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I slept late the next morning, and on waking saw Joan looking at me. “Good morning lover,” she said, smiling. “Sleep well?” She didn’t need a reply, I just kissed her and melted into her arms.

We kissed again and again, long kisses with dueling tongues as we held each other tight, tits pressing into each others, and legs between each others pressing into our pussy’s. Her hand wandered down my back to caress my bum, her fingers pushing my pussy closer as she pressed her thigh into it. How I loved the attention, so unhurried, willing to share our love with each other, the give and take of pure womanly love.

She kind of forced me onto my back (not that I minded!) as she began making love to me, her fingers and mouth doing a number on my tits making my body come alive in response to her loving. She moved down to lick and kiss my tummy as her fingers found my well of happiness, so I opened my legs wide to accommodate her searching hand. I moaned with pleasure as she swiveled herself on top of me to bring her pussy in contact with mine. Then she began humping me.

It was beautiful, her tits now within reach as I gripped them in both hands to feel them, they were so big compared to mine I loved the feel of them. Her humping continued till I had my first climax, after which I locked my ankles behind her waist and straightened my legs to squeeze her waist making her stop humping for a moment, then threw them apart suddenly so she could continue. It added a little extra excitement to the most beautiful clit to clit humping we loved. Slowly at first and building up to that guaranteed climax we would both enjoy, so different from a man who would cum when it pleased him, who seldom could control himself with little thought of my needs.

I could seldom cum with a man, I would be enjoying the ride when he would suddenly stop as he squirted his cum into me, I would be on a high approaching the crest when suddenly I’d feel him stiffen, then go slack and pull out of me leaving me frustrated, to bring myself to orgasm in the time honored method. Joan never failed to please me that way, clit to clit with my woman for me was by far the best way to enjoy a fuck. She was such a sweet lover, after we would lie in each others arms stroking one another, smiling and seeing the joy in each others eyes.

Finally she stopped and lay beside me, smiling and breathing heavily from the exertion. Then, smiling she said again, “Good morning.” We lay happily together for a few minutes, and then Joan got out of bad and went and made coffee. Once it was ready she brought it to me and we sat up in bed discussing what we might do the rest of the day. I suggested a shower first to which she readily agreed.

It was wonderful as the hot water cascaded down over us. We soaped and washed each other, paying particular attention to each others’ pussy. Her tits were so beautiful it was indeed a pleasure to wash then, and she obviously loved bursa escort bayan washing mine as well. We took our sweet time enjoying one another till when we felt the water turn cool, then we got out and dried one another.

Afterwards I watched as she shaved herself down there, then dried off as best as I could. Wrapping a towel over my wet hair I went back into the bedroom where she had me lie on the bed.

Joan got out a small device that she used to warm some massage oil, and while it was heating she began by having me lie on my tummy to give me a massage. She had given me massages before so I knew how delightful they were. As she started with my shoulders, I loved how her fingers would poke and probe.

The hot oil added an exotic touch to her hands as they worked their way down over my back to my bum where she delighted in paying particular attention to my ass cheeks. I opened my legs and loved how she moved down one leg, then the other, finally ending with my feet. Turning me over onto my back she now started working her way back up the front of my legs. I had my legs wide open and she knelt between them to continue massaging me around my pussy.

I was getting highly aroused and wanted to cum, but she just danced around my pussy to do my tummy. She was taking her sweet time with all of this, and I loved it, even though in a way it was agonizing. She continued up and paid particular attention to my tits. How we both loved it! The hot oil on her hands making them very slippery so she’d grip them, one in each hand. Her hands would slide up so they were gripping my nipples for a moment before sliding off altogether. And then she would repeat this. It was so arousing I couldn’t help myself and had the most beautiful orgasm – just from the attention she was paying to my tits! I called out as it hit and saw the smile which showed she knew that the pleasure was surging through me.

We we were both quite hungry and went out for lunch. I of course wore my new birthday present, both for her benefit and for mine. The silk felt so cool and smooth against my skin. Not being used to a garter belt I was conscious of wearing it. It made me feel really sexy. (Later I was to learn that some girls referred to it as wearing a “harness,” which they did to please their lover.) Of course, Joan was used to wearing garters and stockings because she was of her generation.

After lunch we went for a drive and stopped for a quiet drink. Funny how I felt so self-conscious, as if people could see what I was wearing, and this added to the thrill of wearing stockings. But could people tell that Joan and I were not just two women going out to lunch. That we were lovers! That we had made passionate love that involved explosive orgasms? Did they even suspect? We returned to the motel and crashed for a couple of hours before getting ready for Joan to take me out to dinner.

It was quite the drive to a town bursa anal yapan escort near the Canadian border for a delightful seafood dinner. She was a lobster lover while I preferred the crab legs, and we both enjoyed lots of white wine. I was definitely getting hooked on the “good life”. Occasionally I would put a hand on my thigh to feel the garter strap through the material of my dress, knowing how sexy it made me feel.

