Clearwater Creek Pt. 01


This is a work of fiction, and all characters depicted are over the age of 18.


Clearwater Creek

Part 1

Country towns weren’t places that David Frank ever enjoyed. They were too quiet, and everything was too far away. It was a twenty-minute drive to get to the town’s Main Street, and the only things found on the dirt road was a grocery store, the post office, the sheriff’s office, a petrol station, and a bar. On multiple occasions, David had complained to his youngest daughter that she lived too far away from the city and that he would have preferred for her to live closer to him, just like the rest of her siblings did.

David’s oldest child, Matlida, was forty, married with three children of her own and lived a ten-minute drive from him. His son, Richard, who was the middle child, was thirty-eight, married with two children and lived a twenty-minute drive away. With their close proximity, David saw them every week. Matilda had him over for dinner every Sunday night; Richard every Thursday night.

Lucy was his youngest child. There was an eight-year age gap between Richard and her, mainly because Lucy had been an unplanned surprised to David and his late wife, Addison. And while Matlida and Richard had been very well behaved children, Lucy seemed to get the trouble-maker gene. She was the only child that had been dropped home by the police, the only child to ever get suspended from school, and the only child that dropped out of college. She had been trouble, but she was also David’s favourite. They shared a love for jazz music, dancing, and musicals. Addison had never understood why Lucy had grown to love such things, but Lucy always made time to enjoy those things with David.

But after Lucy dropped out of college, she decided education wasn’t for her. Instead, she left the city and decided that she wanted to live in the country. She wanted to have a big vegetable garden and sell fresh produce at weekend markets; she wanted to live in a small little cottage surrounded by open fields, maybe even get a few animals.

It had all sounded ridiculous to David and Addison; they had expected her back on their doorstep after a few months, but she never came back. Lucy found her place in a town called Clearwater Creek and loved it. She would travel down to see her family for the holidays, mainly Christmas, but other than that, Lucy claimed that her small farm kept her busy. David had to accept that his daughter wouldn’t find the sense he had hoped she would; she had always been different from her siblings, so it stopped surprising him when she also never got married and never had any children. Addison had hoped that Lucy would produce at least one grandchild before she passed, but it never happened.

Addison had died seven months before David decided to visit Clearwater Creek; it had been expected as she had been diagnosed with cancer two years before. They had tried treatments, but by the end, she had been too weak to keep trying. Lying in her hospital bed, the children and grandchild all said their goodbyes. Lucy had made the trip down to stay with David, and Addison had died with David and Lucy by her side. Once the funeral was over, Lucy returned to Clearwater Creek, and David had barely heard from her since.

David’s desire to get away from the memories of his late wife and the lack of communication from Lucy inspired him to make the trip. He had called Lucy the week prior and announced his intention; he would drive up and spend a few weeks with her. Lucy hadn’t seemed thrilled at the idea of her father staying for so long, but she also hadn’t said ‘no’. So David packed his bags and drove six hours to Clearwater Creek.

He had passed the welcome sign and grumbled in disgust when he drove along the main street. How Lucy thought a dusty, empty place like this could be charming, he didn’t know. David followed Lucy’s directions, and once he reached the end of the main street, he made a left turn. The asphalt road gave way to a dirt one, and David followed it until he game to a crossroad; he turned right and continued along. Eventually, he spotted the sign Lucy had mentioned.

At the end of Lucy’s driveway was a sign that read, ‘Creek’s Edge’. It was apparently the name of her land. David turned onto the driveway and followed it along; on both sides of the road were pastures boarded with worn-looking wooden fences. Inside were a few animals; David could see a bay coloured horse, as well as a Shetland pony; there was also a few sheep along with either a lama or an alpaca—David wasn’t sure which—and three goats.

The house that sat at the end of the driveway was very cottage-like, except it had a tin roof. The house was encompassed by a wrap-around porch and clearly defined garden beds that had blooming flowers. To the right was a line full of washing, and beyond that was a large building that looked like a barn.

David pulled his car up to the left of the house beside another car that he recognised as Bakırköy Escort Lucy’s. As he climbed out of his car, he heard a squeak followed by a bang of a door swing closed, and then Lucy appeared before him.

