3 Men, 2 Doms, 1 Master

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The following single scene is fully consensual, but as is the case with BDSM, not every topic is right for everyone. In general expect sadism / masochism, humiliation, some mind games, sexual acts and more than two participants. If you don’t mind spoilers and want to know details of what to expect, check the tags.

I have not described any of the characters on purpose. Feel free to substitute whoever you wish while reading, and enjoy.


3 Men, 2 Doms, 1 Master


My phone vibrated in my hand. A notification overlaying the latest series I was watching on Netflix. “Come down,” it said. I smiled eagerly and turned off the show, took out my AirPods and listened. I heard nothing but the wind whistling outside and the rain beating against the windows. It was storming outside, but the house was silent.

I quickly stripped out of the chemise I was wearing – the rule was no clothes in his presence- and propelled myself down the stairs. I clasped my hands behind my back, straightening, trying to be an epitome of submission, wondering what he had planned for tonight. However, when I walked into the living room, I froze for just a moment, then I backed up a step. I retreated to the stairs, whilst looking at the floor, a flush creeping up my cheeks.

“Stop,” a cold voice sounded. I froze again, automatically, my breath catching in my throat.

“Get over here,” he said quietly, but I heard him perfectly in the silence.

With my eyes never leaving the floor, struggling to keep my hands from covering up naked bits, I made my way over to the couch where he was sitting. Where he and two of his friends were sitting. I knew they were coming over, which is why I was upstairs, but I had assumed when he called that they were gone. He had made mention in the past about sharing me, but I had always thought he said it just to scare me. I didn’t think he would do it. I shut my eyes in dismay even as I thought that thought. I should have known by now that there were very few limits to what he would do. I couldn’t understand how he still managed to trip me up.

Once I stood near the coffee table. Facing my Master -my owner- and one of his friends, the other sat to my side in a recliner, I dared to look up. When my eyes grazed the sadistic smile on his face they instantly lowered again, a shiver running over me and settling in the pit of my stomach. The bastard knew exactly what this was doing to me.

“Seth, you wanted to know what BDSM was about? Wondered what it was like to have a girlfriend that doesn’t say no?” he gave a laugh then. “Well, I can’t tell you that, because I don’t have a girlfriend, but I’m sure my personal little whore here will be happy to show you and Andrew some things.”

I pressed my lips together, clenching my jaw. My original embarrassment made way for indignation. How dare he just present me like that, without at the very least discussing this beforehand. I straightened, raising my chin and sent a frosty stare his way. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could he said very quietly, “Either that, or she can go back to her room and we can repeat last week’s punishment which she so fervently begged me to never repeat…”

I closed my mouth again and involuntarily took a step back. The memories of that day were too fresh, I could almost feel the pain again. Oh, I liked some pain, but not that, not again. I could do this. I could handle this tonight. I could not handle a repeat of last week. I lowered my head again, despite the frustration simmering underneath the surface, I relaxed my body until I stood meekly before them.

“Wow,” one of the men said, “intense.”

That must have been Seth. He got up and put a hand on my shoulder. Almost as if checking he really could touch me. “What’s your name?” He asked me. I hesitated. A quick glance up and I saw a minute shake of the head, confirming my suspicions.

“I have no name, Sir.” I swallowed hard. “I’m just a whore for your pleasure.”

I risked another glance up, seeking approval, but my Master’s stoic face held none. He merely sat back as if relaxing for a movie and said nothing. When I looked to the side, I saw that Andrew was just watching intently, leaning forwards with his elbows on his spread knees, without making a move or saying anything and just that quiet appraisal sent a shiver down my spine.

Seth was another matter entirely. His hand had moved from its original spot and was now caressing my tits, lightly squeezing and teasing my nipples in a somewhat exploratory fashion.

“And you’ll do whatever I want?” He asked, making me need to suppress an eye roll. Not a dominant this one, just an annoying horny~

My heart leapt into my throat as a loud noise startled me. I jerked my head up, trying to find out what it was, but I couldn’t say for sure, it tickled something in the back of my mind, though and I flinched belatedly.

“Answer him,” my Master snapped.

I turned back kütahya escort towards Seth and said in a soft voice, “Yes, Sir.”

