slip beneath the water, then resurface, pushing your hair back out of your eyes. The pool is significantly cooler than the air, teasing your nipples to attention with the chill. You lie back, floating, kicking your legs slightly and moving your arms through the water to slowly propel yourself across the pool… unaware that the eyes you long to be looking into have been carefully observing your every move…

He’s torn on what to do- he wants to keep watching you… he loves this scene- you and his element, as one. Part of him wants to join you, but then you’d be aware of his presence and that would ruin the surprise. He wants to startle you, shock you- the whole reason he’d lied about the flight was to give him the opportunity to completely surprise you. He can’t take his eyes off of you as you begin to do laps- first the breaststroke and then butterfly.

You begin to lose yourself in the freedom of the cool water. You dive under, staying submerged for the entire length of the pool, coming up to gasp for air then going back under.

He realizes that you’re doing your usual workout routine, and he knows he’ll have enough time to ‘take care of things’ before you get out.

He’s feeling a little nasty from being on the plane all day and hurries to the shower, regretfully leaving you and the pool behind. Being apart from you for two months has taken it’s toll on his body- his cock painfully hard and in need of attention, türbanlı escort and he wants to be sure nothing happens too fast when he finally gets ahold of you. He’s been waiting too long for it not to last for hours when he has you in his arms again.

As you continue your laps in the pool, he is slipping out of his clothes and into the shower. You both revel in the feel of the waters around you, thoughts of the other flooding each of your minds.

You make it across the pool a few more times and decide you can bear it no more. Your mind is lost in thoughts of him and your body is aching to be touched, if he can’t, you will, but not here. You get out of the pool, gather your things and go inside.

Immediately upon stepping inside the door, you sense that something is not right. You dismiss the intuition, perhaps you’re just so overcome with the emotions you’re feeling right now- the longing for him, the need for release- that things seem a little off-kilter.

As you walk towards your bedroom, the apprehension returns. You can hear something, it sounds like the shower, but how would that be possible? You creep into the room- the bathroom door is closed and the shower is definitely running. Who the fuck is in your house?? No one could get in here…

You approach the bathroom door, and notice a pile of clothes on the floor. Only the tiniest part of you is afraid, suspicious- the rest of you, oddly calm. You grab the clothes, immediately recognizing the shirt and his unmistakable scent that lingered on it. But why the hell would he be home? He said he couldn’t make it, his flight was cancelled, why would he have lied?

You begin thinking and quickly remember a little “tiff” the two of you had not too long ago. You’d become somewhat bored with the predictability of your relationship with him. You know his next move before he even makes it- the way he rolls over to kiss you in the morning, what he’ll want for breakfast, the words he’ll mumble at night when you fall into bed… even sex wasn’t what it used to be. You’d told him this.. and he’d said just wait- he’d surprise you soon enough.

So maybe that was his intention… but you have other plans.

Knowing that he’s usually a zombie in the shower- transported to another mysterious realm under the hot spray, you slip quietly into the bathroom and peer through the steamy walls of the shower.

Your mouth falls open at what you see… it’s definitely him.. standing under the stream of water, head bowed, left arm propped against the tile wall, and his right hand slowly stroking his hard cock. Could you have timed this anymore perfectly?

You quickly determine the way to open the shower door that will cause the least possible noise, even though you know there’s not much chance he’ll notice you right now. You very slowly open the door, carefully watching him for any sign he may be aware of your presence. He gives you none.

You can hear his soft sighs and grunts as he continues to bring himself closer to his climax. You wonder what he’s thinking about as his hand slides up and down.

In one quick motion, you’re in the shower- arms winding around his waist and teeth grazing over the back of his neck.

He flinches in surprise, but makes no move to stop you as your hand joins his, slipping over his cock. “I guess you caught me” he says in a low whisper.

Your tongue flicks over his ear and you ask seductively, “What are you thinking about?”

“How badly… I’ve been missing… your hands… on me…” he says quietly through his ragged gasps for air.

“This must be your lucky day.” you tell him. Your hand releases his cock and moves up over his abs, all of your fingers dancing over his chest. You trace the outline of the tattoo on his right shoulder blade with your tongue, your fingers still roaming his body, trying to remember exactly how he feels to your touch.

