Swamp Girl

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Any resemblance between the events and characters in this story and anything you ever heard of is just your imagination. This story kind of got away from me. I’m not thrilled with the ending. It’s OK. I’m still trying to write some of the best on Literotica. Check out my other junk.



I love to go visit my best friend, Mike and his wife Sherry. Mike and I grew up together in North Alabama. He’s a year older. We played kid’s sports together. We just never drifted apart like most people do. We stayed in contact even when we were separated by life’s bullshit. We have gotten together whenever possible.

Lately I’ve been living in bourbon country, central Kentucky. Mike and Sherry have a place on the edge of a snake infested swamp in North Florida. It’s beautiful. Mike and I have always been avid outdoorsmen. The more remote and wild the terrain, the better we like it. I go to their place for fishing and friendship two or three times a year if I can get away. He comes to me once a year for a deer hunt. The problem with the deer hunt is, he doesn’t bring Sherry to Kentucky.

Sherry is a special lady. She was a full decade younger than Mike and me. She is crazy about Mike and she takes good care of him. The swamp doesn’t bother her. She grew up there. Gaters and snakes? No problem for Sherry. I was down there once, and a huge rattle snake crawled up on the deck. She just took a broom and swept the reptile off into the bushes. Since that day, I sometimes call her Swamp Girl.

I drove approaching Mike and Sherry’s place midday on a Tuesday in late May. They were expecting me late that day, but I changed my plans. The land in that area is board flat. Planted pines and palmettos with some scrub brush. Forest service signs indicate the protected wilderness area that borders Mike’s property. The last leg of the journey, I drove onto a dirt road. There was a slight drop in elevation and the vegetation took on a tropical paradise look.

I parked my Chevy Tahoe under a small oak tree on the right side of the driveway. My dog-friend, Daisy came into the front yard with another dog I didn’t know. Daisy was cautious until she caught my scent, then she was all over me. While the younger, mixed breed dog barked his head off, shepherd Daisy got me to kneel and then hugged me and licked my face. The other dog was confused by Daisy greeting the stranger and kept barking.

“Jacky shut up!” screamed a familiar voice from the front porch. I looked up to see Sherry rapidly stepping off the porch and coming toward me grinning. I say I saw Sherry, what I mean is I saw most of Sherry. You see, Sherry has always struggled with her weight. The last couple of years, she had gone up to a very unhealthy weight. Now, she was on a trot with arms extended, not much more than half the size she was the year before.

“Oh, my God, Sherry! You look fantastic.” She shut me up with a big hug and a kiss.

“Come on up to the house. Jacky knows you’re OK now. He barks good or else I’d shoot the little bastard. He chews up any shoes we leave out.” Sherry said smiling. “We thought you’d be tonight getting here. Mike is on a job.” She clung to my arm and lead me up to the porch.

“Good, I’ll have my Swamp Girl all to myself for the afternoon.” I held her in a hug, and we shared a long, closed mouth kiss. “I did most of my driving yesterday. I got a room south of Montgomery. That way I could show up here fresh instead of exhausted like I always do.”

“God, Tommy, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you. Do you want something to drink? Do you want to sit down? Are you hungry? Should we just jump in bed and screw ’til Mikey gets home?” Sherry burst out laughing. She was giddy with the excitement of my arrival.

I hadn’t mentioned that she has a very bawdy sense of humor. “Babe, you look marvelous. I’m proud of you and very happy for you. Let me have a good look at that sweet body.” I laughed.

Sherry took off a work shirt that she had on over a tight tee shirt. The tee was tucked into some tight jeans. Her feet were bare, of course. Bare feet in blue jeans, that’s a hot look for an Alabama boy. She was still a large woman. She carried it well. She has broad shoulders and a robust build. Gone were the little rolls here and there. She still had big arms, but her belly was now just a gentle curve and she definitely had an hourglass shape. I slipped my hands around her waist. “Oh, Sherry, you look so good.” She did.

“Feel that? I’ve got ribs! I feel so much better.” She took my hands in hers. She guided my hands along her sides to her hips then back to her ribs then up to the sides of her breasts. “And I’ve still got these boobs you like.”

I jerked my hands away. “You’re still a tart too!” I got her into another big hug. Emboldened by her flirting, I reached down and grabbed both her meaty ass cheeks in my hands and pulled her up to me. She kissed me again. This time she opened her mouth and we shared a quick full kiss. “You better watch out, woman. I’m liable to take you gaziantep escort up on that ‘screw ’til Mikey gets home’ thing” We both laughed.