“Cool,” he replied and began undoing his pants. I waited patiently, knowing what was coming.

“Will you give me a blowjob?” he asked and I shoved aside my first, and second reaction to that question, then gracefully sank down to my knees. With a final glare at my Master’s feet -I didn’t dare glare at his face at the moment- I turned to Seth and his dick, that he was more or less waving in front of my face. I took him in my hand, brought my mouth to the tip and closed my eyes. He was average, and for a blowjob that suited me just fine. I didn’t want to see it, though.

I caressed the tip with my tongue for a moment, licking to try and get used to the flavor before I took him into my mouth. My hand held his cock steady at the base, putting a light pressure on it. His hand rested on my shoulder as he stood there. I set my free hand on his hip, which he let me, then leaned forward to take him deeper into my mouth. Quickly the salty flavor was replaced by only that of my own saliva as I began bobbing my head up and down. I would do what I had to do, but I was not going to drag this out unnecessarily.

Based on the grunts above me, he didn’t seem to mind, though as I just got down to it. I didn’t open my throat to him, but I sucked hard, my lips tightly closed around his cock as my hand pumped where my mouth wouldn’t reach. I kept up a steady rhythm, the fingers of my free hand tracing lightly across the skin of his hips and ass.

One of his hands moved to the back of my head, but only held it there steadily, letting me do what I wished. His other now leaned somewhat on my shoulder and if I had not been busy, I would have chuckled. I might’ve disliked this, but there was something powerful in weakening a man this way.

Soft wet sounds were all that filled the otherwise quiet room as I sped up my bobbing mouth some more and sucked harder. The storm raged outside. Whistling wind and the beating rain made a stark contrast to the otherwise completely silent room, which gave me an eerie feel. I suddenly became aware of the eyes that were watching me, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Even as a churning started in my stomach, a flash of heat ran over my body and pooled low between my legs, causing an unexpected aching. I shifted my hips and moaned softly. My tongue licked more fervently across the veins underneath his skin, my hand stroking faster as I was losing myself in the atmosphere surrounding me.

I shifted again, closing my legs and trying to put some pressure on my clit, when suddenly a breath caressed my ear and a low growl said, “Don’t move those legs.”

I nearly jumped out of my skin. My eyes opened wide and I stopped right amid what I was doing, jerking back until my mouth closed on air alone and both my hands fell back at my sides. The gruff, unfamiliar voice, so close to me made my heart hammer against my chest.

“Hey, what the hell man,” Seth murmured above me out of breath, but I barely heard him, so focused was I on the presence behind me. I turned my head and Seth let his hand fall, but before I could turn far enough a far stronger hand gripped my hair and painfully pulled me facing forwards again. I felt his lips at my ear again.


My eyes widened at the coldness in his voice, but I obediently opened my mouth and wrapped my lips back around Seth’s cock. When I did my hair was released, but both my arms were jerked back and held tightly at my lower back. Once more I heard Andrew speak in a low voice.

“My friend says you’re a whore, but I’ve seen ladies give a blowjob befire that was less prim and prope. Are you naming your Master a liar?”

I cringed at his implication and awkwardly shook my head just a little.

“Right. So, give a blowjob like a whore and when Seth comes, you spill not a drop, clear?”

Another wave of heat rolled over me. Embarrassment, closely followed by arousal, which in turn increased the feeling of shame. I didn’t even know these guys and I was having doubts that Andrew was new to this. How could my Master do this to me?

Unable to answer I only whimpered. My eyes fluttered on a few unshed tears, before closing and I renewed my efforts. Unable to use my hands, still firmly held in one of Andrew’s hands I opened my mouth wider, opened my throat to take Seth deeper. I moved slowly, fighting against my gag reflex, while still trying to suck and lick around the head of his dick.

When I thought I could manage, I started speeding up again, keeping careful control on how deep I took him, but still trying harder than before. I could feel Seth’s hands gripping my shoulders more tightly now, but I also still felt the tight grip on my wrists and as if my subconscious was counting the hands I felt, I shuddered again, unable to suppress a slight wiggle of my hips. I heard a grunt of exasperation malatya escort just before my scalp lit up in fiery pain and I lost what control I had left over the situation. My head was shoved forward and tears sprang up in my eyes as my breath was taken from me. My hands jerked to get free, my head pushed back, but to no avail. A few seconds later I was pulled back and I sputtered, turning my head to the floor, coughing as saliva ran down my chin.

