Tales From Fantasy Island Ch. 07


Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration with my friend and editor, Harvey. We both contributed equally to its content and we hope you enjoy it.

Tag: Jake and Hailey play in the dungeon, Hailey is collared, and they swap with Sara and Darren.

Chapter 7


This is it! I thought with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as Jake, carrying a big duffel, led me down the hallway in the otherwise-deserted club. I had been amazed at how turned on I’d gotten from watching the scenes in the dungeon, and after we witnessed the incest scenes I wanted to ask him to take me into the dungeon for the first time. We’d firmly established the psychological dominance and submission of our relationship and I’d committed to being his complete slave, but we’d barely scratched the surface of the physical aspect of the power-exchange dynamic. Jake had given me a few swats on the ass a couple of times while we had sex, but that was about it. I knew he was interested in more-intense impact play, but while that thought was thrilling there was still a fair amount of apprehension because it was something that I’d never experienced.

After seeing how Olga responded to Andy’s manipulations, though, I really wanted to experience some of that same kind of play. But it took me a few days to overcome my fear of the pain that I knew would be an integral part of any such scene and to work up the courage to actually make the request. When I finally did he gave me a big grin and told me we’d go to the club on Monday, when it was closed, which brought me a big measure of relief. I was getting more comfortable having sex in front of others, but I was in no way ready to be observed while we did our first real BDSM scene.

As the days passed I grew more and more anxious; I definitely wanted to get this first big scene behind me but I was still nervous about what might happen. Despite my increasingly unsubtle hints, Jake refused to give me any idea of what he was planning, and the fear of the unknown increased my excitement but also exacerbated my unease.

I’d thought of wearing something sexy for tonight’s scene but Jake pointed out that whatever I wore, except for my heels, would be coming off right away so I might as well dress casually. “Put on a simple blouse and skirt,” he’d ordered, “and those new sandals.” He’d gone online and bought several pairs of shoes for me that he thought he’d like to see me wearing, and these sandals, which he jokingly referred to as my dancing slippers, were part of that selection; they were strappy sandals with four-and-a-half-inch, very slim stiletto heels. It always made me feel sexy and submissive to wear things that he purchased for me and wanted to see me in, and I loved giving him that control over me.

The shoes were sexy-looking to begin with, but when they arrived Jake made some special modifications to them that made them even sexier. Back before the TSA started rummaging through everyone’s underwear people used little Samsonite locks to secure their checked luggage. Jake had a collection of them in red and gray, and he’d replaced each ankle-strap buckle and strap-end with small silver loops that fastened with one of those padlocks. When I’d worn the shoes to break them in, the symbolism was obvious to anyone who had any knowledge of D/s; people gawked and stared when they realized what they were seeing, and I loved the attention.

When we got to the door to one of the private suites on the dungeon side of the club Jake unlocked the door, pulled it open, and gestured for me to enter. As I did, I felt a surge of excitement pass through me; I knew I wouldn’t be the same person when the evening was over. I heard the door close and latch behind us as Jake set his duffel down by the bed and then led me to the center of the room so I was standing under the trapeze bar; the floor sloped slightly away in front of where I was standing to the drain in the tile floor. He turned and faced me, his features calm and composed, and he said, quietly and firmly, “Take off your clothes and hand them to me.”

As he’d directed, I was wearing a blouse and a skirt with a thong under it, and my heels were locked on so they couldn’t be removed. As I slowly unbuttoned my blouse I reaffirmed my resolve to do whatever he wanted. I took the blouse off and handed it to him. The room was slightly chilly, and I could feel my nipples stiffen as the cool air hit them. I unbuttoned the single fastener in the waistband, then unzipped my skirt, slid it and my thong together down my legs, stepped out of them, and held them out. He took them, told me to stand where I was and not turn around, then walked behind me. I heard his footsteps as he walked several paces, stopped for a moment, then walked back to face me again.

“Put your arms straight out in front of you.” Again the quiet, calm, confident voice, and a little shiver reverberated between my legs as I felt him clearly in control. I raised my arms and was startled Ankara Ucuz Rus Escort by a soft whirring sound. As my hands reached the level of my shoulders, the trapeze descended and stopped right above my hands. Before I could react, Jake buckled leather bands around my wrists, locked them using more of the little luggage locks, and attached them to the bar with short lengths of chain.