Sherry picked up her phone. “I’ll call Mike and see if it’s OK.”

I stopped her. I thought she might actually do it. “Put that down, silly girl. Just let him finish and come home. No rushing on my account. I really do want some time with you. Can we walk down to the creek? I’d love to see the place and stretch my legs.”

“I hear you, Tom.” Sherry led the way through the house and out the back. She picked up a can of bug-off and a walking stick. “Grab that machete. We need to knock the trail back a little.”

The dogs ran ahead as I followed Sherry and enjoyed the view. I watched her hips sway and her brown pony tail flipping around on her back. She’s always been a cute girl. Even when she was very heavy, she still had a cute face and a sweet smile. She’s still a robust and husky lady. On her, it looks good. She’s tall and strong enough to look like she could kick some ass. I hacked a few limbs she pointed out and A few more that I thought looked at me funny. I took out some low bushes that could hide snakes close to the feet.

We came upon a small deck at the edge of flowing creek. They had fixed it up for their enjoyment. It was off their property and on public land, but all the other homeowners in the area had the same set-up. I thrashed some offending shrubs around the deck while Sherry set up folding chairs and fished a mason jar out of a hiding spot. I settled into a chair. Sherry produced pot and pipe from the jar. My new buddy, Jacky, the barking terrier now wanted his share of attention.

“Are you still getting piss tested?” She asked.

“Yes, but I know when my next test will be. It will be cool if I moderate.” I took the pipe and took a big blast.

Sherry started laughing. “Man, you’re gonna get fucked up. That’s not our old home-grown shit. That’s some new strain. It’s potent.” She chuckled some more and took a couple of puffs for herself.

I did, indeed, get wrecked, but it was nice. Sherry moved her chair close and held my hand some of the time. We did some catching up talk. She sprayed the insect repellant around us.

“OK, I’m going to be a little rude. You aren’t supposed to talk about a lady’s weight. But I’m like family and I love you. How much? How much weight have you lost?”

Sherry smiled and blushed. “Seventy pounds.” She said shyly.

“Oh, my God! Sherry that’s fantastic. “You look good, hot even.”

“You, T-Tommy are full of shit. I’ve still got big thighs and look at these fat arms.” Sherry said and held up an arm for me to look at.

I leaned over and kissed her upper arm and smiled at her. “You are beautiful, and you always have been.”

“Sometimes I believe you. You’ve always have told me that.” Sherry said softly.

“I’ve never lied to you. At least not yet.” I joked and laughed to break the serious tone. I got up from my chair and wiped the bug-off from my lips. I stepped in front of Sherry and kissed her.

“Look there, that bitch gets her a hot new figure going and just like that, she’s got her another man down here.”

Sherry looked around me. “Hey, guys. What the hell are you doing? Tommy, you met Bill and Lisa before. Tommy came down for a visit. He didn’t bring any pussy with him, so I thought I’d just loan him some.” Sherry laughed loud enough for it to echo through the trees.

“If you run low, give me a call, handsome.” Lisa said.

“God, Lisa. You’ve been hanging with Sherry too much. Hey Tom” Bill greeted.

“Hey, folks. Nice to see you.” I said to the couple gliding by in a canoe. “Nice old canoe.”

“Are you still in the bourbon business?” Bill asked. “Did you bring samples again?”

“I sure did. I didn’t want Mike to send me back for them. Come by. I’ve got some moonshine for you.”

“Moonshine?” Lisa asked. “I thought your company made the good kind.”

“We do. Lately there has been a market for our fresh made stuff before it’s aged. We call it white dog. It’s really pretty good. It makes a good cocktail.

“See you later. Say ‘hi’ to Big Mike for us.” Bill skillfully aimed the canoe downstream and they silently glided away.

“They caught us kissing.”

“I don’t give a shit. I love you. You’re like my other old man or a brother. Up there where you live you could be both.”

“Funny girl” I said and sat back in my chair.

Sherry got up and came and sat in my lap. She hugged me and rested her head on my shoulder. “Last year, we would have broken the chair.”

“No offence, baby, we are still putting it in a strain.” I chuckled.

I held her for a long time. I wanted to kiss her again. But, I didn’t. I wanted to cup her full breast in my hand. But, I didn’t.

“Well, looks like there’s a strange snake visiting our swamp. Bastard’s got a hold of my woman, too.” Mikes laughing voice came booming down the trail.