In the seven months since David had seen her, he had forgotten how much she looked like Addison. Lucy had inherited her mother’s blonde hair and blue eyes as well as her body shape. Addison had a bigger bottom than breasts; her rear end always stuck out no matter what she would wear, but her breasts were small—not tiny—but just big enough to perfectly fit in David’s hand. He had liked that about his wife; a bigger butt was always better in his eyes. He enjoyed rubbing his hands over the curve when he would pass her or hold onto her butt cheeks when they had sex. And like with her face, Lucy’s body had grown in the same way. Her bottom stuck out and was hugged by a tight pair of jeans, and her breasts were small bumps that were almost unnoticeable underneath the baggy shirt she was wearing.

“Hey, Dad,” said Lucy. “How was your drive?”

David smiled warmly at his favourite child. “Very long, but I made it.” He held out his arms.

Lucy sighed and stepped in to hug him. “I’m glad you made it in one piece.”

David wrapped his arms around Lucy’s waist and pulled her against him. He had always enjoyed hugging Lucy; she would squeeze him close, press her chest against his. Sometimes, when he was sitting on the couch, she would hug him and press her breasts against his face. David didn’t know if his daughter was aware of what she did when it happened, and most fathers would probably be uncomfortable by such a thing, but David had always enjoyed it.

It was Lucy who broke their hug and said, “Let’s get your stuff inside. Then, I can show you around if you’d like, or you can rest if you’re tired.” She stepped up to the boot of his car and popped it open.

“I would love for you to show me around,” said David. He was curious to see what his daughter actually did.

Lucy smiled widely and pulled his bags out.

David grabbed the large bag; he wouldn’t make his daughter carry it and then followed her into her home. The front door led them into a living space centred around a small fireplace with a T.V. just to the right. On the left of the room was a small round dining table and the kitchen. Lucy walked straight ahead, past the living space and turned down a small corridor with three doors. She pushed open the first door on the right and stepped into a small bedroom.

“This is your room,” said Lucy.

The room was comprised of a small double bed, with a small side table on either side. A dresser stood against the opposite wall, and beside it was a chair. The window looked out onto a large vegetable garden.

“The bathroom is the next door, and my bedroom is the door at the end,” continued Lucy.

David nodded and placed his bag by the bed. “This looks cosy.”

“I tried. Not much I can do with a small space,” Lucy said. “I’ll let you get settled, and then I’ll show you the property.”

David nodded again and took a seat on the edge of the bed, finding that the mattress was a decent firmness. He watched his daughter turn and walk out of the room, his eyes falling to her butt. He watched her cheeks wiggle as she disappeared.

There was one thing in David’s life that he had always refused to give himself. He had always been a man who had worked hard to get what he wanted; after he married Addison and they had children, David had believed there couldn’t be anything else he might desire. He had a beautiful wife who was happy to let him do whatever he wanted to her; he had three children, two of who turned out perfectly in his eyes. Lucy was a little rough around the edges, but he was still proud of her.

But then he started feeling things he probably shouldn’t. His body, mainly his cock, started reacting to Lucy. When she started going to college, she was nineteen at the time; he noticed certain things. Whenever Lucy would bend over or stick out her butt, David’s cock would jump at the sight. Or if she wore a top that would show off the little cleavage that she had. Then occasionally, she would wear a dress of a skirt, and when she would bend down, he would get a flash of what was underneath. The first couple of times, it had startled him, the excitement that is. He tried to pretend that it was because she reminded him of Addison. But then it kept happening, and David found himself watching her more and more. Lucy’s perfect rear was turning him on.

When Lucy first moved away, David told himself that he could forget about the strange desire and pretend it never happened. He was perfectly satisfied with Addison and her beautiful butt. While Lucy was away, he was able to believe that. But Lucy’s first-holiday visit threw that down the drain. Three hours after Lucy arrived back at their house for Christmas, David pulled his wife away from their Başakşehir Escort kids and up to their bedroom, where he hastily fucked her to relieve his rock hard cock. All Lucy had done was walk past him and accidentally brush her breasts against his arm.

