To Love, Honour and Oh Pay Ch. 04


Lizzie moved into William’s home the following week. Although nothing near the scale of Cranworth House, William’s beautiful five-bedroom farmhouse was much grander than any house she had previously lived in. Furthermore, it was only a couple of miles away from her own home, so she remained very conveniently located for work, family and friends. Lizzie was to rent out her house, fully furnished, meaning that she only brought a limited number of her personal possessions with her to William’s house.

‘I think that’s the lot,’ stated William, having shifted the final box from her car. Lizzie looked up at him from her position, seated at the large, scrubbed pine table in the kitchen, the defined muscles in his forearms sending a shiver across her body. He grabbed a pint of cold water and dropped into a seat beside her, downing his drink in one.

‘Thanks,’ she said with a smile. ‘Have Jeeves and Wooster left for the day?’

William stared across at her, his head cocked slightly to one side as though sizing up what his response should be. He was already aware that having house staff wasn’t “normal” and didn’t need Lizzie to draw specific attention to the fact.

‘Don’t take the piss,’ he said lightly. ‘Their names are Michael and Sally, as well you know. Having them here just means I can dedicate more of my time to work.’

‘Speaking of which…’ smiled Lizzie, reaching into her bag and passing an envelope across to William. ‘I’ve amended our contract.’

With a smirk, he took the document and skim read it.

‘So, I can kiss you on the mouth at my leisure now, can I?’ he confirmed.

‘Only when circumstances demand it,’ retorted Lizzie immediately.

‘Don’t circumstances demand it now?’ he teased, locking eyes with her.

‘I don’t see how they would,’ replied Lizzie, feeling a warm flush of desire creeping up her neck.

‘Can you not?’ he queried quietly.

‘Where shall I send the invoice?’ she asked cheekily, desperately trying to give as good as she was getting and break the spell he seemed to cast over her. Of course, she didn’t expect to be paid, but she needed the full spotlight of his raw sexuality to be directed elsewhere. She couldn’t prevent the edges of her mouth slowly rising when she caught sight of his outraged expression.

‘Seriously?’ he queried.

‘Of course not,’ she chuckled, finding great joy in winding him up.

‘I think you actually want me to punish you,’ he murmured, leaning towards her and sliding his index finger across her hand. ‘Perhaps we should just tear up the contract and see how long you survive, when you don’t have that protecting you.’

With a smile, Lizzie picked up a pen from the table and passed it across to William for his signature.

‘Dream on,’ she said with a smirk.


Despite the occasional hungry glance or teasing comment, William kept his distance from Lizzie, apparently taking heed of his uncle’s advice to not screw things up. Both William and Lizzie worked hard, putting in long days at the office, content to eat a homecooked meal and flop into bed exhausted, at the end of a long day. Despite initially taking the piss, Lizzie had to admit that Jeeves and Wooster, as she continued to refer to them as, were a Godsend at keeping the house running in their absence.

Repeating the routine they followed when staying at Cranworth House, they each gave each other a respectful amount of time and space when getting ready for bed. As a result, Lizzie had managed to live there for a week, without ever being in any kind of compromising or embarrassing situation. As the days slipped by, she found herself increasingly attracted to the divine William who, confusingly seemed to be keeping her very much at arm’s length. Gone were the flirty comments or passionate embraces, which only went to strengthen her belief that they had all been for show. But she couldn’t deny that living with one of the sexiest men she had ever met, being so close to him, and him never touching her, was hugely frustrating. She was slowly being driven out of her mind.

At the start of her second week living in William’s home, she was sat at the kitchen breakfast table one morning when the man himself entered the room. As with all other parts of their life, they had fallen into a comfortable routine whereby they would sit and enjoy a quiet breakfast each morning, before making their separate ways to their respective jobs.

‘I anticipate being away for a couple of nights,’ said William as he buttered his toast. ‘Will you be okay here on your own?’ Lizzie looked up from the newspaper she’d been reading, sat back and sipped her coffee meditatively.

‘Where will you be?’ she queried.

‘Working,’ he replied elusively. Lizzie’s job had trained her to smell a lie at a hundred paces and she knew she’d just been told one. Furthermore, she didn’t need to press him any further to know exactly where he was planning to go and that it involved a certain actress.

‘Fine,’ she said sharply. sex izle ‘I’ll see you when I see you.’ Rising from the table, she got ready for work and left the house shortly afterwards, without seeing William again.


