Ava’s Revenge

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Do you know what it’s like to be in love with somebody you hate? To have them completely consume you, and occupy your thoughts at all hours of the day, including your dreams at night? That’s how I felt about Professor Logan Wesley. Whatever divine being or higher power that resided in heaven, clearly had a hand in his making. The man was in his late thirties, yet he was blessed with a youthful face, the brightest blue eyes that were like lapis lazuli, a head full of thick chestnut hair, and he possessed the sexiest dimpled smile, which he rarely showed. I admired him in class that day, all six foot three inches of him. He exuded masculinity in all forms. His shoulders were broad and sculpted; his chest was flat, and I could only imagine the rippling sinew of muscles stretching down his abdominals underneath his white shirt. Those topaz eyes had only intensified with age, and radiated a subtle pain that haunted his soul. His jaw was defined and chiseled , with çankaya escort a light spread of stubble. And those dark eyebrows were arched and attractive. Professor Wesley was incredibly fit, and toned, but he wasn’t blessed with that body overnight. I could tell he had worked long and hard to achieve his athleticism. He attracted women with ease, and finesse, and broke their hearts just as fast as he would with his seductive signature smile. Every day he would walk into his lecture hall wearing his expensive shoes, and designer clothing. His salary could certainly afford it, unlike mine. He was extremely well groomed, which is why he was officially labeled as ‘the dreamy university professor.’ Personally, I was a good looking chick. My eyes were the color of rich mahogany, and my hair, was long and raven colored. Being thin, my best asset was…all of me. I was twenty-one, enrolled in his arts history keçiören escort class, and I hated it. “Ms. Summers.” I heard my name, and looked up. “Welcome back to earth,” he spoke in a thick English accent. “Answer the question please.” “Um…” Shit, I was totally not paying attention. I cleared my throat, and said, “Sorry, what was it again?” He studied me carefully, while I squirmed in my seat. “Are you here to waste my time?” “No.” “Are you studying on a scholarship, Ms. Summers?” “No.” “Then stop draining daddy’s bank account, and listen to my lectures. Otherwise you’ll flunk the class, and I have no problem failing you.” Ugh! Bastard! How dare he humiliate me in front of all those people. “My dad’s dead. I’m paying for my own college expenses.” He paused, and locked his intimidating eyes on me. “Then honor his memory, and make sure you pass this course.” What a jerk. I hated him. Logan Wesley etimesgut escort was an arrogant, pompous, prick! Fortunately he didn’t berate me any further through his lecture, which was a first. Maybe he pitied me because of my father. Whatever, he died when I was like— two. I hardly remembered him. oOo Class was finally over, and I was gathering my books to leave, when he stopped me. “Ms. Summers, I’d like to have a word with you in my office, please.” Great, I knew how this was going to go. Normally all we ever did was argue in there anyway. Regardless, I followed him inside, and placed my heavy book bag down on the floor, keeping my back facing him. “What is it this time, professor? Are you going to harass me about my paper? How it’s complete and utter shit? We both know you love throwing your curse words around me constantly. So make this quick. I have someplace I need to—” But before I could even finish my sentence, I felt a strong grip pull my arm back, and slam me against the wall. I was trapped, and my heart was racing a mile a minute. “Let me go,” I breathed. “No.” This wasn’t happening. This had to be a dream, no, a nightmare. There was no way in hell I would kiss this man, much less allow him inside my body, even if he was the last man on earth. “Did I hurt you, Ava?” Oh my god.

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