6 – Got Milk


Amanda got in early that day and found a box on her chair with a note from Miss Natalya. She shook from excitement at the thought of what was inside, but based on the box she had at least a slight idea.

She set down her bag and phone and lifted the top off the box. Inside she saw the tiniest set of what looked like lingerie that she had ever seen. There was a note inside as well.


Please remove all the clothes you came in with and lock them in your bottom desk drawer. Then please put on the outfit and follow the instructions on the note at the bottom.

Miss N.

Amanda suddenly flushed from both the excitement and just a bit of nervousness. Was this what she was asking for or was it too much for her? She couldn’t think straight and just started following the instructions and disrobed. She took the top garment out and held it up. It took a few seconds of twisting and turning to find the top, bottom, arm and leg holes, and straps. Settling her legs through the bottom she pulled up thin lines of material that sat against her folds, a thin line of beads aligned with her slit and massaged all the way up to her already slightly engorged clit. She trembled as she lifted the shoulder straps up and over and slid each arm through and adjusted what there was. The thin strips over her bust almost covered her nipples and maybe once they were hard, as they would probably stay all day, they could hide underneath. She shuddered a little, feeling the lines along every body part that was now at a state of arousal she might not be able to take very long. Looking in the box there was a top, a very sheer top that was not meant to cover much, but she saw it had words on it. “SEX TOY” in shiny sequins along the front, providing another half an inch here or there of cover for her breasts.

She looked in the box and saw the other note.

Last step! Take out the sign and put it on your desk facing the waiting area. She lifted out the sign and read it, “USE ME” it said on it. She was to be played with, by anyone in the lobby, if they desired. Did she want that? “Yes”, she said to herself. She very much wanted it, and if Miss Natalya wanted it then she wanted it even more. She was almost throbbing now.

She sat down to get to work, but as she did, she felt the beads cross over her lips then slightly rub her clit and she let out a soft, low moan. Just then Dr. N entered the waiting area and smiled.

“Very good, Amanda, you have done well. Now, if you behave you may get a similar reward as yesterday. But you have to be on your best behavior and not cum before I do. Do you understand?” Miss Natalya finished and Amanda looked up at her, a distant look in her eyes as if she was already cumming. She took in a breath that seemed like it took all her effort.

“Yes…Miss Natalya. I,, understand.” Amanda just barely got out her response. Just then she could swear she felt the beads along her lips vibrate or move on their own. Was she just imagining things? She was almost about to explode already, how could she make it through all their patient sessions today? She figured she might have to take her chances and hope Miss Natalya was lenient on her if she had to sneak in two or three orgasms in between. She had to calm her thoughts and focus, but every time she did, she felt the beads hum and move and was almost sent over the edge again. She focused her breathing. Just then the first patient of the day arrived and sat down. She didn’t seem to notice the sign or the way Amanda was dressed, not until she stood to bring her in to Dr. N.

“My, you’re dressed rather provocatively for work, aren’t you young lady?” The patient said.

“Yes, ma’am, my boss will make sure I am appropriately punished. You must be Amy?” Amanda barely eked out her greeting, and as she did her crotch buzzed and the beads strummed her slit. She moaned a little as she escorted Amy to the office.

“Dr. N, Amy is here for her session.” Amanda was breathless.

“Oh great, Amy, I’m Dr. Natalya, or Dr. N if you prefer, please sit anywhere.” Dr. N said smiling past Amy, looking directly at Amanda. She licked her lips a little and teased Amanda.

Amy looked back to see Amanda locked onto Dr. N’s stare, looking blankly at her as her body was being driven beyond the edge, but never far enough.

“Thank you, Amanda, that will be all.” Dr. N said, her smile having a hint of mischief.

“So, Amy what brings you to my office today?” Dr. N started, with the same clear therapist voice, in spite of the rising Şenlik Escort sexual tension with Amanda.

“Let me ask you a question first.” Amy started and Dr. N nodded, “Do you see anything wrong with my tits?”

Dr. N was taken aback by the frankness of Amy’s question. “Not at all, they’re magnificent, large and pillowy, and from what I can tell, you’re nipples are beautiful as well.” Amy looked down to see she was indeed smuggling raisins already.

“Thank you, I think so too, but my girlfriend wants them to be bigger. Oh, and get this, she wants me to lactate so she can suckle on them and drink my milk. I mean, I’m cool with the idea, but I’m not getting pregnant just so she can nurse on me like a big sex baby.” Amy didn’t beat around the bush and was very forward with her issues.

“I see, well, there might be a way we can accomplish that without you needing to be pregnant, if you really think she wants that.” Dr. N offered plainly.

“What? You mean you could make me lactate for my girlfriend’s fantasy? You’re a better therapist than I thought. Sign me up.” Amy was seemingly all onboard.

Dr. N scribbled on her pad and then handed a slip to Amy. “Here, take this to the address on the top and they should be able to help you.”

She then grabbed a folded note and handed it to Amy and told her to hand it to Amanda. Amy took the note and then headed out of the office.

“Amanda? Dr. N asked me to hand you this.” Amy said, confused.

