Happy Camper Ch. 03

I admit I had been a little concerned when she slowed down to let me catch up with me, but she did so only to remark to me how enjoyable the squishy feeling she had between her legs and that she thought she should go to bed without washing up, but she showed enough awareness of the situation when she sped up as we neared the lighted areas of the camp so that we didn’t arrive at the same time.

That was cold comfort for me, however, when it came time for me to sleep. I spent much of the night tossing and turning, wondering what I would do if she ended up being pregnant by me.

I can’t say I woke up in a good mood the next day. But I had decided not to coop myself up in my cabin today, so I went to breakfast with the campers and tried to avoid Xiaowei as much as possible. She wasn’t to be seen, anyway, which was both a bit of a relief and worry for me. What was the little imp planning next?

I didn’t have to wait too long to see her. After breakfast, I went round to the bunks because there had been a complaint about a leaking pipe. As I squatted next to one of the suspect pipes, she suddenly appeared beside me, her large tee hiked up to her waist with her right hand. She was supposed to be taking part in a scavenger hunt, so I wondered what it was she was doing here.

She bent forward, seeming to be looking for something in the flowerbed next to me. Then she stood up and waved at her group. I looked up at her and suddenly noticed that she was giving me a good view of her side pube… because she was wearing a pair of white cotton shorts, I could see the bare side of her mound, along with a few strands of her pubic hair. It looked like she wasn’t wearing panties! She confirmed it for me by turning and bending all the way down to touch the ground, giving me a good view of her bare buttocks, and the sweetly pursed lips of her vulva between them. After a few seconds of this, she stood up and dropped her hand from her hip, turned to me and smiled. “Like the view?” She giggled before running off to join her group.

I shook my head, grinning at her retreating form. My god, this girl was too brazen by half! I had to pretend to dig around the same area for quite a while before I was confident enough that I wouldn’t be sporting a noticeable boner when I stood up.

The rest of the day sped by in a blur. I was glad to be busy because it meant I didn’t have time to think about anything else, but it also meant that I was really very tired by the time dinner rolled around. I had a quick dinner before the campers did, then stumbled off to my cabin, hoping to catch some winks early. Unfortunately, it felt really claustrophobic in there, and I found myself wondering how I would deal with being in a jail cell. That led me to walk out of the camp, and I soon found myself back at the Porno scene of the crime. I couldn’t see any signs of the previous night’s liaison with Xiaowei, but that was small comfort for me… she could be pregnant and I wasn’t off the hook by any means.

I leaned back on one of the larger protruding roots to rest and hopefully, quell my troubled thoughts. I was so tired that I fell asleep. I knew I was asleep because the previous night’s events was replaying in my mind. I shifted uneasily as I watched her approach me and kiss me passionately. She tasted sweet on my tongue and her tongue was aggressively wrestling with mine as she reached down and pulled my shorts and boxers down. I moved my hips to help her, even though I knew I should stop her, but it was a dream anyway, so I thought I should just go with the flow. It was arousing, indeed, and my erection was so hard that she had trouble taking it out. When it was exposed to her, however, the night air felt cool on it, and I heard her coo about its size and girth. Then she did something I didn’t remember her doing the night before — she dipped her head down and enveloped my cock in her mouth. She felt good… her lips were tight on the stem whilst the insides of her mouth were soft and giving. I sighed out loud, just enjoying this visualisation of this girl sucking on my dick… it was so real I swear I could feel it happening to me. Then, there was a short, sharp yelp and her mouth tightened painfully on my prick. Hey, that’s not supposed to happen, I thought. In fact, none of this happened. I cracked open an eye and gasped. It was no dream — she really was here, but it wasn’t her mouth that I felt on my cock, it was her pussy. She had actually removed my shorts and sat herself down on my erection. I could see that my cock was halfway inside her, her vulva gaping and wrapped tightly on the stem. I looked up at her and saw tears steaming down her face.

“I’m sorry, but it hurts. It really does,” she wailed as she tried to pull me out of her body without success. Her vagina had clamped down hard on my prick, and any attempt to move by her was painful for her… and me too. Oh fuck. What a way to go… to be found fucking a camper and having to get medical help removing my cock from her pussy.

She was still crying from the pain, so I thought I should put aside my own concerns and soothe her anxiety so that we didn’t get the attention of the rest of the camp. I could figure out how to get out of this predicament later.

“Hey,” I said in a low, calm voice. “Hey, Xiaowei. Look at me. Look at me. Yes.” She opened her eyes and looked right into mine. She was still tearing, her body shuddering as she sobbed, which kept her pussy pulling at me… this did not help the situation, of course. Her cunt kept Altyazılı Porno tightening with each sob. “Hey, it’s me. Nobody else. It’s me. Focus on me.” I continued as I reached up under her shirt and started rubbing gently at her breasts. Then I reached out and drew her down to me, and began kissing her, making sure to run my fingers through her hair and across her nape and ears.

