Instinct and Immorality Ch. 03


Main Characters:

Mia, 46, mom, just released from prison.

Rick, 28, Mia’s son, hydraulic engineer.

Katie Kim, 29, freelance financial crimes investigator and recovery specialist.

Dae-Seong, 67, Katie’s father.

*** All persons engaged in sex in this story are at least 18.

Chapter Three

As had become habit, my mom burst into my bedroom without the courtesy of a knock. She rushed into my bathroom and poked her face into my walk-in closet where I was vainly looking for an unwrinkled shirt to wear.

“Quick, Ricky, get in the shower, I have a surprise.”

“Mom, we have dinner with Katie in an hour. We don’t have time.”

“Come on, Ricky, I’ve got to get the evil out of me.”

My mother dropped her white cotton robe, revealing the fact that she had been pinching her nipples again, something she does while she masturbates. Since she also pulls her own hair when she orgasms, it must have been a good one, because it looked like a bird’s nest.

But masturbation doesn’t completely satisfy her, even if she orgasms. It’s just an appetizer. And now she needed a special kind of sex that can only be accomplished with the help of a close family member.

“Come on, Ricky, I need you to be really rough with me.”

Mom is forty-six and just finished a three-year prison sentence. She’s been diligently making up for lost time with a cache of the latest electronic sex toys, but so far, they don’t satisfy her considerable appetite for incest. And since I am her only child, I’m the hottest ticket in town.

She leapt into my arms and pressed her body tightly into mine. Her aggressive kiss was both rough and invasive. After several passionate seconds, I managed to dislodge her tongue from my throat to ask about the black butt plug she was holding in her hand. It was two and a half inches in diameter at its thickest point, and didn’t look like it would fit.

“Where did you get that, mom?”

“Luxi gave it to me. It vibrates. Come on, get your clothes off.”

“Vibrates? Is it waterproof?”

“Yes, now hurry up, Ricky.”

Butt plug in hand, mom stepped into the rain shower and turned it on. I quickly shed my t-shirt and shorts and was right behind her. With the water drenching us from above, mom wrapped her arms around me, pushed her nipples into my chest, and kissed me with the amazing texture of maternal and sexual passion.

She then paused to explain a problem she had with her new plug.

“I tried this earlier. But it’s a little too big.”

“Maybe you should try something smaller?”

“No, a little pain makes for better orgasms, Ricky. Besides, I like to get stretched out. How do you think I felt when you were born?”

Mom accentuated her point by gripping my wrist and placing my hand against her camel toe. I reflexively pushed my middle finger inside, noting that her pussy was very wet and unusually loose.

“Mom, maybe you should cut back on the masturbation?”

“It has nothing to do with it, Ricky. It’s because you were a big baby and it never snapped back into shape.”

I sloshed my finger around, then pushed two more inside her pussy with no resistance.

“Are you sure I didn’t fall out accidentally, mom?”

“Yeah, and hit your fucking head on the floor.”

Our teasing ended with another kiss, and with the water splashing down on us, she licked her butt plug, then tried to put it in her mouth.

“If it doesn’t fit in your mouth, mom, it’s not going to fit in your ass.”

“I’m built for pain, Ricky.” She handed the plug to me. “Now do your job.”

“What job?”

“Turn it on and put it up my ass.”

I turned it on, put the tip to her anus, and kissed her luscious lips to help ease the pain. And there was a lot of resistance. Her eyes were watering, so I eased up.

“Don’t stop, baby,” she whimpered. “I want you to hurt mommy.”

Mom was already beyond the point of no return, and that point was doing anything sexually you wanted to do to her. So, I shoved it hard up her ass and sucked her tongue into my mouth at the same time.

That hurt. I could feel it on her tongue.

But she relaxed quickly and was able to reap all the benefits of an oversized butt plug. She was greatly affected by its size and rapid vibrations. I could even feel her body vibrate as I kissed her.

I have never felt so much sexual energy from her kisses. I’ve kissed her many times with a vibe working away at her clit, but for some biological reason, she is more emotional while being rectally stimulated. It made all her senses come alive.

She squeezed my cock and stroked me roughly and rapidly. And as the water continued to drench us from above, she positioned my crown so it pressed into her camel toe. My cock was graced with the warmth and wetness emanating from her gooey slit, and I instinctively tried to thrust it inside her.

But I am six inches taller, and the first thrust only succeeded to transfer her warm vaginal moistness onto the top of my shaft.