Amanda took the notes, opened and read it. Her eyes opened a little wider as she stood nervously. She paused a bit, sucked in a breath and then read the note out loud.

“Please pinch my nipples, I like it when you pinch them hard.” Amanda said, her voice breaking slightly.

Amy stood and stared. She wasn’t sure what to think. Then Amanda added a please to the end of her question so Amy obliged. She grabbed each nipple between her thumb and index finger and pinched hard. Amanda groaned hard, and had to steady herself as the pain from her nipples shot straight to her overheated crotch and the beads moved some more, bringing her closer, but stopping.

“Thank you.” Amanda struggled out, breathless and near the edge still seeking release.

“Whatever, kind of weird, but the doc seems cool. Thanks.” Amy replied and left the office on her way to figure out what the doc had planned.

Amanda moaned softly as the pain subsided, but not the ache. She moved back to her seat and tried to calm herself, but nothing much was working, she needed to rub her pussy now, and ease her need just a little, not all the way, but enough to get through the next couple hours. She started to reach for her pussy, but heard the door open and another patient walked in. She almost didn’t care, but it reminded her of the promised punishment if she couldn’t make it. The same routine for this one and the next. They came out with notes from the doctor. Amanda asked one to spank both ass cheeks with a ruler Dr. N had placed on her desk. The pain burned red hot into her tender butt. She tried to sit, but had to fidget to get close to comfortable, sitting up further in her seat to relieve some of the discomfort.

The next patient handed her a note and she almost dreaded opening it. She peeled apart the paper and gawked at what it said. How was she supposed to ask someone she didn’t know to do this. She looked up and started to shake a little.

“Please..kiss my pussy.” Amanda’s shoulders dropped as she finished and almost started to cry. Why did she want this so badly. She was enjoying this too much, even though it made her feel horrible at the time. She was suddenly even more aroused, hoping she was pleasing Miss Natalya enough.

The patient looked at her and smiled. Getting down on her knees, the cute brunette leaned forward into Amanda’s thighs. “I’ll do you one better than that.” She pressed her face in between her legs planting a long kiss against the beads that were wet with Amanda. Her lips moved the beads to the side and made contact with her pussy, then nuzzled against her spreading her folds slightly, sliding her tongue along her slit gently before retreating.

She stood up and leaned in toward Amanda and pressed her pussy covered lips against her and kissed her deeply, letting her hand brush up against Amanda’s overly aroused mound, patting her gently.

“Miss Natalya will see you now…” The patient turned and left.

How did she know our little game. What did Miss Natalya tell her, or was Şenlik Escort Bayan she already involved somehow? Amanda’s thoughts were a mess. She collected herself and started to walk into the office, but as she crossed the threshold the beads in her panty starting humming and moving. She took one step through the door and her knees buckled as she started cumming hard. She fell to her knees and clutched at her crotch, her pussy throbbing as she started to sob, realizing she couldn’t make it all the way until after she was able to please Miss Natalya. She broke down completely. Her pussy still throbbing, her body trembling, her chest heaving in heavy sobs. She heard a sweet voice call to her.

“Amanda…Amanda, dear. Don’t cry. Everything is okay. I am amazed you made it as far as you did. It couldn’t have been easy for you with all that we threw at you. The outfit, the patients, and me. You did well. It was a test that you passed. I figured you would have given in before lunch and run screaming or something.” Dr. N moved over to comfort her poor, broken assistant. She knelt down next to her and rubbed her back soothingly. Amanda looked up and smiled through her tears.

“So, you’re not upset with me?” Amanda sniffed through her response.

“No dear. How could I be upset with an angel like you? You have pleased me very much today.” Dr. N said in a calming soothing musical tone. It was almost like a magical spell that she whispered over her.

“Thank you, Miss Natalya. I only want to please you.” Amanda replied.

“Well, if you really want to please me, you can finish what you started yesterday. That was not enough.” Dr. N said with a wicked smile on her face.

Amanda lifted herself up and moved to pleasure Miss Natalya and thank her for being so good to her.

“I don’t deserve someone as nice as you for my Mistress. Thank you, Miss Natalya.”

Miss Natalya patted her head and slowly moved her down until she felt her face brush against her slick pussy.

Later that day, Amy drove to the address and parked along a side street as the area was too busy to park that close. Walking up she found the storefront, but hadn’t ever noticed it before today. She thought it was a little weird, this old looking shop nestled between some modern buildings, but it didn’t bother her much as she was focused on seeing what this was going to do for her and Belinda, her girlfriend. She walked in, jingling the bell atop the door.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” Amy shouted at a seemingly empty store.

“Be right with you miss, just finishing something up in the back.” The shopkeeper answered, his voice somewhat muffled behind the stacks of odd items.

After a moment he emerged, covered slightly in a whitish green powder, his hands stained a little darker.

Amy handed the man her slip and he looked at it curiously.

“Hmm, second script from this pad in as many weeks, after I hadn’t seen one in ages. Mind if I ask who gave you this?” The shopkeeper asked, extremely curious.

“A Dr. Natalya, she’s a sex therapist.” Amy answered.

