Don’t Open The Door


Don’t Open The Door
I was woken from my drunken slumber by the buzz of the doorbell. Slowly climbing from the couch I began to piece my night together.

Student night at the union. Cheap and nasty shots… far too many of those. What am I doing fully clothed on Dawn’s couch? Shit. yeah… Dawn. Left her high and dry in some bar. Why did I do that?

I knew why I did that.

I’ve known Dawn for a year. When I first met her I thought she was the most graceful creature to walk the earth. Tall, slim, glossy black hair with an angelic face. When she’s sober she perfect. A country girl with all the attributes to be the girl next door. The sort of girl you want as a study partner… Just so you can get close to her. Too close.

Problem is she’s impossible when she’s drunk. To be honest I think Dawn has a slight problem with drink. She drinks fast and doesn’t know when to stop. Ends up in all kinds of situations. I know we’re all like that when we lack experience. But she’s twenty one, not eighteen. I don’t think she’s ever going to learn. In fact, I’m starting to think she has a reckless streak.

There’s also other things going on in her life. Some dark things she wont let me help her with. Broken family. Alcoholic mother… that’s what scares me about Dawn. Apples don’t fall far from the trees that bore them.

But she is beautiful… really, really beautiful. The girl is a perfect storm.


Then I remembered why I abandoned her in the bar.

As usual when we’ve both had a few drinks she gets flirty and I end up telling her how I feel. The first time I told her I got a sloppy kiss. Thought I made it but it never evolved into anything serious. The next time I pushed it a little further only for her to shoot me down with the classic line, “I love you as a friend.”

As I approached the front door I looked through the spy hole and saw nothing but the nocturnal street. However, I could hear the sound of an idling car so thought it was drunk with the wrong address.

About to turn back I then heard a quiet but familiar groan from the other side.

Opening the door I expected to see Dawn but instead saw a man standing at the foot of the path. “Can I help?”

“I brought the girl home.” He pointed to Dawn who was curled into a ball as if she was hibernating on the doorstep. “I just wanted to make sure she was OK. That’s all. You know, in case you didn’t answer.”

“Well, I’ll deal with her now. Thanks mate.” I waved the driver goodbye who retreated sheepishly back to his cab. Gazing down at a shivering Dawn, I chortled. “Look what the cat brought home.”

“Finally. I’m freezing. Didn’t think you were going to open the door.”

“Sorry. I was sleeping. ” Despite being near zero, Dawn had chosen to wear a short provocative red party dress. I reached down and linked my arm around her slender waist before lifting her on to her feet. “There you go, girl.” She hung to me like a deadweight. Reaked of alcohol. ” Let’s get you inside.”

“Can’t believe you left me.”

“I was angry… and jealous.”


I kicked the front door shut. “Seeing you dancing with those guys.” Then led her through the hall towards the living room. “They treated you like a piece of meat.”

“We were having a laugh. That’s all. Dancing.”

“They were bending you over. Dry humping you and all sorts. Their hands were all over you.”

“Maybe they did get a little carried away. Sorry if it hurt you.”

I sat her down on the couch. Then arched my back to sooth my spine. “Anyway. Forget it.”


“I know what you’re about the say… you’re hungry. Want some toast?”

“That’s why I like you. You know me so well.”


In the kitchen I dropped the toast into the toaster, turning the dial to 3. Just like Dawn liked it. Speaking of the devil, she entered the kitchen behind me.

I turned around. Dawn then leant into me and gave me hug. I instinctively curled my arms around her waist. “What’s up, trouble?”

“I can’t believe you told me my dress was shapeless.”

“You’re so skinny. That’s all. Need to fatten you up.”

“Skinny. Whatever. Dan… have I ever told you that you’re my bestfriend?”

“Yes.” I closed my eyes. “But I want to be more.”

Dawn pressed herself against me. Her pert tits pushed against my chest while nuzzling her face into the crux of my neck. I could feel her breath, tainted with the smell of cider, as it warmed my skin. My cock began to stir. Dawn purred, “You mean so much to Dan. I would be lost without you.”

“I know.”

“You’re so special. I’m glad we met.”

My hands dropped to her arse. Dawn was a slender girl but she did pack a curvy rump. My fingers curled under her cheeks and I weighed them in each hand.


I closed my eyes, expecting the knock-back. “Yes?”

“I’ll wait for on the couch.” She kissed my cheek and left.

I never buttered toast so quick… and made the worst cup of tea in my life.

The living room was dimly lit by the blue light from the muted television. Dawn was laying on the couch, resting on her flank while propping herself up with her elbow like a drunken Cleopatra.

Dawn lifted her dress to her waist while staring at me seductively, daring me to take a look.. Obviously my eyes were drawn to her long graceful legs which were topped by her tight youthful thighs. I could see her panties which lay tantalisingly under the gloss of her seamless nylon tights.

I placed the tea and plate of toast on the coffee table. Not trying to lose momentum I took hold of Dawn’s ankles and lifted her legs so I could sit beside her. While Dawn chewed on her toast I brushed my hands up and down her long sleek legs, feeling the roughness of the nylon but loving the warmth of her skin.

With each stroke of my hand I ventured further up her thigh. Dawn slowly parted her legs slightly, giving me more than hint of the gusset of her tights. My hand crept further towards the warmth. Closer than I had ever been.

But Dawn then trapped my hand with hers.

“I’m sorry.”