Lizzie’s day had not gone well. Work had been unusually tedious, any progress being heavily hampered by administrative duties which always caused her annoyance. By the time she returned home to an empty house, her annoyance at William had turned into righteous anger; how dare he carry on as before, whilst she was contracted not to stray. The only positive thing on the horizon was the delicious smell of Shepherd’s Pie from the oven, thanks to Jeeves. Or Wooster.

Walking around the house and turning on lights in empty rooms provided a stark reminder that she would be spending the night alone. Meanwhile, her supposed fiancé would be goodness knows where, doing goodness knows what…or whom. And all the time, a continuous ache pounded in her abdomen. A mounting sexual frustration; the physical urgency to orgasm. Trying to block William and her sexual frustrations out of her mind (they did seem to go hand in hand), Lizzie ran a deep, hot bubble bath and followed it up with dinner, several glasses of red wine and one of her favourite films.

Later that evening, she got dressed for bed, making the most of William’s absence by wearing a sexy black camisole, rather than the standard pyjamas she’d recently been wearing for his benefit. Laying alone in their bed, restlessly re-positioning herself and failing to drop off to sleep, her sense of sexual frustration reached critical levels. Lizzie knew she must take matters into her own hands.

The room was dimly lit with moonlight, pale strips of which shimmered across her body. She pushed her silk camisole over her breasts to expose her body, admiring the light and shadow that caressed her smooth skin. At first, she delicately brushed her breasts with her hands, occasionally squeezing a nipple between thumb and forefinger to heighten her arousal. Although she didn’t want him to, William kept returning to her mind as she touched herself and in the end, rather than fighting it, she simply allowed him to remain.

As her hands travelled further down her body to caress her hips, she sighed quietly. Again she fought it, but the moment she allowed herself to imagine they were William’s hands, Lizzie’s desire ramped up as she felt an insistent pulse tear through her pussy. Opening her legs, she trailed her hands down the inside of her thighs, teasing, tickling, building the heat. She could feel her arousal increasing and so slid the pad of one finger up her wet channel to the base of her clit. As she did so, her brain replaced it with the image of William’s tongue and she unexpectedly moaned out loud.

Avoiding touching her clit to ensure she took her time, Lizzie slipped her fingers over her swollen lips, before finally sliding a single finger inside herself. Allowing the knuckles of her hand to nudge against her clit, she built up the momentum, occasionally holding onto her breath as she moved closer and closer to climax. Sensing her impending release, Lizzie’s hand naturally quickened the pace and she groaned long and low in preparation. As she ascended towards the very peak of her pleasure and heat started to flood to her pussy, the door suddenly opened and light flooded the room.

‘Don’t mind me,’ said William, strolling towards her with a knowing look on his face.

‘Jesus!’ gasped Lizzie, immediately removing her hands from her body and pulling down her camisole, her face flushing a deep red. Emptying his pockets onto the dresser, he pulled off his jacket and tie and replaced them with a soft jumper, before turning to observe her carefully, much like a predator stalking its prey.

‘I thought you were away working tonight,’ she stuttered, pulling the duvet over herself.

‘Obviously,’ he said pointedly with a swift grin.

‘Hey,’ complained Lizzie, the heat starting to rise in her face from anger now. ‘I don’t know what the fuck you expect, but I do have basic needs you know.’

‘Excuse me?’ he said with a smirk.

‘This is just a big fucking joke to you, isn’t it?’ accused Lizzie, her voice starting to gain volume. ‘You’re off doing God only knows what, whilst I’m stuck here, contracted not to sleep around and getting as frustrated as hell!’

‘Is that why you’ve been increasingly bad tempered?’ asked William seriously, realisation suddenly dawning on him. ‘You’re feeling horny?’ Refusing to answer him, the silence between them began to grow whilst the air sizzled with unvoiced emotions. Eventually, he spoke.

‘I can help you,’ he said with a hard, sexy glare, his eyes like pools of molten tar.

‘Help me?’ questioned Lizzie, her pulse quickening.

‘With your…basic needs?’ As Lizzie continued to look dumfounded, he elaborated. ‘I can screw you… fuck you… blow your mind with the pleasure I’m capable of bringing down on you,’ alt yazılı porno he murmured, the very thought of it causing his mouth to unconsciously lift into a smile.