“Hah, Natalya this time. It’s always some interesting name. On the script, I can’t do lactation without pregnancy, but I think I can manage to fake the pregnancy part so you’ll just get the belly, but no baby. Is that still okay?” the shopkeeper shared, then wanted to be sure Amy knew what she was getting into.

“Yeah, that’s fine. No baby and a big belly for a bit for my girlfriend to get her ovaries all worked up and crazy for me. Yeah, I can do that.” Amy seemed to agree without hesitation, even if her logic might have been a bit strained.

The shopkeeper laughed and told her it would be a few minutes as he put that together for her.

She waited, looking at some of the things in the shop, not exactly sure what some of them were so she tried to avoid touching or breaking anything. It wasn’t long before the shopkeeper emerged and handed her a bag with three items.

“Three things, pill first, kind of primes the pump so to speak, blue cream on the boobies and a green cream on the belly, in that order. Don’t mix up the creams or the order of the three. The same is on the note inside. Oh, and if you see Natalya again, tell her Temesto says hello. She should remember me.” The shopkeeper winked at Amy as he went back to work in the shop, returning to his previous task behind the shelves.

Amy headed home and was excited to share the whole thing with her girlfriend when she got home Escort Şenlik from work. Once she was home, she showered and put on some loose yoga pants, not knowing what was going to happen with her surprise. She dug out the loosest sport bra she had and put that on the bed next to her and got set to use the prescription. She skipped the instructions since she knew she remembered the order and things and went to get a glass of water for the pill. She swallowed that; first step done. She didn’t feel anything right away, so she wasn’t sure if she believed this would work. Then she took out the creams, mixing up the blue and green ones, putting the green on her tits first, then some of the blue on her belly. She felt a strong tingling as she imagined she could see her breasts start to swell. She wasn’t imagining things, and she scrambled to pull the sport bra over her, but it was too late as her breasts exceeded it by several sizes now. Her belly swelled as well, looking like she was at least six months pregnant by now.

She staggered to reach the bed and lie down on it and rolled as much as she could to stay on before her weight toppled her off the edge. She heard the door open and close and a sweet voice call out to say she was home. Amy called to her girlfriend from the bedroom and as Belinda turned the corner to greet her, she stopped dead and stared at her goddess, sprawled out all over the bed. Her breasts now consumed most of the bed next to Amy’s body, but at least appeared to have stopped growing.

“What happened? I mean, I love it, but still.” Belinda cried out in shock.

“I went to the therapist today to discuss our issue, and she helped me work through it. Come on over here and drain me, my tits feel so full and heavy I can barely move.” Amy was using her best sexy talk to convince Belinda to just take her now. She really needed the help.

“Right away.” Belinda almost shrieked, pulling off her clothes as she wanted to feel all of her skin against Amy’s inflated mounds.

She snuggled up next to Amy and put her head between the mountains that had replaced Amy’s already full tits. She felt the warmth of all the extra cleavage around her head and just relished the feeling of being hugged by nothing but boob. She was already hot and she hadn’t even started to suckle. She ran her tongue around one of Amy’s nipples and just the light touch drew out a droplet of milk. Belinda lapped at it then latched on instinctively, almost against her will. She was drawn to Amy’s breast like the hungriest child. She sucked and sucked, the milk gushing out of Amy’s nipple, filling Belinda and swelling her stomach. It wasn’t long before she was full.

Amy looked down at her contented baby, asleep now, but noticed her boob had shrunk quite a bit from the suckling, while the other was quite a bit larger. She needed to have Belinda work each side equally it appeared. She also noticed that her stomach had shrunk from the suckling as well. That was a positive as she was worried about how long that would last.

Belinda woke slightly and Amy nudged her toward her other breast and she latched on as soon as she was at her nipple. She suckled even though she was barely awake. It seemed that she was drawn to it and Amy knew at that point it was beyond her control. Belinda fell asleep and dropped off again, Amy thought her breasts were pretty close to being even, so she was happy. She also noticed her stomach was almost down to its normal size. She was very happy about that. But Belinda’s stomach was growing quite a bit larger than Amy’s had been to begin with and she worried about the effect of the milk on her.

Belinda awoke a few hours later and looked down at her stomach and almost screamed.

“What have you done to me? I’m huge, and I swear it feels like I’m really pregnant!” Belinda shouted at Amy, trying to get up on the bed, but needing help.

Amy rushed over to her to calm her down and slowly help her up. “What are you talking about, you can’t be pregnant. Plus, I was the one who used the prescription, not you.”

“You mean the magic potion? What kind of prescription do you know of can make you fake pregnant and lactating in the same day? Did you do anything wrong with the potion or anything? Maybe you messed it up.” Belinda was upset, no way around that.

Amy went over to the bag and took out the note and realized she had indeed put the wrong creams on the wrong body parts. “But, how would that change anything?”

“You did mess it up, didn’t you? I sucked pregnant belly juice out of your tits, didn’t I? Oh fuck, this is a mess. I’m not even sure how any of this happened or works or whatever.” Belinda was frantic and Amy couldn’t do much to calm her down. She would have to get to the doctor’s again, or maybe the apothecary to ask what could be done.

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