Dawn didn’t let go. But placed my hand on her crotch. My heart filled my mouth. I couldn’t breathe. My mind froze and almost wanted to scream halle -fucking -lujah . She was warm – almost damp. I wished I was the first to feel her. But hopefully I’ll be the last. But I didn’t care.

Was this going to be my night?

I tentatively massaged Dawn’s mound. It was the first time I had ever done so to a girl. Yup, I was a virgin. There, I said it.

Dawn began to react to my massage. Her body flexing as my fingers were obviously touching the right spot. It wasn’t just Dawn who was enjoying this as both my mind and heart were racing.

But then Dawn pushed my hand away. I wanted to scream, ‘no’ but just shrugged my shoulders in silent protest. I have never been able to say no to Dawn.

She was my everything.

Dawn smiled as she climbed on-top of me, meeting my lips with hers. We tasted each other. Our tongues probing and dabbing in a timeless dance. I would love to say she tasted sweet but all I could taste was butter from the toast – not romantic but it at least it was real.

She then broke from the kiss and climbed down. Laying backwards, Dawn rested her head on my lap as I sat upright on the couch. Her legs were open and my hand ran up her thigh and began to grope her womanhood once more.

But the cold reality hit home. I was abusing my position. Abusing my best friend. Apart from my closest family, Dawn was the most important person in my life. I’m surely risking the closeness I enjoyed with Dawn. If I was to do this, I had to do it properly. “I love you, Dawn.”

“No need to get so heavy. Let’s have some fun… and stop bloody worrying all the time.”

For most men that would be a green light. But I continued to be the hesitant twat I loathed. “It would be more than just fun for me. It would be love.”

“So sweet. You know, Dan? If I ever wanted to marry, I would choose a man like you.”

The word, like, killed me. “Like me? Why not just me? Me!”

“I don’t want to marry, Dan. Not for a least ten years. Even then, I’m not so sure. I like my independence.”

My heart sank. A decade of waiting. Ten years of watching my love flirt with other men. In the twelve months I’ve known her, she’s slept with at least two, maybe three men. Knowing that she sleeps around. I just couldn’t do it. So I told her ruefully. “I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

“You don’t have to. We can be together tonight.”

“But…” With a heart filled with reluctance, I pulled my hand free from Dawn’s grasp. “I need commitment. Sorry.”

“Jesus, Dan.” Dawn climbed from the couch. “Sometimes all a girl needs is fun. Tonight, all I wanted was to get laid.”

“Dawn! That’s it, you’re drunk.”

“Shut up, Dan. You know what? Despite what you might have thought in the club, earlier. I wanted it to be you, because… wait for it… I wanted to see if you were right? That, what I was interpreting as friendship was actually love. Love for you. ”

My heart began to bleed. The pain of yet, another lost opportunity. From a position of strength I had lost control. I stood from the couch and reached for an incensed Dawn. “I’m sorry. OK? Come on… let’s see if we can still work it out.”

“No. It’s not to be. We lack chemistry. Sorry. We’re friends. That’s all. Its clearer now than ever before.”


I stared at the TV, not that I had any idea what I was watching. I was just in a mind of my own. Slumped on the couch I wanted to cry, but somehow battled back the tears. Dawn, now sat on the opposite couch, typed away on her mobile which kept vibrating with incoming messages. I wanted to ask who she was messaging, but didn’t have the courage.

Eventually, Dawn put her phone down on the dark blue carpet and curled up on the couch.

Within minutes she was snoring like a battle hardened trooper.

Her snores as much as the heartache kept me awake. In moments like this a wank usually helps knock me out for the night. So I climbed from the couch and left the room.

Upstairs, I crept into her loft conversion bedroom. The air was cold and still. The house was empty so as long as I kept things quiet I didn’t fear being caught.

Her property was mine for the night.


The air was thick with Dawn’s heavenly scented perfume. The whole bedroom smelt like the girl of my endless fantasies. But having probably ruined my chances of ever being with Dawn, it now only served as a cruel reminder.

I felt beyond frustrated with myself and possessed that all too familiar empty feeling.

In moments like this there’s only one thing to fall back on… a good old danger wank. But no ordinary one. I wanted to empty sacks in style.

So as Dawn slept downstairs, I tiptoed across her bedroom which was only lit by a small desk lamp, and headed towards a set of bedroom drawers.

As I closed in, my heart jumped. On top of the drawers were numerous photos of family and friends. And there, sitting front and centre, was a photo of me and her together. I remembered the time and place it was taken. A day out we had at a popular theme park. Fond memories of innocence when I thought it was only a matter of time before we would become true lovers.

I felt proud… but then guilty.

My legs filled with concrete. Should I return downstairs and forget my night of mischief?

But then I remembered what went on earlier that night. Dawn’s temper, my embarrassment. Her rejection.

No. I was going to do this.

Slowly, and carefully I pulled out the first drawer. It was nothing but t shirts and blouses. All neatly folded. Cute but not what I was looking for. I gently pushed the drawer back in, then pulled out the second.


The drawer of secrets. Lots of cotton panties. Cute, almost c***dish like. Black, white or polka-dot. Not what I had imagined, really. In my dirty mind Dawn always wore thongs or lacy underwear. Ready for action. So, I picked my way diligently through the garments. Comfortable bra here, snug fitting underpants there.

But then my heart jumped in my chest. What the fuck… An open packet of condoms! “Extra large.”