The reprieve was short as Seth now forced his cock back down my throat with Andrew’s help. Looks like Seth was finally getting into it, I thought grimly. The next few minutes my focus was solely on breathing as I was forced into immobility while Seth fucked my throat. Continuous wet, choking sounds now mingled with grunts from Seth to keep going and don’t stop. Like I had a choice. The only consolation of Seth getting into it more, was that he was also getting closer to coming.

Tears streamed from my eyes freely, mixing their salt with the spit around my mouth, creating a mask of shame on my face. I was only glad I had not worn mascara. I heard Seth’s breathing speed up before he thrust himself deep inside of my throat where I could feel his cock jerking, making sure there was only one way his seed could go. Panic gripped me as I tried to swallow, tried to breathe, but Andrew held me firmly in place until Seth pulled out on his own. Only then was I released.

I fell forward then, leaning on hands and knees, coughing, retching and all in all just trying to get myself back under control. When my mind cleared from its haze a few minutes later I sat up and looked around. Andrew had retaken his seat as if nothing had happened, sipping from his beer, but still looking at me. Seth looked a little out of breath but had buttoned up and sat back down. But it was seeing my Master that made the fresh calm I had found evaporate and set anger back to simmering. He wasn’t even looking. He was on his fucking smartphone.

As if he felt my stare he looked up and said with mock surprise, “Oh, all done?”

A million answers warred in my mind, but thankfully I was saved from answering, because Seth assumed he was being spoken to.

“Yeah, man, that was amazing, thanks. As I said I didn’t have much time and I need to get home, but I think I’ll go look into this some more. I’ll find myself a sweet little slut who’ll do that for me.”

“Not bloody likely,” I muttered underneath my breath and was glad when neither Seth or my Master gave any indication they had heard me. Only, then why was my skin tingling and could I feel my heartbeat clearly in my chest? Whilst my Master and Seth conversed shortly, saying goodbyes I ever so slowly turned my head back to Andrew. It seems his gaze hadn’t left me and although amusement made his eyes sparkle, he was lightly shaking his head in reprove, his lips pressed together. I lowered my head but bit my lip to stop a grin from spreading. It seems I wasn’t the only one who thought Seth wouldn’t exactly make a good Dom just yet.

Yet, once the door closed behind Seth and the number of occupants of the room was reduced to three, the tension seemed to grow tenfold. At a loss for what to do I took comfort in worrying about my position. I settled back into a more proper kneel, my legs spread, my hands clasped together behind my back, chest out, head up, but eyes down. Looking down I belatedly realized all my private parts were now on display, but I couldn’t do anything about it now without betraying my embarrassment. I was suddenly fervently glad that this position forced me to look at the floor.

“Well Andrew, I know you’re more familiar with worthless whores than Seth, but I assure you that you can do things with mine that you haven’t been able to in the past. Would be a shame to waste it now that she’s all primed.”

Apprehension grew. It was obvious to me that Andrew was dominant, but what were the chances he was a sadist as well, if he hung out with my Master?

“Look at me,” Andrew said. The rough command a contrast to my Master’s smooth voice.

I slowly raised my gaze until I saw his face and I ceased to be aware of the world around me.

“I’ve seen you glare and stare so much tonight and then you are blatantly disrespectful to Seth as well, even if he didn’t hear it. I’m not sure what this punishment your Master mentioned was for, but it seems to me it didn’t have its intended effect.”

He was quiet then and I knew the silence was on purpose, but that didn’t diminish what it did to me. As I watched a thin grin spread across his face. Fear about what he might do crawled underneath my skin and again the thought ran through my head that I did not know him. How could I trust him? My Master might trust him, but I sure as hell didn’t.

“I think we should do it again.”

My blood ran cold at his words and I shut my eyes tightly. My throat tightened and for a moment I couldn’t speak, then I turned to my Master, shaking my head and manisa escort pleaded hoarsely, “Please no, Master. Please. You said it wouldn’t happen again, please…”

I watched my Master raise an eyebrow. “Did I now?”