David admitted to himself, and no one else, that he was sexually attracted to Lucy, but he could never act on it. It meant that his fantasies would stay that way. And for ten years, David had stuck to that. But now, his wife was dead, and there was nothing—besides the fact that Lucy was his daughter—stopping David from finally getting a feel of that beautiful ass.

Sitting on the bed, David considered what would happen if he touched Lucy’s ass. He had imagined her enjoying it many times, but realistically, Lucy would probably scream at him, kick him out, or maybe laugh at him. There was no way to really know. Most people would probably be considering the immoral meaning behind doing such a thing to ones child, but David had given up on worrying about that ages ago. He was an old man with perverted thoughts; he could care less what anyone thought of him.

What would he do, though? He had driven to Clearwater Creek to see Lucy. After seven months of almost no communication from her, David had wanted to see his daughter. But he didn’t know if he missed her as his daughter or if he missed her ass. For the brief time that Lucy had stayed with him when Addison had died, he had jacked himself off constantly thinking about her ass. So maybe he had actually come to finally get what he wanted.

“Dad? You ready?” Lucy’s voice called from the kitchen.

David stood from the bed. He hadn’t actually moved since she had left him, too busy with his own thoughts, but he walked out of the room and met her. He smiled and nodded, “That I am.”

Lucy led David out of the house and around her property. She showed him her vegetable and herb garden and the barn. She also introduced him to all of her animals; the bay coloured horse was named Honey, she was blind in one eye and had been given to Lucy when she bought the land; the Shetland pony was called Champ, Lucy had bought him off a farmer would didn’t want him anymore; the goats were all Pygmy goats, according to Lucy, and were called Buck, Ringo and Lola; the sheep didn’t have names yet and were the newest addition, as was the Llama, named Shelia. Out of all of them, David only understood having the horses. The rest seemed unnecessary, but Lucy seemed to be infatuated with each and every one of them.

As they walked, David tried to listen and take in everything that Lucy said, but he found himself distracted. The jeans she wore were showing off her butt nicely, and when she had bent down to pick up a stray nail she spotted, David’s cock had started to twitch at the sight. By the time they returned to the house, David was horny, and his cock needed attention. He excused himself in need of a rest and shut himself in his small room.

As quietly as he could, David sat on the edge of the bed and undid his pants. He pulled his cock out of the confines of his boxers and hissed as he touched the throbbing head. Lucy had really turned him on with those jeans. David wrapped his hand around his cock and closed his eyes; he couldn’t stop himself from picturing Lucy. She was bent over in front of him, her ass stuck up and bare. David imagined squeezing her cheeks, pinching the skin and rubbing his cock between the cheeks. He thought about how she would moan under his touch, how she would beg him to be gentle with her. He imagined Lucy climbing on top of him, sinking down onto his cock and fucking herself on her length. Her cute face was twisted in pleasure and need; her whimpers were begging for more. Her breasts would be pressed against his face, and David could taste her skin on his tongue.

In his head, he coated Lucy’s ass cheeks with his cum. In reality, he coated his hand.

With his cock softened and cum in his hand, David stood to grab a few tissues. He wiped his hand clean and then pulled his pants back up; he did need to lie down after that.

After a brief nap, David unpacked his bags. He filled the dresser and hung his coat and hat on the hooks that hung on the back of the door. He also removed his suspenders and his belt, laid them over the back of the chair.

As he stepped out of his room, David smelt something delicious. He walked out into the living space and spotted Lucy standing in the kitchen. She was at the stove stirring something in a pot, humming along to the radio that was softly playing. David smiled at the scene; Addison used to whistle while she cooked.

He walked into the kitchen and said, “Something smells good.”

Lucy turned and smiled. “It’s mums recipe,” she said, “Chicken and Pea soup.” She grabbed a soup and scoop up a small bit of the dish. She blew on the hot liquid before holding out the spoon to him.

David stepped forward and Bebek Escort tasted the soup, groaning as the delicious flavours swirled in his mouth. “I don’t remember the last time I tasted your mum’s cooking.”

Lucy’s smile turned sad. “Too long, but at least I have all her recipes. So if there is anything, in particular, you are hunkering for, just ask.”