My heart shattered. Felt weak. But I couldn’t deny my cock pricked.

I imagined her slamming down on some guy’s cock. Wished it was mine. I placed the packet back into the drawer and continued the search.

Eventually, I found something more interesting. A dainty pair of provocative scarlet knickers with gold lace woven in delicate spirals across the front. My cock roared into life, pushing against my underpants. This must be her special knickers. I brought it to my face, inhaled… but only smelt lavender fabric softener. Damn!

I needed the real thing. Needed to smell Dawn’s private signature. Realizing my mistake, I glanced around the room. There, in a dark corner of the room, was the laundry basket.

Creeping across the room like the pervert I was, I reached the straw basket. I then immediately began to comb through the clothes, girly pink pajamas, flimsy tops, dark denim jeans and half a dozen panties of all colours. But I wanted sexy ones.

Reaching to the bottom of the basket I found a delicate pair that resembled the special ones I found in her drawer. Delicate, flimsy, almost see through. Only difference being these were royal blue.

My cock came to life once more. This was what I had been looking for. As I lifted them out the basket, questions began to fill my head. Had she worn them on one of our nights out? Or for some other guy? Or worse… maybe someone I knew?

Had someone drawn them down her legs with their teeth. Or more likely, had Dawn been finger fucked while wearing them.

I walked back to the bed, holding the panties tightly. Standing at the edge of the bed, I undid my belt, dropped both my trousers and underpants to my ankles, then sat on the mattress. A mattress where she had fucked some guy with a massive cock.

Lifting the soiled knickers to my face, I pressed the crotch against my nose then inhaled deeply. Her musty sweat with a hint of urine might cause some men to turn their nose up. But to me it was perfect.

But it drove me wild.

Dreaming of my heart-breaker, I then began rubbing myself. Starting at a steady pace I merely stroked my stiff cock, careful not to bring a premature end to tonight’s event.

I dreamt of kissing her scarlet lips. Her tender touch. My thoughts of caressing her skin, licking her breasts. I pondered on her scent, her taste.

Laying backwards on the bed I placed the gusset of her panties on my face. Finally I got to smell Dawn how only her lovers knew her. Or more accurately, those lucky bastards who got to fuck her.

I discovered she had a splendid natural odor. Rich but famine. Not pungent in the slightest. Intoxicated by Dawn’s scent I picked up the pace of my wanking

The natural next step was to taste. So, I dabbed my tongue on the delicate fabric of the gusset. My taste buds tingled to the bitterness. She tasted strong but earthly… and sent me overboard.

I wrapped her knickers around my cock just in time to have the most orgasmic rush I have ever experienced.

My shafted pumped away, filling her sexy underwear with hot glutenous cum. I groaned through gritted teeth as continued to thunder away into her panties.

Emptied like never before, I had no energy. I was nothing but an empty sack.

What to do with the soiled garment? I didn’t have the energy to deal with it, so simply wiped myself as clean as I could before tossing it on the floor.

I felt powerless as my eyes then began to close over… and I drifted into a blissful sleep. Reckless, but I was beyond caring if Dawn caught me.

That wank was the best I ever had.


I woke to the sound of the doorbell. “No. It can’t be.” My heart pounded in my chest as I lay frozen in fear.

The bell rung for a second time, confirming my fear. Suddenly, I heard the living room door open. I sat as I listened to Dawn’s bare feet as she crossed the wooden floor of the hallway.

She opened the front door to the sound of a confident male voice, followed by her flirtatious laugh.


I could hear Dawn’s high heels clipping the floor downstairs. She had obviously put them back on to impress. Now, I’m not a confrontational man. But Dawn, whether she was fully aware or not, was about to humiliate me. But this time I was going to put up a stand. No more hiding. No more Mr Wet. It was time I became a man.

I’m no prizefighter. No martial artist. No champ. In fact, my biggest success was coming runner up once in a spelling test. But I do have heart, and I knew the woman I love. And that chancer downstairs wasn’t going to steal my girl.

Earlier on, Dawn was as good as mine, and yes, I fucked up. But if she wants a man… a real man. I need to show her that she needs not to look any further than me. I was going to fight for her.

I just have to prove I can duke it out with the big guys. If I get beat up in the process. So be it. But at least I tried. And that might just be enough.

I heard girls like scars.

But first I needed to get dressed. The ancient Celts might have ran into battle bollock naked. But I’m not William Wallace or whatever he was called. It was freezing cold tonight and my shriveled-up cock wouldn’t scare anyone.

With my cock firmly back in my trousers and Dawn’s cummy knickers slung under the bed, I was ready. But as I was about to crash through the door and start throwing punches, the doorbell rang once more. Shit. The guy has brought reinforcements. This made me reassess the situation. So, I slowly opened the bedroom door, climbed down the first stairwell, onto the first floor landing to gain some surveillance of the ground-floor below. A good general needs to know the lay of the land. Choose his fights wisely.

I crept along the dark landing, where I peered between the shadowy banisters. The staircase led down into an open hallway so I could see front door but also a good part of the dimly lit living room. With my heart racing I took a deep breath and listened to the conversation below. Dawn and the guy seemed just as confused as I did about the ring of the doorbell.

The guy grunted, “Who the fuck is that, Dawn?”

“I don’t know.”

“Did you text anyone else?”

