Bizarre Love Triangle

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It took a lot of work to set this up. Aligning the woman I was in love with into a conspiracy against her boyfriend, John, my room-mate. Playing people like chess pieces without them becoming aware is a subtle art requiring skill, patience and careful planning. This planning occupied my mind to such a degree that I never stopped to examine my own motives. I didn’t think about why I was doing it, just how it could be done.

The seeds of the idea had been in place for a while. I had become Rebecca’s trusted confidante. She had revealed to me several intimate details about her and John’s sex life, including the key fact that he enjoyed cheesy bondage games. He liked to be tied up while Rebecca went down on him.

“How about blindfolds?” I asked slyly.

“Blindfolds?” Rebecca said. “We’ve never tried that.”

I already had her trust, so the next step was easy. I convinced her that I was a) gay and b) in love with John. Neither was true, not exactly, but I am after all an actor, so I was able to pull off the deception. Rebecca’s reaction to these revelations was much as I had predicted. She was not jealous, but aroused.

“Well, if you were a girl, it’d be different,” she said. “But it’s not like you’re trying to steal him away from me, right?”

“No, absolutely not,” I assured her. “I just want to suck his dick.”

She shivered as if an electrical current had been passed through her body.

“That’s fun,” she said.

“Oh God, I bet. Tell me again . . . how, uh, big is he?”

Rebecca giggled and held her hands a respectable distance apart. I whistled sharply, as if impressed.

“How thick?”

She made a circle with her thumb and forefinger roughly the size of a half dollar.

“Man oh man,” I said. “Boy’s got some meat to him.”

Rebecca looked up at me with the strangest expression on her face. “You like to do that?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m like you. An incurable cocksucker.”

Rebecca shifted in her seat and crossed her legs. The room had suddenly grown uncomfortably warm for the both of us.

“Yeah,” she agreed distantly. “That’s my favorite thing to do.”

“You know what I like?” I asked. She was going to love this. “I like it when a guy isn’t really hard when you start, so you can feel him getting big and hard right in your mouth. That’s incredible.”

Rebecca rolled her head back and gasped slightly.

“Yeah, that’s neat,” she whispered. “But I like it when he’s just rock hard from the start. You know how sometimes they get so hard that you wonder if it’s just going to explode and you think the guy must be, like, in incredible pain. Everything sticks out, you can feel every ridge and vein and your mouth is so full.”

I swooned a little. I was starting to lose my objectivity.

“It’s funny, though,” I said slowly. “When a guy comes in your mouth, it’s always a surprise. I mean, you know it’s going to happen, but it seems like it always happens before you expect it to, and there’s always twice as much as you thought there would be. You just let your mouth fill up with this stuff that’s being pumped in there and, just for a second, you don’t know what to do with it. It seems forbidden to swallow and you have to . . . overcome something within yourself to do it. Some taboo. But, when I swallow it I . . . I don’t know, I get some pretty weird ideas.”

“Like what?” Rebecca said.

“Oh, Kurtköy Escort like it’s not just his semen. Sometimes I like to think it’s a piece of his soul he’s giving up for me. Some irreplaceable element of his being. And it’s like when I eat it, I take that part of him into myself and it becomes a part of me forever.”

There was a full minute of silence between us.

“Pete?” Rebecca said finally.


“Do you want to hear something strange?”


“Whenever I think of you and John together, it . . .”

“It turns you on?”


“That’s not so strange, Whenever I think about me and John together, it turns me on, too.”

“Yeah, but he’s my boyfriend.”

“Don’t rub it in.”

Rebecca laughed, and said: “I wish there was a way we could share.”

I couldn’t believe she said that. Here I was, sweating bullets trying to figure out how to bring that up, and then I managed to put the words right in Rebecca’s mouth without even really trying to. I think I deserve bonus points for that.

“There is a way, Rebecca,” I said. “I’ve got a plan so crazy it might actually work.”

