Night Daddy Ch. 03

Alt Babe

“No!” Zoey exclaimed in horror, hugging one of Jezebel’s pillows.

Meanwhile, Jezebel was steadily nodding with a huge grin on her face. “Oh, that’s not the end. Then she did the same thing with the pasta and the sauce.” Seeming to get all the more excited the more Zoey cringed, Jezebel continued to make a show of the story. “And then she ate it.”

Zoey shut her eyes in disgust. “Jez, that is so not right on so many levels!”

“You think you’re grossed out, you should have seen Erik. I can guaran-damn-tee you he will never again brag about being into some ‘kinky shit’ and if he ever does to you, call your girl. I’ll set him right again.” Jezebel stated proudly.

Zoey chuckled to herself. “I wish you’d have recorded him.”

Jezebel smirked. “I was tempted, but I didn’t want him to know something was up.” The two girls giggled together, trading stories back and forth as Jezebel glanced at the clock. “You spending tonight over too?”

Zoey sighed. “Yeah…as long as that’s cool with you.”

Jezebel gave Zoey a look, punching her in the shoulder. “Don’t be stupid. I already said you can stay as long as you want.”

“Yeah, but I feel like…I dunno. I’m keeping you from guys or something.” Zoey shrugged.

Jezebel rolled her eyes. “Psh! Like I let guys come over here. They get too fucking clingy when they know where you live. Those are words to live by. Trust me on that.”

Both girls jumped as there was a knock at the door. Zoey then gave Jezebel a bemused grin.

“Oh, that’s not a guy.” Jezebel grinned back. “That’s our ice cream delivery.”

Zoey chuckled. “You can’t have ice cream delivered.”

Jezebel stood up, patting Zoey’s head. “So young. So much to learn. Everything can be delivered.” Almost skipping, Jezebel made her way to the door, eagerly opening it. Zoey knew who was at the door just from how much Jezebel had to crane her head to see his face.

“Oh! H-hi…Mr. Hughes…” Jezebel muttered, fidgeting with her fingers behind her back and restlessly shifting her weight.

“Hello, Harley.” Calvin’s warm voice boomed through the silence. “Sorry to intrude. I got your address from your mother. I was hoping you’d seen-,” His voice broke as he could see Zoey over Jezebel’s shoulder. “Would you…mind if I talked to my daughter?”

“Daughter…?” Jezebel sighed, distractedly. Unfortunately for any chance she had of focusing, her eye level as at Calvin’s chest, which was clearly on display due to the tightness of his white T-shirt.

“Yes…” Calvin smiled softly. “She’s right behind you.”

“There’s someone behind me?” Jezebel replied, forcing her gaze back up to his face only to get lost there too. “You have really pretty eyes…”

Calvin chuckled gently. “Thank you, Harley. You too.”

“Dammit, Daddy!” Zoey stood up in a huff. “Stop seducing my friend!”

His height allowing him to clearly see over Jezebel’s head, Calvin was able to give Zoey a befuddled expression directly. “Seducing? I’m doing no such thing.”

“Ya kinda are…” Jezebel said in a dreamy voice. “Did you just get off from work?”

“I did.” Calvin answered curiously. Of course, it was pretty clear he either had just gotten off of work or it had been drizzling outside just enough to make Calvin’s skin have enough sheen to it that the light reflected off of his arms only enhancing his musculature. He looked like he was about to pose for a calendar or something.

Zoey sighed in defeat. “Fine Daddy. I’ll come home.”

“I can go instead…” Jezebel sighed.

“That’s okay, Jez.” Zoey chuckled softly, patting her friend’s back, drawing her attention away. “Thanks for everything. See you tomorrow. Enjoy the ice cream.”

“Ice cream?” Jezebel questioned before shaking it off a bit and remembering what she’d said no less than ten minutes ago. “Right, right. You sure you’re okay?”

Zoey smiled, giving Jezebel a hug before getting her bags. “I’m fine. Thanks again.” She couldn’t blame Jezebel for getting so distracted by her father. Her own view of him was partially obstructed by Jezebel, and Calvin still looked mouthwatering. It was unfair that someone could make jeans and a t-shirt look that good.

There was an awkward silence as the door clicked closed, leaving Zoey and Calvin alone in the hallway. It was only broken by Jezebel’s words to herself carrying through the door. “Pretty eyes? What the Hell was that pelvic sorcery?”

Zoey turned to Calvin and blew her hair from her face. “Daddy…you are too old to not know the effect you have on people.”

Calvin smirked slightly back. “Maybe I’m a little more aware of it than I let on.” His gaze drifted down to Zoey’s outfit. “That skirt is a little…short, isn’t it?”

