Kinky Caregiver for Khambrel

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Kinky Caregiver for KhambrelYou are just finishing nursing school when you secure a job as a CNA at a nursing home. It is the first job you have ever had so you are very nervous my first few days. The RN shows you around, explaining the daily routine of the home. She also introduces you to the patients on the wing you will be working.Most of the elderly people are in wheelchairs or bedridden, but a few move around well. In addition, they seem to be mentally fit. I immediately notice an elderly Black Man because the area that I live in does not have many Black people. However, I personally have not had an issue with speaking to Black people.The patient’s name is Khambrel. Being a friendly patient, I greet you with a welcoming smile as I reach for your hand to shake it while we are introduced. You hold your hand out and I turn it over, kissing the back of it with my soft, warm lips. You turn beet red, yanking your hand away quickly. I merely chuckle and wink.Now your duties as a CNA are to bathe, feed and clean up after the patients. Some of the patients do not need to be bathed, just assisted. Others had to be bathed, cleaned up after they used the bathroom and fed.I am one of the more independent patients and do not require a lot of help. Still the policy is to supervise all showers in case of someone falling or having trouble and needing some help.So on your second day of work you make your rounds and help all your patients that need help being washed and dressed, leaving my ambulatory patients for last. Out of ten patients, you have three that can shower themselves; a white guy, a white woman and myself. You take us in the order of our room numbers which leaves me for last.The old white man’s name is Bill. He is a very grumpy guy. Complaining the whole way though the shower, he is still complaining when you leave him sitting in the dayroom watching television. “Dang gone new nurses, can’t get the water temperature right, near ’bout burnt my skin off!”You attempt ignoring him, but it being your second day it still makes you a nervous wreck. You are a little bit upset. Your next patient does not make you feel any better. She continues calling you by her daughter’s name, telling you she knows you will never amount to anything. “Margaret, I told you if you didn’t stay away from that awful boy and finish college you were going to end up cleaning toilets and now look at you! I am so ashamed! What am I supposed to tell the ladies at the country club? My daughter watches people shower for a living. How embarrassing.”By the time you reach my room you are nearly in tears. “What’s the matter, little lady?” I ask as you amble in.You look at me in surprise as I smile. It is the nicest smile you have ever seen; my teeth strong, straight and very white. You couldn’t help but grin back. Shaking your head, you make an effort to get into a better mind set. “Good morning Mr. Green. Nothing is wrong, it’s just hard to adapt to so many different personalities. Are you ready to go get your shower?””Sure, Miss Kelly, just let me get my clean clothes and we can head out.” I gather my clothes. You follow me to the shower room down the hall. “So how old are you, Miss Kelly? You look mighty young.”You blush at the way I survey you up and down. There is just something about me that makes you comfortable, but nervous at the same time. “Twenty-four, my birthday was four months ago.” You think you hear me make a moaning noise, but when you peer at me I just smile again.”Well, you are a young one. Whatever made you want to work with a bunch of old fogies’ like us?” I sit down on the shower bench and start to pull off my trainers and socks.”I just like doing something that makes people feel better. I had a neighbour lady that was always nice to me then she went to a home and I never saw her again. I thought about how lonely people like her must get in places like this and I decided I could work here and help make someone happy.” Searching my face, you observe that I am looking at you intently sadly.Shaking my head as if I am clearing out my thoughts. “Well there are certainly a lot of sad and lonely people here.” Smiling again, I explain, “Luckily I am not one of them! My whole family will be visiting on Sunday. The k**s and grandk**s come every Sunday. Bring my favorite foods and we watch football. It’s the highlight of my week!”You grin at my excitement. “Well Mr. Green, you are a lucky man!” While we are talking, I managed to remove my clothes. Your mouth drops open as you turn redder than you have ever had