Natasha’s New Daddy Pt. 01: The First Day


(Author’s note: This is a stand alone story that also works as “The Mommy Kink: Part 3”. However, those stories are in no way necessary to understand this one).

Lots of people would say that I look kind of like my Mom, and trust me, that’s a compliment! We both have huge breasts, great butts, and the ability to knock most men down with a well timed wink. The biggest difference between us, besides our age obviously, is our style. My Mom is a goddess! She’s graceful, elegant, and well spoken. Her dresses are all beautiful, her hair is like waves of shimmering silk, and her eyes are so stunning they could, and probably have, caused traffic accidents. 

I, on the other hand…

I couldn’t rebel against my Mom. Frankly, she’s fucking hot, even to me. So I ended up rebelling against her look. Mom wears a lovely summer dress? You’ll catch me in a mini skirt and a torn up t-shirt. Mom has skin like polished marble? Tats and piercings for me! Mom’s hair is lovely, colored more for highlights than anything else? Okay. Then you’ll find me with blue hair, or pink hair, or red hair, with some insane streak of second color blended into it. 

So even if I do have my Mom’s great looks, you can definitely tell us apart. She’ll be the one looking like a supermodel, and I’ll be the Naughty Gothic Schoolgirl two steps behind her. That said, looks and a generally rebellious attitude is as far as my teenage revolt ever got. My parents were 100% the couple that bought my Brother’s and I banned books, took us to controversial arts shows, and, when we were old enough, they even clued us into their very kinky, and very exciting lifestyle. 

It turned out that they had been swingers and generally kinky motherfuckers the entire time we were growing up, and they, some-fucking-how, kept that from us like a couple of master spies! Seriously, we had no idea! But, when my twin Brother and I were the first to find out (we were the oldest), we both, IMMEDIATELY had the same question. “Can we come to one of the sex parties!?!” No joke, we said it in unison and everything. 

Crazy as it may sound, they said yes! So, for the whole time I was 18, I was getting a weekly crash course in all things sex. Of course, I was pretty nervous around dozens of people and couples who had lived in “the lifestyle” for as long as they had. But, after a year of watching, I finally got brave enough to start playing by the time I was 19. So, now, at only 20, I’m pretty much at the point where, unless someone is running in the same circles as me, I probably know more about sex at 20 than most people will in their entire life. 

As for my parents…

I learned by the end of the first year that MY Mom, was THE Mom. Like, that was kind of her jam within the fetish community. She was super into Mom/Son role-plays. So, after I started “playing” and engaging at these events, I finally worked up the courage to ask her if her tastes also ran to Mother/Daughter role-plays. One very heavy, very intense, very sexually charged conversation later (seriously, we were up until sunrise with that one), Mom knew my kinks well enough to RP them, and I was 100% game! 

Even now though, years later, I never played with her publicly, or watched her play at parties or events. We just kind of did our own thing when we were in groups. That said, once Mom or I got home and, “the boys”, as she put it, went to bed, she was all mine. Or rather, I was all hers… 

I mean, she was my Mom! I literally couldn’t even imagine playing the dominant with her! With anyone else, I switched pretty easily back and forth, but when Mom and I arranged a play date together, you could bet that there would be strap-on involved, and I wasn’t going to be the one wearing it. 

In fact, just the other day, she came back home after a really late 4th of July weekend party, and, I don’t know what (or who) got into her, but she was a savage! In a good way… 

She had me crawl to her, and lick at her as I was made to guess, who that I might know, that I was tasting. Then, before she even gave me the satisfaction of an answer, she had me over her knee, and was spanking me for being the naughty girl that I so love to be! Then, before the sting and redness had even had a few minutes to breath, she’d already bent me over the nearest piece of furniture, and had a strap-on almost as big as my boyfriend’s dick (the man is part giant, I swear) buried inside of me!

I went from moaning, and calling out different ways that I’d been a bad girl since last we played, to drooling and screaming with my eyes half rolled back into my head. Mom licked, pinched, slapped, rubbed, and fucked me through more than a half dozen orgasms, and when I could barely speak from how fuck-drunk she had me, she grabbed my ponytail and made me scream out, “Harder Mommy!”. 

So, yeah. A good time. 😉

I’d made a point to find out what had happened at the 4th of July party that had gotten her so riled up, if for no other reason than so I could make damn sure that it happened again! But the very next day my boyfriend, Chad, proposed to me, and became my Fiance!