“It’s Jezebel’s.” Zoey answered curtly. It was actually pretty short. The denim skirt ruffled out but only came about halfway down her thigh. Her blue tank top was a little on the tight side as well and was also Jezebel’s. Zoey glared at Calvin after bursa escort the comment. “I like it.”

Calvin cleared his throat and walked beside Zoey in silence until they reached the elevator and had to wait for it. “Zoey…”

“I’m sorry I called you Calvin like that.” Zoey muttered, pressing the elevator button again, despite the pointlessness of the action. “I was really angry and while you did deserve it, it was still disrespectful.”

After the way Zoey reacted to his previous comment about her skirt, Calvin was clearly thinking before he spoke. “Apology accepted. I’m sorry for-“

“Don’t apologize for something you’re not actually sorry for.” Zoey interrupted as the door opened.

“I could have handled it better.” Calvin sighed.

“Oh? You mean not making me seem like a twisted freak and then following that up with tricking me and then following that up with lying to my face? Yeah. That would have been nice.” Zoey said coldly, very glad that they had different vehicles as she headed towards her mother’s car, seeing the SUV right next to it. Her father knew she was there before he even entered the complex.

Calvin sighed as Zoey drove off before he’d barely gotten into his vehicle. “Well…this is going to be a fun chat…”

The drive home had a heavy feeling of dread in the air. It simultaneously took forever and not long enough. But eventually, Zoey pulled into her driveway knowing her father was right behind her. It was like being trailed by a cop. He could have passed her but he stayed behind her the whole trip.

Once they got inside, Zoey tossed her bag into her room, just to hear her father call her again. With an indignant huff, she went to the living room where he waited for her.

“Please.” Calvin motioned to the couch in the living room.

Zoey walked past him and sat on the opposite couch to the one he pointed to. Yeah, it was petulant and immature but she didn’t care.

Calvin sighed deeply and sat across from her. “Zoey…what do you want from me?”

“Nothing…” Zoey muttered. Before Calvin could protest, she continued, “You said it was nothing. Like…my feelings for you…and your feelings for me are nothing. And don’t you dare tell me that you don’t have feelings for me because I was there when you kissed me! That wasn’t nothing! It wasn’t!”

Calvin sighed again. You could see the conflict in his eyes before he suddenly threw up his arms in surrender. “Fuck it. Fine. You want to know the truth? I’m attracted to you, okay? I’m extremely attracted to you. I’m legitimately frustrated that we have to have this conversation while you’re in that short ass skirt because it’s really hard to focus on what I have to say when I want to rip it off and fuck the shit out of you.”

Zoey blinked, taking in the new information as well as playing out that particular scenario in her head. She clearly needed to dress in Jezebel’s clothes more often. “Then…why were you-?”

“Because it doesn’t matter, Sweetheart.” Calvin groaned. “How I feel about you doesn’t matter. When it comes down to it, you’re still my daughter and I’m still married. We can’t act on it. You understand that, right?”

Zoey suddenly stood up and sat down next to her father. “Daddy…I understand what you’re saying and…I’ll respect that if I have to…but…Mom won’t be back until tomorrow… Can’t we just…forget about all that for now and just…be together? Just for tonight? I’ll be a good girl after. Mom will never know.”

“She’ll know, Zoey. Trust me.” Calvin reached over, running his fingers through Zoey’s hair. “That’s why I was trying so hard to not let you know. It’s going to be so much harder now. If you thought it was one-sided…”

“I’d rather know the truth, Daddy…” Zoey protested, while simultaneously nuzzling against Calvin’s hand. And then it struck her like an evil lightning bolt. It almost made a shiver go through her. As soon as the thought passed her mind it was clear that Jezebel was having a bad influence on her but when it came down to it, she was desperate. This was it. She had to strike while the feelings were still out in the open and raw. So, she continued, “It’s not fair…”

Calvin smiled softly and gave Zoey a kiss on the cheek. “Things aren’t always fair, baby…”

“Yeah, but…” Zoey started resting her head on Calvin’s shoulder. “Daddy…I gave myself to you…and you took me…for hours…just…hours of you having your way with my body over and over…in every possible way…making me moan and cum and swallow and… I made you cum so many times and…and you don’t even remember it…”

Calvin’s eyes bulged as Zoey got more and more descriptive, letting out an odd noise as he cleared his throat. “Yeah…well…that’s how it works out, Sweetheart.”

“I wish I could make you feel good, Daddy…” Zoey nuzzled against Calvin again, once more noting the very noticeable bulge in his pants.