Then I saw what looked like a TV remote control sticking out of his pocket. He tapped it, and suddenly my hands were being pulled higher. I had to grab the bar with both hands to steady myself, and I had to take a step forward to keep from falling over as my arms were raised over my head. When I was able to stop moving, I was standing astride the floor drain.

Jake stopped the bar when my arms were not quite taut; I could still bend my knees, but barely. He walked slowly around me a couple of times and I suddenly felt humiliated, like an animal that was being inspected. It may have been a little objectifying, but it turned me on to no end. When he stopped in front of me he reached up with his right hand and caressed my left breast, and my nipple, already erect from the cool air, swelled harder and longer as he flicked it. I was totally helpless, completely in his power, and my body was responding to his touch; it was an incredibly erotic feeling.

He moved to my right side and transferred his attention to my other breast. Then he leaned toward me and whispered, “I love how sensitive they are.”

“For you, always,” I whispered back.

He pinched my nipple lightly, just enough for me to feel the tightening of his fingers. “Am I turning you on?”

I could feel the moisture starting to form in my pussy. He pinched a little harder, holding my rock-hard nipple between the pad of his thumb and the side of his forefinger. The pinching was starting to get increasingly uncomfortable, but at the same time I felt a tingle in my pussy. “Yes, you know you are.”

“I do know, but I want to hear you say it.”

“Honey, I always want to have sex with you, and what you’re doing… playing with my body like this… it makes me want you even more.”

He released my nipple and chuckled quietly. “This is about more than sex, Hailey. It’s about power and control.”

“I know. You’re going to hurt me, aren’t you?” I was afraid, a little, but also excited. I really wanted to find out where, and how far, he was going with this.

He smiled. “You’re going to feel some pain today, for a couple of reasons.”

“A couple of reasons?”

“First, I have to convince you that I can, and will, punish you if you disobey me.”

“You’ll never have to punish me, Master, I’ll do whatever you say, I promise.”

“That’s a bold statement. You’re saying the words, but you don’t know, really know in your gut, that I will back up what I say with actions whenever I have to.”

I could feel the power he was exuding with every syllable that he spoke. Again, it added to my nervous apprehension, but I could also feel my secretions beginning to ooze onto my inner thighs. I wanted him so bad my body physically ached. “Yes, Master, I understand.”

“However, our relationship isn’t solely about pain and punishment, I’ll also give you great pleasure as a reward for good behavior and obeying me.”

I was almost afraid to ask, but I had to. “May I ask what the second reason is?”

“I’m going to test you, to see how willing you are to accept whatever I want for you.” That sounded ominous, but he followed it up by adding, “You have your safewords, and you may use them if you really need to.”

I’d promised I would accept whatever he chose to do, and I swore to myself that I’d never use my safewords no matter what he did. “Thank you… Master.”

Jake raised his left hand and I saw he was holding a spring-loaded clamp, the squeezing pressure of his fingers keeping its flat round opposed faces about an inch apart. He moved it slowly toward my breast and positioned the clamping surfaces at the base of the nipple he had been pinching. Slowly, very slowly, he allowed it to close. When he released his hand and the clamp tightened fully against my nipple, I let out a low moan.

“Aaaahhhh, Master, that hurts,” I whimpered.

He smiled slightly. “You’ll learn to process the pain into pleasure.” He reached toward my other breast with a second clamp, but this time, once he positioned it, he let go abruptly and my nipple exploded in pain.

“Oooowwww, Master, that really hurts.” I bowed my head, and I felt a tear forming in my eye, but I also felt the wetness between my legs increasing and my clit was erect and as hard as stone. After a few seconds, the sharp pain faded to a dull ache. I was intensely aware of the clamps, but the tingle continued down below. It dawned on me that he was going slowly and letting me experience a little bit of pain, that he intended this to be a sensual experience. I Yenimahalle Rus Escort looked up to see him watching me and I smiled tightly.

“There, it’s not so bad now, is it?” he asked.