Now, it’s worth mentioning that Chad knew what he Girne Escort was getting into. I was VERY polyamorous, and I wasn’t about to change that for anyone. He was my main squeeze, but, in case you couldn’t tell from the “Mother Daughter time” that I got up to, he was not my only squeeze. Still, he’d been to events with me, and we had some rules that he and I had both had no trouble following since we came up with them.

Basically, we could sleep with anyone as long as we had permission from one another. Like, I wasn’t about to sleep his best friend and ruin their friendship, and he wasn’t about to have sex with anyone I didn’t approve of either. Insanely, he had been happy with just me! I mean, I’m pretty good and all, but I’d offered to let him “spend some time” with some of my gal pals from the fetish (fet) community, and he’d always replied that I was enough. 

Now, that said, I’d seen how much Chad enjoyed watching me with other men, and the only thing he seemed to like as much as that, was when I described to him whatever Mom and I happened to have gotten up to. So, I was pretty sure that either I was his fetish, exclusively; or it was a mix of me, and my Mom. Which, honestly, not gonna blame the guy. Like, join the club!

So, it seemed like things were going great. Mom was in a great mood and taking it out on me, yum! My boyfriend of almost two years had proposed, and we had a pretty great thing going. 

But, of course it couldn’t be that simple. You see, it was really important to Chad that we get his parents approval. So, the very next day we went to visit his Mom, and… she hated me. Like, on sight. She took one look at me getting out of the car and her face went from smiling to this horrible, twisted look of disgust.

The entire time we were visiting her, she never shut up about my appearance, and how I was clearly a slut, clearly no good, and oh yeah, she through in that I must be dumb. I mean, obviously, if someone dresses differently from you, it must be because they are stupid, right? 

I was pissed. But, there wasn’t much I could do about it. Chad was really upset about the whole thing, and we were supposed to meet his Dad two days after that, but he was already thinking about calling that visit off. 

So, I got to thinking…

It started with me asking, very innocently of course, if his Dad’s approval would be enough for him. And, thankfully, it would be. Part of Chad’s fear was not having a home to go back to if things went bad for us financially. I didn’t try to point out that my parents had us covered. Chad was sweet, and loyal, and hung like a fucking horse; but he wasn’t going to win any awards for his intellect. He was a bit simple, but again, I loved the big lug, and it wasn’t like he didn’t already know that his Valedictorian girlfriend was smarter than the guy who only graduated highschool because he played football REALLY well. 

So, I let it slide. This was bothering him, and that was enough for me. But…

I asked him how much it mattered to him, and when he tried to look me in the eye to give me a very serious answer, I waggled my eyebrows at him and gave him a playful look that had him adjusting his pants. He took a second to try to answer again, and I began to crawl towards his side of the couch, hands and knees, with my cut up t-shirt dropping more than low enough to reveal that I was, of course, bra-less. 

“How badly do you want your Dad to like your girlfriend?” I purred at him. He started to ask what I meant, and, knowing my guy, I cut straight to the chase. I loved playing games, but with Chad, if you played them too long, he got confused and it stopped being fun. So, as he started to tell me that he didn’t understand, I cut him off with; “I mean sucking a man’s cock will convince him to go along with almost anything.”

At first he seemed to think that I was playing. After all, he liked to watch. But as I looked into his eyes and batted my lashes prettily, it sunk in that I wasn’t kidding. He started to ask me to explain, but again, once I knew he was ready to hear more, I jumped right in. It was just how we talked. 

So, I explained. I told him that he liked to share. That I liked to play, and that we both, obviously, had fun with various incest fantasies. So… What if we went to visit my soon to be Father-in-law, and I, well, asked him how HE felt about playing Daddy to his Son’s girlfriend. 

Chad obviously thought the idea was hot, but he was struggling with it too. I mean, in fairness, it was a lot. And the potential for it to backfire couldn’t have been higher. But, I secretly loved the idea of using the very thing his Mom was using as an excuse to say no, my looks, as a means of making his Dad say yes. 

So, we talked it over for a bit, and decided that Chad would go to his Dad’s place a day early, and while he was there, he would try to explain our arrangement to his old man. Then, as his Dad’s predictable doubts began to creep in, my loving Fiance would begin to plant breadcrumbs about how it wasn’t exactly a bad thing to have a hot, big titted, successful, smart, and slutty Wife. He’d Magosa Escort tell him about the things that we’d done, and about how open our marriage was going to be. Then, of course, he’d warn his Dad that I was super into incest role-play, and that I might try flirting with him. But… the icing on the cake would be when he told El Pappa, that if that happened, he wanted him to know that it was just part of how we were as a couple, and that he should feel totally comfortable flirting right back. 