“Yeah…Daddy wishes that too.” Calvin muttered, bursa eskort mostly to himself.

It was like a drug. Zoey licked her lips as she could actually hear how badly he wanted her. Every frustrated groan, every throb from his pants was giving her strength to do what she had to do. “Really, Daddy? You wish I could make you feel good…while you were awake for it?”

Calvin groaned, “Of course I do, Zoey. It was never a problem with me not wanting that, it was-” His words were cut off as he noticed Zoey’s head was now remarkably close to his crotch. “Zoey, what are you doing?”

“I’m just looking at it, Daddy.” Zoey reassured, her lips now close enough that he could feel the heat of her breath even through the denim. “It made me feel so good.”

Calvin took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest and it being very clear where the blood was going. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself but you really shouldn’t be that close, Sweetheart.”

“It’s so hard.” Zoey purred, visibly licking her lips this time. “Does it hurt?”

“I know what you’re trying to do, Zoey…” Calvin warned.

Zoey grinned, taking her father’s zipper between her teeth and pulling it down. He’d been so hard that that was all it took for his cock to spring out of his pants and his boxers, almost hitting her in the face. “Oops…” She squeaked.

“That was not an accident.” Calvin growled, despite the fact that his dick was clearly happy to be free.

Zoey slowly ran her tongue up the shaft, relishing with each throb and pulse against the simple action. “Oops again…”

“Zoey…you need to stop.” Calvin’s voice boomed.

“I know. I know…” Zoey whined, the desperation clear in her voice as she licked the tip, tasting the precum on her tongue. “I can’t help myself. You taste so good, Daddy…”

Calvin gripped Zoey’s hair to pull her off, but the moment he got a grip on her, Zoey’s tongue swirled around the tip of his cock and it disappeared in her mouth. The sudden warmth and suction caused Calvin to shudder in pleasure and momentarily forget the initial reason he grabbed her as her head began to bob up and down in his lap, engulfing more and more of his manhood. “Ooooh fuck…Zoey…Zoey, you don’t…understand… This is a really bad idea…”

“Then why does it feel so good, Daddy? It does feel good, doesn’t it?” As if to answer the question for him, Zoey continued to take more of him, loving his loud groan as she finally reached the bottom.

“Oh my God!” Calvin moaned as his cock throbbed deep in her throat. “It doesn’t matter how good it feels…you need to stop, baby…”

Zoey chuckled slightly but other than that, continued her long, slow movements, taking full advantage of the fact that she could fully enjoy it this time without the fear of asphyxiation. “Daddy…I’m a 108-pound girl…I think if you really wanted me off your dick, then you’d have moved me by now.”

“Zoey! Language!” Calvin scolded out of habit.

This actually made Zoey stop for a second. “Really, Daddy? I’m sucking your cock and you want me to use Disney words?”

“You need to stop it altogether, Zoey…” Calvin sighed, the fact that his cock was throbbing against Zoey’s open lips was not helping.

“I already started.” Zoey pointed out, giving his cock a soft kiss. “Don’t you always tell me to finish what I start? As soon as you cum, I’ll put it right back where I found it. Please, Daddy…Pretty please?”

“Godammit, Zoey…” Calvin groaned.

“Thank you, Daddy! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Zoey squealed, eagerly forcing his cock down her throat once more.

“Zoey! That wasn’t a-…oh…ffff…fuck it. Slow down, Sweetheart. Take your time.”

Zoey giggled in victory, knowing Jez would be proud, slowing her pace and adding a twist to each bob of her head. Her father guided her movements with his grip on her hair. “Am I doing a good job, Daddy?”

“You’re doing great, baby girl…” Calvin groaned. His body shuddered violently as Zoey’s lips and tongue continued to service him. “You’re going to make Daddy cum if you keep that up.”

Zoey moaned loudly, sending vibrations through her father’s shaft. She looked up, eager to see the signs of his incoming orgasm on his face, only to see an odd smile. “What are you thinking about, Daddy?”

“Um…” Calvin’s face turned a bit red, showing that his blood could multitask. “I have a confession to make.”

Zoey moaned again, narrowing her eyes as she looked for any indication of what this confession could be. “Go on…”

Calvin grinned down at Zoey, thinking about how to phrase it. “Well…it’s just…you aren’t the only one who lives in this house who calls me Daddy.”

Zoey gagged slightly on Calvin’s cock in surprise, pulling it from her throat but still slowly stroking the length of his dick with her hand. “THAT BITCH!”

“Zoey…that is still your mother.” Calvin said sternly.