“No, it’s kind of a mixture.” The pain radiating through my nipples was mixed with the pleasurable sensations coming from between my legs. It was as if my mind was confused by the different feelings he was causing me to experience.

“Okay,” he said, “but that was just for starters. It’s going to get worse.”

In this hedonistic moment, the only thing I wanted was more. “Don’t hold back, I want you to show me everything, Master,” I said boldly. He reached out, took my breast in his hand, and gave it a hard squeeze, and I let out a low, deep moan. Then he moved his hand down my stomach and then between my legs. He ran his fingers over my inner thighs and collected some of my wetness.

“I’ve never seen you this wet, little girl,” he said huskily.

“My body is on fire and it’s because of you, Master.”

He slowly ran his fingers through my pussy lips. He knew how worked up I was, so of course he was careful to avoid my clit. He raised his wet fingers to his lips and then made a pronounced slurping sound as he licked them clean. “You know I love how you taste,” he said sensually.

A little blush broke over my face. “Yes, I know.”

He moved his fingers back down between my legs and then dipped two fingers deep inside me, and I let out a deep moan. Again he was careful to avoid my clit, which left me feeling incredibly frustrated. He raised his hand and his fingers were even wetter. “Open your mouth, little girl,” he said huskily. When I obeyed, he slipped his wet fingers into my mouth and I sucked my secretions from them. He looked deep into my eyes. “Tell me what you taste like,” he said in a low, deep voice.

I could feel another blush break over my face. “I taste sweet, maybe just a little tangy, Master,” I whispered.

He smiled. “I couldn’t have described it better.”

I watched as his hand moved toward my breast. He touched just the tip of a finger to the end of my clamped nipple, the one he had treated gently, moistening it as his finger moved in a tight circle. That nipple was even more sensitive than before; I felt a surge in my clit, and the nipple, stiff and engorged from being clamped, actually grew longer, protruding beyond the edge of the clamp.

“I’ll tell you where this is going to take us, Hailey. We’re going to go farther down this path than I’ve ever gone before. I love you like I’ve never loved anyone, and you and I are going to take a long, wild ride together.”

I couldn’t help breaking into a huge grin. “I want that too, Master. Wherever you lead me, I’ll follow,” I said submissively.

Jake reached into his pocket and brought out an alligator clip like those used for electronics work. He opened it as his hand moved forward, and I started to instinctively pull away, knowing what was coming, but I couldn’t go very far before the chains holding my wrist cuffs were fully extended.

“This is going to hurt,” he warned in a soft, gentle voice. He released the clip, not instantly but quickly. I felt its teeth bite into the end of my nipple, and I cried out, a long, loud wail. He stood back a step, watching me, taking everything in as I gasped out my pain, my heart pounding, and then, slowly, I began to recover. It still hurt a lot, but I was able to stand it, at least for now.

“Do you want the other one?”

My breathing was shallow and ragged and I desperately tried to get myself back under control. He was being demanding, but I loved everything he was doing and how he was playing with my body. “Do I have a choice?” I said saucily.

“I could put it on your clit, if you’d prefer.”

I shuddered at that idea, but my acceptance must have shown on my face because he reached into his pocket again. I boldly thrust my other breast forward. “Please, Master, clip my other nipple.”

He smiled at my response. “There’s always something worse, you know. Someday you’ll beg me to clip your clit because the alternative will be even less appealing to you. But you were ready to accept my will, so it won’t be necessary.”

He took the alligator clip off of my other nipple and I let out a deep groan as the blood returned to the little nub of flesh. He gave me a few seconds to recover, then moved his hand to my pussy, and this time he slipped his finger deep inside and moved it around until it was thoroughly drenched all the way to his palm. Meanwhile, his other hand started lightly stroking my ass cheeks, first one and then the other, in a circular motion. I felt myself relax, leaning back and letting the chains take the weight of my arms. My breathing started to quicken as his finger continued to move in my pussy. Even though he still had not touched my clit, I was getting closer to what I knew would be an incredible release. Then he suddenly withdrew his finger.

“Please… please… touch my clit, Master, I’m so close and I want to come for you.”

He grinned. “No, little girl, you want to come for yourself.”

“Please… I need it,” I begged.