before. You ponder to yourself, a very lucky man!For a man of my age, my skin is firm and smooth. I still possess good muscle tone and am very physically fit. And I have a large penis. Now yes you are only twenty-four, but you are far from innocent. You had seen a few penises in your life and had watched a few pornographic movies with your past lovers. You had even seen Black Men in pornos, but nothing compares to real life. It is completely soft and lays heavily along my thigh.Studying you as you eyeball me up and down, I do not say anything. I notice your flushed skin and the nervous sweat beading up on your forehead. “You are a very beautiful young woman.” You jump at my words and look away.”Thank you.” You peer at the floor, still embarrassed. Now you notice that I have not made a move to get into the shower yet, but you are afraid to look up at me again. “Are you okay? Do you need any help?” I ask without looking at me.”I do need something.” Your eyes search upward quickly, worrying that something is wrong, but I am just sitting there on the shower bench. “I have not been able to get an erection in years so you don’t have to worry about that, but I enjoy the way I feel when you look at me. The innocent curiosity makes me feel young again and warm inside. So if you don’t mind, would you just watch me shower? Make an old man feel good like you said you came here to do?”The words make you feel sad, but also happy because you yearn to look at me and have the power to make me feel the way I described. So you watch. You gaze me letting the warm water run over my body. I slowly lather my skin up with the soapy wash rag. I start with my head which is covered in snow coloured hair, cut short and neatly kept. The soap drips down my neck and back. The white bubbles against my dark skin is a beautiful contrast.Your eyes follow my hands as I push the cloth over my broad chest and tight stomach. As I struggle to reach my back, you walk to me and remove the cloth from my hand. I turn my back, allowing you to softly scrub my back with it. Taking your time, you are moving slowly from my shoulders down over my shoulder blades and to the middle of my back. You hear me moan in pleasure as you permit your bare fingers of your other hand to glaze my skin, moving behind the hand with the wash rag.I felt so naughty as he moaned again a little louder when my hand slid over the top of his buttocks. “Oh yes little girl, that feels so good.” His words encouraged me to go on, but they also shock you into giving me back the cloth before moving back to your safe spot.I continue to wash the rest of my body while you continue to watch in fascination. I move the rag over my groin, toward my penis. I lift it from its resting spot on my right thigh, pulling it up over my stomach and lather up my sagging balls. You lick your plump lips as the bubbles engulf them. At this time, I am slowly running my hand up and down the long shaft, pulling my foreskin back from the dark purple head.Catching yourself thinking about massaging those large nuts, you imagine taking my limp prick into your mouth. Feeling yourself getting wet inside your panties, you know you are treading on thin ice. Good girls do not stand around watching old men rub their dicks, let alone daydream about sucking them. As your eyes meet mine, you realize you are not a good girl.I am not smiling now. Even though I do not have an erection, you could tell I am very aroused mentally. Continuing to lather my length and scrotum, I enjoy myself while you watch literally watering at the mouth. My soft penis is firming up. You try not even imagining how big it could get if it was to become erect. Absentmindedly, you rub your large breasts though your scrubs trying to ease the aching in you. My brown eyes never leave mine. In fact, as you caress your breasts I let out another small moan.The sound is enough to snap you out of your trance. Dropping your hands to your sides, you exclaim, “Okay Mr. Green, we need to be finishing up here and get you back to your room.”I finish washing the rest of my body, rinse off quickly and get dressed. You note that I really am a handsome man. Dressed in khaki slacks and a polo shirt, I take on the appearance a pro golfer. We head back to my room. When you turn to leave me at my door, I clutch your hand. “Please don’t let what happened scare you off. I haven’t felt so alive in years. I hope we can continue our friendship.”Smiling sweetly at me, you pat your hand on mine. “It’s all innocent fun Mr. Green. I am still your nurse and I would love to be your friend.”My thumb is stroking the inside of your palm