“I…” Dawn was clearly drunk her delivery slack. “I… might have. ”

As I continued to observe from upstairs the guy walked into the hallway and answered the door. He then screamed with laughter. “Ryan!” It was then that I realised it was the two men from the club.

“Jake? You beat me to it. You haven’t fucked her yet, have you?”

“No. Thought, I’d wait for my tag-team partner first.”

I took a good look at the two men who wanted to violate my future wife. Jake looked much older. Perhaps early forties. He was a skinhead who possessed muscly tattooed arms and slight beer gut. Not the type Dawn usually went for. But he was dominant. Ryan was better looking and younger, more athletic than the thuggish like Jake.

There was danger in the air.

Stealthily, I moved to the far side of the landing so I could see further into the living room. And it became apparent that Dawn seemed happy enough. Jake had opened a bottle prosecco and poured it into three glasses that Dawn had just brought from the kitchen. Things was spiralling out of control. I felt I needed to be Dawn’s knight in shining armor. However, how could I act the hero if the damsel didn’t want rescuing?

While Ryan searched for the music channel on the small TV, Dawn sat on the three seater couch, the opposite end to Jake. The small space between them gave me a crumb of comfort. But then Dawn lifted her legs and rested them on his lap. She was always proud of her legs and knew men craved for them. It was clear Dawn was playing her little game of seduction. And I’m sure Jake isn’t going to fuck-up like me.

I watched as Jake’s hands were immediately exploring her nylon covered legs. Dawn’s tight red party dress riding up her waist keeping few secrets. Memories of only a few hours earlier were eating away at me. This could so easily have been me.

Ryan then began dancing like an idiot causing Dawn and Jake to laugh and hurl cruel insults at him. Dawn wolf whistled and shouted at Ryan to take his top off, which he promptly did to their amusement. He had a figure of a footballer which flooded me with jealously. I knew Dawn found him attractive.

I watched as Ryan danced his way to the couch then grabbed Dawn’s hand, pulling her up to join him. Dawn took a little tumble and reached out to Ryan for support. Her giggling was c***dlike as they moved to the rhythm of the cheesy pop on the TV. With his free hand he took the bottle from the coffee table and took a swig.

Jake, still slouching on the couch, pulled out his smartphone. “Give Dawn a drink. She looks like the sort of girl who can handle it… All in one go.”

“There’s no way Dawn will drink all that!”

Dawn didn’t look intimidated as she held tightly to Ryan’s naked torso. “I accept the challenge.”

“I knew you were my type of girl.” Ryan lifted the half empty bottle to Dawn’s mouth. She tilted her head backwards and he poured the sparkling wine into her mouth. The two men chanted her name as she gulped thirstily. True to her word, Dawn made a good go of it, not wasting any. Only the final mouthful proved too much as it dribbled down her chin and spilled onto her top. “Good, girl, Dawn. Like a pro.”

Jake slapped his knee. “Jesus, girl. Your lips look good around a bottle… can’t wait to see them around my cock later.”

Dawn, gasped for air. “Cheeky.” She then wiped her chin dry with the back of her hand.

Jake wasn’t finished with the orders. He sneered, “Dance like you were in the club, earlier. Sexy n’ all that.”

Ryan agreed as he took Dawn in his arms. “Yeah, come on Dawn. Grind on me”

Dawn did just that, rubbing her body against Ryan’s. But her moves were slower, less sharp and confident due to her increasing drunkenness. “Like this, you mean, Ry?”

“Yeah. Like, that.”

Jake seemed to be recording the proceedings on his smartphone. Most sly I thought. God knows what he’ll do with the footage. Share it with his friends or post it on the internet, something like that. Jake then snorted a laugh as Ryan lifted Dawn’s dress to expose her nylon covered arse. “You two are hot. Why don’t you two get it on to the music?”

Ryan, his hands grabbing Dawn’s arse, pulled her tight to him then leaned into Dawn for a kiss. My heart bled as I watched them both tasting each other. A large part of me wanted to retreat to the bedroom. But I remained on the landing unable to tear myself away.

Jake then ordered. “Time we get you out of that dress, Dawn.”


I broke into a smile. Finally, Dawn saw sense.

Ryan complained, “What do you mean, no?”

Dawn broke from Ryan’s arms but immediately seemed unbalanced. “Let me get fixed up first. I’ll be a few minutes. Then…” Dawn gingerly walked out of view towards the kitchen. “I’ll be all yours.”


I listened as Ryan and Jake continued their conversation after Dawn had wandered into the Kitchen. They were sitting on the couch together, drinking the last of the wine. Jake sniggered. “Dude, she’s well up for it. Didn’t I tell you just that, back in the club.” He slapped Ryan on his upper arm. “If you had listened then, we wouldn’t have both had to pay for a taxi all the way back.”

“Don’t forget, that friend of her’s complicated things, didn’t he? Where the fuck is he, anyway? I thought she said it was complicated between them, but they’d work things out.”

“Well. Looks like they didn’t.”

I let out a suppressed cry. Dawn had admitted to them she had been trying to work things out between us. She wanted me. ME. A feeling of guilt burned in my stomach. What am I doing up here, then? I should be down there, fighting for Dawn.

“Yeah. Poor git.” Ryan chortled as he shook his head. “But no surprise. She’s too hot for a guy like him. Plus, she doesn’t look the kinda of girl to settle down.”

“She’s our type of girl… a slut.”

“So, who’s got first dibs on her?”

