Teach Me Pt. 06


Hello Readers!

Sorry it’s been so long between parts… I wanted to give a warning to new and returning readers… this story, while sexy, is very mushy, as most of my stories are. I love love and romance as much as sex. My partner(s) and I are just that way. If mushy sweet stuff isn’t your thing, try Voyage of the Naginata. 😉 still live, but way more exciting. Lol


Dawn and Autumn walked up the back lawn toward the cabin hand in hand toward Dawn’s sister.

“Why is she here?” Autumn whispered.

“I have no idea.” Dawn replied through a fake smile. “Hi Beth!” She called to her, waving.

“Hey sis!” She gave her a half hearted hug. Beth looked at Autumn, then back to Dawn.

“Beth, this is Autumn, my girlfriend, Autumn, this is my sister Beth.” She said, Beth reached out and shook Autumn’s hand. “Nice to meet you Autumn.”

“Same.” Autumn replied, trying not to appear annoyed.

Dawn spoke up. “So what brings you up here?”

“Oh, I was looking to get away for a few days.” Autumn started to deflate. “But, since the two of you are here, I will find someplace else to go.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Dawn replied. Autumn squeezed her hand.

“Nonsense, I could see you two are here for a romantic getaway.”

“That’s true!” Autumn laughed.

“Then it’s settled, but before I go, can I have a word with you Dawn?”

“Sure.” Dawn turned to Autumn. “Why don’t you go back onto the pier and catch some sun, I’ll be back in a little bit. Then we can… continue.” She winked at her. Autumn sighed, “Okay, but don’t be too long. ” she said and kissed her. Autumn reluctantly let her go and walked back down to the water. Dawn watched her go, Autumn’s natural switch when she walked was perhaps the sexiest thing Dawn had ever seen. She ached to have her again. She’d never felt so alive than when she was with Autumn.

“Nicely done sis!” Beth said, breaking Dawn’s focus. “But, isn’t she a little… young?”

“Autumn is a grown woman!” Dawn replied angrily.

“Barely!” Beth paused, took a deep breath and smiled at her younger sister. “Dawn… please tell me she doesn’t go to your school, if she does… tell me she already graduated.”

Dawn did not reply immediately. She just shifted uncomfortably.


“Listen to me, she is a student… a senior. She’s nineteen and no, I don’t have her in any of my classes.” YET

“I know you’re a smart woman, but you’re really riding the edge on this.” Beth said.

“We know what we’re doing.” Dawn replied. “She’s a very intelligent, savvy girl… woman.” She corrected herself after Beth raised an eyebrow at the word girl.

“We’re being cautious and as secretive as we possibly can.” She explained. “I’m protecting her and she is protecting me.”

“How will you ever be able to be open and public with your relationship?” Beth asked.

“After she graduates, we’ll wait awhile, then we’ll come out… as it were.” She explained.

“I suppose you’ve thought this out… I won’t argue with you, but if it blows up in your face… don’t be surprised.” Beth said to her. Dawn sighed and nodded. After a few minutes Dawn spoke up. “So, why are you here?”

“Like I said, I wanted to get away from everything for a few days.” She said, “but I can come back another time.”

Dawn looked up at the slowly darkening sky. “It’s getting late, why don’t you stay for dinner and leave in the morning?”

Beth smiled at her younger sister.

“What?!” Autumn said furiously. “You invited her to stay?!”

“Autumn, please… it’s getting late and the road back down is a little challenging at night.” Dawn explained.

“You said you were going to fuck me…” her voice was almost a whine. Dawn took the young woman in her arms and pulled her close. She looked into her eyes, kissed her nose and whispered. “I’ll have you cumming so hard, you’ll forget your name.”

“Now that… I like the sound of.” She kissed the older woman, “I guess it’s okay that she stays… ONE NIGHT!” She emphasized.

“One night.” Dawn echoed.

Later, Dawn, Autumn and Beth sat on the porch eating a light dinner and chatting.

“So, how long have you two been together?” Beth asked.

Dawn looked at Autumn and back to her sister, “A few months, but it’s been a very intense few months.” Dawn replied.

“Intense is an understatement!” Autumn laughed with a mouthful of food. Beth cringed and turned her attention to Dawn who was smiling and watching Autumn laugh.

“How is school going?” Beth asked.

“Really good,” she said enthusiastically. “I have a great bunch of students again this year, and some really talented students coming in.”

Autumn smiled while shoveling more food in her mouth.

“That’s great!” Beth replied. “I had a woman I worked with tell me she had a daughter in your class, and she adored you.”

