that look


that look
Last nigth I went to a gig with some old friends we’re all very musical most have played in bands over the years and we know all the members of the band we went to see.
It was a long drive up to Blackburn so we got there early and had a few drinks in a local bar and made are way to the theater quite a big venue for a new band. Just enough time for two more drinks in the small bar and more chat. There were 5 of us but we met other people we knew there. Iooking around I would say the audience was middle-aged but as I looked around I spotted a blonde woman around 50 I would say, attractive about 5 foot 6 white shirt with black leather jacket, she was with 2 or 3 men of similar age but she gave me a look which lingered a little and she went back to her conversation. Over the next 5 minutes I looked around the room a couple more times to spot any newcomers and each time the blonde lady glancing at me making it obvious that she liked the look of me and i wasn’t shy in my approval of her, its a situation I’ve been in many times and its nice to know someone really fancies you, but it’s pointless because she’s with someone probably her husband and friends and I’m in an unfamiliar town that I won’t return to. So I went back to my conversation. we watched the gig which was really good. After the gig we congratulated the members of the band and they persuaded us not to head back home yet and join them in a bar across the road.
The bar was small but good with music, alcohol and good chat.
After 20 minutes the group including my blonde friend walked in and within minutes the looks started up again. In the this less crowded bar I could see her leather skirt to above her knees and long black boots all together a very tidy package with a good pair of tits not massive but very nice. Again I considered the pointlessness of these looks and returned to the group which now included the band. I listened to the stories of bad gigs, accidents and sexual conquests for a time. I eventually made my way to the toilet, there was a small corridor which led to a small room with two doors marked ladies and gents, as I approached the end of the corridor the blonde came out of the ladies and seeing me walking towards her began to straighten her clothes basically killing time till I got to the end of the corridor. As I arrived with a knowing smile She walked toward me pushing us both into the corner away from the view of the bar and with her eyes firmly fixed on mine and the same smile she put her hand on my jeans and felt for my cock. With surprisingly clear thoughts I realized this was a free pass and quickly ran my hand up her skirt to her tightly fitting silk or satin panties, running my fingers along the stitching until they broke through into a mass of pubic hair I moved on to find her dampness and as I did she moved her hand down my jeans grabbing my cock and stroking the end with her finger. Reaching down I felt wetness in the dry hairs and inserted my two fingers into her and quickly forcing them up lifting her heels of the ground. “Fuck “she said in her local accent as I quickly worked her pussy into a sticky wet mess. I removed my hand looking round for witnesses and sucked one of my fingers”oh you dirty bastard” she said as I put the other finger to her mouth and she hesitantly did the same.
A man begain the walk down the corridor and I bolted into the toilet leaving her to head back to her party. I had to hold my dick down so I didn’t piss in the wall and for once i washed my hand thinking everyone would smell her on my fingers. I returned to the bar and sat with my friend as if nothing had happened and I watched her with the group of men not really in the conversation her mind elsewhere and I stared at her waste area knowing that a few minutes ago I had been inside her it was like the perfect crime. I gave her a look as we left, nothing obvious and I was glad to be away I would never hear anything of this incident again.

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