Jake stood from the couch, drank the last mouthful of wine from the glass then turned to Ryan. “Let’s see how far we can push her. I reckon she’ll go all the way. Even a threesome. The girl is troubled. troubled girls are the best.”


“Yeah, well unless you don’t mind having sloppy seconds.”


My blood boiled. These guys had no respect for Dawn. I needed to act fast. Needed to fight for Dawn.

It was time for action. I climbed to my feet and, curled my fists then stormed downstairs. “Lads. Out. Now. Game is over. Dawn is too pissed to make definite decisions.”

Jake turned to face me. “Hey, hang on Rocky Big Balls. I wondered were you got to.”

“I don’t want make a scene.”

“Er, well you kinda are.”

“Just leave. You’ve had your fun. Now fuck off.”

“Mate, in whole honesty, you need to move on.” Jake folded his strong arms. “You’re a good lad looking for love. But that girl in there, Dawn, is not the sort if girl you wanna be with. She is made for guys like us. ”

Ryan, standing behind Jake, slapped his bare chiseled chest. “Yeah. Us. Alphas.”

I spoke through gritted teeth. Inside I was shitting it. Never been as scared in my life. But I did my best to show my strength. “So-called Alphas or not. I will take the both on you on. I’m not scared. ”

Jake, clearly the leader of the two, stepped up to me, leaning forward until our noses touched. “You don’t want to threaten us. Believe me.”

“Dawn’s already taken. She’s mine. I’m protecting her.”

“She’s not yours to protect. We were invited. She wants us. All you’re doing is spoiling her fun, and hurting yourself in the process. Move on.”

“Alcohol doesn’t agree with Dawn. Makes her reckless. Now leave.”

Jake wore a disbelieving smile while pointing to the kitchen door. “Before you take a beating. Go and ask her yourself. She’s in there. ”


I stepped into the kitchen which was empty. However, I saw from the gap under the bathroom door that the light was on. I walked across the kitchen and noticed the bathroom door was slightly ajar. I slowly pushed it open and saw Dawn using the mirror, adjusting her bra. “Dawn?”

“Dan!” Dawn stepped out of the bathroom and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a squeeze. But she had that glazed, stupid look she wears when she’s more than just drunk. “Missed you. Dan.”

“Dawn. I wish that was the case. ”


I gestured towards the Living room. “Well, who are these two clowns?”

“That’s not nice. W… Where are Ryan and J… J… you know, his friend.?”

“They’re in the living room. But, are you sure you want this? What about me and you?”

“Me and you.” Dawn cracked a wistful smile. She was far gone. I was surprised she was still standing.”Me and you. Me… and you.”

“Me and you, yes.”

“I like me and you… but… but… Ryan is cute. And his friend… Well… I don’t know why he’s here.”

“Look. You’re drunk. I’m sending those two thugs home.”

“No…” Dawn pushed past me, almost falling over as she reached for the door. She pleaded with me like a little girl “Don’t do that.”

“Dawn. You’re a drunken mess. Just look at yourself.” However, that sentence seemed to strike a chord with Dawn. I saw the anger in her drunken stare. She hated me. “Sorry. I didn’t mean too…”

“I might be drunk… but I know what I want. And right now… it’s not you, Mr Nasty. Now, move to one side!”

Jake, shouted from the living room. “Need a hand Dawn? Want me to come in?”

Dawn stared at me with a drunken, but angry stare. She pushed me with both her hands, but lacked the strength or conviction to move me. “Let me go.”

I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave Dawn to these two a****ls? And if I do, where do I go? Walk the night streets in subzero conditions? I could try and join in with them… a small part of me wanted to. But my moral compass was strong.

Still drowning in her drunkenness, Dawn grabbed the backrest of the chair at the kitchen table. “Go home, Dan.”

“It’s three in the morning. The first train back isn’t until six? A taxi would be fifty quid.”

“Then stay here. I’ll be back later.” Dawn let go of the chair and walked gingerly towards me. Toe to toe with me. She reached past my waist for the door handle. But I remained unmoved in front of the door. Dawn rested her head on my chest.”Move, Dan. Let me enjoy myself. I’m an adult.”

“No, Dawn. I’m looking after you. You will regret this in the morning. Trust me.” I embraced her, which sapped the tension from her body. I felt her shift her weight against me as she relaxed. As if I she had found sanctuary. “I love you.”

Dawn glanced up at me. Her expression tired and full of melancholy, yet she remained stunningly beautiful. “Then why did you reject me, earlier?”

I froze. The same as I did when she placed my hand on her crotch earlier that night. I had to say something. Something to change the course of the night’s events.

I always believed that telling the truth was the best policy. That even if telling the truth didn’t lead to the desired outcome, it would prove over time to be the best choice. So I admitted. “Dawn. You were too drunk to know what you wanted. I would only make a move on you if you were sober.”

“Oh, my God, Dan.” Dawn framed her distressed face with her hands.” You’re like a broken record.” She hissed at me. “You think you’re a saint… and I’m a sinner.”

“It’s true though Dawn. I mean, look at you… look at the situation you got us in. We have two strangers in the house. Two men who think they have a chance of fucking you.”

“You know what, Dan? You’re not better than me… even if you think you are.” Dawn glared at me. “I think we’re finished here.”

“Finished? What do you mean?”