‘Go to hell!’ exclaimed Lizzie. Throwing the bedcovers off, she stalked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her. How dare he treat her like this and worse, find it so amusing. How dare he consider that she’d leap at the chance to sleep with him. She was only in this ridiculous mess because of his stupid contract!

Lizzie took her time in the bathroom, washing her face with cool water and taking deep breaths to disperse her anger. When she finally returned to the bedroom, it was empty. Dropping down into bed, she snuggled against the soft pillow and made herself comfortable. Refusing to give William the satisfaction of walking in on her again, she refused to touch herself. Eventually she drifted into a disturbed slumber filled with restless, wildly frustrated dreams.


Lizzie had eventually managed to fall into a deep sleep, which made the fact that she was waking now, in the middle of the night, all the more annoying. It was as though her subconscious mind was trying to warn her something was wrong, whilst her body simply wanted to continue resting. Only when she tried to reposition herself to get comfortable and go back to sleep did she realise that something was seriously wrong. Her arms were stretched unnaturally high above her head and they seemed to be trapped there. Snapping her eyes open, she became aware that she’d been blindfolded…and her hands bound. Lizzie immediately yelped.

‘Shhhh,’ came the calm reply to her cries of help.

‘William? Is that you? What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!’ she demanded.

‘I told you, I want to help you,’ he explained. Gently, he stroked his fingers across her raised forearm. She tried to flinch away from his touch without success.

‘The fuck you do!’ she shouted. ‘Let me go!’

‘Not a chance.’

‘I’ll scream,’ Lizzie threatened.

‘Then I’ll have to gag you,’ replied William calmly.

‘I don’t want this,’ she said, struggling ineffectively against her bindings.

‘Perhaps not,’ he agreed. ‘But you do need it. You need to come, don’t you Lizzie?’

‘Not with you,’ she argued, although she could slowly feel the fight leaving her as dopamine began to flood her brain.

‘Well, there’s one thing I won’t do,’ explained William. ‘And that’s force you.’


‘No,’ he confirmed, kneeling down beside her head and gently stroking the hair away from her face. Picking up on Lizzie’s swift inhale, he continued to play with her hair, knowing it gave her pleasure and enjoying watching the relaxing effects of his actions. ‘I have too much respect for you to ever force you into anything,’ he reiterated. ‘The only way I’ll take any action that breaks our contract is if you’re begging me.’

‘Fine,’ agreed Lizzie, firmly crossing her ankles. ‘That’s not going to happen.’

‘You’re so stubborn,’ smiled William, stroking gently across her face. ‘But fortunately for you, I’m an incredibly patient lover.’

‘You are?’ she asked, inhaling swiftly.

‘Yeah, I am. Not like your ex, huh? He never quite hit the spot, did he?’

‘Perhaps once or twice, maybe…’

‘No, I can tell, just from meeting him. He’s not capable of giving you the kind of release you so desperately crave.’

‘And what kind is that?’ breathed Lizzie, titling her head slightly, to allow William’s gently stroking fingers to move round and access her delicate neck.

‘The kind that comes from having firstly been nurtured.’

‘And then what?’ she groaned as his hands stroked gently across her chest.

‘And then teased to the very edge of your endurance,’ he replied softly. He couldn’t help but smile at Lizzie’s slight whimper. ‘I would make you ache with longing before I eventually showed you any hint of mercy.’

‘And then?’ she croaked, as his lips softly kissed along the inside edge of her raised arm, his day-old stubble making her flinch with desire.

‘I’m not sure you’re going to want to hear this, but I’d have thought the final stage was obvious,’ he smiled.

‘Not to me…’

‘And then dominated,’ he said simply. This time, Lizzie didn’t try to conceal her moan, as blood rocketed to her core in direct reaction to his words. She realised with a powerful thrill that this man already had her needs figured out. ‘So?’ he asked, his fingers now circling her sensitive palms encouraging her pussy lips to swell with every teasing touch. ‘Shall I continue to pleasure you?’

‘Not sure,’ she sighed, not wanting to betray herself by letting him know how much effect he was already having on her.

‘I’ll take that as a yes, unless I’m told otherwise,’ he chuckled. ‘Besides, there’s quite a lot I’m permitted to do now, under the terms of our revised contract.’

‘I thought you said we should tear the contract up.’

‘That would be even better,’ altyazılı sex izle he grinned.


