Bouncing Back Ch. 04


*Author’s Note: I really appreciate everyone for their feedback on my first attempts. I’m hoping the story and writing are both getting better as I move forward. As always feedback is welcome!*


My walk back to the student center had more to do with wrapping up loose ends more than anything. I had never punched another person like that before, and I certainly hadn’t lost track of even a few seconds without some alcohol helping out. I thought a lot before I heard the dull echo of the crowd after a few minutes. The party was still going on.

For some reason, I felt a bit disappointed, almost as if I had hoped my sudden, violent interruption had halted the party. I shook that off, and returned to the confusion and guilt; they were more comfortable emotions. I pushed my way through the crowd and found Jen and Doug on the first floor, away from most of the people, talking to the campus police. Doug was holding an ice pack to his head, and Jen was holding his arm. I steeled myself and walked up to them.

“Excuse me. Officer?” The officer was about as tall as Doug, and I put him at about 40. Gray hair just at the edge of his temples faded into a dark brown, and he had a full beard, neatly trimmed that was also tinged with gray. His eyes met mine and I saw him glance at my hand.

“I take it you’re the guy,” he said. I nodded, and put my hands forward. He glanced at me and rolled his eyes. “There a reason I need to put you in cuffs?”

“I punched Doug,” I said blandly.

“Yes. You did. Repeatedly. Luckily for you, Doug is saying he egged you on. He’s willing to let this go right now, and so am I. Are you?”

My hands went behind my back. “Yes, sir.” The officer nodded.

“Good. Less paperwork for me to fill out. I’m sure I’ll have more work to do tonight. You two hug and make up, or whatever. I appreciate the call. If you need anything else, please call.” He turned and strode away.

Doug switched hands and offered his. “I was way, way out of line,” he said. “I’m sorry. I’d like to apologize to Carmen, too.” Jen gave me a pleading stare. I waited, and Doug obliged. “I shouldn’t have said it at all, and certainly not to her. Your reaction was completely justified.” I took a deep breath and shook his hand briefly. My first reaction was that his apology was rehearsed, but he seemed eager enough. Maybe he just talked like that.

“Apology accepted. I can’t make any promises about Carmen,” I said. Doug nodded.

“Don’t expect forgiveness from her. I’d like the chance to let her know, though,” he said. I nodded.

“I’ll ask her next time I see her.” Doug’s face was grateful. Part of me hated that he seemed so remorseful. I felt bad enough for hitting him in the first place.

“See you upstairs?” he asked Jen. My ex nodded, kissing him on his non-swollen cheek. Jen looked at me as he left.

“Thank you for coming back and handling that,” she said. I shrugged.

“Not a hard choice for me.” Jen nodded, a faint smile on her face.

“I know,” she said. “I’m sorry about Doug. I had no idea he’d seen that video, and I had no idea what it was until he just explained it.”

“Glad you hadn’t seen it,” I said. Jen’s face tightened, and I recognized her defensive posture as she turned her shoulders.

“That’s not my scene,” she said. “Have you seen it?” she asked. I shook my head.

“Then how did you know?” Jen’s eyes were trying to bore holes into me. I stared back, trying to hold back my annoyance.

“She told me about it,” I responded.

“She told you she had a sex tape?” Jen asked. She shook her head. “You’ve been dating a week?” I shrugged, not bothering to answer. “Have you made one?” My stare grew a bit colder.

“That’s none of your business,” I told her.

“It’s my reputation on the line,” she said. I cocked my head.

“How do you figure?” I asked, looking her up and down.

“If you have a sex tape with Quick Draw, then maybe you had one with me.” I took a deep breath.

“Her name is Carmen,” I told her, and I made sure my eyes caught her. “And we didn’t make a sex tape. Unless you made one without me knowing.” I couldn’t resist pushing, and I was getting hotter and hotter.

“I wouldn’t put myself in that position.” I felt the color drain from my face, and I chewed on my lip for a minute.

“So it’s her fault?” I asked. Even I heard the ice in my voice. Jen rolled her eyes.

“Don’t get all righteous,” she said. “You’re the one still dating her.”

“And you’re still with the guy who actually watched the video,” I replied. “Good to see you again, Jen.” I turned and walked off, ignoring a call. I stalked to my dorm room, grateful that I was alone this time. I was angry, and anyone near me would have gotten an earful. I pulled open my laptop when I got to my room, and thought a hundred times of texting Carmen. Instead, I just lay down on the hard floor and did situps and crunches until my stomach hurt. By the time I looked at the clock it was midnight. I got into Ankara escort bed and turned out the light.