“I’m sure you do, but we do things on my timetable, not yours, love.” He slowly removed the champs from my nipples, and the pain was almost worse than when he’d put them on as the compression was released and blood rushed back into them. But then he took each nipple in turn into his mouth and soothed it with his warm, wet, swirling tongue before saying, “First you need to learn what might happen if I decide you need to be punished.”

“I’ve been your good little girl, and you don’t need to punish me, Master,” I whispered.

“We both know I have to give you a demo, baby.”

I hung my head, resigned to receiving whatever Jake decided was an example for me to remember. He again walked behind me a few paces, stopped for a moment, and then started back, but this time his steps stopped a few feet behind me and to one side. I stood there, silently awaiting his next word or action, and then I heard the whoosh of something cutting through the air and my ears registered the smack when it popped against my right ass cheek. It hit me at the crease between the cheek and the thigh, and the end of it curled around the back of my leg and hit the inside of my thigh right below my pussy lips. A thin line of pain started immediately where it had landed, and it was like a fuse burning; the pain kept getting more intense. It was still rising when his second swing landed, an inch above the first on the underside of my right cheek.

I let out a low, deep moan, shaking my head from side to side and yanking on the chains holding my arms up, but those were reflex responses; my entire focus was on my burning butt.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked.

“Yes,” I whispered. Tears were beginning to form in the corner of my eyes and I was taking deep breaths in an attempt to find a way through the pain.

“Do you wish to continue, Hailey?”

“Yes, I do… Master.”

He continued up my right ass cheek, giving me crisp, sharp swats. It had been cool when we first entered the room, but now beads of sweat stood out on my forehead and slowly ran down between my breasts and along my backbone.

After five strikes he stopped and I hung from the chains, gasping as I fought to catch my breath, head bowed and strands of my long blonde hair plastered to my cheeks. He stood in front of me, showing me the riding crop he’d whipped me with.

“Ready for the other cheek now?” he asked.

“I… I think so, Master.”

“Tell me what you want, little girl,” he said in a calm, even voice.

It wasn’t enough that he was going to strike me again, he was going to make me submit to him by asking for him to crop my other cheek as part of his punishment demonstration. “I want you to continue, Master,” I said in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Good girl.”

He silently walked behind me. Gently, he ran the tips of his fingers over the red flesh of my cheek that he’d just cropped. I was fairly certain that he could feel the heat radiating off my skin.

“Are you ready?” he asked again, drawing out the intense moment.

“Yes, I am,” I said in a clear, confident tone.

He then whipped my left ass cheek in the same way, delivering another five sharp strikes. Almost involuntarily I moved my hips in an attempt to dodge the onslaught, but of course the restraints held true and I could only move a couple of inches, which did nothing to diminish his accuracy. Tears were now streaming down my face and a light sheen of sweat covered my body despite the cool temperature of the room.

Just as suddenly as his demonstration had begun, it abruptly stopped. I was taking in deep gulps of breath and he gave me a few moments to calm down and get my body back under control.

“Are you okay, baby?” he asked soothingly.

“Yes… I… I think so,” I said through muffled little sniffles.

“You handled that very well, love, and I’m so proud of you.”

“Th… thank you,” I said.

“Do you think you could use a little pleasure to balance out that pain?” he said in a light, playful way.

I broke out a little smile amidst the last of the tears. “Yes, I want that, Master.”

He ran his middle finger through my pussy lips and I was amazed to feel that I was even wetter than before; my secretions had actually started to dribble down the insides of my thighs. This time he stroked my clit and I shivered; I’d been so focused on the pain that I hadn’t realized how turned on I was. I was achingly in need of coming, and I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

“You’re very wet, aren’t you?” he teased in a flirtatious tone.

I could feel my face break into a little blush. “Yes, I think so.”

“You enjoyed this more than you thought you would, correct?”

“I… I guess so.”

“Your beautiful body was made for this crop, wasn’t it?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer him. I’d dreaded the thought of him giving me a demonstration of what a punishment could look like. However, I couldn’t remember a time when I’d been so aroused from anything that we’d previously done. “Maybe I like pain more than either of us realized,” I admitted.

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