Day 21


Veronica and Kojo were a match made in heaven. She was the CEO every female entrepreneur wanted to be and he was the retired athlete turned actor that those women – including myself – masturbated to without shame.


My break-up with Aaron made me change cities and jobs twice. I thought we were going to be together forever so when that didn’t work out I simply ran away. This freelance writing job was perfect because it was the least commitment I could make and still pay most of my bills.

When I was commissioned to interview Veronica a month ago I knew that I would have a difficult time keeping any degree of journalistic integrity. I’m thankful I recorded the first session with Veronica in her two-story walk-in closet because I could not stop focusing on her shoes.

I hoped that the 8-page NDA didn’t include her shoe collection because there was no way I was going to keep that a secret. From heels to sneakers she was thoroughly diva.

While Veronica welcomed me like the older sister I’d always wished for, Kojo was merely cordial with salutations as our only form of communication. But even though I was given a mere ‘Hey’, I felt that small ripple through my body – the kind of ripple you bank for later.

That first interview was all champagne and laughs as I learned about Veronica’s HBCU and Ivy league education before working casinos in Vegas, driving a tour bus in Hawaii and DJing in Memphis.

Our second interview took place during the article’s accompanying photo shoot in their pool house. Veronica had her own personal photographer so the vibe was more relaxed than I was accustomed to. Veronica changed her swimsuits in the open while she continued to answer my questions on the state of the economy and the empowerment of women on public boards.

I was a little shocked by Veronica’s neatly trimmed but full bush considering I still waxed even though my art was on a shelf in a cellar with no visitors. But I’m pretty sure I kept waxing to keep the semblance of someone else touching me. Shout out to Ms. Emelia’s for keeping me smooth.

Occasionally Veronica would walk over to Kojo and he would help her fasten a unyielding button or tie some complication as she smiled back at me. She would still be talking to me while he was stuffing her into a Danish one-piece because he was on a conference call and couldn’t be more disinterested in what the three women were doing playing dress-up.

Honestly the entire spectacle felt like an ideal working environment.

That’s when I noticed Kojo’s bulge.

Honestly there was more than a bulge because Kojo’s short velour shorts weren’t long enough to hide the head of his dick.

The photographer noticed that I’d noticed and cleared her throat while she changed the lighting. “This is Week 3,” she explained without explaining.

I didn’t actually hear her say it because I was mesmerized by the way Veronica was teasing Kojo during the shoot and how his dick was reacting.

I’d been single for six months and my panties were soaked.

Halfway through the interview Kojo excused himself to finish his conference call. I tried to relax, but the photographer kept reminding me with innuendo about ‘the two of them’ leaving the interview.

When we finished for the day I packed my things to leave. As I was leaving I saw the photoshoot continued sans bathing suit. I thought to myself that one day that could be me.

Kojo was in the circular driveway talking contracts as I headed toward my car. He was loud, animated and aggressive but noticed he was blocking my departure so he politely moved aside as I passed.

I smiled my goodbye as to not interrupt his business call but Kojo excused himself from his call to say, “Thank you for getting us.”

I was about to awkwardly respond, but Kojo was back on his call before I could say something I’d probably regret. When I got to the car I waved goodbye to ‘the two of them’ but I don’t think either of them noticed.

I heard “Week 3” when I got home and listened to the recording.

After I masturbated, of course.

Our third interview was conducted in their state-of-the-art thirteen-car garage. Veronica collected vintage SUVs and Kojo had a few motorcycles.

As Veronica and I sat on opposing loveseats between these massive vehicles I found the nerve to ask her about Week 3. I didn’t tell her that the photographer told me but I could tell by her grimace that she knew.

“Week 3 ends today,” Veronica said with a smile.

Still clueless, I nodded and waited for a response.

“Kojo and I both enjoy being submissive,” Veronica begins to explain. My pussy immediately tingles when I realize this is going to be a conversation about sex.

I missed conversations about the naughty.

“So for three weeks I am the dominant figure,” Veronica Ankara escort continues. “There’s all of these little rules we’ve incorporated over the years but it all boils down to the basics. He is not allowed to touch me or orgasm without my permission.”

