Cherry on Top Ch. 09


All characters are at least 18 years old.



“Already?” dad grumbled, chuckling a bit.

I giggled, my naked body snuggling closer to him. With the curtains drawn, the room was still dark, the barest amount of sunlight leaking in from the bottom. I pulled the covers over myself and pressed against his pajama-clad chest, and he sighed with contentment and wrapped an arm around me. Frowning, he looked down at me, eyes lingering for a moment on my chest before taking a deep breath and meeting my eyes.

“You’re naked, princess,” he noted.

“Very astute, dad,” I laughed, and he chuckled again.

“It’s a school day.”

“But it’s still early.”

He raised an eyebrow, cracking the corresponding eye open a bit. He swallowed before closing his eye again, facing back toward the ceiling. “First thing in the morning? Cherish, we shouldn’t.” His voice was deep and gravelly from just waking up and, put simply, it was so hot. My cavewoman DNA was screaming that dad sounded full of testosterone, and I needed some of it in me. I needed to get a grip, show a modicum of restraint.

My fingers wandered down to his morning wood, slipping into his pajama pants and taking firm hold of the hot shaft. Damn it, my willpower sucked. Dad inhaled sharply, and though his member throbbed a bit, he rested a hand on my wrist.

“Still a bit tender from last night, princess,” he explained. “That was a lot of times in a row, and I think I need to recuperate. Heh, I used to be able to go all night. Maybe I’m getting old.”

I sat up abruptly, voice thickening with emotion. “You’re not old,” I protested, feeling angry and sad at once. I didn’t want to think about our age gap. He was gonna give some excuse about how we wouldn’t work long-term, how he was gonna be gone long before I was, and he didn’t want to leave me alone. I knew him well enough that I could practically hear the speech verbatim.

He sighed. “Cherish, one day–” I knew it.

“Stop. I don’t care.” I wrapped my arms around his chest and snuggled tight against him, pushing my cheek to his clothes. “I don’t care about the age gap. I don’t care about the stigma against our relationship. I don’t care if I never have kids of my own. I don’t care.” I swallowed a sob, a few of my tears getting soaked up by dad’s shirt. “I just want to be with the man I love.”

He stroked my hair gently, every so often fingering a particular strand, twirling it around before letting it unravel as he pulled away. “I love you too, Cherish.”

“Cherry,” I insisted.

“Fine, Cherry,” he relented with a laugh. “And I want to be with you as well. But there are further ramifications to us doing this–“

“Then we’ll figure it out together,” I said firmly. When he didn’t reply, I sat up and looked at him, tears still in my eyes. “Right?”

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, then smiled. “Right. Together.”

I leaned forward toward him and we kissed, tenderly and lovingly. I bit my lip when we finished, and dad grew a hungry look in his eye. In an instant I was on my neck, hips raised up and knees Magosa Escort over his shoulders. I gasped and looked up at him, an intense expression on his face. My little pink flower was in full view, and he wet his lips.

“Dad!” I chastised, secretly overjoyed that he wanted me enough to seize the initiative. By the way I was giggling, perhaps it wasn’t so secret.

“I’ve been wanting a taste of this kitten since last week,” he growled. Before I could respond, his tongue extended to gently touch my nub. My back arched as lightning shot up my spine, frying my brain with rapturous bliss. I bit my lip again, unable to begin the expletive I had ready. His tongue slid into my pussy and I screamed in ecstasy.

This was how I wanted to start my mornings.

“And so you were almost late again.” Lexi nodded gleefully, not at all restraining how wide her grin got. “Well you can’t blame the man, he’s been thirsting after that particular nectar for a while now.”

“Can’t believe I just told you that,” I grumbled, and she winked at me.

“And I appreciate it. If it bothers you, just think of it as payment for my services.”

She skipped along a bit on our way to lunch, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at her attitude toward all this. “Your ‘services’? You gonna start a business for hooking people up with their… y’know?”

Lexi stopped and gave me a devilish smile that chilled me to the bone. “You’d be surprised how lucrative that could be,” she crooned. “Don’t underestimate the demand for airing out one’s skeletons.”

“I’m not sure I want to know what that means,” I muttered hesitantly.

She gave me her signature grin, but was distracted with a commotion up ahead.

“Shit,” she sighed. “Wait here.”

She dropped her schoolbag at my feet and dashed off toward the noise, and I frowned. Picking the bag up, I continued on, craning my neck in vain as a crowd formed. Unable to see anything due to my height — to my chagrin — I pushed my way to the front in time to see Stef and Lexi haul Brie off her feet, the latter kicking her legs up in a fury.

“Stay away from him, you fucking whore!” Brie screamed, lunging against the two holding her back. On the other side of the fight was Lauren, an indignant rage boiling around her. Four angry red lines marred her face, cutting down across her left eye toward her nose. Her friends were holding her back from retaliating, though just barely.

“You’re a sick freak, Sabrina!” she snarled. “Maybe you should just fucking marry him if you want him for yourself so much! Disgusting!” A trail of blood dripped down into her eye, forcing it closed.

“I just need to keep him away from loose bitches like you, you goddamn tramp!” Brie shrieked.

“It all makes sense now!” Lauren returned. “That secret boyfriend of yours? Yeah, no shit. It’s your own fucking–“

It was around this time that the headmistress showed up. “Sabrina. Lauren. My office, now,” she snapped. “You too, Stefan. The rest of you, break it up! Off to lunch!” The headmistress marched my friends off, and Lexi came Kıbrıs Escort back for her schoolbag while the crowd dispersed.

“Carry on, I’ll take care of this,” she murmured, before going after the others.