“Pick me up,” she whispered. She jumped up in my Girne Escort arms and wrapped her legs around my waist. She put her arms around my neck for support, and I placed my hands under her thighs to hold her up. My cock was perfectly aligned, and I slid it in slowly.

My penis was firmly encased in her vibrating warmth. The butt plug had her whole pelvic area pulsating, and her kisses were so responsive to the rectal stimulation that her teeth were digging into my lips.

But that fucking butt plug had taken us both to the next level. I didn’t even feel the need to thrust, content with letting the vibrations reverberate from her rectum, into her vagina, and right through my cock.

“Do you love mommy, Ricky?”

“Of course, mom.”

Mom’s dirty talk is always very graphic, and usually avoids the topic of romantic love. But it was the darndest thing. That butt plug has made her very loving.

“Then will you marry mommy?”

This was a new one. She’s never asked this before. Since she was on the verge of an orgasm, I presumed the vibrating butt plug was behind her offer of incestuous matrimony.

When my mother gets close to an orgasm, she likes to talk dirty to get it started. She has an incest pregnancy fetish, and it always gets her off.

“Yes, you want a fucking baby mom?”

“Yeah, oh fuck, yeah. I wanna baby. I wanna fucking incest baby.”

Once again, the pregnancy fetish worked its magic for both of us. I emptied my balls into her birth canal, and with the assist from her butt plug, she had a shivering, explosive orgasm. She normally has great orgasms, but the butt plug brought her to the next level.

After some post-orgasmic kissing, I managed to break our lip lock and triage the damage she did to my mouth. She dismounted, then pecked at my lips and looked lovingly into my eyes.

“Ricky, thank you, I needed that. I don’t know why I’ve been so horny lately. I know I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on you.”

“You just got out of prison, mom. No problem.”

“I just love you so much. I wish I was a better mother to you when you were young. I feel so guilty for not being there.”

Guilt. I didn’t think she had that emotion. But that fucking butt plug was genius. This was the first time she’s ever acknowledged her absence from my early life, albeit, with the butt plug still vibrating in her ass.

“Mom, thanks, it really means a lot to me that you said that.”

But I’ll have to reserve my accolades until after she turns off that butt plug. Because this is not the same mother I’m used to.

* * *

Katie Kim’s home at Lake Las Vegas set her back three million, and that gets you a very nice home in the Nevada desert.

My mother is usually impressed by rich people, but not Katie. She thinks that Katie tipped off the FBI about my mom’s impending rug pull, which ended up in her arrest and incarceration. And when my mom hates someone, she gets her money’s worth.

“Ricky, how many Korean immigrants speak spy-school English?”

“Mom, I don’t know what spy-school English is.”

“It’s American English from the 1990s.”

As prejudiced as my mother can be, I can see her point. Katie came to America at age twenty-three and speaks English better than I do.

“Mom, just answer her questions and let’s get out without an incident.”

“She watches your eyes dilate, Ricky. Don’t look at her when you answer her questions.”

“What am I supposed to do mom, keep my eyes closed?”

I parked my humble Honda Insight in Katie’s impressive gray flagstone driveway and felt very out of place looking up at her expansive Spanish-style house. This was money.

“Look how this fucking bitch lives,” said mom. “I can’t believe she’s made so much money sucking cock.”

“That’s where all the money is, mom.”

I waited for my mother’s rants to die down, then rang the doorbell. After fifteen nervous seconds, the door opened, and we were greeted by Katie and a gray-haired Asian man standing behind her.

“Hello,” said Katie. “I’d like to introduce my father, Dae-Seong.”

“Nice to meet you, Dae-Seong. I’m Rick, and this is Mia, my mom.”

My mom was wearing a short black dress with lots of cleavage, and Dae-Seong didn’t even bother to shake my hand. He grabbed my mother’s hand to the point of it being awkward, and mom had to pull it away.

Katie said something to him in Korean, and once again, Dae-Seong leered at my mom. He was obviously captivated by her long silky black hair and rich brown skin.

“Gud bwayo,” he said, before bowing and heading up the staircase.

“Thank you for stopping by. Please follow me,” said Katie flatly.

As we walked into the foyer, I was immediately drawn to the Japanese Shunga reprints that adorned the walls. This was dirty stuff. People usually don’t hit you with their dirty artwork in their entryway. And these were very graphic images, mostly involving men with exaggerated penises having sex with women that looked like men.