causing your nerves to jump. “Please call Aliağa Escort me Khambrel.” Lifting your hand to your mouth, I twist the palm up and kiss it softly. Your nipples jump and an urge surges in your loin. “I might be too old to cut the mustard, but I can still lick your jar.” I whisper as my tongue slides over your soft palm.Beginning to laugh, you draw your hand away. “That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! Khambrel, I do believe you may be one of those dirty old men my momma warned me about!” We both laugh harder than either of us had laughed in a long time. You are still chuckling as you start passing out lunch trays to your other patients a half hour later.After lunch you have free time to check on your patients and see if they need anything before you go home at 3:00. Most of your patients are taking naps, some are watching television in the day room, but Khambrel is outside in the courtyard reading a book.Sitting down beside me on the bench, you inhale a deep breath. The air smells of Fall leaves and his bath soap. It is a nice mixture. You peer up at the large oak tree over our heads. The leaves are bright red and soon will all be falling. I look up too and sigh. “Won’t be long until the cold Tennessee Winter is on us and I will be stuck inside day and night.”Looking at me, you inquire, “Why are you in here, Khambrel? You get around well, your mind is sound and you have family. Why not live at home?”I shrug, closing book. “Well my mom got bad a couple years back. The doctor said she couldn’t stay at home so I moved her in here. She didn’t make it long and now I am alone. I sold the house to my sister and just don’t want to burden my siblings by moving in with them.” I pat your hand as it rests between us on the bench.”Why not get your own apartment? It would have to be cheaper than this place and you would have your freedom.” You swivel toward me in excitement about your idea; your left calf is tucked under your right thigh. My eyes travel to the space between your thick thighs then I stare you in the eye.”It’s too late for that. I am used to this now and at this point in my life I just don’t know if I could take the loneliness of staying all alone.” Grinning briefly, I study at the tree. “Mom used to love Fall. For me, it reminds me of attending school and then teaching Art classes at the university”You are shocked. “You are an Art Professor?””Used to be an Art Professor, but that was a long time ago.” I nod absentmindedly at my memories.”Wow, what kind of Art did you teach?” This is amazing to you; you guess you had never thought of an Art Professor being in this situation. But when you get old I guess you just get old.”Figure Painting, I sold many paintings, especially nudes, in my day!” I chuckle “And seen a lot of pussy. I used to think I had seen enough to last me a life time but……”You blush knowing that I am imagining your pussy. “I bet it was easy to have womyn undress around you as handsome as you are, Khambrel.” you say it before you even realize what you are saying. I chuckle again.”So I am not ugly?” I query. “You know I never had any white models, never even seen a white pussy before.” Your mouth falls open at the thought of yours being the first white pussy I ever get to look at.”Never? And no, you are not ugly; you’re very handsome and friendly.” You realize you are flirting but what is the harm?”Girl, you know even in my day a Black Man would catch heat for seeing a white girl naked. Even in the North and even if he was a Doctor.” I gaze back down at the crotch of your scrubs. “But it’s not too late yet.” I reach out, running the back of my hand against your mound. You arch slightly into my hand.Searching around to see if anyone is with in view of us, you are cautious. There is no one else in the courtyard so you grasp my hand in yours, rotating the palm toward your hot box. Sighing, I tease your slit with my middle finger. Sliding it up and down, I play with your sex until a small wet spot appears.Putting my finger to my nose, I inhale your scent then slip the finger into my mouth. Your knees go week at the sight of this distinguished elderly man tasting your pussy off of my finger.Shutting my eyes, I suck on that moist finger. “Mmmm so sweet. I miss the taste of a sweet young pussy. It has been so long.” My eyes open to find you staring at me in uncontrolled lust, your eyes half closed and your breathing is shallow.Your brown eyes glaze over with desire as your lips slightly part. You desperately want to fuck this old man and it shows. “Do you want to touch me?” You ask me shamelessly.Nodding causes you to loosen the waistband