The chair groaned as Sherry climbed out of my lap. “Oh, Paw! Don’t shoot him, Paw. I love him.” Sherry said in a mock hillbilly voice. She ran to Mike and kissed him. “Look what the dogs dragged up.”

“I see that.” Mike said grinning. He came to me and hugged me so tight my back cracked. “God Damn, son, you’re as ugly as always.”

“So long as I look better that you, I’m OK.” I answered. A variation on one of our standard greetings.

Back up at the house, Mike led me to the other side of the yard. “We keep the grass cut short. Seems like it helps keep the snakes away from the house.”

“Is this the boat you took on trade?” I asked. I was looking at a beat-up old center-console with no motor. “Is it sea worthy?”

Sherry burst out laughing behind me. “Sea worthy?! I told him to flip it over and make a dog house out of it. It would be big enough for him and the dogs to sleep in.” She laughed some more then kissed Mike and me in turn. “Two men to love on. I could get used to that. I’m going to prep supper. Grilled pompano, Tommy. One of your favorites.” She went in the back door.

“She’s tickled you are here. We saved those fish for you. Let me show you the motor.” Mike led me into a work shed. A big black Mercury outboard was hanging on a stand. “I took the whole rig in trade for some work. It’s better than it looks. The motor runs and the boat floats. What else do you need?”

“Lights, fuel tanks, electronics…” I began listing.

“Details, details. I could have her fishing in a week if I had time. We’ll be using the bass boat and fish in-shore. The weather is going to be great. Got to be careful of the wind.” Mike said pulling two beers out of an old refrigerator in the shed.

“Man, I got to say, Sherry looks amazing. I’m so proud of her. I bet she feels better about herself.” I said.

“She’s come a long way. I eat what she eats. I’ve lost a little weight too. She doesn’t fry anything anymore. I had some trigger fish. She baked them. Damn, I love fried triggers.” Mike said and took a long pull from his beer. “You know she’s in love with you, don’t you?”

“Well. I love her too. She’s one of my favorite people in the world.” I said, deflecting the implications of what Mike said.

“No, dumbass. She’s in love with you. Not like a brother, like a true love.” Mike said looking down.

“Is everything OK with you two? She’s your girl, always. I guess I’ve felt she had a crush on me. I have a little one on her. But, she’s your girl, brother.” I felt defensive.

“Sherry started that weight loss thanks to you. I think she did some of it for you.” Mike handed me a pipe with a little weed in it. “She told me that one of the last times you were here, you looked her in the eye and told her she was beautiful. You lit a fire under her ass and one in her heart. That got her started. When the pounds started dropping off, it got to be more about herself and us too. The sex between us has been the best ever lately.”

“That’s always good.” I said and we both laughed. We finished the pipe and talked some more.

Just before we went to the house, Mike said, “Look Tom, Sherry wants you. She wants you to make love to her. If she comes to your bed, don’t you dare turn her down on my account. You both have the green light from me. I think I’d be proud. I can leave if you want. I can go to the bait shop for a couple of hours.” Mike said laughing.

I was speechless. Somehow deep inside, part of me wasn’t surprised. Sherry and I had escalated our petting over the years. Last fall when I was there, Sherry and I were snuggling on the sofa watching an old movie. Mike was asleep in his recliner. One time, I slipped my arm around her. I didn’t realize where my hand was until I felt her nipple between my fingers. I moved it away, but she took it and put it back on her tit. So, I played with it for a few minutes. That has been subject of many masturbation sessions since.

Mike and I caught up while Sherry finished dinner. His twin daughters were still with his ex in Tallahassee. My son is with his mother also. I would be with me for the summer.

Dinner was amazing. Sherry had cooked two nice pompanos in foil pouches with herbs and onions. Laughter and conversation were the highlights. Somehow Sherry had lost her bra while Mike and I were outside. We had dinner and a show. Sherry’s firm nipples were evident under the thin tee shirt. It also was apparent that Mike had told her what he told me out side.

“So, it’s OK if I come to you while you are here?” Sherry whispered in my ear.

“Of course, baby. I love you, too.” I said. I kissed her softly in front of Mike. Below his view, I tickled the underside of her boob.

Sherry cackled laughing and smiled and giggled the rest of the evening. We sampled a bottle of top shelf bourbon that I brought. Just to make sure, we sampled it a couple more times. We agreed to turn in early for fishing the next day. Everyone was casual about it. I went to the guest bedroom they had fixed for me. I didn’t know what Sherry would do. It was all up to her now.