Although Katie is very aloof, I always thought Magosa Escort she was a very sexual woman. She certainly dresses like it, usually in some low-cut top or short dress that kept you on the ready in case she bent over.

Her face, courtesy of a famous South Korean plastic surgeon, was reconstructed to look like the Korean actress, Kim Hyun-joo. And at five feet nine and 120 pounds, she could easily pass for a runway model.

“Nice place you got here, Katie,” I said. “Business must be good.”

“Well, Rick, I’m not really into bling, but I loved this house so much I couldn’t resist it.”

Mom gave me a knowing glance. Just like she said, “bling” is American slang straight from the 1990s. Spy-school English.

“It’s warm this evening, so we’ll be eating outside.”

We followed Katie into her backyard and sat down at the patio table, which had two Domino’s pizza boxes sitting one on top of the other, next to a small stack of paper plates.

Katie once told me that she is secretly very cheap, and she only drives expensive cars and wears designer clothes because she rubs shoulders with the one-percenters. But to me, it looks like she is just cheap with other people.

“Sorry, the pizza is cold.”

We opened the boxes, picked out our cold pizza slices, and Katie studied my mother briefly before getting down to business.

“Mia, do you know that the hedge funds are offering twenty-five cents on the dollar? And they will not prosecute.”

“If I could get my hands on the money,” snapped my mother, “why would I be talking to you?”

It was easy to aggravate Katie, who could be very nice until she wasn’t. She sipped her lemonade, furrowed her brow, and went right in for the quick kill.

“Mia, did you forget? Long Island? You and your son by the pool? You know, you’re something of a minor celebrity now. Be a shame if those photos ended up on the web.”

“Then do it,” bellowed mom. “What the fuck are you waiting for, Katie? You keep hanging this over our heads. Just fucking get it over with.”

“Mom, please, stop it.”

I knew this was trouble. Katie wants information that leads to the recovery of large sums of money, and if you don’t have it, you can fuck off and die. Katie picked up her glass of lemonade and took another pensive sip.

“Mia, when did you last see Jarvis?”

“About a week before he disappeared.”

“You were friends with his girlfriend, weren’t you? Alina Kuznetsov?”

“No. I never met her. Why do you ask?”

“Alina operated an incest swing club in Vegas.”

“What about it?”

“Well, the club is still in business.”

“So what?”

“If you can find Alina, you can find Jarvis. And the 2.6 billion.”

“So, what do you want from us?”

“A collaboration. We work together and split the reward.”

“Work together?”

“Yes. I wonder if you and Rick would consider joining the club?”

“What for?”

“To find Alina. She has quite a compulsive taste for family sex. Partied a lot with many of the families. I think she’s still doing it incognito.”

“Okay. But why don’t you just join the club yourself?”

“They don’t take singles.”

“Why don’t you ask your father?”

“I did. He won’t do it.”

“You really asked your father to join an incest club?”

“Why are you surprised, Mia?”

“I’m not. It’s just that I don’t believe you.”

Katie paused, her eyes shifting between mom and I, like she was about to say something she didn’t want to say.

“Then how about a deal?”

“What kind of deal?”

“If you give my father a massage, I’ll give you the Long Island photos.”

“Your father? You get girls for your father?”

“When he asks. And when he saw you, he asked.”

“How old is he?”


“Does it still work?”

“He does injections. He’ll be more than fine.”

This was shocking. Katie has some sort of strange relationship with her father that involves massages, penis injections, and the acquisition of females for his pleasure.

That’s very close to incest. And my mother was dying to be one of those females, if for no other reason than to uncover the extent of Katie’s relationship with her father.

* * *

Katie pimping women for her father wasn’t the only surprise she had for us. She has an entire room dedicated to group encounters, which overlooks the golf course and has a view of downtown Vegas. The room has three long Alcantara couches set up in a U-shape, so people can watch each other fuck.

It was the only room in the house that has carpeting, which was a thick-padded black shag. There was another large red throw rug in the “orgy area” between the couches, which displayed four nude female images in various sexual positions.

The walls of the room were adorned with antique erotic artwork, mainly from Japan, Korea, and Thailand. There were dozens of small Japanese phallic statuettes on the end tables.

And things were just getting interesting. Katie was in a gray robe and set Kıbrıs Escort up a massage table in the middle of the throw rug. Next to it was a portable stand holding a variety of massage oils, including a syringe with a small dispensing device.