I woke up at 6:00, and felt somewhat better. My stomach was knotted up, both from the ridiculous idea that exercise would make me feel better, and the uncertainty surrounding me and Carmen. I knew it was likely an overstep, but I found myself planning a lunch for her. There was only one place I could get what she’d want, and they weren’t open.

I went for a run, then showered before studying. The hours ticked by slowly, and eventually I turned on a football game to pass the time. As soon as I realized the restaurant was open, I practically ran to my car, remembering only after I had made it to my usual spot that I was still parked in front of Carmen’s dorm. I much less quickly made it there, and grabbed Carmen’s lunch.

It smelled amazing, and I got two bags. If she didn’t want me eating with her, I’d grab mine and go. But I was still a pile of nerves moving into the library.

Most of the time, I didn’t notice the silence and stillness of the library. On a Saturday morning (even at 11:30), it was even more quiet. A few people were studying, and only a few people were scurrying between stacks of books. I caught Carmen from the back going up the stairs, and moved what was probably way too fast to chase her down. She heard me halfway up the stairs and gave me a pained expression. We both walked to the top and she glared at me.

“Really? Running after me? In the library? It’s supposed to be quiet!” she hissed. I hadn’t thought of that. I could tell I looked sheepish.

“You brought me lunch?” she asked after a moment.

“Yeah,” I said, handing her a bag. As she took it, I took in her outfit. She had a school polo shirt on, likely a requirement for working in the Library. While it didn’t hide her prodigious bust, it didn’t accent it like many of her outfits. Her jeans looked comfortable, and I looked back at her face. She was still a knockout.

“What is it?” she asked as she smelled the bag.

“It’s the same meal we had on our first date,” I said, hoping to get a laugh. Carmen obliged.

“It was three days ago,” she laughed. “Is this a pretzel and a sandwich?” I nodded, and she started chuckling. “Thank you, Mark.” She stepped forward, and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

“Are you okay?” I asked. She smiled.

“I am now,” she said. I looked at her, obviously confused. She read the look. “I didn’t know if you’d come by,” she added.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me,” I told her. It was Carmen’s turn to look surprised.

“Why wouldn’t I want to see you?” she asked. Her eyes were searching me for something.

“I punched a guy.” She nodded.

“And as much as it was a meathead jock thing to do, you did it for me. I was a bit off last night, but it was more that I hadn’t expected a night that had been going so well to end so badly. And… it hurt. Hearing that again.” I nodded.

“I hope you didn’t think I was angry with you,” I said suddenly.

“It had crossed my mind. You don’t want to be seen with the campus whore, you know.” I reached out and grabbed her hand. It was so soft, and it felt good to feel her skin on mine again.

“One, that’s not you. And two, I don’t give two fucks what other people think about us.” She smiled.

“Noble sentiment. It can… wear on you.” She stepped a bit closer and I bent forward to kiss her.

“Then we can stay in more,” I told her. I felt a familiar heat rising in my neck and face. Carmen nodded.

“I like that idea. After three,” she added. She pulled away, and pointed to the school logo above her left breast. “I’m working. I have about half an hour for lunch,” she suggested. I followed her to a break room. We chatted, and made plans for a quiet night at my room.

“Pick you up at 5?” I asked. Carmen laughed.

“Yes,” she replied, “for that long walk across campus.” I grinned and headed back to my room. I studied for a bit before walking over to Carmen’s dorm. I slipped in the lobby, and signed in. Carmen called down and told the lobby I was expected, so I went on to her room. I knocked on the door, and Amy opened it.

“Don’t hit me, bro!” she said, backing up. Carmen slapped Amy on the ass, and Amy turned around.

“What have I told you?” Amy asked, angrily enough that Carmen backed up. “Not unless you mean it this time.” Carmen took a deep breath and smiled with relief. Amy shrugged. “Yeah, that’s only gonna work once,” she said, chuckling.

“You’re in a good mood,” I told Amy as I came in.

“I got laid,” she said. I began nodding, and felt a flush hit my face. She fell back onto the bed. “Twice.” Carmen and I began looking awkward, and Amy glanced at us, as though she’d really noticed we (maybe I) was there.

“What are you two lovebirds up to?”

“I’ll be at Mark’s room,” Carmen responded. Amy grinned. Amy seemed to give Carmen the once over. Carmen was wearing a pair of sweat pants Ankara escort bayan and an oversized sweatshirt. Very comfortable looking. She had on some sandals, and had grabbed a larger bag than she’d had before.