“Fucking hell,” Drew muttered next to me.

I looked up at him. “How much did you see?”

“Honestly, what anybody saw doesn’t matter. It’s what they heard,” he replied. “If Lex doesn’t fix this quick, it’ll be all over town before long. The twins’ll have to hope most people won’t understand the context.” I stared at him, and he noticed the look on my face. “Though I’m guessing you’ve pieced things together.”

“I’m getting there,” I replied. “Lexi’s the key. The fixer. The twins. You and… your mom?”

He nodded, confirming my suspicions from Christmas. “You and your dad,” he finished, making me blush.

“I guess you knew back at the company dinner, huh?” I muttered.

“Even if I didn’t: Lexi,” he stated simply with a shrug. “Anything that interests her is fucking sin. And she’s been very interested in you lately, so…” He jerked his head toward the cafeteria, and we walked and got our lunches, sitting alone at our usual table.

“Makes sense now why Brie was so okay with finding out about me. And I kinda had a hunch when we were glaring at each other’s parents at the party,” I added. “Damn, you and Ms. Hammond, huh?” I raised an eyebrow.

He looked at me humorlessly. “You should be glad it played out this way. And by the way, Lexi didn’t snitch on you. You were practically drooling all over your dad. Get your shit together in public, alright?”

I gulped and nodded, pushing my food around my tray. “Think the twins’ll be alright?”

“Lexi’s on the case,” he said simply, focused on his food. “Yeah, it’s looking pretty bad, but I’ve seriously never seen her fail before. Things could look like she’s in the middle of fucking everything up, but it’s actually all part of the plan.”

“Hm. I can actually see that. Y’know, last week she was part of giving me the worst day I’d had in a while, but all she was doing was pushing me to a breaking point. Nudging me into action.” I pondered what happened. She had saved me from Lauren, looking apathetic the whole time. She might act like she didn’t care, but she absolutely did.

“And she’s fucking loaded,” Drew pointed out.

“Then what’s her weakness?” I asked. “I mean, she always felt like Ms. Perfect to me. So when would she mess up, since you haven’t seen it yet?”

“You’re wondering what could throw her off her game? Worried she’ll fuck up her plan for you with your dad?”

“Maybe a little bit,” I admitted. “But she helped me, and she protected me. If one day I need to protect her, I need to know how they’ll do it. Where they’ll hit her so that she won’t see them coming.”

Drew exhaled and contemplated for a moment, before scoffing and shaking his head. “Honestly? The best place to strike anyone: through the heart.”

Social media was abuzz with news, rumors of what happened at school. The most surprising tidbit came from Lauren herself: Lefkoşa Escort she was moving out of town, and she was gonna go radio silent. I stood at the stove, baffled. It was the exact opposite outcome of what any layman would expect. A girl almost gets outed for having a relationship with her twin brother, and the whistleblower is the one who moves? Unheard of. I felt a chill run up my spine. What the hell had Lexi done to pull this off?

Dad coming home snapped me out of it, and I set my phone down and turned to greet him. He stopped hot in his tracks when he spotted me. “Cherish?”


“Cherry, what are you wearing?”

I did a twirl to let him see the outfit from all sides, although I suppose calling it an outfit was a stretch. “It’s called the naked apron look. Do you like it?”

“Do I like– Jesus Christ.” He set his briefcase down and undid his tie and top button. I nibbled my lip as he approached me, hands desperate to find a good place to settle. I took his wrists and guided him to my pert ass, and he gasped as his fingers sank into my cheeks. Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed up onto my toes and kissed him.

“Welcome home, daddy,” I cooed, and he grunted approvingly. “But I should be getting back to dinner. Don’t want it burning, do we?”

“Let it burn,” he growled, sending shivers through my body. He cleared his throat and released me. “Ahem. No, we don’t want burnt dinner. I’ll uh… leave you to it while I go get changed.”

I giggled as dad walked off, tugging his pants a bit. Plating dinner, I laid it out in time for him to sit down to a steaming meal. He was in sweats, and he cleared his throat before speaking.

“It’s very sexy, Cherry, but maybe you should still put on some clothes. We don’t want you catching a cold.” He stole a glance at my chest, which really undermined his argument.

I scoffed, a smug smirk accompanying a twirl of my red locks. “You’re probably right, dad.” He nodded solemnly, with no idea of what I was up to. “But dad, I can’t take this off by myself.” His eyes widened, and I had to stifle a giggle. “Can you help me out of it?”

He could only stammer as I turned my back to him, pulling my hair out of the way for him to untie the apron. I heard him take a deep breath and undo the knot, and I turned back to him with a pleased expression. He was looking everywhere but at me, which was adorable.

“Dad, it’s still not off,” I said with a pout. “Help me get it off!”

Hands trembling, he reached up and pulled the apron up over my head, dropping it next to me unceremoniously as he admired my body. He’d already seen it a couple of times, but it still felt good to feel such hungry eyes on me. Suddenly, he put his hands on my back and pulled me to him, taking one of my nipples into his mouth. I moaned involuntarily, fingers in his hair as he sucked on my nipples. He didn’t find my size lacking; on the contrary, he seemed to enjoy my smaller stature and endowments. You’re such a perv, daddy. I was delighted.

He pulled me onto his lap, my bare sex pressed against his manhood poking against his pants. It felt massive. How the hell was I gonna get it inside? I almost shook my head. Getting a little ahead of myself there. Dad was sure to treat me gently. He was desperate for me, but he’d make sure my first time was done right.

I cradled his head as he teased me, and we let dinner go cold.

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