And so, that was exactly what Chad did. 

I was wearing Chad’s ring from the moment he offered it to me, but, privately, he and I had acknowledged how much his parents’ approval meant to him. And while there was no part of me that thought that we wouldn’t get married if they both said no, for Chad’s sake, we’d both agreed that we were not really engaged until we got his Dad’s official approval. So, no matter what I said, I was careful to call Chad my boyfriend, and not my Fiance in the days leading up to our meeting with his Dad. Then, the big day finally came. 

Chad called me as I was on my way over (it was a long drive), and let me know that it went even better than we’d hoped. That his Dad, Mr. Lewis, had skipped over having reservations and went straight to showing interest, and then downright fascination in how hot his Son and Girlfriend’s sex life was. He’d asked a TON of questions about what I was into, and what stuff Chad had watched me do. Apparently, this was going to be a pretty easy sell…

When I got out of the car to introduce myself, (Chad, sweetie that he is, opened the door for me), Mr Lewis was already tripping over his tongue before I even got him to shake his hand. Mr. Lewis was a life-long construction worker turned boss. He didn’t own his company, but he ran everything for this whole region. Still, even though he worked behind a desk now, the fact that he’d been labored hard for most of his life showed. He looked to be early or mid 40’s, but he could have been 10 years older or younger and it wouldn’t have shocked me. That was just how hard lives played out. His hands were rough and well worked. His muscles showed that subtle strength that you get from real labor instead of working out to show off. He didn’t look like some totally ripped weightlifter or anything, but the man from the grip of his hand, and the hardness of his body, he probably could have held me over his head with one hand.

All that was definitely part of why, seeing all that strength fall apart as he ran his eyes over me, had me feeling both lovely and confident before we even started. 

My hair color was a mix between pink and red, and I had blue, black, and white streaks in it to highlight the look. My top was a sexy red bikini, barely hidden under a school girl uniform that I’d found at a thrift store. It didn’t fit, but that was kind of the point. The skirt was a little too short, and if I bent over, everyone was going to see my panties. My top was much too small, and so, even with the bikini top underneath, my tits were still popping out to say hi. 

I threw in some wedge high heels because I like feeling tall, and apparently the outfit, plus the tales of my sexual escapades, were doing the trick. Because it took poor Mr. Lewis 4 tries to get his own name right when he introduced himself, and 3 more tries to invite us inside. 

I love tripping men up, but mostly because I take their reactions as a compliment. So when Chad’s Father literally tripped trying to get to the door, I was suddenly distracted by how nice his hedges looked, and so I “didn’t see it” when it happened. We got inside, the guys showed me around, and I made a point of fitting in as much bending over, leaning down, and getting too close as I thought I could get away with. 

After a solid hour of your basic introductions, it was time for lunch, and we all sat down at a surprisingly nice dining room table. It wasn’t a surprise because Mr Lewis lacked money. He was Chad’s boss at the construction company, and he had a dozen other guys his age who’d all worked their way up from basic laborers, and were now working as managers under him. No, it wasn’t a money thing. It was just that you rarely see a single divorce’ with a 6 person, solid oak, dining room table. Still, not one to waste an opportunity, I made a point of complimenting the table, and then bending over, placing my hands on it, and giving my big tits a few good shakes as I proved to them how solid the craftsmanship was. 

During lunch, I gently steered the conversation towards the naughty stuff. First, I put my hand on Chad’s, and told him in a very serious tone that we really needed to bite the bullet, and confess to his Dad about how wild our sex life got. Of course, Chad just gave a laugh and looked to his Dad, who quickly reassured me that “Young Chadwick” (snort), had already told him all about it, and he was fine with it. So, naturally, I immediately shot back with, “He told you all of it? Even the parts where I get off on blow jobs, tit fucks, and the feeling of hot cum on my skin?”. 

His Dad, unable to find words to reply to my oh so innocent Kıbrıs Escort query, just nodded and choked out an “uh huh”, as his face turned bright red. So, before he could cool off any, I gave a shy look around before asking in a near whisper, “Did he tell you about my Incest kink too? How I have a big fantasy about getting… wait, am I allowed to say fucked?” At that, Mr. Lewis nodded rapidly, seemingly so much more than just okay with hearing me lay out some naughty words. “Thanks! … about getting fucked by my Daddy?” 