of your scrubs. Faster than you believe I would move my hand is inside your pants and panties. You jolt when the electrical shock hits you as my long nimble fingers seeks out your hot, moist center. The minute my two fingers enters your pussy, you feel the orgasm within yourself. Suddenly your snatch clamps down on my fingers as they skillfully probe.The gush of warm juices hits my palm as they shoot out of you. Moaning, you bite your lip to keep from screaming. I also moan in enjoyment at the sight of the young, white girl cumming from my fingers. Your head lolls back on your shoulders for a second and then you overhear the door open.Quickly, I am out of your pants, holding the book in my hands before the door could close again. You hurriedly tie your scrubs and stand up on your shaky legs. “Well Khambrel, I will see you tomorrow, you have a good night.” You rush past the elderly couple that had entered the courtyard and make your way back inside.That night as you lay in your bed all you think about is me. Everything about me is a turn on; my intelligence, my career choice, the fact that I am black, the fact that I have never been with a white woman, the size of my dick even if it didn’t work and especially my age. You find it difficult to keep your hands off of your pussy. The minute you returned home you go to straight to you room and stripped off your clothes. Now you permit your hands to roam your tight, young body and down to your soaking, wet crotch. Presently, you are rubbing and fingering yourself to a wild orgasm all the while imagining your new friend is watching from the foot of your bed.The next morning you arise early so you can fix your short hair. You even put on makeup after your shower. Normally you don’t wear it to work but you desire looking your best for me. You also spray yourself with body spray so you would smell good for me. You do not wear a bra in hopes of getting the opportunity to flash me your firm, young breasts.Getting straight to work when you arrive, you know the sooner you finish, the sooner you will spend time with me. Everything goes well and even the grumpy patients seem to be in a better mood today. Finishing with the lady that thinks you are her daughter, you head to my room.As soon as you stroll into the room, you surmise something is wrong. I am sitting on the far side of my room looking out the window. “Good Morning, Khambrel!” You cheerfully state as you move toward me. I look at you and then avert my gaze quickly. “Are you alright? You seem off today. Are you sick?” You are sincerely concerned by my mood.Kneeling down in front of my chair, you place your hands on my knees. “I am alright, Miss Kelly. I just don’t need a shower today. I washed up in the sink. I am tired and just want to be alone today.”Feeling as if your heart has broken in two, you wonder, “What had I done wrong?” You had been so eager to see me and now you are basically being thrown out. Hanging your head, you walk out of the room.The rest of the day you go through the motions of doing your job, but your heart and mind are not in it. By the end of the day your mood has gotten so bad that you do not know if you will come back the next day.As you stride past the nurse’s station to go home you overhear the next shift’s RN ask our RN if anyone had come to visit Mr. Green that day. You slow down to listen. Our shift nurse remarks no. What the afternoon nurse replies next explains everything. “Those c***dren know this is the anniversary of their momma’s death. They should know better than to not show up today.” She is still complaining when you slink away, but you caught all you needed.Quickly, you return to my room, slipping inside. I turn briefly to look you and then turn back away. Moving to my side, you again kneel down in front of me. “I just found out what today is and I couldn’t leave without telling you that I care about how you feel and seeing you sad like today has really made me upset. You don’t have to say anything but just remember that I am always thinking about you and I care.” Wrapping your arms around my waist, you hug me. Feel my hand rub your short, dark hair as I pat your head.Leaving me sitting by the window, you drive home. You surmise I am still sad, but you feel I feel better knowing someone cared.The next day you pop by my room before starting your regular rounds. You are greeted with my usual smile. Right away, you know that I am in a better mood. You remind me that you will be back in a couple hours and go about your Alsancak Escort work.The morning flows by quickly. Soon you are back in the room waiting for me to gather my shower