I showered and got into bed wearing boxers. I was getting comfortable. If it were not for the anticipation I might have gone right to sleep. The door of the room was closed. I heard a few muffled phrases from elsewhere in the house. The ones’ I made out were Mike and Sherry assuring their love to each other.

I didn’t expect Sherry to nervously knock and wait. I thought she would just slip in. She kind of did both. She knocked on the door as she was opening it and closed it behind her.

“What’s funny?”

“Why knock on the door if you are just coming in anyway?” I teased her.

“It’s rude not to knock. Don’t make fun of me. I’m nervous.” She said.

“I’ve never seen you nervous.” I said.

“Yes, you have. I just hide it. That night you were playing with my tits with Mikey in the room was a bold move.” She said.

“I moved my hand away and you pulled it back. I’ve been whacking off on that memory ever since.”

“Me too!” She said giggling. She seemed relaxed then.

I snuggled up to her. It felt good to have her in my bed. We were already familiar with each other’s bodies enough to feel at ease. I kissed her slowly and with great care. I really did love her.

“Mike suggested that I come in here and give you a handy or a blowjob to break the ice. Then see where it leads later in the week.” Sherry said softly.

“Oh, really. When you closed that door behind you, Mike’s opinion became irrelevant.” I held her close and kissed her again. I slipped my hand under her shirt and cradled her soft full boob in my hand. “I’ve always told myself that if I ever got you in my bed, I was going to make grand love to you.” I kissed her again and pinched and rolled her nipple. She moaned and kissed me more passionately in return. I pushed her shirt up and began to kiss and suck het tits. Her boobs were always big, and her nipples poked out most of the time. I had wanted to suck her nipples for years. I made the most of it. I didn’t just suck her tits. I worshipped at the altar of her glorious bosom. I kissed, licked and sucked from every angle. I became aware that my poor neglected cock had gotten very hard, almost to the point of being painful. When I slipped my hand into her panties, she was quite wet. Her pussy wasn’t liquid wet. It was more like smooth creamy wet. Her juice was thick and clung to her swollen labia and to my probing fingers.

She helped me take her panties off. “I told Mike to put his headphones on in case you were a screamer.” We both laughed at that. In the maneuvers to remove our clothing. I artfully slipped myself down the bed to bring her pubic mound close to my face. The thick consistency of her juice was matched by the thick musky aroma that I found as I dug my tongue into the folds of her fat pussy. Fulfilling another fantasy, I licked deeply into her folds and sucked her swollen clit. I flicked my tongue over it. She tensed up so I moved back into her hole. I licked around and kissed her pussy before making another assault on her clit. This time I licked and sucked it with a passion. She tensed up and froze in a strain until she broke into a violent orgasm. She bucked and thrashed. She moaned with a few “Oh, God’s” thrown in. A stream of sweet, slippery fluid shot from her pee hole onto my tongue. Then she began to calm.

Sherry was breathing hard. I moved up to kiss her. We shared some giggles and kisses. I used my legs to push hers apart. As I slipped my tongue into her mouth, my hard cock plunged into her hungry pussy for the first time.

She held me tightly. “I love you, Tommy. I’ve wanted you inside me for so long. I can’t believe this is real.” She whimpered with tears of joy.

“I’ve wanted you too, baby. Take it Sherry. Take my cock deep inside you.” I pushed her legs up and began thrusting with power. I knew the big gothic beauty was built for a pounding and I did my best to do her justice. Most partners take a few attempts to find each other’s rhythms It takes a while to get comfortable with each other’s bodies. Mounting Sherry was like we had done it a hundred times before. We fit and were comfortable. I could sense the pace and the depth to which she liked to be fucked. We went at it for a long while before she began to moan and buck harder than I was. Seeing the pleasure on her face, excited me. The hot feeling between my balls turned into a jet of thick cum splashing into Sherry’s pussy. The sudden flood of liquid inside her threw Sherry over the rail into another hard, straining orgasm.

We lay side by side breathing hard and sweating. “I think that was a better ice-breaker than just a silly blowjob.” Sherry said with a soft chuckle.

“Blowjobs are good too. God, Sherry, I’ve wanted you for so long. I really do love you, Swamp Girl.” I confessed.

“I thought it was just me. You used to flirt and talk to me like I was the prettiest girl on the beach. Even when I was at my heaviest, you made me feel so good.”

“This didn’t happen because you lost weight. This happened because the time was right, and Mike was OK with it. I would have loved to make love to you that night we were playing on the sofa.” I said.

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