Suddenly, it all becomes too much- the motions of his hand, your fingers pinching lightly at his nipples and your tongue re-drawing the tattoo- he tenses up and cums with a heavy sigh of relief.

Immediately he turns around, pulling you against his chest in a tight hug and capturing your lips in a fiercely passionate kiss.

When he pulls away, you’re breathless and desiring him even more deeply than before. Your hands slide up and down over his chest and you ask, “Why did you say you weren’t coming home?”

“I just wanted to surprise you.. do something you wouldn’t expect… looks like it didn’t quite work out how I had planned.” he says smiling, then kissing you again. It’s been too long and he can’t get enough of you.

You break the kiss, smile devilishly at him, and say, “It’s not too late for that…”

He turns off the water, steps out of the shower, pulling you with him. He leads you through the house- your naked bodies leaving a trail of water droplets behind.

“What are we doing?” you ask as he takes you back outside and lays down on the lounge chair.

“Making the neighbors jealous.” he replies, pulling you towards him, forcing you to throw a leg over the chair to keep your balance.

You smile and situate yourself, sitting on his stomach, your hands traveling over his chest.

He sighs and closes his eyes. He’s missed this even more than he realized- your touch, the feel of your skin on his. “I love you” he whispers, his hands sliding over your thighs.

“I love you too baby. I’m so glad you’re home.. I don’t think I could have waited any longer.” you say, leaning down to kiss him. You trace his lips with the tip of your tongue, then slip it between his parted lips, gasping as he takes control of the kiss, grabbing the sides of your face, holding you close to him as his tongue forcefully invades your mouth. You scoot back a little and you can feel his cock, hard again, nudging against your bottom. You want him so badly it’s become a need… you need him.. to feel him…

You break the kiss and hear him moan. You raise yourself up, carefully handling his pulsing cock, placing him just inside your pussy and very slowly sliding down on him, contracting your muscles around him as you take him all in. You don’t move, but stay still, watching his face- his expressions changing rapidly- ecstasy at being surrounded by you, relief for no longer having to wait to feel you and contentment from being with you again.

His hands go to your hips and slide up your body, slipping over your curves, trying to memorize them like he was touching you for the first time. He grasps your breasts gently, his thumbs brushing over your nipples.

You begin to move- rocking gently in a slow sexy figure eight, just enough motion to tease you both, make your hearts beat with anticipation.

His hips thrust up, catching you off guard, causing you to fall forward, your hands on his chest to catch your balance. Your hands glide over his chest, stopping to pinch lightly at his nipples and trace light designs around them with your fingernails.

Your direction changes- the wait has been too long and your body desires release- you begin to move faster- thrusting hard up and down on him. Your breath comes in gasps, each time he fills you again.

His hands go to your hips, grasping them, as if to control your almost frenzied motions, but he loves to see you like this- going after what you want, using his body to get it. His fingers glide over your hips and stomach, down between your legs to stroke your clit. He feels you tense at his touch. His voice is a low sexy whisper as he says, “Scream my name.. it doesn’t matter if the whole neighborhood hears.. I want them to know who you belong to.”

His words and actions ignite a fire in you, consuming your entire body in orgasmic heat as you comply with his wishes, shrieking his name- your body left trembling from the power of your climax.

But it’s not over. He sees your response to him and it drives him wild. He bucks up beneath you, your still quivering pussy reacts again to the depth of his thrusts and tightens around his throbbing cock. He grabs your shoulders, pulling you into a tight embrace as he cums, his release causing you both to shudder.

You look in his eyes, your heart pounding, breathing hard. Your arms slip around his neck, and you hug him tightly. Your lips meet his, kissing him slowly and passionately.

When you pull away from him he smiles at you, “This enough to make you take back that stuff you said about us being boring?”

“It’s an excellent start.” you saying, returning his grin. “We’re not boring… we just need.. a little surprise now and then.” You tease his lips with your own and slide down his body, to lay your head on his chest, completely oblivious to the rest of outside world around you.

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