Dawn smiled at me then shouted towards the living room. “I’m coming, boys.” Dawn pushed me aside then opened the door before strutting into the room. I watched as she fell into the arms of Jake who then began to kiss her. It was not romantic. More porn-like. Dawn having to lean backwards as Jake explored the inside of her mouth. I watched with a mix of horror and perverseness as Jake’s shovel of a hand slid up the back of Dawn’s dress and massaged her butt.

My feet were rooted to the carpet. I had become immobile. Mesmerized as a drunken Dawn was being devoured by a thuggish stranger. I stood in the doorway while I felt a monumental shift in my life. Never to be the same again.

But I still loved her. As stupid as it felt.

Ryan now made his move. Walking up behind Dawn who continued to kiss the bald and ugly Jake. He pulled down the delicate zip of her strapless scarlet dress, allowing it to gracefully glide down her silky skin then over her long sleek legs.

Despite the pain I watched intently. I never knew I was a masochist, or even a cuckold.

Only in her bra, heels and seamless nylons, Dawn looked majestic. But wedged between two men she looked slutty… and in a whole lot of trouble.

I admitted defeat. Lost the battle for Dawn. But I still felt the need to be there for her if she needed help. Or at the very least be there to pick up the pieces at the end of the night. Ryan and Jake didn’t look the sort of guys to stick around for cuddles after it. So, I don’t doubt that Dawn will be a wreck afterwards, regretting her night of debauchery.

So I reluctantly watched on.

Jake stepped backwards and Dawn went to follow him but drunkenly stumbled on her red heels before tripping on the dress that was around her ankles. However, she was caught by both men who carried her between them like a rag doll to the couch where they sat her down.

Jake dropped to his knees in front of Dawn before forcibly spreading her legs causing her to lose a shoe. My fingernails dug into white paint of the door-frame as I gazed upon the unfolding debauchery. Jake’s hands shot between my love’s legs and ripped the gusset out of her tights, leading to a surprised yelp from Dawn.

Dawn’s cry caused my heart flip and my cock to swell. Jake then pulled her panties to one side, exposing her neatly trimmed pussy, before turning to me. “Ever seen that, boy?”

I u*********sly shook my head but didn’t answer as I gazed upon Dawn’s perfect sex. It’s cute tight folds were a healthy pink. Even though it was killing me to watch Jake bare my love, I wanted to be closer so I could smell, touch and even taste Dawn’s flower. But Jake wasn’t exposing Dawn to be kind to me, and he soon grew frustrated waiting for an answer. He sneered, “Of course you aint.”

Jealousy coarsed through my veins. I hated the bastard.

Jake buried his head between Dawn’s legs. Sucking, slurping and grunting as he licked Dawn’s inner sanctum clean. He was undignified, sort of like a greedy dog cleaning its empty bowl. But Dawn loved his crudeness. Her face was a picture of ecstasy, rolling her head against the backrest as she lived in the moment of bliss. Her chest rising up and down as her body tried to keep up with her state of uncontrolled lust.

Dawn’s sensual moans killed me. They were sexier, rawer and more whorish than I could have ever had imagined. I watched her body flex, rock and buck to his tongue. Her lithe limbs spread in total submission to her stud.

Not even in my darkest dreams could I wish to have Dawn in such a vulnerable position. I only ever imagined missionary or with Dawn riding me so I could see her face… But my favourite dreams were of going on long summer walks in the park with Dawn holding our newborn in her arms. She would be wearing a loose fitting summer dress hiding her mummy tummy. That would be my perfect life.

Not this.

Meanwhile Ryan had stepped out of his shoes and jeans. He pulled his cock out of his boxer shorts. The fact he was shaven below strangely added to his size. He then wanked his bobbing cock until it became rock solid like a traffic bollard.

Ryan, resting one knee on the arm of the couch, reached down and grabbed Dawn by her chin then turned her head to face his cock. Dawn then dutifully began to suck on his purple bellend. Not that she had much of a choice, as she lay trapped on the couch while getting licked out by Jake. So Dawn simply offered her mouth while Ryan slid himself down her throat.

Every choke. Every slurp, every gasp burned my ears as I wished they were dedicated to me.

Ryan placed a hand on the back of Dawn’s head, forcing her to take him whole and choke her some more. With his free hand Ryan pulled down the bra cups, to reveal Dawn’s small but pert tits.

I was amazed at Dawn’s rosy nipples. They were tall and erect, as if they were little soldiers standing to attention.

Ryan continued to force Dawn to deep-throat him while fondling her breasts. He must have groped her hard because Dawn spluttered in protest. Yet, Ryan only sniggered and playfully slapped her tits again and again until her soft pale skin had reddened.

Dawn’s cries were louder this time and had no hint of play. I needed to act.

I shouted “Stop it.” They didn’t listen, so I shouted again. “Dawn is clearly not enjoying it.”

Dawn finally managed to pull away from Ryan’s cock. She cried out,, “Oh my god! I’m cumming”

There was no doubt. I had my answer. Dawn seemed to enjoy being roughed up.

This hurt me. Yet, I couldn’t tear myself away. I wanted to run. Wanted cry. But remained deadly still. Like a boy lost in the woods.

Petrified. Alone.

Resting her hand on Jake’s head, Dawn raked Jake’s scalp with her scarlet fingernails while he continued to taste her pussy. “Oh my god, don’t stop.” She closed her eyes, her legs spread as wide she could, losing her final shoe. I watched as Dawn’s stocking clad toes curled, and her cries became screams as she raced towards orgasm.