items and clothes. “I am happy to see you are feeling better today, Khambrel.” You inform me as we step into the hallway.I nod my head. “Just a bit of the blues, Miss Kelly. Just a bit of the blues.” You tug the door shut behind us as we enter the shower room.”Khambrel, I want you to know that I really enjoy the things we have done together.” You commence the speech you had practiced last night. “I feel like we should continue to make each other feel good because we are both consenting adults and I think we are good for each other. You have not done anything to me that I did not want you to do and I think I can make you feel good like you make me feel.”I am looking at you sideways as you stammer though your speech then I begin laughing. “Girl you don’t have to convince me. I am the band leader. I wouldn’t give up what we have for nothing.” Stepping out of my pants, I enter the shower.You are staring at my dick in awe long before I get to washing it. You long to touch it and stroke it just as I am doing now. Once again I yank the foreskin back from the bulging purple head as your eyes drink in the beauty of it. “Wash it for me.” It i snot a request, it is an order.Taking the wash rag from my hand, you lather it with more soap before pushing it up between my legs. You note the weight of my scrotum in your small hand as you smear the cloth against them. Lifting shaft with your other hand, you hold it up against my stomach with the palm of your hand flat against it. Notice it jumping ever so slightly in your hand as you continue to lather my balls; caressing them ever so gently as you peer up into my eyes. Now you slowly wash up the shaft of length and around the tip. After that you slide back down again. Dropping the wash cloth onto the towel rack, you adjust the shower head downward to rinse the soap.”Get my lotion and rub it all over my body.” Obedience comes easily as you retrieve the lotion and rub it onto my skin. Squirting lotion onto your hands, you rub them together. You focus on rubbing it into my shoulders and back. Now spread it over my firm buttocks and the backs of my thighs and calves. I revolve as you spread lotion the front of your calves. Raising your eyes, you observe my manhood right in front of your face. Slowly you work your hands up my thighs, still applying lotion liberally to your hands first. Your hands tingle as they follow the lines of your body. Feel your heart race at my every moan and encouraging groan. You slide your hands up both thighs allowing my black dick to graze the back of your petite hand as you edge toward my groin. Cupping my heavy balls in your smooth hands, you knead the lotion in deeply. As you roll each testicle between you fingers, I have to steady myself by gripping the shower safety bar.”Oh yeah girl, that feels so good; grip them balls in your hand!” My words motivate you. Wanting only to please, you squeeze my nut sack one more time before sliding your fingers up the creases of my groin causing my nerves to jump.Finally all that is left is my actual dick, but you do not want to lotion it quite yet. You lift me in you hand. It is heavy and thick in your hand. Leaning in slowly, you gaze up at me before slipping me between your full lips. My eyes are glazing over with desire, but staring intently at your tiny mouth.Opening your small mouth as wide as possible, you engulf me into its warmth. As my eyes shut, you are pushing half of its length in your mouth toward the back of your throat. Slipping your head to the side, you suck as you move back from it, holding it firm in your hand. Next you slide back toward me, inhale me back inside, running your tongue against the underside. Feel the thick vein pulsate against your tiny tongue. So there is feeling in it, you ponder to yourself.The thought that you are pleasuring me makes you try harder to get the reaction you crave. Moaning deeply sends trembles though my flaccid rod and it jumps against your tongue. You make humming noises as you move back and forth on it. Feel it twitching and jerking as you go. “Oh God, yes. Mmmm that feels so great!” I stroke your soft, silky hair as I urge you.Suddenly, I jerk away from you. Staring at me, disappointed, from your kneeling position on the floor. “What???” You sputter.”We need to stop. Nurse Linda will be coming though soon making rounds and she always checks in here to make sure it’s empty.” You leap up and attempt to pull yourself together as I hurriedly put my clothes on.Just as I complete tying my trainers the door to the shower room opens. There stands Nurse Linda. “Oh! I thought everyone was though in here by now.” She