Emma caught out!


Emma caught out!Emma was a part-time student at her college in England, she was studying modern sales and marketing under Mike, her tutor. She did 2 afternoons a week, while a family friend looked after her c***dren, she had course work to do at home which involved about one hour , this had to be presented at the next session. Mike had only two pupils, the other had phoned to say she was ill, so Mike waited for Emma, this was not a hardship as he fancied her to bits and looked forward to having the afternoon alone with her. After 3 hours Emma had not appeared, so Mike left the college and walked on his way home through the town. He was nearly home when he saw Emma inside a Coffee Shop window, talking to a friend!! He went in and spoke to her ” I wondered what had happened to you, have you been alright?” ” Oh yes” said Emma, ” I meant to phone but forgot, do you forgive me?” ” Not really” said Mike, ” Well ” said Emma ” I met this old friend and we just got chatting, Sorry!” Escort Her friend excused herself and left, Emma apologised again then Mike had an Idea… ” My flat is just around the corner, come and have a chat” ” Ok ” said Emma, and followed him out, they walked 100 yards and up to his home. ” Did you get your Course work done, ” Mike asked as they sat down , Emma bit her lip, looked down and said, ” No Mike, I’m sorry!” Mike said, ” Your Company pays good money for this tuition, I shall have to report you !” Emma said ” Oh Mike please don;t report me, I’ll do anything !” “In my old boarding school you would have got the cane Girl!!” Mike said, would you accept that or do you think it is too severe?” Emma wailed, ” But I’m too old at 32 to be caned, arent I ?” ” No Emma, and based on the selling techniques I have been trying to teach you, we will count this as a lesson with this question…..How many strokes of the cane do you deserve and want?” ” “Oh about Escort Bayan 6 Mike”” You are older than the schoolk**s Emma, you will get one stroke for each year of your age!” Emma looked down then said ” Ok Mike” ” Right Girl go to that bedroom there is a cane on a hook behind the door, bring it in here please!” Emma went to fetch it, Mike put a dining room chair in the centre of the room with a cushion resting on its back. Emma came in, she was wearing a pleated maroon skirt, white blouse and black high-heeled shoes, she handed Mike the thin whippy cane. ” Bend over the back of that chair and grip the seat Emma, put your legs slightly apart” said Mike. “I will give you 12 over your skirt, then we will see!” Emma bent over, looked round nervously, Mike raised the cane and whacked her bottom, quite low down. ” OOOH !” said Emma, Mike gave her another 11 over her skirt,” OOOH OOOH OOOH OOOH…………!” went Emma. ” How does that feel?” Mike asked, ” Bayan Escort Doesn’t really hurt!” said Emma! ” Right! now you are going to get it!” said Mike, pulled her skirt up, her panties down to her knees, pushed down on the small of her back, said ” Get your elbows down to the seat of that chair Girl!” Mike gave her 5 strokes, very hard, across the top 3″ of Emma’s thighs…” OH ! OH! OH! OH! OOOOOOOOOH!! “yelled Emma, ” Good, did you feel that?” asked Mike, ” bloody hell yes!” yelped Emma, Mike gave her another firm 15 strokes across the centre and lower part of her bottom, he took 8 minutes to do it, Emma was coming to terms with her punishment and starting to squeeze her sex together and moaning, Mike said ” Right, just one more!” raised the cane and slashed it right where the bottom meets the thighs!… ” OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!” went Emma, that was quite nice, what’s next?” Mike took his tool out and slipped it into her now very moist pussy..” OOOOOH !” that’s lovely, I must miss class again!”, Mike said no you have to come to lessons but I will give you a punishment every 2 weeks anyway, it will take a week for these 33 weals to heal, you are bright red!” ” OH LOVELY!” said Emma,” Look forward to it!”

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