“Cool. I, uh, won’t wait up.” Carmen sighed, nodding, and turned toward the door.

“Good to see you Amy,” I said. Amy gave me a knowing grin as I followed Carmen out the door.

“For once,” Carmen said as the door closed behind us, “I didn’t have to hear her and Heather having sex.” I slipped my hand into hers as we walked down the hall.

I realized that I probably hadn’t noticed it before, but as we moved through the dorm halls, people were constantly giving us a look. My guess was that the new guy was gathering some attention. I noticed a few women I’d seen around, and struggled to place them as we walked by.

As we made our way outside, Carmen took a deep breath. She looked at me. “Now we just have to cut across campus and hope no one sees me and remembers that fucking video,” she said brightly. I was caught off guard, but we walked past a few buildings that were quiet, including the building where most of the science labs were held. Traditionally, I’d noticed they were quiet on the weekends, with the only people going in and out having some academic or research work they were doing. Not my area of expertise, so I stayed clear. It was a much shorter walk than the paved path, and soon we found ourselves at the other end of my dorm.

I used my card to get us in, and we found another couple making out right inside the door. Neither of them looked up, and Carmen sighed as she started moving faster. As we got to my room, I pushed open the door, and Carmen gently shoved me inside. The door closed behind us, and Carmen locked it.

She opened her arms and wrapped them around me, and my hands flew around her waist and back. Our mouths met eagerly, and I focused on every sensation. Her lips were slow and deliberate this time, and I tried to meet and match her pace. She sighed into my mouth as we kissed, and I pulled back a second to turn off the stupid overhead fluorescent light.

“Thanks,” she murmured. Her tongue danced a bit on my lips, and we teased each other in a game of tongue tag as I tried to return the favor. I felt her smile creep around her lips as we kissed, and when she pulled away, she had a satisfied smile on her face.

“So what did we want to do tonight?” she asked. She tugged at one of the strings on her sweatshirt. “Movie? Dinner?” She kissed me on the cheek. “Does my guy want the storybook ending for heroically beating the asshole who dared bring up my shame?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, not willing to guess.

“Let’s find out,” Carmen asked. we kissed, eagerly moving toward the bed to sit. Carmen kicked her sandals off, and my shoes joined them. Carmen made the first move, pulling my shirt up, and I leaned forward to give her access. She kissed my neck suddenly, and her mouth moved down my torso until she stopped on my right nipple and began teasing it with her tongue. I grunted as the shockwaves moved through me, and she pulled back. She let me watch her tongue flick it, and I groaned this time as my nipple hardened. “Do you want me to do the other one?” she asked. I grinned and nodded. She teased it again, this time taking the other nipple between her lips and sucking. I sighed.

“I’m a kinda do what I want girl in bed. I hope that’s okay,” she whispered.

“No complaints,” I told her. She laughed. She crawled up a bit so we could kiss, and I loved just feeling my arms wrap around her.

“Me either,” she purred. I felt her heavy breasts pushing into me, and realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. We kissed for a while, and she pulled away shaking her head.

“I’m going to assume that you’re doing it out of some kindness to me, which is nice, but I’m pretty sure when a girl sucks on your nipples and is rubbing her big tits on your chest, that you have an invitation to play with them,” she said. She kissed my cheek. “I think it’s sweet that you waited, though, and I’ll probably be able to think of a few things to reward my boyfriend with later.” She kept kissing me, and I reached down to grab her sweatshirt. She sighed as I began pulling it up. I could feel myself getting more and more aroused as I watched her tummy appear, and she leaned back so I could enjoy the view.

“While you’re not the first guy whose enjoyed this,” she said. “You are easily the one I’ve enjoyed the most,” she whispered. For some reason, that sent my heart and my mind on fire. As the hem of her sweatshirt reached her breasts, she put a hand down to stop it.

“I know that was terrible timing, but can we talk?” she asked. I could see the hint of worry in her eyes. I swallowed, and grabbed my shirt. She put my hand on my wrist. “I really don’t think you’ll need that,” she said. “I just want to clear a few things.” I nodded, now really confused.

“I like sex. A lot. Probably Escort Ankara as much as Amy, believe it or not. And I can get really into it. I tend to lean toward submissive behavior, but I’ve never been a sub, or even dallied in that lifestyle. I just recognize what I want. Mark, that’s pushed a lot of guys away. You actually have calmed some of my fears about telling you; you want to know why?” I was hanging on her every word, and realized that she was holding her sweatshirt about a third of the way up her big bust. She caught me staring and smiled. “Hello?”