Once she completed her setup, Katie wanted to have a quick discussion with me about the rules of engagement. It was very hard to believe that Katie has sex with her father, but that’s how things seemed to be setting up.

“Rick, I’m sorry, but you will have to sit this one out. My father doesn’t like to see other men touch me. He also doesn’t want you to take off your clothes or touch yourself.”

“No problem, Katie.”

“Thank you.”

I sat down while Katie’s father walked into the room wearing a gray robe that matched Katie’s, just like they were husband and wife.

“Appa,” said Katie, “you need your shot.” Katie picked up the syringe, which contained some sort of erection drug, and loaded it into the dispenser.

He stepped over to the massage table and removed his robe, handing it to Katie.

This is stunning to witness. Katie can have any man she wants. But she caters to her father like she was a lowly concubine. Perhaps this was just some sort of Korean custom I’ve never heard of, where it’s acceptable for a daughter to manage her father’s sex life.

And Katie showed no aversion to his penis. In fact, she got on her knees and tenderly placed her fingertips on the crown. It was about two inches in its flaccid state and looked like it hasn’t been hard in 300 years.

She studied it like she’s seen it many times before, trying to determine where to do the injection. She pulled it gently to elongate it. She placed the tip of the dispenser on the side, then pressed the button.

“Oooh,” he said. That had to hurt. It hurt me, and I’m ten feet away.

Katie, still holding her father’s penis, rubbed her thumb up and down the underside of his shaft, dispersing the medication. Katie acted like a nurse, which made me think this was the extent of their father-daughter touching. She certainly did not seem excited by holding her father’s penis.

And in a minute, he was hard. It was a miracle.

“Okay, before we get started,” said Katie. “Does anyone need anything to drink?”

Everyone shook their head, then Katie winked at her father.

“Appa, on the table now,” she said.

Katie takes great care of her father. She is as frigid and expressionless a person as I have ever met, but she really does love her dad. She helped him up on the table, and his cock had now grown to six inches of throbbing steel.

Mom, who started hooking at eighteen, finally came into the room in a white cotton robe and got to see what she had to work with. An old Korean man with a sagging face, concave chest, and a six-inch piece of pipe between his spindly legs.

She conjured up a smile and greeted Dae-Seong with an open hand. “Hello again. Can you please lay back?”

Mom dropped her robe, and there was the beautiful Sicilian Madonna, with fuck-my-mouth lips, voluptuous breasts, and a well-trimmed black bush commanding everyone’s eyes.

Katie sat down across from me, and mom picked up a bottle of massage oil, rubbed it in her hands, and got it started.

I still didn’t think that Katie had sex with her father, as she acted more like a nurse on the ready in case he had a seizure.

And he looked like he might. For the next few minutes, my mom gave him the cursory massage of a hooker that doesn’t like to give massages. But you wouldn’t know it by that old guy’s cock, which was the hardest thing I’ve ever seen.

Whatever was in that shot was working wonders. But you wouldn’t know it by the blank expression on Katie. She just quietly took it all in, with her usual stone face.

Mom seemed almost afraid to touch his cock. But when her pussy came within his reach, he placed his hand onto her camel toe and rubbed his fingers into her clit.

Mom got the hint, then took his cock in her hand to test his erection.

“This is the hardest thing I’ve ever felt,” she said, turning to me with a request. “Ricky, you’ve got to get this medicine.”

I smiled awkwardly, as that sounded like an insult. But my shame was short lived. Katie stood and dropped her robe.

At five feet nine, Katie has a long, thin waist, narrow hips, and a small but very tight ass. Her natural breasts are round and large, with two brown bullets for nipples. But her most prominent feature, besides her very long black hair, is a recently waxed pussy with a beautifully shaped camel toe.

“How are you doing, appa?” asked Katie sweetly.


“He wants us to lick him at the same time,” said Katie.

And that settles that. Katie has sex with her father. She’s introverted, humorless, and has nothing resembling normal emotional affectations. She was the last person in the world that I ever expected to be engaged in incest, but you never know about people. It was quite obvious that this has been going on for a long time.

She went to the other side of the massage table and wrapped her hand around her father’s shaft. Katie stroked it up and down, then placed her tongue at the base of his shaft and licked up to his crown. She pushed her lips right into his frenulum, and with the tip of her tongue, teased it while maintaining constant eye contact with her father.

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