Scarlett , Violet Pt. 02

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Chapter 1

Scarlett woke up slowly. There was a strange smell in the apartment. She stretched and looked at the bedside clock; 5:52. The smell was stronger now and she groggily looked at the cat’s litter box. It didn’t need emptying and besides that, this was a good smell. She looked around the bed and saw the long red nightgown lying at the foot of the bed.

Memories of last night came flooding back. Yesterday had been Halloween and she’d worn a devil’s costume to work. Violet Smith, a very shy blonde in Data Entry, had worn an angel’s costume. The pretty nineteen year old had never really talked with the pretty twenty year old before, but the costumes had helped break the ice. Being the boss’s daughter, it was hard to make friends with the employees; they were polite, but that was about it.

But she and Violet had really hit it off and came back here to eat pizza. Somehow, they’d wound up in each other’s arms and had made love.

Well, she’d thought it was love. But Violet had obviously snuck off in the night, leaving the borrowed red nightgown behind. Scarlett’s dark eyes filled with tears.

That smell was getting stronger now, and she could also smell coffee. Quietly, she got out of the bed and silently padded down the hallway to the small kitchen.

Her heart leapt with happiness as she spotted Violet, dressed in only a short apron, pulling a cookie sheet out of the oven. When Violet bent over, Scarlett could see her pink anus, and her full pussy lips peeking out from the pale blonde muff.

Kisses, her calico cat, jumped up on the counter and Violet picked the cat up and set her down on the floor.

“How many times to I have to tell you, ‘No’?” Violet said and waggled a finger at the cat. “That’s for Mommy, not kitty.”

Violet quietly pulled a tray out of the side cabinet and put two plates on it. She whistled in alarm as she tried to pick up a cinnamon bun from the cookie sheet but it was too hot. She shrugged and pulled two coffee mugs out and filled both. She added plenty of sugar and milk to both cups and put them on the tray.

Again she tried to pick up one of the cinnamon buns and succeeded in getting it to the plate, whistling in anguish the whole time. She repeated the process three more times and put forks and napkins on the tray as well.

Scarlett ducked back into the bedroom and lay back down, mimicking that she’d been asleep the whole time. Violet, now nude, carried the tray into the bedroom and quietly put the tray on the low dresser. Kisses jumped up on the dresser, only to be put back down on the floor by Violet.

“No!” she said quietly but forcefully.

She put a cup of coffee on Scarlett’s bedside table, making sure to put a napkin underneath it. She slowly pulled the comforter down and rained kisses on Scarlett’s bare shoulders and back.

“Good morning, Scarlett,” she said when Scarlett sleepily rolled over.

She gently kissed Scarlett’s full lips, then put some pillows behind Scarlett so that she could sit up. She got a plate from the tray and handed it to Scarlett.

“Cinnamon buns,” she said and got her own plate and cup of coffee.

She slid into the bed and both girls munched in silence.

“You’re out of cinnamon,” Violet told her, and you didn’t have any powdered sugar, or I would have made icing for the buns.”

“I had cinnamon?” Scarlett asked.

“Yeah, but not a whole lot,” Violet said. “I used it all up on the buns.”

“So, where do you get cinnamon?” Scarlett asked.

“Duh, at the grocery store,” Violet laughed.

“Duh, I know that, but where? I mean, do they have it in the freezer section, or down by the milk?” Scarlett asked,

:No, it’s on the spice aisle,” Violet said when she saw that Scarlett wasn’t kidding. “Who does your grocery shopping for you?”

“My grandmother, mostly,” Scarlett shrugged.

She finished the pastries and took a big sip of the coffee. It was rich without being overpowering, and somehow Violet had known that she liked plenty of sugar and milk. “Would you like some coffee with your milk?” her father would tease.

“How come you’re naked?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to take a chance of getting your nightgown dirty, it’s real silk,” Violet answered. “So I just took it off and used one of your aprons.”