“That’s very sweet. You know how much I love teaching, it means the world to me when my students leave my class with at least slightly more open eyes to things they’d never thought of before.”

“I şişli escort know you’ve helped me open my eyes!” Autumn laughed. Beth glared at her and then back to Dawn.

“She’s kidding!” Dawn said, chuckling uncomfortably.

“Sure.” Beth replied. They all are in silence for a few minutes, until Autumn spoke up.

“So Beth, what do you do?” Autumn asked.

“I’m an international investment banker.” She beamed with pride.

“Uh… what does that mean?”

“I assist businesses and private entities invest in projects, businesses and the like all over the world.” She explained.

“Uh… okay.” Autumn shrugged. Beth shook her head and looked at Dawn.

“She uses other people’s money to make them even more money.” She said to Autumn.

“Oh, okay.” Autumn replied. “I get it.” She turned to Beth and asked her a question. “So, you’re rich?”

Beth shifted uncomfortably, “well…”

“That’s not really something you ask a person.” Dawn said.

“Why not?” Autumn asked.

“I think it depends on your definition of rich Autumn.” Beth said.

“Two comma people.” She said,

“Two comma?” Beth asked.

“Yeah, millionaire… one comma, two comma.” She explained as she gestured commas into the air.

“Oh!” Beth replied, but didn’t answer. Dawn cleared her throat and sat back in her chair.

“Well, I’m full.” She declared and gathered her plate and utensils. “I’ll do the dishes if you ladies want to bring them to the kitchen.” She stood and gave Autumn a smile. Autumn gathered her things and followed her without a word. Beth sat alone for several minutes. I don’t like her… she’s a child and she acts like a child. She’s sexy… I guess, but I just don’t get how Dawn could be invested in her other than physically. She shook her head and gathered her dishes. Just then, Autumn returned and gathered the glasses and table dressing. She avoided eye contact with Beth and hurried back inside. Dawn was at the sink washing the dishes while Autumn sat across the counter from her. Beth set her dishes on the counter next to Dawn and gave an obviously fake yawn. “I’m guessing you two have claimed the master bedroom, so I’ll take our old room.” She said and headed down the back hallway.

“Alright, goodnight.” Dawn called to her.

“Night.” She replied as she vanished around the corner. After they heard the bedroom door close, Autumn spoke in a quiet voice. “Oh, she’s just a barrel of laughs!”

“She can be uptight, but she is my sister.” Dawn replied, “by the way, what was with acting like you didn’t know what an investment banker was?” She added, drying her hands and walking around the counter to Autumn.

“I was just having fun.” Autumn grinned.

“She’ll be gone in the morning, then we have the rest of the week to ourselves.”

“Rest of the week?!” Autumn asked, shocked.

“Yeah, why?”

“I thought it was only going to be the weekend, I didn’t really pack for a week.” Autumn replied. Dawn smiled at her and took the young woman’s face in her hands. “Who needs clothing?” She winked and kissed her.

“You really want to spend that long with me?” Autumn asked.

“Of course I-” Dawn stopped and took a step back. “Oh.. oh my god! You don’t want to be here that long… this is all too much… I’m sorry sweetheart, I just assumed-” Autumn hopped off her stool and approached Dawn. She put her hands on the older woman’s waist and pulled her close. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.” Autumn said. Dawn relaxed, smiling at her as she nodded.

“I’m glad.”

“Good!” Autumn replied. She took Dawn’s hand and pulled her toward the stairs. “What was it that you said earlier? You’re going to fuck me till I forget my name.”

The two race up the stairs and into the master bedroom. They tugged at each other’s clothing until they stood at the foot of the bed totally naked.

“You…” Dawn smiled and shook her head. “Are simply breathtaking!” She said, Autumn blushed and launched herself into Dawn’s arms. She kissed her over and over and over. Autumn tackled her to the bed and climbed on top of the older woman. She sat up and looked down at Dawn.

“What?” The older woman asked, a little surprised that Autumn would stop.

“Do we have to go back?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I don’t want to go home, I want to stay here, with you… forever.” She said, almost a little sad.

“Oh sweetheart…”

“I know, I know… sorry I asked.” Autumn said ashamed. “I can be… a lot.” Dawn sat up, Autumn still in her lap.

“No no no… listen to me.” Dawn gave her a sweet smile. “If it were up to me…” she suddenly started to get emotional and her eyes began to fill with moisture. “I would say yes. I would love to stay here, with you, being happy and worry free.”

“But.” Autumn added.

“But…” Dawn frowned, “I do have a career and you should finish school and have a career of your own.

“I mean, I guess…” Autumn shrugged. “But I don’t care about any of that crap when I’m with you.”