“I don’t care! You’re my Daddy! She already escort bursa gets to fuck you more than me and actually be married to you. She can call you anything else she wants but ‘Daddy’ is mine!” Zoey fumed.

“Sorry Sweety. She has dibs. She just doesn’t do it around you.” Calvin softly chuckled.

“How…does she have dibs?” Zoey asked, her eye almost twitching in irritation.

“She’s been calling that longer than you have. And…well…I like it, so I’m not going to tell her to stop.” Calvin affectionately pet Zoey’s head to calm her.

Zoey was almost even more frustrated by how damn effective that simple gesture was. “Do you…like it when I call you that?”

“Of course I do, Sweetheart. You’re my little girl. It just…means something different when you say it.”

Zoey gave Calvin a piercing gaze, licking the top of his cock again. “No. It doesn’t.”

Calvin made another odd sound as he cleared his throat. “If that’s true, you’re a very naughty girl.”

“So, if Daddy thinks his little girl is so naughty, then he should do something about her naughty little mouth.” Zoey challenged with a grin.

“Very well.” Calvin stated as he spread his legs and pointed to the floor in front of him. Zoey giggled and followed the instructions, getting off the couch and kneeling where he pointed with her mouth wide open.

Zoey’s father smiled widely, gripping two fistfuls of Zoey’s hair and thrusting his cock down her throat. His pace remained slow and deep, sliding all the way down and then all the way out. “Use your tongue, baby…”

Zoey eagerly nodded. “Yes, Daddy.” At his instructions, she swirled her tongue around his cock, massaging it all the more with each pump of his hips. She moved her head with his thrusts, lovingly milking his cock, urging him further towards his inevitable release. Every pulse of his dick sent a jolt of sexual electricity to her very core and soon she probably wanted him to cum more desperately than he did.

Zoey’s excitement rose as Calvin began to twitch and shudder in waves of pleasure, indicating how close he was. He allowed her to be more eager about her pace now, going steadily faster and faster until he finally groaned out, “Fuck, Zoey! I’m gonna cum!”

“Yes, Daddy!” Zoey squealed. “Cum in my mouth! I want to taste you so bad!” Her enthusiasm was almost infectious as Calvin finally gave her what she’d been unable to get the other night, groaning as his cock released his warm load into her mouth. She moaned just as much as he did as she tasted his cum on her tongue, happily swallowing it.

Calvin panted and shuddered as Zoey continued to suck him off, using her hands for the first time, stroking every last drop out of him. “Did I do a good job?” She looked up, expectantly.

Calvin smiled warmly, gently caressing Zoey’s cheek. “That was amazing, Sweetheart. You have no idea…”

Zoey bit her bottom lip, fidgeting slightly. “Wanna see something, Daddy?”

“Sure baby…” Calvin sighed with a contented groan.

Zoey grinned wickedly as she quickly pulled her panties down and by the time her father realized what she was doing, she was already spread eagle on top of the coffee table.

“Zoey…” Calvin almost winced as he had no more control over his gaze than a leaf’s control over a hurricane. “…what are you doing…?”

“I told you. I wanted to show you something.” Zoey couldn’t help but to blush profusely despite the boldness of her actions. Night Daddy just acted and all she could do was react back, but now her father was looking right between her legs at her pussy as she spread her lower lips for him. “I wasn’t even touching myself… You saw me…and still… Look how wet I got just sucking your dick, Daddy.”

Calvin visibly gulped and despite his recent orgasm, his cock clearly liked what he was looking at. “Yes, Sweety… I can see how wet you are…”

Zoey nodded, demonstrating further as she let a finger move up and down her slit, easily coating it in her wetness. “Don’t worry. I’ll be good and go in my room to take care if it…all alone… I just…wanted you to see what you do to me…”

Calvin slowly nodded, feeling almost hypnotized by view. He was taking in every detail, every fold, every hair, despite there being very little of the latter with just a small triangle of Zoey’s red hair leading him right back down to the forbidden land.

“Daddy?” Zoey asked, both enthralled and extremely self-conscious of the attention. “That is…unless…you…want to know what it feels like?”

“I want to know what it tastes like.” Calvin growled out, hungrily.

Zoey’s eyes shot wide in both shock and a sudden, violent, primal lust. That was definitely one thing Night Daddy did not do. All thought process and planning not only went out the window but it did so with a jetpack. “Oh Daddy…” She moaned, spreading wide for him again. “You should do that… You should find out…if…if you’re really that…curious and all…” Zoey pulled the finger from her slit and held it up for him.

Calvin couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t turn down that invitation, moving forward and sucking the offered finger, moaning softly as the tart flavor hit his tongue.

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