After dinner she took me for a drive along the river and found a place where we could sit in the car and look out over the water. It was a clear cold night, and there were lots of stars. We also could see lights on the other side of the river on the Canadian side. Just sitting there, holding hands, felt wonderful. I would have loved to go paddle in the water because it looked so beautiful and calm in the moonlight.

She drove a different route back to our Motel, and we arrived around midnight. We both had that nice cozy feeling after a pleasant evening. Both were kind of tired, but didn’t want to go to bed. To help enjoy the moment Joan got some wine and poured us each a glass. Then she turned off most of the lights to give the room a romantic feeling.

She then went to the radio by the bed and found a station playing romantic music from the 60’s. Holding out her hand in an invitation to dance. It was wonderful, dancing cheek to cheek in the limited space of the room, where we could hold each other close. No fears about what others might think or say. I loved the smell of her perfume, and hoped I smelled as nice to her. She nibbled at my ear as our hands caressed each other, occasionally pressing our tummy’s into each other and our thighs prying the others’ legs apart. The music stopped for a commercial and we kissed. We unzipped each others dresses and stepped out of them. Then we sat for a moment to finish our wine.

We didn’t speak to one another. No words were needed. We just enjoyed each others’ silence until the music resumed. We got up to dance again, closer than before because we just had our bra’s and the silk of our panties between us. It was the tenderest, most romantic dance of my life. And holding her, just in her bra and panties, made me even more aware that I was dancing with a woman. A woman! My lover, my dance partner was another woman!

Our kisses became more urgent, tongues probing one another as we crushed our tits together. Feeling her tits against mine made me feel at once so naughty, and also so natural, like it was meant to be this way. Then I felt her hand inside my panties, her fingers lightly toying with my pubic hair. Not hard, not poking. Just letting me feel their presence. It was her way of saying, “I want your pussy, I love your pussy, your pussy is mine.”

The back of my legs hit the edge of the bed and the two of us tumbled onto it, still holding one another tight. Bras were undone and bursa rus escort dispensed with as her lips found my tits and her fingers slipped into my pussy. I held her head tightly against my tits, rolling onto my back as Joan had her way with me. She listening to my building moans till a cry announced my first climax. She nudged my panties down past my knees as she licked her way down to my belly button, stopping to nuzzle it. She moved around on her knees continuing to lick my tummy until I felt her tongue at my slit. Now I could reach her hips to push her panties down as she lay over me to better place her face between my legs.

I could smell her sex before I kissed it. Joan was wet and ripe. With my hands around her hips I pulled her pussy to my lips to taste her juices. She let me do this for a moment before shifting again to place her hands under my thighs. This brought my legs up as she pressed her tongue deep into my cunny, licking and sucking my clit till with a cry I had a gigantic orgasm. I gripped her head tightly between my thighs until the pleasure subsided. Then relaxing, we rolled onto our side to permit me to return the favor of pleasuring her pussy. Again so different from doing it with a man as we could take turns pleasing one another, to be multi orgasmic is a gift only women can enjoy without interruption

With my head on her thigh I began kissing and licking her nether lips, pushing her further onto her back as I did so. Now I was on top of her with my face between her legs, the smoothness of her nylons brushing my cheeks. I lifted her legs straight up for a moment as I wrapped my arms around her hips and proceeded to make love to her pussy with my tongue. Her cries of delight was music to my ears and I felt her buck under me. As her orgasm hit she did to me what I’d done to her – trapped my head between her thighs. I waited, feeling her convulsions slowly subside.

Now she opened her legs and collapsed onto the bed. Panting for breath, she waited until she felt me move. She turned around to take me in her arms and we kissed, tasting our own juices on each others face. The dim lights were still flickering, casting shadows around, the music from the radio still playing. But we just kissed and held each other. Two lovers who didn’t want to move.

We made love again in the morning. Then we had a leisurely bath together that was sensual but not really sexual, because we were both sexually content. In fact, more than content. I packed my birthday present away and put my pantyhose back on in preparation for leaving. We had a late lunch and then Joan took me to a bar for a few drinks, neither of us wanted the weekend to end. But the inevitable was coming. We had dinner together around 5 pm and then she drove me back to my residence. She had to leave because she had over a three hour drive to get home.

Fortunately my roommate was out with her boyfriend, so I was pleased to have the room to myself. I knew Chad would be wanting to see me. But, honestly, I didn’t feel like it. He couldn’t kiss like Joan, he couldn’t dance like Joan, he wasn’t romantic like Joan. And he certainly couldn’t make love like Joan. And I didn’t feel the same way about him. Instead I decided to have an early night, and went to bed.

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