“I taksim escort appreciate your intention, but you have to want more from life than sex.” Dawn said.

“It’s not just sex.” Autumn replied quietly. “I love you, I want to walk my life with you. I see you as my future.” She sniffled. Dawn sighed and took Autumn’s face in her hands. She gently pulled her face up to look at Dawn.

“I love you too sweetheart and I feel all of these things as well.” She smiled at her, “Our love can’t pay the bills.”

“I know.” Autumn admitted. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

“I know, I know.” Dawn kissed her forehead. “Let’s get some sleep.”


Autumn got under the covers while Dawn vanished into the bathroom. Autumn stared at the ceiling as her mind began to wander.I guess she’s not as serious about us as I am. I can see myself be with her for the rest of my life, but I know she’ll either say I’m too young to be a wife, or if she does want to settle down, she’ll want someone her age. She may say she loves me, but I bet not on a level that I need from her.

“Hey.” Dawn sat on the bed next to her, “Are you okay?” Dawn asked with honest concern..

“Oh… yeah, I guess so.” Autumn replied. Dawn stroked the young woman’s cheek with her fingers and frowned. “Autumn, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She replied curtly.

“Don’t do that, talk to me.” Dawn insisted gently. Autumn sighed and looked the woman in the eyes. Dawn felt a warmth spread through her, she did indeed love this young woman.

“I don’t know why I am so upset.” Autumn said.

“Upset? Why?” Dawn asked.

“Stupid reasons.”

“Autumn, please…”

“How serious are you about us?”

“What?… I love you.” Dawn replied.

“I know you do, but…” her voice failed her.

“But nothing, what is this really all about?” Dawn asked as she laid next to her and rolled to her side facing Autumn. She gently ran her finger down the young woman’s arm. “Talk to me.”

“I… I’m scared.” Autumn said, voice began to quiver nervously.

“Scared?” Dawn replied surprised. “But, why?”

“I’m worried you’ll get bored of dating a kid and move on to someone closer to your age.” She finally admitted. Dawn chuckled softly.

“Why is that funny?!” Autumn glared at her.

“It’s not funny sweetheart, I am sorry for laughing.” She leaned toward her and kissed her shoulder. “I do not think of you as akid, in my eyes you are all woman. You are a smart, funny, beautiful, incredibly sexy woman.” Dawn stated.

“Okay, but-“

“But nothing.” Dawn interrupted her. “Autumn, I think I understand where you are coming from. My guess is that you want… more.” Autumn started to speak, but Dawn continued. “I hope this never ends, I feel I want what you want, but… because of our current situation, we have to keep things hidden for now.”

“I know that.” Autumn replied.

“Then what is the problem?”

“You already said it. You see me as a woman, but to everyone else I’m a kid and you’re an adult.” Autumn said. “Student and teacher.”

“So what? If I know anything about you, you don’t give a crap about what other people think, so why is our age difference a hang up for you?”

“It’s not…for me.” She replied.

“Then?” Dawn tilted her head in confusion. “Wait, do you think?… I’m going to leave you if people give us shit?”


“Autumn!” Dawn gently grabbed her arm. “That will never happen.”


“Sweetheart, Listen to me.” Dawn said as she reached up and stroked Autumn’s cheek again. “I’m not going anywhere, I promise you.”

“I guess I have to believe you.” Autumn grumbled.

“I’m not sure what you want, what can I do to prove my devotion to our relationship? A marriage proposal?” Dawn added that last part sarcastically and immediately regretted it. Autumn looked surprised. Her eyes watered. Dawn gave her a sweet smile and patted her arm. “Maybe someday, if it’s right for both of us.” Autumn turned her head back and started at the ceiling.

“Autumn… I know you’d make a wonderful wife one day…”

“Thanks.” She replied and rolled her side, facing away from Dawn who sighed and resigned to this problem not getting resolved tonight. She rolled away and closed her eyes.I just can’t say the right thing tonight…

An hour later Dawn was still awake, thinking about Autumn and what she could do to make things right.It’s entirely too early to think that level of commitment, but… when I think about my future lately, I can’t think of it without her. Everything I want to do down the road, every plan I make in my mind… Autumn is in them.

Dawn rolled out of bed and slipped on a nightie and some slippers. Making her way down stairs to the kitchen, she found Beth drinking a cup of tea.

“Couldn’t sleep?” Dawn asked as she retrieved a cup and poured some tea for herself.

“No.” Beth sipped her tea and looked at her younger sister. “I think this girl is going to hurt you.”

“What are taking beşiktaş escort about?”

“You know, you can hear everything in this house.” Beth remarked.