I don’t believe I blinked while Veronica was speaking. I might not have breathed. There was a ton more I missed but I think I caught the important bits.

“Sometimes I’ll just put that big dick of his in my mouth to tease him and sometimes I’ll just walk around naked during a photo shoot to get his dick hard,” she said as she noticed me perspiring in her temperature controlled garage. “More water?”

“Yes, please,” I answered without realizing.

Before I could summon the brain cells to form a follow up question, the loud rumble of a motorcycle filled the garage.

Kojo pulled up in front of us and dismounted. He was dripping in sweat.

“We were just talking about you,” Veronica told Kojo as he leaned in for a kiss. The garage door automatically closed.

I smiled as I begged my eyes to not look down at his super-short basketball shorts.

“So you told her that this is the last day of Week 3?” Kojo asked Veronica while staring into my eyes.

I’m a still a little puzzled but I did’t really care what they were talking about. There mouths moving was fucking hot.

“For three weeks Kojo gets to be dominated so that in Week 4 I get to be the submissive,” Veronica explained as I locked into Kojo’s eyes.

While Kojo’s poker face and body language gave me little indication of what he was thinking, I could not control my face. I was biting my lip and tapping my foot uncontrollably. It took everything in my soul to focus on listening to Veronica and not look between Kojo’s legs.

“During our submissive weeks we are much sharper at work,” Veronica continued. “We know that our carnal needs are someone else’s responsibility – keeping us on edge yet fully satisfied.”

I started to get the business angle Veronica was explaining so I was able to find a focus beyond what my pussy was telling me.

At this point I was doing a better job absorbing Veronica’s every word at the same time imagining individual beads of perspiration travel from Kojo’s thick beard down his pecs across his belly button onto his thighs and down his calves.

“We know how to get the best out of one another,” Veronica added as she filled my glass with more water.

“So, what happens in Week 4,” I asked without losing eye contact with Kojo.

“This means that if my husband were to pull out his sweaty dick, in front of you, and wanted me to suck him, I’d have to do just that,” Veronica explained as I began to crack just a bit.

“With your permission, as a guest in our home, of course,” Veronica offered.

Somewhere I found the sultriest voice in me to respond, “Permission granted.”

“Week 4 starts at midnight,” Veronica replied with a smirk. “But I’m happy to oblige your request. Kojo, please help me entertain our guest.”

With that, Kojo walked over to Veronica and asked his beautiful and intelligent wife to “please show our guest how you like to suck my dick.”

Watching Veronica loosen the drawstring on Kojo’s shorts had my nipples fighting through my bra. Her manicured hands pulled on the strings as his bulge kept his pants from falling. Soon she was reaching in and pulling out her prize.

My lord was his dick sweaty. And big. The sweat I’d imagined rolling down his body was now dripping down Veronica’s wrists.

Kojo lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. His playing days may have ended but he clearly stayed in the gym.

Veronica removed her Japanese sneakers and sweatpants and used her pants to dry Kojo off. Her toned ass was barely hidden behind purple lace panties. Veronica finally finished prepping and focused on Kojo’s immaculate dick. She stroked him several times before kissing the tip gently.

She shifted around in her chair to align with her next movement. Instinctively he helped her pull his shorts down to his ankles where he stepped out of them. Now I had visible access to his thighs, his ass and his entire dick.

By wank bank was full.

Veronica stroked Kojo’s growing dick until he was practically smacking her in the face with it.

Then, with a evil smile that made me wish I was recording video not audio, Veronica stroked Kojo’s hands into her mouth.

I crossed my legs at least four times as Veronica aggressively sucked his dick without inhibition. I’d never gone that hard when I was alone with any of my boyfriends and Veronica was going full tilt with my leg-crossing ass six feet away.

As Kojo’s athletic legs began to quiver from Veronica’s hand twisting and neck bobbing, I heard a stearn but caring command leave her Ankara escort bayan mouth. “Not yet.”

That’s when Veronica’s care-free dance-like movements turned to an Olympic level focus from head to toe. She was simultaneously bracing and relaxing her entire body for what would be a magic trick they’d perfected over the years.

