The Photo Shop Ch. 33


The Photo shop by Candyman666©

Although each chapter is a story on its own, you might enjoy it more by starting with chapter 1 as there may be references to characters or events that happened in previous chapters. All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. The ship’s itinerary is purely fictional. Reactions are always very much appreciated.

Chapter 33: Some unexpected and one expected birthday party

“I wonder if your idea of escaping any kind of celebration by going on this trip is going to work as you thought it would,” Grace said before exiting the airport taxi depositing her at home.

“I honestly hope it will; there are only a few who know about my birthday, so I hope that for once the village tom-tom has failed.”

Arriving at home, close to lunchtime, everything seemed to look normal, just like I’d left it three weeks ago, with a big sign in the shop window announcing Beth’s painting exhibition. Today was the last day and I didn’t see any big crowd or anything. They knew I was coming home, and yet there was no big welcome committee to be seen – great I thought. I paid the taxi driver, unloaded my bags, and carried them in via the side entrance to my apartment. I was curious about how the exhibition had run, so after dropping everything, I quickly went downstairs to find Beth or Linda to hear their story. When I walked into the studio/exhibition area, there was nobody, oh my God I thought I truly hope it wasn’t like this the whole time, that would be so disappointing for Beth.

“Beth, are you here somewhere?” I ventured.

“You’re home!” she replied appearing from around one of the displays with 4 paintings.

“Oh there you are, I hadn’t seen you. How’s it been?”

“Fantastic,” she replied with a huge smile on her face, “I sold 10 pieces and we’ve got 5 more with an option on them.”

“So are you now finally convinced that we were right about your talent?”

“Yes you were, and you know what? Talking with Linda, I’ve discovered a whole new way of expressing my art, I’ve made a statue.”

“Wow, how did you have time to do that with the exhibition and your beauty salon?”

“I had lots of help from Linda.”

“In what way? Did she pose for you?”

“You could call it that, but I’d like you to see for yourself if this is any good. If you care to step this way.”

Beth took me to one of the dressing rooms, letting me enter first. In the room, I saw a rather large form covered by a sheet. Just for a fraction of a second, I thought I saw it move, but I dismissed that as a figment of my imagination. Behind me, I heard Beth say, “take the cover away and tell me what you think.” I grabbed the sheet and pulled it away…

“Oh my God, Linda?” I stammered, I was indeed looking at Linda, totally naked, her arms bent, fingers pointing at her crotch. On her pubic area, I could read “Happy Birthday” with her cute navel figuring as the dot on the i of birthday, when I looked back up she winked and said, “Surprise”, holding her arms wide open and inviting me to hug her, an enticing invitation I couldn’t resist of course. Not only did she hug me but she kissed me full on the mouth, and tongued me passionately.

“You shouldn’t do things like that to an old man,” I said with a big smile Ankara escort as I pulled away.

Looking back at her I saw that the text was completely smudged, “Oh I would have wanted to take a picture of that,” I said.

“No worries,” was the reply Beth gave, we thought that would happen, and took pictures before your arrival. In fact, we did even better, we made a small video of putting it on – well Jada did, she’s getting quite good at it, you know.”

“Yes she is very talented, I think she has it in her to go far in this world.”

Linda came to stand to my right, her arm around my neck while she grabbed my left hand and put it on her left boob, I couldn’t resist giving it a squeeze, which draw a small moan from her lips. “Oh I missed this Lew, don’t you ever go away for so long anymore, keeping us wanting. Now tell us how was your trip – did you have a nice birthday celebration in Florida?”

“I can’t complain, it was interesting, as interesting as it’s been here I heard from Beth: 10 paintings sold and some more on option, very well done ladies. While I was chatting with Linda I heard a bit of noise behind me and then an arm around my neck from the other side and a hand on my crotch, I turned, surprised and saw Beth next to me, also stark naked.

“How about some R all your pubic hair is gone! What happened?”

“Oh that, I was very embarrassed the last time you saw me naked but with all that hair.”

“So you decided to make a clean break?”

