Her Boyfriend’s Messy Accident


“Is everything okay?”

Cora was walking home from a nice lunch out with her new boyfriend, Alexei. Normally cheerful and talkative, he’d been quiet and terse on their walk home. “Yes,” he snapped.”

Um. Did I do something wrong?”

“No. Sorry. Just um. Not feeling well.”

“Oh! Well, we’re almost back to your place, then you can rest.”

At that moment, a fart escaped from Alexei’s bottom, and he instinctively pressed his hand against his anus.

“Oh,” Cora said again, understanding. Her new boyfriend had to potty. Quite badly, it seemed, and it would take them another fifteen minutes or so to get back to his townhome. She was shocked at the predicament. Alexei was about 6’2 and quite manly. He had a big, corporate job, and he made big money to match. He was very dominant in their relationship, both in and out of the bedroom, and she liked it that way. At the moment though, he was bright red with embarrassment and looked like he could cry. She never dreamed she’d see him like this.

“Was it something you ate at the restaurant?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered in an uncharacteristically small voice.

“Do you think you’ll make it, honey?”

His eyes widened in horror. “Of course I will!”

“Okay, okay,” she said, realizing she’d overstepped and embarrassed him further. She wasn’t confident that he would make it, though, and she started planning the accident clean-up as they walked. Several more minutes passed in silence. That is, except for the near constant stream of muted farts coming from Alexei that she was politely ignoring. Suddenly, one of his farts was a bit louder than usual, and he froze, pressing his hand to his bottom again and turning so that his back was facing the nearest building.

“Oh! Um,” Cora started, trying to figure out how to inquire without humiliating him unnecessarily. “Did you…did you go? Just now?”

Alexei’s face was Sanatoryum Escort frozen in shell-shocked horror, but he shook his head no. “Just- I think a little bit came out. Cora, I need to go, now.”

Ah. So he sharted. The clock was ticking. “It’s all right, honey, let’s go, almost back.”

Alexei led the way, clearly moving as fast as his bowels would allow. Cora’s eyes zeroed in on a new wet patch on the back of his gray sweatpants. Quite a shart. No wonder he’d frozen in horror. He must have thought he wouldn’t be able to get it to stop.

Cora was sure he would have an accident. Now, her goal was to get him as close to his house as possible when it happened to minimize the chances of anyone but her finding out. They were on his block, now, and his gate was only about a hundred feet away. As he frantically unlocked the gate, Cora wondered if she’d been wrong. Maybe he would make it.

She’d barely finished her thought before he gasped and pressed his hand against his butthole again.

“Fuck! Nononononoooo,” he moaned. Her mouth fell open as the wet patch on his sweatpants grew bigger and the seat of his pants bulged like a full diaper. He waddled inside the gate, and Cora quickly closed the gate behind them.

“Oh honey, it’s okay,” she said as tears welled in his eyes. “You held it for a really long time. Accidents happen sometimes.”

“I only had a little way to go,” he whined. She looked down and saw a big circle on the front of his pants where his bladder had leaked with the force of his bowel movement.

“That just happens sometimes when your belly is upset,” she said, rubbing his arm. “Why are you crying?”

“Because I had an accident in front of you,” he whimpered.

“Are you embarrassed?”

“Of course I am!” His chin wobbled. Poor thing, he really was humiliated. She’d never seen him cry before.

“Aw, you don’t need Sanatoryum Escort Bayan to be, honey. I’m glad I’m here to help you when you’re sick. Now let’s go inside and get you cleaned up.”

Alexei nodded, but cringed and froze in place when he took a step forward.

“What’s wrong?”

“I- I can’t go in there like this. I’ll make a mess on the carpet, and the housekeeper will know.”

He cringed as she turned him by his hips so she could survey his backside. “It looks okay. Is it not staying in your underpants?”

“No, it’s- it’s running down my leg,” he whimpered. “I can feel it.”

Cora understood what was happening now. Every time he took a step, it was squishing out of the leg holes in the snug boxer briefs she knew he wore. Of course, she wouldn’t mind cleaning the carpet for him, but it was some kind of special material that required special care. Her poor boy, she couldn’t imagine his humiliation if his housekeeper had to clean up his potty on the carpet like a dog.

“Is there anyone else in the house right now?”

“No, thank god,” he huffed.

She looked around at the impenetrable, 10 foot hedges that surrounded his small property, common for the houses on the street. “Is there a hose outside?” He gave her a look like he was devastated by the suggestion, but he nodded.

“In the back.” He pointed for her to go get it, but she played dumb. She wanted him to lead the way so that she could enjoy the sight of her handsome, sexy boyfriend waddling with his full pants.

When they got back there, she made him stand in the grass, his back to her. Cora slowly lowered his sweatpants, exposing his bulging underwear. “I think we can save these pants, sweetheart,” she said as she instructed him to step out of them. It was true- she’d run a load of wash when they got inside. They were wet, smelly, and discolored, but they should come Escort Sanatoryum clean in the wash.

“I think these underpants are a lost cause, though, I’m sorry to say.”

There might have been a chance if he hadn’t chosen today of all days to wear his white pair. A big, softball-sized brown lump was weighing them down. Brown mush oozed out of the leg holes in the back, as he’d feared, and wet streaks ran all the way down below his knees.

“No wonder you couldn’t hold it, honey,” she cooed. “That’s quite a big load.”

“This is so embarrassing,” he groaned. “I can’t believe you have to do this, like I’m a baby. I’m so sorry, Cora.”

“Shush, enough of that, honey. I told you, I’m fine with this.” Truth was, she was more than fine with it. Seeing her normally big, strong, manly man so humiliated like this was doing things to her. She was struggling to act natural and not press her thighs together. “I’m gonna slide your underpants down, now.” She flicked her fingers in the waist band and slowly dragged the heavy, ruined panties down his muscular, hairy thighs.

“Oh god, that smells so bad, Cora, I’m so sorry.”

“You can’t help it honey, don’t apologize.” It did smell absolutely atrocious. If it hadn’t been her boyfriend, she would’ve gagged, but knowing that she was cleaning her man up made it more bearable.

When he stepped out of them, she left his soiled underwear in the grass and surveyed the damage that was left. His poor bottom was coated with his poop. Long streaks coated the insides and backs of his legs. He let out a high pitch yelp at the cold hose. She had switched it to the gentlest setting, but of course it was still ice cold. When he was nice and clean, she instructed him to tug his shirt down to cover up his penis and hurry in the house. He still needed a shower, she informed him, to make sure he didn’t get a sore bum.

“Thank you for being so nice, Cora,” he murmured, his lower lip out.

“That’s what girlfriends are for, silly,” she said. She got up on tiptoe to kiss his mouth. He kissed her back, looking surprised. She put his hand between her thighs to feel her heat there. He gasped. “Don’t get dressed after your shower,” she murmured. “I’m not done with you.”

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