Slowly Veronica pulled Kojo’s dick into her mouth but there was no sucking. I watched as Kojo’s eyes rolled back and Veronica’s throat filled.

Kojo fought the instinct to pull back while Veronica gagged on his entire dick. This was sword swallowing, not sex. His balls were on her chin and I could fucking breathe.

That is until Kojo began to pull back and tremble. Veronica released Kojo from her throat but planted her mouth on him fast enough to catch the eruption of cum from his twitching dick.

This was not a couple of bursts. Veronica was drinking from his dick the way you empty a full glass of water after a long workout. Gulps. Gulps. Gulps. Gulps of cum.

And not a drop left her mouth.

Not a single fucking drop.

As Veronica enjoyed her final gulp from Kojo, he collapsed onto the seat beside her. They were obviously quite pleased in the moment.

I sat in disbelief. And frustration.

Not at the act of love I’d just witnessed, but at my reaction to the entire scene.

“I don’t know what to say,” I said as I sat back in my loveseat. “I just don’t fully understand the business angle.”

Where the fuck did that come from? Holy shit! My words were as much as a confusing surprise to myself as they were to Veronica and Kojo.

“I don’t know that I’ve ever been in control enough to get why this is an effective management tool for you two,” I continued as though I hadn’t just watched the rawest sex act I could have imagined. “Or giving up control for that matter, why?”

Without hesitation Veronica offers, “Maybe you should try it out.”

I shuddered a little. “I may have to,” I offered as I began to reach for my things.

“Tell us what you want us to do,” Veronica said plainly. “Be in control. Now.”

I immediately forgot about my things, the rest of my day, my life goals, my birthday, my fucking name. I thought for a second while I looked at these two wonderful humans. What did I want them to do?

I finally sat up straight and pulled out my big CEO voice and said, “Kiss!”

They did not kiss.

They simply stared at me.

“What?” I shouted. “Was I supposed to say ‘Simon Says’ first?”

Kojo laughed as he poured himself some water. I wanted to be angry at him but his dick was just sitting there and I could never be mad at the mouth that spoke for that dick.

Veronica came and sat beside me. She gently clasped her hands in mine.

“Think of what YOU want,” Veronica quietly commanded me as we both stared at Kojo.

This time I paused but it wasn’t to think. I needed time to build up the nerve to say what I really wanted.

“I want…I want…,” I stammered as I fought to get my words out of my chest. “I want Kojo’s face in my pussy!”


Saying that out loud was the most intense feeling I’d ever felt. I was about to be overrun with emotion but I was too busy feeling the physical activity around my body to get swept up in my feelings. My shoes were being undone, my skirt was being unwrapped and my panties were being pulled off of me.

From my waist down I was being devoured by Kojo while I sat back into Veronica. The gentle kisses on the inside of my knees were being sandwiched by the warm titties on my shoulders. Each wet kiss was like a poem I’d been wanting someone to read to me. My thighs enjoyed his warm salt & pepper beard grazing against me.

But the anticipation was killing me. I grabbed Veronica’s hands and told her to hold my titties while braced myself for what was about to be heaven.

When Kojo’s lips reaches my pussy I was already soaking wet. My sigh was louder than the motorcycle’s engine and I was afraid Veronica wasn’t going to be able to hold me. I wrapped my thighs over Kojo’s broad shoulders as he orally searched my pussy like I was hiding something.

“Is this what you want?” Veronica begged in my ear.

That’s when Kojo’s tongue hit my clit.

Dearest ancestors I felt for that poor man as I fucked his face. I have a sizable ass and I never skip leg day so most men can’t hold me in that position.



I was trying to smother this man while his wife kept teasing my nipples.

I couldn’t hold back.

“Fuckkkkkkk,” I screamed through the first wave of orgasmic bliss.

And then again.

And then again.

Until Kojo collapsed in front of me. I assumed he died from the lack of oxygen.

As we caught our breath I sensed that Veronica and Escort Ankara Kojo were pleased with themselves for getting me to that point. If they could have high-fived at that moment they probably would have.

That’s when a switch turned on that none of us were expecting.

I turned over to face Veronica and straddled her. She looked on me with equal parts delight, confusion, fear and passion.