“Yes, I had heard that Miss Bethany provides this kind of service in her beauty parlor, so I went last week to have a full Brazillian wax – you like?”

“It’s breathtaking, can I give it a kiss?”

“You want to kiss my pussy again?”

“And eat it darling, I just love to eat pussy.”

“Oh yes I’d love that, it felt so good the last time, can you make me cum too, please?”

“Absolutely and I want to see if I can make you cum in less than 10 minutes.”

“Why 10 minutes?”

“Don’t you remember the little wager you lost, when I took your anal virginity in the cellar?”

“Oh, that was the 20 minutes when I couldn’t make you cum?”

“Yes indeed, but now I bet you I can make you cum in half of that time.”

“How can I forget, I never met a man I couldn’t get to cum in that time, you tricked me.”

“No, I didn’t trick you, I was just far better than you could imagine.”

“Yes, you were, how about a reprisal would you dare to engage in a new wager?”

“Why not, what did you have in mind?”

“I have fallen in love with one of the paintings of Miss Bethany, but I can’t afford it, so if you can’t make me cum in less than 10 minutes, you buy me the painting. If you can make me cum within that time, you can play with me in the cellar again for 2 hours – I know you love to.”

“OK deal! Let’s adjourn to the bedroom.”

In the bedroom, I got Petra to lie on the bed, and grabbed her legs, opening her up, knees pointing outward, feet together leaving her cunt fully exposed, ready for my attack. I was determined to make her cum, I would buy her the painting whatever the outcome, but I didn’t tell her that. I set the old timer, I used before in the darkroom for exposures, to 10 minutes and got to work. I’d seen an instruction movie by an oriental guy a month ago on the internet on how to make a woman cum with your fingers, and that came in very handy now. The way I had positioned her a small very useful cup had formed in that little crease between her thigh and the mound of her pussy, into which I poured some Ankara escort bayan edible massage oil so I could dip my fingers in. With the thumb of my left hand I put some pressure on her clit, while slowly massaging her pussy lips with the fingers of my right. That already resulted in some serious moaning from her. Parting her cunt lips, I rubbed the inner lips, regularly making a short excursion over her love bean. The massage oil began to mix with her womanly juices, which were already flowing profusely, treating me to her divine womanly perfume.

I played with her pussy lips for 5 minutes, squeezing them and her hooded clit lightly between my fingers. I alternated this with circular movements with the palm of my hand, before giving her twat a gentle kiss. Petra began to squirm, her vocal responses witness to her increasing arousal. As soon as I began to suck her lips, drawing them into my mouth, she involuntarily arched her back, pushing her muff harder against my face. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her grab the sheets below her, clearly trying to hold back the beginning of her orgasm.

Time to turn up a gear – I had a little less than 5 minutes left to win my bet. Pushing my tongue deep into her hot folds resulted in light tremors from her body, while moving my oral attention back to her clit gave me the required space to very lightly massaging her perineum. I quickly slid the tip of my finger to her puckered asshole, tickling her backdoor, and stimulating the sensitive nerves around it. This, combined with nibbling on her clitty, actually using my teeth, made her squirm, uttering little mousy squeaks.

I used the fingernails of my left hand to tenderly tickle the sensitive hollow between her thigh and her pubic mound, then moved upward over her flat stomach to the underside of her left tit, sending tremors rippling down through her frame straight to her little nubbin. Her moaning increased, and her hands gripped the sheets even harder than before, trying so hard to keep her rapidly approaching orgasm at bay. I went in for the final kill, just 2 minutes shy of the 10, by carefully, almost unnoticeably sliding one of the oil-covered fingers of my right hand very slowly into her vaginal opening, while keeping her attention fully on her pleasure center by ferociously attacking her clit with my tongue and teeth. When my finger was completely in, I made a come hither motion on her g-spot, which clinched the deal. I felt her go rigid all over, arching her back, sighing and moaning like crazy, her pussy muscles rippling down in ecstasy on my finger, filling my mouth quickly with her tangy-sweet juices. She tried to stifle her screams by putting her fist in her mouth without much success. She came and she came hard, with one minute left on the clock.