Ryan didn’t want to miss out on the fun,though. He took a fist full of Dawn’s black silky hair then pushed her face back onto his cock. “Keep sucking, Dawn. No one told you to stop. You little fuck slut.”

Jake finally came up for air, much to Dawn’s disappointment as she tried to pull him back down. I guess she probably would have asked him not to, if she didn’t have her mouth stretched around a massive cock.

But Dawn appeared caught in moment. She didn’t want to lose momentum, didn’t want to break from her orgasm. So Dawn started to rub her clit with her ring finger… the same one I wanted to one day wear my gold wedding band.

Jake wiped the mix of saliva and pussy juice from his face with the back of his hand. He glared at me. “See that, Boy… your girl is cumming for me.” He then looked back at Dawn and snatched her hand away from her pussy. “But she won’t cum until we tell her too, the little cum slut.”

Jake pulled out his smartphone from his jeans. He then began to record Ryan getting his cock sucked by a hardworking Dawn. “She good?”

“Yeah. She’d make a good whore.”

“Make? She is a whore…” Jake smirked as he moved closer with the camera-phone. “Look into the camera, bitch. ” Dawn continued to suck Ryan while staring into the lens the best she could. “Are you a good little cocksucker?”

Dawn spluttered, “Yes.”

“You know your place.” Jake watched her nod like an obedient little girl. “Good.” He then focused the camera on Ryan. “How close are you?”

“Real close.”

“Right. You better fuck her then. Don’t want to waste, none.”

I dreaded what was coming next as I watched Jake toss the smartphone on the opposite couch, before unfastening his belt.

Free from her cock sucking duties, Dawn could finally breath. She coughed and spluttered as buckets of saliva ran in streams from her mouth and hung from her chin.

My love looked a filthy mess.

Ryan grabbed the shaft of his club-like cock and slapped it hard across Dawn’s face. He laughed aloud at Dawn’s slurred yelp before slumping down beside her on the couch.

Jake then tossed Ryan a sealed condom which he promptly tore a corner off using his teeth. A naked Jake then stepped up to a dazed and disheveled Dawn. Her eye liner had ran in dark lines and her lipstick somewhat smudged, not to mention her hair resembled a poorly constructed bird nest. “You’re a fucking mess, girl. But we ain’t finished with you, yet.” He knelt in front of her and hooked his fat fingers in the waist band of both Dawn’s nylons and underwear, then drew them down her long elegant legs until she was free from both. He then stood and lifted Dawn off the couch with his strong arms. Holding her by her chin, pursing her lips together with his fingers, Jake sneered, “I want you to ride him cowgirl.”

Dawn eagerly did as she was told. She clumsily straddled Ryan, really making a meal of it which was another sign of her drunkenness. I watched as her bubble butt sat down on the thug’s lap. Her milky arse cheeks had reddened with the constant groping she’d received all night. There was no time for kisses this time as a lustful Dawn grabbed Ryan’s cock and tried to guide it into her pussy. But his cock seemed to struggle to break it’s way in. Dawn grimaced. “Get it harder.”

“Cheeky, bitch.” But Ryan admitted. ” It’s always the same with condoms. They’re my kryptonite.”

Jake laughed at his friend. “Here. I came prepared.” He tossed Ryan a tube of lube. “Ex boy scout.”

“Hurry up!” Dawn demanded in a shaky voice while Ryan covered his fingers in lube. Then, his finger slipped into her pussy and caused her to purr with relish. Ryan made sure she was all lubed up before coating his protected cock with what was left. But as Ryan wanked the lube onto his cock the condom came off in his hand. Yet, he seemed unworried, tossing the condom onto the floor. “There, I’m ready?”

Driven by lust and her mind clouded within a haze of alcohol, Dawn didn’t have a chance to notice the lack of protection and just muttered breathlessly, “Come on, baby.”

Ryan pushed his cock against Dawn’s outer lips before Dawn lowered her arse. This time the hard shaft shot right up into Dawn slick pussy, causing her to scream. “Fuck that feels so good.”

For a moment, I couldn’t believe what I saw, my love impaled on a stranger’s unprotected, dirty cock. My heart raced.

I felt alarmed by Dawn’s utter recklessness and stepped into the living room to protest. “Dawn!” But Jake spun around and pointed to the door. “Stay in there, or I’ll treat you like a cellmate.”

Completely wrapped in lust and ecstasy, Dawn didn’t say anything to me. Didn’t even turn to face me but moved her arse up and down erratically. So I retreated back to the doorway like a scorned c***d.

Ryan, holding Dawn’s narrow hips then began to guide her rises and falls as she rode him. I watched the vibration shimmer across her arse cheeks as their bodies collided.

Each stroke was slow and meaningful but never romantic.

Watching the girl of my dreams being defiled by an unwrapped cock broke my heart. It smashed me into minute pieces. I had loved before Dawn so there was nothing stopping me moving on. But for some reason I didn’t want to. My love was so intense for her.

However, watching Dawn slamming down on another man’s dick, taking part in a threesome with two men she only met that night… made me realise that I really do need to be a better judge of character. Dawn would be my downfall.

But I was just a guilty as Dawn. If I was a stronger man… I could have… should have, stopped this. I had let Dawn down.

We had let each other down.