I leaned into her ear and told her without hesitation, “Tell him to get behind me and fuck me!”

My demeanor had completely changed. My voice and my body were demanding. My eyes were fierce.

I could tell by the way Veronica was looking over my shoulder that her and Kojo were agreeing to go beyond what they’d initially planned. She bit her lip as she nodded to him.

I was in control and it felt amazing. I was in charge. I loved that feeling. I didn’t have a care in the world.

Until reality kicked in.

I first felt his dick sliding along my inner thigh. I swear it was like someone’s fucking arm.

I wanted so badly to back out but I didn’t want to ruin my act of control and the feeling it was giving me. I didn’t care if they thought I’d chickened out. At this point I was doing it for me.

So I doubled down.

“Tell him,” I scolded Veronica, “to put his dick in my pussy now!”

Again, Veronica nodded over my shoulder.


I had never felt so opened up in my fucking life. It didn’t hurt but it was definitely a new sensation. The only way I could describe it was that it felt wide. Fucking wide.

But the intensity of the moment had my adrenaline going so I kept taking it further.

“Tell him to fuck me slowly,” I commanded as she translated through her eyes.

At this point my awakened control fetish and Veronica’s nipples tightening against mine were making my pussy wetter than a tub of coconut oil, so that massive dick penetrating me was starting to feel welcomed.

Every 60 seconds I would gain my composure and look into Veronica’s eyes with a look that communicated, “Tell him to fuck me harder.” Honestly, at that point I was fucking him back and it felt amazing.

And as I transitioned to nonverbal communication, Veronica transitioned to words. “Fuck her harder,” she’d command him as I braced for his dick to go deeper.

In no time Kojo was fucking me like a rag doll while Veronica felt his balls hitting her pussy.

I was moaning. Loudly. Maybe even the occasional OMG!

But the commands were gone.

I was floating with every stroke Kojo delivered. The clap of his cheeks against my ass deserved a Grammy nomination.

I didn’t want it to end but I also didn’t want him to break my pussy that day.

As I felt Veronica orgasming below me I told her to tell Kojo to come inside me.

“Now!” I ordered.

Without stopping her orgasms, Veronica moaned, “Kojo! Come in her. Now!”

Kojo’s grip on my hips tightened as he prepared to land the plane. My pussy braced for impact.

Thirteen definitive strokes later, Niagara Falls. If I was full from the size of his dick before I was extra full from the load he buried inside me.

In unison we gave one last sigh together. Then we all collapsed.

Ten minutes later we gathered our senses and discussed the birth control and testing we’d all been a part of because safety first.

Okay, this time safety wasn’t first but it was there. Don’t shame me.

I showered in the garage shower – no curtains because modesty is not Veronica and Kojo’s vibe. An overhead shower, a collection of soaps from Kenya, some towels and a glass partition were at my disposal as I scrubbed the sex off of me.

I returned to find them staring into each other’s eyes trying to resolve what had just happened. While they thoroughly enjoyed themselves I could tell that they were unsure where to go from here.

As I slowly and awkwardly dressed in front of them I thought of an offer.

“I’m not sure I fully understand this power dynamic thing, but I’m willing to keep learning,” I said while I clumsily tried to put my bra back on. They could not have chosen a lesser dignified dom.

“Let’s say I run things on Day 21,” I offered while I nervously looked for my second shoe with my panties still at my knees. “The transition between Week 3 and Week 4.”

Veronica and Kojo simply stared at me, but I was no longer intimidated. I would never be intimidated again. By anyone.

“I’ll send you both a meeting invite,” I said as I began to walk away. “And next time we will not be doing this in a fucking garage. I’ll be needing a little wine and a king size bed if we are going to continue my education.”

Veronica and Kojo just quietly watched me as I walked out into the brightest sun I’d ever seen.

As I sat in my car waiting for the AC to kick in and GPS to get me home I realized my pussy would definitely need 30 days of rest after that pounding.

Before I drove off I sent my new mentors a meeting invite.

Before I made it out of their estate gates, my phone dinged twice.

Accepted. Accepted.

I had 30 days to figure out what I wanted next.

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