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Babes and I tracked off into the woods, and I felt like I was glowing from the pure magic of the moment. It was out of a dream, one I’d had over and over again before. So many special spots in those woods, I feel like you and I could lose ourselves to the wilderness in those woods for days and days, picking berries, laughing and playing between the trees…I love remembering the moments in the woods with you more than any other part of my life so far. You showed me where your favorite berries grew, pointed out treasures and plants as I beamed in appreciation and full love, shining brightly with my adoration for you. I raced you up the hill in the true c***d-like fire spirits, laughing and charging forward with wild eyes and a heart full of mother nature’s light.So so so incredibly high on life.Living blissful abandon.In love with the universe.I can still feel vivid in those moments with you.I was smiling and laughing, leaning back to kiss you as you caught me, hand around my waist, pulling me in to a passionate embrace. We both let out a moan as our energies aligned mid-kiss, you bit my lip and pulled away from me, looking around us. You pointed over my shoulder to a spot and led us to a small patch of sweet grass.You took off your jacket and laid it down, smiling coyly at me. I caught on and quickly started helping you undress, then pulling off my boots and dress, and then laid down on top of our pile of clothes. You helped me with my leggings, and pulled them off so slowly that my whole body was aching with anticipation for your touch.We kissed deeply, and I was instantly crazed with passion for you, flooded by the universe’s love, soaking up the earth’s pure energy pressing on my back, and your burning hot light above me; I wanted you immediately, desperately, and I felt your hands on me like electricity on metal, slowly sparking their way up my legs to my thighs as I lightly gasped and ran my fingernails along your back. You kissed me again, and felt me ready and eager beneath you, your hand between my legs starting a fire as I moaned loudly into our kiss. I groaned your name in a beg for more as your lips left mine.You must have been staring down at me right then, wild like a nymph rolling on the forest floor, while I looked up at you, pure sky and türbanlı tunceli escort tree-tops forming a crown for your golden-white aura.I needed you, my hips swaying with the pulse of the forest, the trees chanting rhythmically to us as my body turned to fire with our love. I pulled you closer to me, yearning to be one with you like never before. My whole body shook with the power of us joining, my head swirling with insurmountable pleasure, something of another world.I called out your name, barely able to keep my eyes open as I stared up into your beautiful face and flashing eyes, surrounded by green, everywhere green, and the earth arched her body into us, spiraling sparking energy through our heavy breath.I held you tight against my body, as though we might otherwise float apart, feeling the entire sky open up above us as the sweetgrass sounded out like tiny bells. I moaned and moved in time with you, swelling with overwhelming bliss, my eyes almost rolling back as I bit my lip. You met my eyes, filling with fire in the earth-shattering moments I could keep them open. I came loudly, calling your name through the forest, in unison with the spiritual symphonies, shaking and smoldering with the power of the stars shining through the blue sky.Golden light flooded us both, pouring out into the forest as you kissed your way down my body, holding my hips tightly and looking into my wild eyes, sending me gasping at each small touch of your lips trailing my skin. Your eyes stared right into mine, and my head filled with past-life memories, as you kept kissing my thighs tenderly. I threw my head back with the overwhelming intensity of the combination of spent and building passions. Your tongue delved into me and my whole body quivered, my back arching, toes curling as my feet pushed against your knees, but you only pulled me closer against your mouth, not allowing me to glide away from you in frenzied over-stimulation.Green, green, green.The sky was opening up above us, and I could see every star above our heads in the sunny blue sky. You were working a magic that my mind had no hope of comprehending, pulsing all around me as my breath became a secondary function, panting wildly with raw love. I closed my eyes türbanlı tunceli escort bayan tightly as my whole body shook against the earth. I called out your name, this time with a broken husky voice, coming against the sweeping love of your beard.I shimmied away from your grasp, far too high and still vibrating from the movements your mouth was still making, sighing out golden star dust that buzzed around us and drifting into a half-conscious state. I kissed you hard on the mouth, my hand pulling you in close to me as my smile wrapped around inside your mouth, tasting myself on your lips. I don’t remember how I quite got dressed or back on my feet, you must have helped me, my mind was entirely focused on the increasingly glowing energy of the plants and trees around us, the waves of love I was riding, and the adrenaline of this magical day. That day in the woods, that tiny monumental moment in that day, will always stick in my memory, darling.It was, is, one of the most beautiful moments of my life, being so connected to you, fully free and awake within your forest, with unconditional love pouring onto the plants and air around us… it was pure magic, my divine prince.After we made love in the woods we went up to the creek, and I don’t think you know how badly I wanted to be able to help with getting the water going again, to do something, anything physical to assist, even if it meant getting soaking wet in the stream head to toe with the only clothes I had brought along.You kept insisting that you could do it, so I wandered a bit while you ran back and forth from the well to the intake, and ended up stumbling on a fairy-land that totally blew me away. It was a circle of sweet grass, bordered by a perfect ring of trees, full with toadstools and small, tiny pools of water and itty-bitty rocks…When we went back down the hill to your parents’ house, (I’m sure I still had twigs and leaves on my butt and entwined in my hair, but I was beaming, that’s for sure) the first thing your Ma asked, was how the forest was.I, of course, still love drunk and energy high from the forest experience, gushed about how incredible and lush it all was.”There’s some awesome little fairy spots out there!” she told me.My heart türbanlı escort tunceli almost skipped a beat when she said it, and I genuinely grinned at her knowingly, too excited and fresh to hold back from telling her that I had most definitely seen the fairies’ homes.I could hardly believe the magic of your family, these incredible souls all around me, in the middle of this gorgeous mountain scene. My heart was full, overflowing, shining like a lighthouse, sending out the incredible beacon of universal love. Your dad picked up on my energy almost immediately, and began to ask about my parents, their views on medicine, my upbringing, and then telling me the story of his youth, one you had relayed to me several times in our hours over the phone, but meant so much more and came across even more intuitively in person and from the maker. It was such a special moment. Another one of those that I won’t likely soon forget.He spoke of choices he had made early on, but ended up speaking more to his moral compass than anything else, and I kind of fell in love with his more vulnerable moments, where he was showing his true colors and reminding me entirely too much of you. You remind me of your father in the way that you tell stories, you’re both so genuinely involved and invested in your listener. It makes the conversation so alive with intentionality, and I could listen to you both talk endlessly. I saw so much of you in him in that moment, and my heart was just bursting with love for all of us in that house. I loved the way he told me that after experiencing psychedelics, that fighting a war and killing people had lost all appeal.I soaked up every last bit of heartfelt truth that he shared with me, listening happily as he seemingly thought out loud, caught himself in a philosophical conundrum of sorts, and quickly made a witty joke to counter. It all felt so natural uncomplicated, like I could stay here and talk to these new family members for hours over a fire, and when you said it was time for us to go, my heart sank.I could have stayed in that moment forever, and I knew almost how much they all had missed you. I got big hugs from both Ma and Pa, feeling so honored to have finally met them and lighting up in a huge smile when she told us to “stay happy”.Your kindness and generous heart was a clear reflection of these two amazing souls, I felt it in my core, and knew before we even left that I would miss them.I was in love, not only with you but with this amazing family foundation you’ve been blessed with, the woods in which you became who you are now, the incredible energy surrounding this spot of ancient rainforest on the coast.

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