Jake had been wanking while recording the couple on his smartphone. The thought of wanking had also crossed my perverted mind. But Jake now approached the pair while videoing the debauchery. He aimed the lens directly at Dawn’s arse. “Pull her open!” he ordered before Ryan drew her butt cheeks apart, displaying her delicate, wet pussy lips which glided up and down the hard cock. Her cute little arse hole almost winking at the camera.

I wondered what Jake intended to do with the film. Was it for his own wank bank, or was he going to post it to friends or even worse… use the recording as a blackmail.

After filming Dawn’s stretched pussy closeup, Jake jumped on the couch, took a handful of her silky hair and coaxed her head onto his own cock. She knew the drill and went to work sucking him off while Ryan also picked up the pace of fucking Dawn – his groans mixing with Dawn’s as they crashed towards their sloppy end.

Dawn had all the dedication of a porn-star. The girl could multitask. Sucking and fucking seemed to come natural to her. All the while she did her best to look towards Jake’s recording smartphone.

Far from the bookish Dawn I fell in love with.

There were many things wrong about tonight. But the biggest crime of all was seeing such a beautiful young woman sucking such a despicable man. He had no redeeming features. Ugly, beer bellied, bald with prison tattoos and the proud owner of a god awful attitude. He was short and stocky and although he was bald, his body was hairy and unshaven.

Jake didn’t seem to have the stamina or endurance of Ryan. Either that, or he had an extra sensitive cock. He groaned loudly, his voice hoarse. As he jerked, his knees began to buckle under him and he exploded into Dawn’s mouth. She coiled backwards but only succeeded in taking a further shot in the face, temporarily blinding her.

Dawn’s once beautiful looks were streaked with hot jets of glutinous cum from this most horrid man.

But this event set off a chain orgasmic reaction.

Ryan too began to groan loudly before erupting inside Dawn, who in turn began to shiver and shake. She slammed on Ryan’s cock harder and harder.

Dawn then began screaming down the house while a runlet of cum spilled out of the corner of her mouth. Her face full of Jake’s cum while her pussy was flooded with Ryan’s.

Then there was a fourth silent orgasm. A sad lonely one. Me in my pants.


Dawn was about to sink down on Ryan but he just rolled her off himself and threw her on the couch like a rubbish bag. Dawn laid there motionless, only her small, naked breasts going up and down with her heavy breathing. She was exhausted and disheveled but clearly satisfied.

Too drunk on lust and alcohol to worry about the cum on her face but worse running from her pussy down onto her inner thigh. Ryan wasn’t too bothered either. “Whoops, girl. Might wanna get yourself down the clinic, or else could end up with a baby growing in you.”

Dawn closed her eyes, seemingly not bothered about the consequences as she crashed into a sex induced sleep. Jake knelt down in front of Dawn and pushed her legs open, aiming his phone at her cum leaking pussy. “Nice shot, little brother!” he laughed at the view of her messy flower. Although I think I could now safely call it a dirty cunt.

My heart couldn’t take anymore. What had become of Dawn? What had become of us?

But at least it was over.

I slowly crept into the room to pick up the pieces of my broken life. But Jake shook a small box. “Pussy popping pills.”

Ryan snapped. “Could have give us one of those before, bro?”

“Only one left… used the rest on the girls last night.” Jake then sneered at me. “Sorry, mate. I got another load in me for your girl.” He then gestured towards Ryan while rolling a condom on his hard cock. “At least I’m a bit more responsible than dickhead over there.” With his first finger Jake flicked a sleeping Dawn between the eyes but she did not stir, so he pinched her nipple which caused her to scream in protest. Grabbing a shocked Dawn under her knees he doubled her up before slipping his sheathed cock into her cummy pussy.

Jake proceeded to bash into her. He was wild but robotic. His thrusts were as hard as Dawn’s screams were loud. The couch creaked to every slap of skin on skin. Jake shouted into Dawn’s face. “Hey slut. You know what’s happening?” She didn’t answer, but Jake continued. “I’m pushing Ry’s cum deep into your slut hole, you know that?” He laughed. “He’s so potent, he only has to look at girls and their pregnant. Fucker has about seven k**s across the city.”

Dawn still didn’t answer. After the initial shock of Jake’s penetration she had nothing left to give. Her body simply closed down, rocking lifelessly to his hard strokes.

Jake continued to pound into Dawn as if he wanted to break not just her dignity, but her body too. But she didn’t react with anything other than hoarse pants and groans. Her airways dried and strained from the night’s exertions.

Jake then shouted, “Fuck, yeah.” He pushed himself deep into Dawn one last time, where he stayed for a moment before collapsing on top of an empty sack-like Dawn.

Finally, Jake got to his feet, where he glanced down to his withered cock. “Shit. My condom came off.” He stared at a deathly pale Dawn. “I think you’ll have to fish it out with your fingers. Or piss it out.” Jake then glanced at me while he got dressed. “Or your pussy boy over there might help, yeh.”

I stared at a used-up Dawn. She was a shivering wreck of the woman I once knew. I was clearly friends with a cum whore. Yet I still loved her.

But I hated myself for it.


Once dressed, the men left. Never to be seen again, but leaving behind a broken couple. Dawn was so tired and drunk she dozed off while still naked on the couch. The girl was a disgrace. As tragic as she was beautiful.

I pushed her shoulder, tried to wake her so she could clean herself. But she had slipped into a drink and sex fueled c*** and wouldn’t wake. What the hell do I do about the condom inside her, is it dangerous? Or do I make her comfortable on the couch and let her deal with it in the morning?

To be continued…

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