“I have aprons?” Scarlett asked. “And that’ your nightgown from now on. You wear that whenever you come back, you hear?”

“You want me to come back?” Violet asked, almost in a whisper.

“Yes, I do,” Scarlett said and put her hand on Violet’s hand.

“Oh!” Violet exclaimed happily and kissed Scarlett on her full lips.

The kiss became an open mouthed one and scarlet rolled over on top of the blonde girl.

“No,” Violet groaned determinedly. “You have to get ready for school, and I have to get ready for work. You do have school today, don’t you?”

“I’ll skip class today, if you call in sick,” Scarlett jokingly suggested.

“Scarlett! I can’t do that!” Violet said and tried to push Scarlett’s bursa otele gelen escort sucking mouth from her overly sensitive nipple.

She sighed and lies down and let her lover suck on her nipple. Her blue eyes Squeezed shut as Scarlett’s fingers sought out her very wet slit.

The jangle of the telephone snapped them out of their lovemaking. Scarlett padded out of the bed and picked up the handset.

“Hello?” she asked. She looked stricken at Violet. “Hello Poppa, no you didn’t wake me, I was having breakfast.”

Violet scrambled to put her nightgown on. Scarlett listened to the phone for a moment then shook her head.

“No, Poppa, I can’t. I have classes today, and I have exams in two of my classes. I cannot afford to miss those.”

She frowned deeply.

“Poppa, Lori’s not sick, she’s hung over,” she said.


Gustav Ubelhorn, Jr. knew that his daughter was probably right. Lori’s long list of absences had gotten to the point that she’d eaten up her vacation days as well as her sick days. He was loath to do anything about it though; the twenty three year old red headed receptionist had two children that she was trying to raise on her own.

Most people looked at Gustav Ubelhorn’s tall frame and dark looks and believed him to be a hard man. His speech was harsh; he’d grown up in Germany, only learning English when he brought his mother and daughter to America. He was a shrewd businessman and less than one year after landing in Atlanta Georgia, he had formed a successful payroll management company. Five years after landing in Atlanta, he owned several apartment buildings in and around Atlanta and leased the property management contracts to himself. Few would suspect that the dark skinned man with the brusque mannerisms and speech was truly a softhearted man. Even his own daughter had a healthy respect for her father.

“She is afraid of you,” Quan Xi, his mother said.

He smiled at his mother. She’d been the product of a South Korean prostitute and an African American soldier. Graduating from the Buddhist convent, she’d migrated to West Germany, on a whim. Once there, not knowing the language or the customs, she’d reverted to her mother’s profession.

Gustav Ubelhorn was a fifty three year old accountant. He was returning from another dreary day of work when a small dark figure approached him. In her South Korean dialect, she offered him her body for food and shelter. He did not understand her speech, but when she lifted the hem of her dress and exposed her pussy to his startled eyes, he got the meaning.

He was her one and only customer; they were married three and a half months later, when her belly began to show. He unfortunately died two months before his son was born, but left his young bride and unborn child very well off, by West German standards.

Gustav Ubelhorn followed in his father’s footsteps and attended the local university and studied Accounting. He met and married Eva Schenkoff and they had a beautiful daughter, whom Eva, a fan of the ‘Gone With The Wind’ movie, named Scarlett. But her family’s racial hatred of Gustav and Quan Xi finally forced her to abandon husband and daughter.

The Schenkoffs were not the only racists in Germany and Gustav Ubelhorn Jr. took his mother and daughter to the only American city they knew about, from the movie ‘Gone With The Wind,’ Atlanta.


“What a shame it is that you are not afraid of me as well,” he teased his mother.

“I had to spank you when you were a baby,” she reminded him. “And I will do it again, if I have to.”

He could not help but laugh at that; he was six foot three and she was just less than five feet tall.


“Poppa, I have an idea,” his daughter was saying into the phone. “Why don’t you put Violet on the phones?”