“Fuck, FUCK, FUCK!” she shouted at the top of her voice, thoroughly enjoying her orgasm but clearly disappointed she hadn’t been able to resist any longer.

“You won again, how do you do it?” she whispered, her voice high and thick with pleasure.

“Years of practice dear, years of practice, so your ass is mine again – I look forward to turning it red one of these days with a flogger.”

“Oh my God no, I was so sure I could win this and finally get that painting.”

“Don’t worry about the painting, if you like it that much, I was going to buy it for you whatever the outcome of this little game.

“Oh no, you mustn’t you won the wager fair and square.”

“I did and I love to hear you admit it, but I owe it to Bethany Escort Ankara to buy a painting from her anyway so I why not buy the one you like and give it to you.”

“Thank you, Lew, I won’t disappoint in the cellar.”

“I’ll expect your total surrender for at least two hours.”

“Oh my God now you’ve got me scared; I hope you’ll make it a little bit enjoyable for me too?” she said in a tiny voice, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll make you scream with pleasure, but also a little pain… I’ll give you a few potential dates next week, to ensure it doesn’t coincide with your period.”

“That is very considerate of you, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it when Aunt Roza was visiting.”

“Aunt Roza?”

“Yeah, you know when I have my period.”

“I see, I never heard that way of describing it. I hope that you’ll be able to do what you need to do today.”

“What so special about today?”

“The exhibition will be dismantled today so you’ll have more work than usual to clean the studio.”

“Oh yes, I almost forgot that was today. I’ve got so used to cleaning around the exhibits. That’s how fell in love with that particular painting.”

“I’ll go straight down, inform Linda, and put a SOLD sign on it with my name so that they don’t take it away.”

I made a dash for the bedroom, quickly donned some clothes, hearing Petra shout, “It’s number 23 on the list that I like,” and ran down the stairs. Linda and Beth were systematically taking down the paintings and the photos; lucky for me they’d not taken down too many yet.

“Morning ladies, hard at work,” I said, a bit winded from running.

“Good morning Lew, slept well?” Beth asked a big smile on her face, adding a wink for good measure.

“Yes thank you, before I forget which is number 23 on your list?”

“Let me think, number 23, oh that’s the one with the vase with white roses, why what do you want with it?”

“I want to buy it.”

“That’s very kind of you, any particular reason?”

“Yes, you see Petra likes it very much, but she can’t afford it and we had a small wager and I lost, so I’m buying it for her.”

“Oh, what was the wager about?”

“I’m sorry dear but that is privileged information.”

“I bet it had to do with sex?” she said, looking at me with knowing eyes.

“That’s for you to guess and for me to know darling,” I replied cryptically.

“OK wise-ass, you can do the financials with Linda; she knows all the prices and keeps the books.”

“Thank you, my dear,” I said in a hoity-toity voice, grinning from ear to ear.

By lunchtime everything was packed, the paintings to return to Bethany or the respective buyers, including mine, correction, Petra’s, as well as the stands Tanja’s cabinet maker had made. Petra was so happy, she kept on cleaning longer than usual until the studio was spic and span, ready for new photoshoots.

The rest of the week was rather quiet, no photoshoots planned, so I could spend all my time in the computer room going over the hundreds of photos I took on our trip sorting out the ones specifically needed for Grace’s catalog so she could prepare to get the villa rental business moving.

The others from the various games we played on the ship and in Florida, I put in a separate file and loaded copies on a memory stick, not willing to send them over the internet waves.

I called Catharina about my promised visit upon my return from the cruise and let her know I planned to fly out to Rome on Saturday morning and return Monday morning, spending two days and nights in Rome. I was really looking forward to my visit as I’d not seen her since my visit for her 50th birthday. I arranged with Jada to keep the shop open on Saturday. I trusted her completely, after all, she’d kept the shop open during the 3 weeks I’d been traveling with Grace.

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