starts while looking at us suspiciously.”Yes, Nurse Linda, we got a late start, but we are just about to head out.” You quickly respond as we head toward the door.As we slip past her and into the hall, she touches your arm. “Kelly, I would like to speak with you after you get Mr. Green settled back in his room.” She smiles at you. “Just come see me at the nurse’s station.”You travel with me to my room worried. “Do you think she knows something? Could she have seen?” You quiz me. “Oh God, what will I do?”Gripping your hands, I reassure you, “Just relax; I’m sure it’s nothing. There is no way she saw anything. But if we had continued she would have gotten and eye full!” I chuckle and so do you imagining her face if she had wondered in a couple minutes sooner. You lean in to give me a quick kiss on my lips, then you take your leave before I could even react.You go straight to the nurse’s desk where Nurse Linda is waiting. “Sit.” She drags a chair out and you sit down obediently. You use the opportunity to look her over as you wait for her to speak. She has dark chestnut hair that falls to the middle of her back. Pale almost translucent skin that is smooth and flawless. She is thin, maybe a size 6 with large C cup breasts. She wears little makeup, but dark red lipstick. She is beautiful like a vintage movie star. You guess her age to be around thirty-five, but she could pass for ten years younger.Finally she focuses on you, placing a hand on mine which are folded together on your lap. “I just want to see how you are getting along. I know how hard it can be your first week, trying to get the hang of everything and used to the ways of elderly people.””Oh. Well Nurse Linda, I am getting along pretty good. I am just trying to get to know my patients and sometimes I get a little behind on showers like today.” Trying to make an excuse for being in the shower so long with Khambrel; you add that.”Oh dear it is fine, I just wanted to let you know that if you ever get over whelmed I am here for you. And forget the Nurse stuff, simply call me Linda!” she squeezes your hand “I think we are going to be good friends.”Once again, you return up the hall to my room to tell me what she had wanted. “Whoa I was nervous! I thought we were found out.” We laugh and talk a while. Then you leave to go check on other patients before the lunch trays are delivered.Your young pussy stays hot and wet all day as you float from patient to patient. Attempting to concentrate on your work, all you really desire is lay down on one of their beds and finger myself until you achieve a mind blowing orgasm. Your pert nipples are so erect that even the senile patients stare at them. One even reached out and pinched one. You jump back in shock, but the sensation causes your pussy to throb uncontrollably.By the time you complete your work and find time to stop in to see me again, your nerves are on edge. Entering to the room, you sit on the bed facing me in my chair. You are breathing shallowly. In addition, your whole body aches. The privacy curtain is partially pulled and no one can view us from the doorway. “I am so horny!” You blurt out as soon as you sit down. Reaching up, you pinch your own nipples though your shirt, then rub them.”Let me see them. Pull up that shirt and let me see those beautiful tits.” I lick my soft lips in anticipation.After looking around just to make sure we’re alone, you then I pull up your top. My huge, firm breasts stand up. Your nipples beg to be touched. As if on cue I cup them in my strong hands, rubbing the nipples with my thumbs. Arching your back, you emit a purring noise deep in your throat. Watch as I move in toward you. Softly I lick first one then the other hard bud. Your whole body quivers against my mouth. Suckling a nipple into my mouth, I swirl my tongue around it.Your hips gyrate on their own free will. There is a gush of blood rushing to your vagina. Now you seem like a bitch in heat with no control of her own actions. You REALLY needed to have your pussy touched!Guiding my hand to your crotch, I cup your mound as you hump against my palm. “Oh you are a hot little thing. You need Daddy to take care of that itch?” You nod your head. I drag you toward the edge of my bed before yanking your scrub bottoms off your wide hips.With no useless panties hindering me, I spread your corpulent cunt Balçova Escort lips while rubbing your clit with my rough thumb. Your body jerks against my hand. In your throat your breath catches. “You want this old Black Man to make you cum, don’t you little girl? Tell Daddy to make you cum.” I continue softly caressing that hard button.”Please