David nodded. “Let me think on that.”

“It should be ready soon; did you want to set the table?” asked Lucy.

David said, “I can do that.”

He made himself useful and walked over to the table. He lifted the small vase of flowers off the stack of four placemats that sat in the centre and placed two side by side on the round table. He moved back into the kitchen and followed Lucy’s directions to get spoons and glasses. The spoons were in the top draw, and he grabbed those, and the glasses were on Lucy’s other side. He slid past her and noticed just how cramped Lucy’s little kitchen was. After grabbing two glasses, he went to slide behind her again, but at the same time, she stepped back slightly. The beautiful rear that had consumed David’s mind for so long pressed back against his crotch, and just like in his head, he could feel how firm it was.

Lucy giggled and stepped forward. “Sorry, Dad.”

He smiled at her. “All good.” David really hadn’t minded, and how have preferred if she had kept her ass right where it had been.

Shaking off his dirty thoughts, David finished setting the table and then sat down. Lucy served them a helping of soup each, along with some fresh bread that she had made herself and some ice-cold water. The meal was delicious, and David wiped his bowl clean with his bread.

“That was fantastic,” said David. He had known that Lucy had spent plenty of time learning to cook with Addison, but she had never made him a meal before.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” said Lucy.

She went to stand to clear the table, but David stopped her.

He said, “You cooked, I’ll clean up. That was the way I kept your mother happy for so long.”

Lucy chuckled. “Alright, go right ahead.”

As he washed, Lucy stepped out to do her evening chores. She said something to him about bribing the animals with feed to get into the barn for the night. David finished cleaning up before Lucy returned, so he settled himself down on the couch; he flicked on the T.V. and turned it to the evening news. David was pleased to see that the picture was clear.

“…third victim is a string of rapes has been confirmed tonight by the Victoria Police Department. Sergeant Ryland Marks spoke at a press conference not thirty minutes ago, confirming that the same D.N.A has once again been found on another victim. The name of this victim has not been released to the press, but it was confirmed that this Rapist has a type. Caucasian women between the ages of thirty and forty years of age with blonde hair are warned to take extra care if they are out after dark. Victoria Police encourage women to not go out alone and have someone with you…”

David frowned at the T.V.; the world was always depressing. He switched the channel, and it landed on a game of cricket. Sliding lower on the couch, he got comfortable.

It was forty minutes later that Lucy came back inside. She had a red face and said, “I’m going to grab a shower. Whose playing?” she pointed at the T.V.

“Australia and England,” said David.

“Is it the ashes?” she asked.

“No,” said David, “since when do you like cricket?”

Lucy’s head appeared around the corner. “I have to know sports to get boys to notice me, especially when I go down to the pub.”

David huffed. “I drove past that pub; looks like it was abandoned fifty years ago.”

Lucy smirked. “It’s called country charm.”

“It’s called O.H. and S. When was the last time that place got inspected?”

Lucy let out a laugh. “Does that mean you won’t want to come with me on Friday night?”

David shook his head. “Not unless they have tetanus shots on standby.”

It annoyed David more than he thought when Lucy mentioned other boys. Not once had she ever bought a man home that she was serious about, she had mentioned the occasional boyfriend, but no one ever made it through the front door. Matilda had taken great pleasure in informing David and Addison that Lucy was walking around practically mounting any cock she found—trying to get her in trouble—but they never saw a single guy.

David figured it was jealously because of Lucy’s ass. He wanted to touch it, but he had never really been able to. But some random other bloke had been able to.

After Lucy’s shower, she joined David on the couch. Her blonde hair was damp and tied up in a bun on her head, and she was dressed in a thin tank top and pyjama shorts. It had been hard for David to keep his eyes on the T.V. and not blatantly stare at his daughter when she walked past him and sat down beside him. His will power wasn’t that strong because he continuously glanced to his right to look at her.

It seemed his attentions were noticed by Lucy, who lifted her legs and laid them across his lap. She said, “What’s the matter?”

David shrugged. “What do you mean?” He placed a hand on her calf.

“You keep glancing at me,” she said.

David squeezed her leg and used his thumb to massage her muscle.

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