Again, he clearly tried to talk, failed, and then went with nodding as his back-up plan. At his nod, I breathed a sigh of relief and ran my hand across my forehead. “Fwoo!” I exclaimed. “That’s a big load off my chest.” Then I paused for a beat, winked at Mr Lewis, and with a flirty tone I added, “Or a big load on it, am I right Mr. L.?” I gave a laugh, and Chad and his Father both joined me in having a laugh “at my joke”. Though I didn’t need to peek under the table to know that both of them were sporting massive tents by that point. 

From there I asked Chad’s Dad about his work, and his hobbies, and about the stuff around the house that he’d obviously made himself. So that, by the time lunch was over, we’d spend about an hour of it letting Mr Lewis talk about all of his favorite stuff, and, mixed in here and there, Chad I and threw in anecdotes about some of the sexual adventures we’d gotten up to. Each time, making it seem like we were testing the waters of whether or not he was a “cool Dad”, but ending each story with something like, “Is that okay?”, or “That doesn’t freak you out, right?”. 

After lunch, we cleared the table, and went into the kitchen to clean our plates and such. As we did, I complained about my bra riding up oddly a few times, until Chad got the hint and suggested that I just take it off if it was bothering me so much. So, of course, I started with, “Babe, you know me, I’d never wear a bra if I could get away with it. But I put this on special for this visit so your Dad wouldn’t be uncomfortable. Just because you and I are cool with it, doesn’t mean that your Father would be cool with me walking around the house bra-less!” But, Mr. Lewis was quick to correct me, and assure me that my comfort was far more important than some stuffy social norm. So, after double checking with him to make sure that he was certain, I turned my back to them both, worked my magic under the shirt, and a few seconds later I pulled my VERY large bra out of the bottom of my shirt. 

Then I turned to face the guys again, and gave a big sigh, remarking how much better I felt with that stuffy old bra off of me. I made a point of walking it out to the car, so I could give Mr Lewis and Chad a second to talk behind my back. You know how boys are. Then when I got back, we all headed into the living room so we could sit down and Mr. Lewis could, as he put it, hear about me from my own lips instead of second hand from his Son’s. 

For the next 30 minutes or so, I did what I imagine a lot of prospective brides would do when talking to their future Father-in-Law for the first time; I talked myself up. I talked about my grades, my scholarship, my love of Tennis, and then, towards the end of it, I started to talk about how I’d gotten into the fetish and swinger community once I’d graduated highschool. 

I left out the parts where my parents were involved, because other people’s secrets aren’t mine to share. But outside of that, I was pretty detailed. I talked about how I was basically an observer for the whole first year, but after that I’d basically learned about all the kinks and role-plays that I wanted to explore. I talked about how I preferred older lovers, but then quickly corrected with, “Well, I mean, not OLD old. Just like, you know, about your age Mr. Lewis.” bra-less, and talking about how I got so good at giving head, I rolled on past that comment like I didn’t notice how he had to adjust the way he was sitting immediately after I said it. Then, as I came to the end of my little presentation, I circled back around to the incest thing. 

“So, are you sure it doesn’t bother you that I have a Daddy fetish”. He scoffed, and once again, played up the ‘cool Dad’ angle, telling me no, and of course not. Adding on, “Why would I be?” And at that, I bit my lip, and looked up at him like I was about to jump and fuck his brains out. Then, while I was rocking that eye contact, I clarified, “Well, because after the wedding, YOU’LL be my Daddy. Right?” 

He looked like he wanted to squirm his way straight through the back of the chair he was sitting in, and his face was even more red than it had been at dinner as he gulped, and swallowed, and tried for words. He looked like he was going to be flustered for a while, so I took the reins back, and kept it going. “And, well, you know that Chad and I,” and I reached out for Chad’s hand, and had him sit beside me once he’d taken it. Then, looking at Chad, I continued with, “Chad and I have a very open relationship. I let him play with girls that I approve of, and he lets me play with guys that he approves of. And while we are both very much in love, and very loyal within our rules, we DO play by our rules. So, well,” and then I went from looking at Chad, to looking back at Mr. Lewis as I said, “I guess what I’d like to start with is… Would it be okay if I started calling you Daddy? Since I’ll be a part of the family soon?” 

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