She sighed, her vagina tightening and then loosening alternately as she reciprocated, slipping her tongue into my mouth as I did the same into hers. I felt the tension leave her shoulders as she slumped forward, her hardened nipples rubbing against my chest. I could feel her pussy suddenly relax, and she began to slide downward, taking more of my cock into her.

I quickly took the chance to lift her up off my dick, drawing a small squeak of protest from her. Her fluids flooded out of her as my still stiff cock exited with a loud squelch. “I’m sorry,” she apologised, raising her head off my chest. “I wanted to…”

“No need to apologise,” I smiled at her. “It’s okay. No need to do anything that hurts you.”

She smiled gratefully back. “But… I want to do it,” she replied, keeping my cock trapped tightly between her pubis and mine. She began rubbing her vulva hard on the stem of my cock, undulating her hips as she ran the length of her slit along my dong. I could feel her lubricant flowing out of her, coating the bottom of my dick. Her vulva felt soft, almost feathery against my erection, but behind it her pubic bone was grinding down hard as a stone. She was almost feral, the way she was humping herself on me, panting hard as she broke our kiss and closed her eyes, seeming to be in a rush to reach her climax.

By this time, I had resigned myself to the situation and decided to let her take the lead. OK, I can’t really say it was a decision I consciously made — it was more something my dick decided for me — but I didn’t see how I would be able to extricate myself from the situation anymore. Especially since she seemed to be edging closer and closer to her goal, and she was arching her back and presenting her small breasts to me. I simply bent forward and managed to start licking and sucking at her small, pink nipples. They were both hard as pebbles in my mouth, and she started moaning when my tongue made contact. When I started chewing gently on her left one (being careful not to bite down), she jerked upright, pulling her nipple away, exclaiming as she did so. She quickly put her nipple back into my mouth however, to show that she wanted me to pay attention to her boobs too, so I continued what I was doing to them. Her hip movements became more and more frantic and it felt like my erection was being crushed as she worked herself to her eventual orgasm.

She Brazzers signalled her climax by sitting upright and pressing down on my prick with all her weight and strength, while her balled her left hand into a fist and stuffed it into her mouth to stifle her screams of pleasure. I could feel her fluids gushing out of her and flowing onto my tummy and balls as she did, and I tried to make it last longer by sucking a little harder on her nipple.

She pretty much collapsed onto me when she was done, her strength sapped by her orgasm. I could feel and hear her gasping, trying to catch her breath as she lay on top of me. Her nipples were still hard, and liquid still flowed copiously from her sex, but she seemed spent and even unconscious. I decided not to try to rouse her, to let her enjoy the remnants of her climax, which I could tell was still ongoing, albeit in rather more ragged fashion — she was trembling and moaning every few moments.

After quite a while, she propped herself up, her hand quickly descending on my stiff cock. She grinned as she smeared her lubricant all over my erection, rubbing at it as if she was trying to get a genie to appear. “I’m sorry you didn’t…” she began, and I shushed her again.

“Don’t apologise. It spoils the mood,” I smiled at her. “Anyway, it was pleasurable enough seeing you enjoying yourself like that.”

She squealed in mock protest, smacking my cock lightly with her hand. “You..! You’re so naughty!” Then her tone dropped. “But seriously, you didn’t… I mean, it’s not like yesterday…”

“Seriously, it’s no big deal,” I insisted. “It was really quite good for me too, to see you get yourself off like that.”

“Really? You’re not disappointed?” She picked herself up off my body and walked over to where her shorts lay. Turning back to grin at me, she bent over to pick them up, giving me a good view of her naked ass and pussy before pulling them up.

“Wow, no panties again?” I teased and she turned to look at me. I wasn’t sure, but I thought she might have been blushing. “Why, didn’t you like what you saw? Like, this morning?”

“I had to wait for quite a bit before I stood up after you left. You left me too hard for too long today.” I told her as I pulled my own shorts and boxers up with some difficulty.

“Like right now?” She teased walking over to me. “Ow. I’m a little sore down there.”

“You’d better get a good rest tonight then. There’s the hike tomorrow, remember?” I reminded her.

“Oh. Thanks. That’s really spoiled my mood,” she pouted. Then, as she turned to make her way back to camp, she glanced at the protrusion in my shorts and grinned. “Looks like you’ll have to wait a while before you come back. Maybe you should… you know… get rid of some of your stuff first!”

With that cheeky statement, she left the little clearing that had been the venue for all our little nighttime trysts. I sighed with some relief. The camp would be ending tomorrow evening, so this would probably be the last time I would be having any sort of contact with Xiaowei.

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