The next night I found myself in Rebecca’s closet, waiting for them to come home so the plan could proceed. Rebecca had agreed to the scheme with surprisingly little resistance. Since I didn’t analyze even my own motives, I didn’t consider hers too closely, either. Whatever the reason, Rebecca wanted me to do this.

So I waited. My mood was neutral and my mind was blank. I wasn’t wearing a watch, so time meant nothing to me.

Sometime later, could have been five minutes or five hours for all I knew, I heard the front door open. John and Rebecca noisily entered the apartment. They were laughing and talking loudly and I guessed they had been drinking. That was good. That could only make this easier.

In the closet, I stifled a cough and slowly flexed my right leg, which had fallen asleep. I was not impatient. I could have waited in the closet all night if necessary.

Then the bedroom door opened and the light came on. I cowered into the back of the closet. The closet door had wide horizontal wooden slats. I could see out, but I knew that also meant John could see in. So I huddled in the back among Rebecca’s funky black party dresses. I couldn’t see a damn thing, and all I could hear was Rebecca’s hurried breathing and that unmistakable little moan she makes when you kiss her neck. I felt a brief twinge of jealousy, but let it go.

“Wait,” Rebecca said after a few minutes of that. “I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise?” John said.

Rebecca left the room and returned a few seconds later. I heard John laugh.

“What are you going to do with that?” he asked. “Tame me like a lion?”

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to see, regardless of the danger. I peeked through the slats.

John’s shirt was off and I shivered as I first laid eyes on his firm, naked form. His pants were gone and he wore paisley boxer shorts. A dark wisp of pubic hair had crept through the fly and I stared at this, mesmerized.

Rebecca looked great, too. Her make-up ravishingly smudged and her hair disheveled. She was topless, dressed now only in her short skirt and black stockings. She was holding a kitchen chair.

She set the chair in the center of the Maltepe Escort room and disappeared from view. When she returned, she was dangling the handcuffs from one finger.

“Boy, you like those handcuffs, don’t you?” John said.

“Sit down,” Rebecca ordered firmly.

John obeyed, putting his hands behind the chair so she could cuff them. Rebecca ran out of the room again, and came back with a some rope. The rope had been my idea. I had been concerned that the handcuffs wouldn’t be enough to hold John down in the chair.

“What’s that for?” John asked.

“Extra security,” Rebecca said as she bound John’s chest to the back of the chair. “So you can’t be a bad boy and escape.”

She pulled his shorts off. John’s penis popped out and pointed skyward. Rebecca then tied John’s legs to the legs of the chair with another length of rope.

“Oh Jesus, Rebecca,” John begged. “Come here.”

“Shh, honey,” she said in her perfect baby-doll voice. “Be patient.”

She stood up and walked out of sight again. I watched as John writhed against his restraints. Rebecca appeared behind him again and tied a thick piece of cloth across his eyes. John, now blindfolded, whipped his head frantically back and forth.

“Oh yeah, baby,” he moaned.

“Just one more minute, darling,” Rebecca whispered.

She stood and walked to the closet door.

My heart pounded painfully in my chest. My blood was hot with fear and anticipation. I shook uncontrollably. For the first time I thought about what I was going to do in terms of it being real. All of my planning seemed hypothetical, now that I was faced with the undeniable reality of what I had set up for myself. It was too late to turn back.

Rebecca opened the closet door. She looked as bad as I felt. On impulse, I kissed her. Then I got down on me knees in front of John.

“Rebecca?” he said. I froze, terrified. I had almost answered him.

I looked down at his penis, which was pointing at my face like a divining rod. It was at once familiar as my own and repulsively alien. He was noticeably larger than me. This discovery was both exciting and unsettling. He was in the state Rebecca had described to me earlier; so hard he was throbbing. I knew how that felt, pressure so intense and delicious it was almost unbearable. I knew what it would feel like to have a warm mouth wrapped around that.