Daddy make me cum.” Your voice sounds deliciously soft and c***d like. The desire you are experiencing for this man is unbelievable. “Make my little, white pussy cum for you!”I am unable to control myself after hearing that. The knowledge that at the age of seventy-two I am finally going to taste my first white pussy is too much. I bury my face into your hot, musky pussy. I lap at the juices that have been flowing from it all day, cleaning your fleshy vulva of all the sweet nectar.Allowing your body fall back on your elbows, you elevate your broad hips to my waiting, wanton mouth. You open your pussy up to me completely. Listening to moaning, moments later you realize it is coming from your own mouth as I tease your hole with my long, flickering tongue.”I am such a naughty girl. I want Daddy’s big, black dick inside me!” Your body is thrusting and squirming against my tongue begging for release. Your eyes are clamping shut in pleasure. “Please, Daddy, please! My pussy is so hot it hurts!”Suddenly you observe something pushing against your vaginal lips and you open your eyes. I am standing over you gripping my semi-erect dick into your tight hole. As big as my shaft is even though it is not fully erect, I manage pushing it inside. The feeling is incredibly amazing. Your pussy is full of black dick!Then it begins to swell! Once inside your snug, wet cunt, my dick knows just what we want it to do. It swells up, hardening to a solid size. Stretching your little hole as it grows, the sensation is unbearable and you cum flooding over my hard dick. Your cum lubricates both of us, allowing me to slide all the way inside your pussy. Soon that hard length is hitting the back of your uterus while my large, sagging nuts slap your asshole as I drive it into you over and over again.”Oh, Daddy please fuck that white pussy good. Your dick is so fucking hard and huge! It is tearing me apart; yes tear this tiny pussy open with that hard, black dick!” The words coming out of your mouth shock you, but you feel like a nasty, little slut. So they seem appropriate.Fucking you strong and hard, I groan as you egg me on. “Yes, Daddy’s little girl likes this big black dick, doesn’t she? All this black meat up in that tiny, pink pussy. Who’s pussy is this?” Moving my hips in a circular motion, I am grind the large mushroom head into your G spot, making you insane.”Yours Daddy! All yours! Whenever you want it and however you want it!” You squeal as I lean over you, kissing you long and deep with my gorgeous full lips. My searching, pussy coated tongue roam your gasping mouth.Eventually my body begins trembling, jerking and bucking against you. You could feel my dick swelling even more. Before long spurt after spurt of hot semen hits the back of your uterus! I remain thrusting into you with each burst of cum that shoots out.Your pussy contracts against my thick member, milking every drop. Your youthful, ravished body welcomes this hot fluid My entire being feels fulfilled. “Oh, Daddy that was so wonderful!” You stroke my head as it rests on your shoulder.We both know what time it is, that you have to head home. I kiss you tenderly one more time before getting up and putting myself together. Cleaned our juices off you, you spend time getting your clothes back on. The room smells of sex. We both look like we had just done what we had just done.As you leave my room you bump into Nurse Linda. She stares at you oddly and inhales. You realize she smells the odor of our love making as she peers from you to my door and back again. “Oh, Nurse Linda. I mean Linda, I was just leaving. You have a good night now.”Raising her eyebrows, Linda smiles. “You too dear, you too.” You turn to go and she softly slides her hand over your ass. You jump startled, but keep walking not sure what she is up to.That night you imagine more about the idea of me getting my own place again. If I obtain my own place then you would be free to go over and help me with anything I need help with while keeping me company. You are determined that I do not remain in that nursing home. You decide to talk to me in the morning about your plan. You lay down for the night with a womb full of my cum and a sense of joy.The next day, again, you can not get to work fast enough. Rushing to my room, you long to share your ideas. I consider it, stating I would only if you would move in also. I said we could say you are my live in nurse. I would even pay you the wage of a live in. But I truly want us to really live together as lovers and be together until I pass. You are so happy that you kiss me long and hard, grinding your body against