“Shit.” Dawn exclaimed under her breath.

“She wants more than you can or should give her right now. You have a wonderful career both in teaching and professionally, why screw that up for some girl… some child?” Beth said.

“I’m going to say this one more time.. ” Dawn took a deep breath and calmed herself. This was her sister after all. “I love Autumn, more than anyone I have ever loved before. Our relationship is incredibly intense and passionate. When I’m not with her, she’s all I think about. I worry about her, I miss her and I long to be with her. When we’re at school, I count the moments between the fleeting times we have together. She dominates my thoughts and holds my heart.. “

Beth remained silent for a few moments sipping her tea. “Okay, I get that you’re crazy about her, but have you thought about the social repercussions of you two being together?”

“Of course we have.” Dawn replied, “That’s why we try not to be seen outside of school together and partially why we’re up here this week.”

“Doesn’t it get tiring having to hide? How long can you keep up the charade?” Beth asked.

“As long as it takes.” Dawn replied confidently.

“Your stronger than I give you credit for then sis. I could never hide away the one I love like you have to. It would kill me to not be out and proud.”

“Autumn is worth it. The way she makes me feel is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. To be honest, I can see myself spending the rest of my life with her.” Dawn said.

“What?!” Beth nearly spit out her tea. “She’s a child!”

“Say that one more time Beth… just try me.” Dawn practically growled.

“Okay okay…geez!” Beth rinsed out her cup and put it on the dish rack. “I’ll see you in the morning.” She said and went to her bedroom. Dawn sat quietly on the stool that Autumn had selected and sipped her tea.

Dawn was surprised when Autumn appeared at the base of the steps. “Autumn? Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just woke up and you were gone. I needed to find you.” She explained.

“I’m sorry, I was having trouble sleeping and I didn’t want to wake you.” Dawn explained.

“I’m sorry about earlier, I was being selfish. We should have just made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms.” Autumn said sleepily.

“I’m also sorry… I should have been open to your needs.” Dawn said. Autumn approached her and hugged her. She stepped back, took Dawn’s hand and tugged gently. “Come with me.” Dawn, slightly confused, stood and followed Autumn. She took them outside into the chilly night. She led her down to the lake and out on the dock. Beth just shrugged as they left.

“Don’t you think it’s a little cold to be out here in our nighties?” Dawn asked her. Finally, after the reached the end of the dock, Autumn turned around and faced her. Dawn could see the reflection of tears in Autumn’s cheeks.

“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” Dawn wiped away the tears with her thumbs.

“I heard what you said to Beth.” Autumn said. Her voice barely above a whisper.

“Autumn, I-“

Autumn was on her toes and kissed Dawn. “The things you said, the way you said them… it was some of the sweetest, most romantic sentiments I’ve ever heard.” She kissed her again. “Thank you.”

Dawn smiled at her. “I meant every word. I know it’s only been a few months, but I do feel deeply connected to you in ways I never expected I could… with anyone.”

“I love you so much.” Autumn replied.

“I love you Autumn.” Dawn said to her.

They kissed. The passion between them was a fire to keep them warm on a chilly night. Autumn whimpered as their kisses became more intense. She was becoming overcome with the desire to make love to the only woman she ever wanted to be with. Her right hand came off Dawn’s hip and slid around to her tummy. Her left hand went the other way and grabbed her ass. Her fingers slid under the lace and satin of Dawn’s panties and she could feel moisture already soaking into them.

“Autumn…wait.” Dawn tried to say, but she too was overwhelmed and gave into the lust. Autumn’s index and ring fingers pushed back her folds while her middle finger came to rest on Dawn’s clit. She gasped and pulled her face back. Her eyes were huge reflective pools glittering in the moonlight. She could just barely make out a smile on Autumn’s face. The moon gave her a glow that caught Dawn off guard. Her youthful beauty was breathtaking. She felt like she was falling in love all over again. Dawn threw her head back and moaned loudly. Her cries of passion echoed across the lake and her legs shook under her. Autumn held her up as Dawn wanted to collapse. Dawn reached out and grabbed Autumn’s shoulders tightly as the young woman continued “playing” with Dawn’s clit. She bent down slightly and attached her lips to one of Dawn’s hardened nipples. Dawn’s body immediately tensed as her orgasm crashed over her. Her knees buckled as jolts of orgasmic pleasure washed over her. Autumn held her close as the pleasure subsided. Dawn’s eyes fixed on Autumn and she gave her a weak smile.

“You know, in all my years, I’ve never had such intense orgasms as I do with you. You are an amazing lover!” Dawn said breathlessly.

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