“Please,” I said, not realizing I hadn’t spoken.

“Are you sure? This isn’t that uncomfortable. I can let you stare at half my tits if you want,” I nodded waving my hands.

“Undivided,” I said. She laughed.

“When you made my suck my own tit, I realized you’d probably be okay with what I like. Personally, I fucking love what we have. I really do. I love watching movies with you, but I also really like what we have physically. The moment you made me do that,” she said, and she seemed to feel a fresh wave of arousal. “I realized I’d found a pretty great guy.”

“It wasn’t too much?” Carmen shook her head. She seemed in a much clearer headspace after the previous night, at least clearer than I was.

“I could have said ‘I don’t do that,’ and if you’d forced it, we would not be having this discussion. I didn’t suck on my tit just because you told me to. I wanted to do it for you. And it’s kind of hot to have someone feed me my own boob.” I groaned at the memory.

“I can and will say no. I hemmed and hawed a bit about it because I didn’t want to overcommit to something sexual for… obvious reasons. But Amy, you’ll be happy to know, gave you her stamp of approval. As annoying as she is as a roommate, she’s got a pretty good asshole detector. She said you set it off so badly she had a headache,” Carmen added, sticking out her tongue. As I was about to say something, Carmen pulled up her sweatshirt, then yanked it over her head, leaving her big, soft tits swaying on her chest. I said nothing, instead watching her heavy breasts slowly settle on her chest.

“I will do that to stop arguments as long as it works, by the way,” she noted, her voice teasing and light.

“Yes, dear,” I responded. She gave a vibrant throaty laugh, and I sat up to kiss her. Both of us took our time, my tongue probing her mouth as hers danced, lightly brushing and caressing different parts of my mouth. When we pulled apart, my hand found her left breast and I began squeezing it. Carmen let out a contented sigh.

“You like being ordered around, then?” Carmen grinned and nodded.

“By guys, yeah.” She laughed when she saw my face.

“I’ve had some experiences that you might not be ready for,” she said. “I’m happy to talk about them, but I really came over here for one reason,” she said softly. I kissed her and bounced her breast gently.

I moved to her neck, and down her collar bone, kissing and teasing with my tongue. “You have some kickass streaming services,” she whispered sensually.

I pulled up, mouth ajar in a disbelieving smile.

“Amy’s the nice roommate?” I asked. Carmen laughed and kissed me.

“I’m just in a really good mood,” Carmen promised. “Enjoying my boyfriend’s attention to my big, soft boobs.” I groaned as my other hand found her right tit.” We kissed for a while, and Carmen nuzzled my neck as she let me have her way with her tits.

“Have you always been a tit guy?” she asked, taking in a sharp inhale as I gently rubbed her nipple with my thumb.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Can I ask you a question?” she whispered. I nodded, kissing her neck.

“Why were you with Jen? She has a great body… but she’s lacking in the area you seem most drawn to.” I kissed her neck again. It was easy to be honest with Carmen.

I groped her right breast, and Carmen bit her lip. “She had a great body. Very athletic. She’s smart, and was nice to me.” Carmen nodded.

“Thanks,” Carmen told me. She kissed me, fully, her tongue and lips aggressive. When she pulled away, we both took a deep breath.

“Now you’ve got a girl with what you really want,” she teased. “Big soft, heavy tits that you can play with all you want,” she breathed. “You prefer these heavy jugs to your ex’s bumps, right?” I groaned, leaning in to suck on her nipple. “Fuck, Mark. Take as much of my tit as you want.” I tongued her nipple and felt her moan as much as I heard it. Her nipple hardened in my mouth and I let the heavy breast fall out of it. It gently slapped against her chest, and Carmen licked her lips. “You are good,” she said.

Her hands went to my pants, and I felt the button unsnap. She leaned in to kiss me, and I felt her gently pushing me back. Eager to see what she was up to, I slid back. Her tits fell in front of her swaying, and I groaned.

“I knew you’d like it,” she whispered. She slid up, and I trapped the nipple of her right breast in my mouth. “Fuck, you are good,” she murmured. I gently shook her other tit and let it bounce in my hand as I teased and tongued her nipple. A quick bite sent a tremor through her and she grinned. “You like biting a girl’s nips, Mark?” she asked. I let the trapped boob fall out of my mouth and watched it shake as I looked up at her.

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