I stared at him, my eyes wide, my chest tight. He did, he had said it, he said… I whimpered then and whispered, “You said you would consider it.”

“Indeed. But that’s beside the point. I think I’ll stay out of this and let Andrew do what he wants, blank slate. He orders, you obey, understand?”

My mouth formed a little o, but no sound came out. Yet as my Master’s frown grew I couldn’t hold his stare any longer and my eyes dropped to the ground, dismay covering me like a blanket.

“Yes, Master.” a whisper, no more.

“Good,” he answered, “Or you’ll find out I can come up with something a whole lot worse than last week.”

The threat should have bounced off as just that, a threat, but with two sets of eyes on me in the semi dark room it hit me harder than perhaps it should have. I needed a moment to gather my courage, a moment to stiffen my failing spine as I turned back to Andrew and looked up at him again. From the corner of my eyes I saw my Master turn his attention back to his phone and I wanted to wail but kept quiet.

“Go get me whatever items your Master used last week. Be back within five minutes.” Andrew spoke and despite trembling legs I hurried to obey. I didn’t need a lot of things, so five minutes was a lot of time. In the relative cool of the bedroom I rested my head against a cold window, watching the raindrops sliding down, lit from the back by the street lantern. Seth had it right the first time. Intense. I took a few deep breaths, then turned and looked at the bedroom doorway, half expecting to see one of them had followed me, but neither had.

Ignoring both the voice in my head that said I wasn’t allowed to, as well as the voice that was calling me a slut, I trailed my middle finger down my belly and through my slit. I bit back a gasp as I touched my clit, before it slid into wetness. As I pulled my finger away, a thread of my own juices came with it and stuck to my inner thigh. I cursed quietly, even as I blushed, then hurried into the bathroom, wiping both my fingers and my thigh with some toilet paper and tossing it, but not flushing. Didn’t need them to know what I was doing up here. Then I rushed back to grab the requested items from the closet, all the while trying to ignore how they had been used.

The closet contained many more menacing items than the clamps and cane I held, but I had discovered quickly that even less intimidating items could produce far more pain than I had thought possible. I almost ran back down the stairs and when I touched the floor Andrew’s voice called out.

“All fours, I don’t want to see you standing again today.”

The short break had had a positive effect and I took his command in stride. I dropped to my knees, taking the cane in my mouth and keeping the clamps in my hand as I crawled back to in front of Andrew, trying to ignore my Master as he clearly was ignoring me. Andrew held out his hand and I placed the clamps in it, then leaned forward to place the cane in his hand as well. I sat back on my heels quietly as he studied the items, trying to quell the butterflies in my stomach.

“Three adjustable alligator clamps, but the adjustment screw and the rubber covers are missing,” he said almost as if to himself. “And a cane. ” I watched him glance over at my Master, who looked up and shared a smirk.

“Innocuous items, maybe, but clamps like that placed just right, left on long enough and removed with the cane… ” my Master explained, shrugging, and it was as if each word brought back the pain that had accompanied it and I couldn’t help curling in on myself.

That had not been fun. It hadn’t been intended to be fun. I knew I had deserved it, but it seems Andrew wanted to do it just for fun now. The fear that I had pushed down bubbled right back up and I pressed my forehead to the floor before Andrew’s feet.

“Please, Sir… it was a punishment. I deserved it then, but… but I think I didn’t do anything to deserve that now. Oh please, let me please you some other way, Sir. Please.”

I stopped my litany as I felt his shoes on my back, just short of my hands still clasped together. He said nothing and neither did I, but any moment not spent with those clamps on my body seemed like a good one, so as far as I was concerned he could take all the time in the world to think this over, even if I had to play at being a footrest while he did.

Sometime later he finally spoke. “You do beg prettily. Fine. Go get the blue box from your closet.”

His feet dropped from my back, allowing me to sit up, but I frowned in puzzlement. How did he know? They hadn’t spoken. My Master was still on his phone and Andrew… I looked at him. Andrew had his phone sticking out of the pocket of his jeans. I fought to keep my face polite.

“Yes, Sir”, I breathed, only now feeling the relief at his mercy and I turned on all fours, crawling back to the stairs. Once I was out of sight I straightened and walked. He never said I couldn’t walk; he just didn’t want to see it.

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