“Where are you?” John said, making me freeze with utter terror again. I breathed deeplt and silently until the fear cleared my head.

I leaned forward and sniffed. The surprising musky scent of his eager penis evoked strange associations. I licked my lips. It was time.

I kissed the head of his penis, grazing my lips slowly back and forth across the tip. John shuddered, and this shudder passed from his body through mine. I pulled back. It was too much.

John bucked his hips frantically, thrusting himself blindly outwards. I realized how easy it would be, I opened my mouth and he slid right in.

At first, the sensation of my mouth being full of another man’s skin was so shocking I almost gagged. I closed my eyes and tried to center myself, but John kept thrusting, fucking my mouth, like he was trying to choke me. I was beginning to panic again. I wanted to put my hands on his hips so he would stop, but I was afraid he would sense I wasn’t Rebecca Kartal Escort if I touched him. I wanted to throw up. I wanted to run. I wanted to lie down and close my eyes and forget all this crazy shit.

But instead, I sucked.

John calmed down at once, became still. My panic slowly ebbed. This was much more tolerable. I sucked on him like a piece of hard candy. He squirmed slightly and moaned out loud.

Now I was able to concentrate on what I was doing. I began doing a very conscious imitation of Rebecca, remembering how she had done this to me. I put my lips over his teeth and brought my head up and down on him, my tongue running crazily over all the ridges and bumps of his cock.

“Oh God,” John moaned. This fueled my desireI went down on him faster, sucking and licking with mad eagerness, bobbing my head with dizzying speed. John arched his back in his chair and thrust deeper into my mouth, almost down my throat.

Slow down, I told myself. Rebecca does this nice and slow.

So I slowed almost to a stop, tightening my mouth around him and making agonizingly slow circles around the head with my tongue. Then I did stop. I just held him in my mouth and felt him twitch.

“Rebecca,” John gasped.

In my head, I was her. I tried to imagine what thoughts might run through her head when she does this, and I tried to make those thoughts my own.

I love you so much John is this good? is this good for you? do I make it nice for you?

Peter was gone. I was Rebecca now. I felt her joy at touching one of the beautiful people, warm and full because I was now the center of John’s world. I was beautiful now. To feed off beauty is to become beautiful because I can do this as well as any of the pretty girls. Better even, because ugly girls like me make the best lovers. I have no love for myself, so I can give all my love to him. I know he needs me now, even though he really doesn’t need me at all. Give me your beauty, John. Give me your soul. Lover . . . I’m your little girl. Make me your little girl.

I felt his first spasm and knew it was going to happen but, just as I had imagined, it was too much, too soon. My tonsils were bathed with the first milky spurts of John’s orgasm. Then came another . . . and another. It was sticky and salty and thick. I felt it coursing in a viscous stream up the shaft of his penis. I opened my eyes and was shocked at my surroundings. My mouth was full, but still the gelatinous fluid flowed into me. For a few seconds, I was unsure of who I was, the shock was so great. Part of me was still Rebecca, but part of me was just a confused nobody with a mouth full of jizm.

Then I gulped and swallowed and the warm slime trickled down my throat into my stomach. I sucked on John until he was finished, milking him dry because I knew that was what Rebecca did.

I stood up. Rebecca was standing by her bedroom door, motioning for me to come to her. She grabbed me quietly and pulled me into the living room. We shut the door and left John tied up where he sat. She threw me down on the couch. My pants were pulled rudely down and Rebecca straddled my lap. She was so wet down there barely felt it when I slipped inside. There was no friction whatsoever. But she was so hot . . .

“I love you, Pete,” she whispered. “I love you.”

She kissed me hungrily and I know she was trying to taste him on my lips. She rocked back and forth on my lap no more than three times before I exploded inside her, filling her up as John had filled me. She kept rocking until we were both drained.

“I love you,” she kept saying, kissing me all over my face. “Oh, Pete, I love you.”

It was all over.

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