William hadn’t lied when he’d described himself as a patient lover. Being blindfolded, Lizzie had little concept of time, but she knew a lot of it had passed. Since he’d entered the room, he’d stroked and soothed her initially tense body, forcing her muscles to relax. Occasionally his knowing touch had nudged at her sexual desire, teasing her sensitive feet and neck which sent shockwaves of pleasure directly into her brain, before returning to a relaxing massage once more. Lizzie had abandoned all pretence that this scenario wasn’t turning her on by the end, moaning loudly with his more suggestive touches, caring less and less that her body was protected only by a short, black camisole which just covered her upper thighs. As a result, by the time he had finished, she was feeling a strange combination of spaced-out, whilst bubbling over with her arousal.

‘I’m going to kiss you from your toes upwards now,’ murmured William, having broken the long silence that had built between them. ‘Just say “stop” if you really want me to stop and I’ll untie you straight away and leave the room.’

Dropping to her feet, he gently stroked his moistened thumb up her instep whilst taking her little toe into his mouth. The surprising sensation made her gasp; a reaction which increased tenfold when his clearly talented tongue began to slide between each of her toes in turn.

‘William!’ gasped Lizzie. Her body was in no doubts as to his intentions at this stage and had started to prepare itself; a dull, steady throb pumped blood direct to her pussy, whilst her limbs and mouth started to tremble.

‘Mmmm,’ he groaned pleasurably, sliding his tongue along the base of her foot. When he gently dragged his teeth along her heel, Lizzie’s resulting moan gave him all the feedback he required to continue. Further encouragement was provided by Lizzie finally uncrossing her ankles. With all the lights so far very clearly green, William’s mouth began to make its teasing way across her ankles, up to her knees and then onwards to the soft skin of her inner thigh. With each caress of his tongue or brush of his stubble, she found herself inching her legs slightly wider open, giving him permission to continue with his slow, delicious torture.

By the time William was hovering over her core, Lizzie’s legs were wide open and her swollen pussy was fully exposed. She could feel his warm breath bouncing across her wanting clit as she fought against the restraints which controlled her movements. The scent of her arousal was now fully in the air and she heard William inhale deeply, growling quietly with his outward breath.

‘You are astonishingly sexy,’ he murmured, starting to roll her camisole up over her waist and abdomen to reveal her warm, rounded breasts. Then, failing to touch her pussy, which was almost screaming for his undivided attention, he migrated further up her body to tend to her jutting hips and flat stomach.

‘Noooo,’ breathed Lizzie in disappointment as he failed to deliver the relief she so desperately craved.

‘You need me to stop?’ he smiled, moving up to the underside of her breasts, avoiding her hard, taut nipples which begged to be taken into his warm mouth and given their reprieve.

‘No! Please don’t stop!’ she gasped, suddenly twisting her body to try and align herself with where she guessed his mouth would be. ‘Please touch me.’

‘You say that,’ teased William, breathing over her nipple before apparently changing his mind and kissing along her chest to her shoulder. ‘But if I immediately did as you demand, as I’m sure your other partners have before, there would be a small part of you that was disappointed. Wouldn’t there?’ he pushed, when Lizzie didn’t answer.

‘Maybe,’ she gasped as he lay beside her and softly kissed her face. With his body now pressed against her side, she could feel his rock-hard erection against her thigh, through his trousers. Knowing he wanted her too sent a shiver of blissful anticipation across her aching body.

‘Without a doubt,’ he argued. ‘There’s a fine line, isn’t there? Between giving you what you want and giving you what you need.’

‘I want and I need you to fuck me,’ she pleaded breathily.

‘I intend to,’ he replied confidently. ‘Just not yet. Turn over.’

Lizzie found herself groaning with frustration as he assisted her in rolling onto her front, whilst her hands remained bound above her. Following the unexpected drizzle of warm oil across her back, William commenced a long, teasing massage which gave the impression of what was to follow without ever coming close to delivering it. His long, slippery fingers possessed her body, grazing the side of her breasts and delving their way between her now wide open legs, yet never impacting the wet pool that had started to flow onto the bedsheets below.

‘Fucking well touch me,’ Lizzie groaned for the fifth time, her hips rolling in frustration as his fingers slipped mere millimetres away from her throbbing pussy.

‘Is this you begging?’ he grinned. ‘Because you suck at it.’

‘I beg you to touch me, please,’ she implored, her body pulsing with desire. ‘Please, please touch me.’

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