my until my dick hardens against your leg. Sadly you had forgotten to close the door in your excitement. Suddenly you overhear a gasp from behind.”What is going on here?” You swivel around and there is Linda. Her face is flushed and angry looking.”Linda, it’s not what it looks like.” You attempt lying.”I don’t know how it could be anything less.” She stops you.”I’m sorry but I…….” You stammer not sure what to say.”Mind you own business. This girl has done nothing wrong. We are both adults and I am free to do as I please.” I speak to your defense.”I will deal with you later Mr. Green! Kelly, you go to my office right now!” Lowering your head, you nearly out of the room and down the hall to her office. You can only imagine that you had lost your job and probably any access to your dear Khambrel.Once in her office, she grips your elbow, only to push you into a chair across from her desk. She leans against the edge of her desk. “What is going on between you and Khambrel?””I want to be with him and he wants to be with me. He doesn’t belong here, he is able to live on his own.” You decide to be truthful. What will it hurt now?”Are you crazy? He is your patient. It is against the law to sleep with your patient. I could have you arrested.” You mouth drops open. Now discerning the gravity of the situation, you start crying.Linda looks you over, shaking her head. By now, your body trembles as you sob heavily. You double over and sob into your hands. “Please don’t report me. I’m sorry.””Well we might be able to work something out.” You glace up at her hopefully. “I agree that Khambrel doesn’t belong here and should have his own place. I suppose I could talk to his family and help get him a place.””Really? Oh, Linda that would be so great!” You smile at her though tears.”However….. there is one thing you will have to do for me.” You consider her questioningly. “I sort of have a secret too. And I would like you to keep my secret if I keep yours.””Yes anything, you can tell me anything. I won’t tell anybody, we are friends remember?” You nod eagerly.”My secret is that I have been having fantasies about you.” You cock your head to the side. “I want you to help me make those fantasies come true and then we can work on Khambrel.””What do you mean?” Although you had never even thought about being with another woman, you must admit that the thought of being with this beautiful woman sent a tingling though your loins.”I think you know what I mean….” She lifts her skirt up over her thighs. “I want you to eat my pussy with that innocent little mouth and then I will return the favor.” She put one foot on each of the arms of your chair, exposing her bare shaven pussy.The fire is back in your vagina. Of course, you do not hesitate to move in. Planting your hands on her knees, slide them up her thighs spreading her open even further. Your eyes examine her bald pussy mound and damp lips. Her clitoris jaunts out at me. It is much bigger than mine and jumps a little as you advance toward it.Briefly you allow the tip of your tongue to touch the hard nub. Linda moans and clutches her round breasts, squeezing them hard. Now you moan at her reaction to your curious touch. Pushing your tongue against the bottom of her pussy, you then lick all the way to that tender nub again. Her pussy becomes wetter with each lick. You adore her taste and smell. Her moans are coming from deep inside. Before long they are sounding like a purr.Your own pussy is now sopping wet. You desire more. Running a finger across her wet vulva, you inset it inside of her tightness. Shoving it in up to your last knuckle, you brush against her G spot just as I had done to you. Linda bucks into your hand. You add another finger as you moan “Mmmmm, yes more!”You slide two more fingers to her hole, twisting and turning them inside her tightness. You observe her pubic bone spreading, allowing you access. Working your fingers in and out of her warmth, you spit on her vaginal opening to help lubricate her.She humps against your hand as you envelop her clit in your warm mouth, sucking it. You place your tongue on the underside, licking and suckling that hard growing nub. Just as you desire Linda goes over the edge, squirting her cum into your waiting mouth. Retrieving your hand, you lap at her, aiming to get all of her juices.Finally standing up, you kiss Linda full on the mouth, a long sensual deep kiss letting her taste herself on your tongue. “Now I need to get to work. You can reciprocate after Khambrel and I get our own place. I know he will enjoy seeing you eat his pussy.”

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