Violet looked up at her lover, eyes wide with fear. She frantically shook her head no at Scarlett, who simply turned around, her back to the frightened twenty year old.

“Violet?” Gustav asked. “Violet Smith? That little blonde girl that works in Data Entry?”

“Yes, Poppa,” Scarlett said. “She has worked for you for 2 years, she knows the hierarchy and departments.”

“That will not work,” he huffed. “She doesn’t know the phone system.”

“Poppa, it is not that hard. Lori just acts like it is so difficult,” Scarlett gently told him.

Violet had gotten out of the bed and was tugging at Scarlett’s arm and frantically whispering “I don’t know how the system works!”

“We will see,” he said. “I will ask her when she comes in.”

Scarlett smiled happily. That meant her father would do it. With andI love you,’ she hung up.

“Are you crazy!” Violet screamed. “I can’t work on the phones!”

“Scarlett laughed and tried to hug her friend. Violet shoved her back but Scarlett was a little stronger and pinned Violet’s arm at her side.

“Listen, Violet,” she said. “Lori just acts like it’s such a big deal so that Poppa won’t fire her. bursa eve gelen eskort If you can figure out how to do data entry, you can figure out the phone system. All the departments’ extensions are three numbers and all individuals’ extensions are four numbers. That’s it.”

“Are you sure?” Violet asked her friend.

“I’m sure. And when Lori gets over this hangover and decides to come back to work, you can be the one to spell her at lunch time,” Scarlett smiled.

Get ready for school,” Violet chided her friend. “I’ll clean up the breakfast dishes.”

Chapter 2

Violet happily stacked the dishes in the dishwasher and snuck the last bit of coffee for herself.

In the shower, Scarlett languidly lathered her long black hair. She lazily rubbed the soapy washcloth around on her caramel colored skin, her dark nipples, her washboard stomach (she spent at least three hours a week at the campus gym) and her overly sensitive pussy mound. She’d shaved her black bush into a very thin racing stripe of hair yesterday, so that her devil’s costume would be more appropriate for the work place. She dragged the razor along her legs and crotch and debated on whether or not to remove all the hair, but decided against it.

Scarlett emerged from the bathroom, long black hair wrapped in a towel turban. Violet wiped down the counter in the kitchen and filled Kisses bowls with dry food and with water.

Scarlett pulled a bright red silk blouse out of her closet. She found a simple black skirt to go with the blouse. From her chest of drawers she pulled out a bright red silk bra and matching thong panties. Both she and Violet had 36 D breasts, 29-inch waists and thirty-six inch hips. She’d bought the red bra and panties one Saturday, but had never had the opportunity to wear them; the tags were still attached to them. She decided that Violet’s white sandals, so appropriate with the angel’s costume, would not go with the black skirt, so she picked out a pair of platform Mary Jane shoes.

“Oh, what a cute outfit,” Violet said as she entered the bedroom, fresh from brushing her teeth.

“Yeah?” Scarlett smiled. “Well, try it on.”

For herself, she put on a white silk bra and simple bikini panties. She pulled on a long sleeve white silk shirt and snug blue jeans.

Violet modeled the bra and panties for Scarlett’s approval and Scarlett twirled her finger to indicate that Violet should turn around. When Violet did, Scarlett playfully slapped her exposed ass cheek, which elicited a scream and laugh from Violet. They finished dressing and Violet admired herself quickly in the long mirror on the back of the bedroom door.

The two left the apartment and Scarlett locked the door.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” Scarlett said. “Give me your cell number,” and she pulled her own cell phone out of her purse.

“I don’t have one,” Violet said. “I can barely afford a land line.”

“No cell phone?” Scarlett asked, a little surprised. “Oh, okay.”

To the delight of the old pervert that lived right below her, the one that was always spying on her and making lewd suggestions, she quickly kissed Violet on the lips and got into her compact car. Violet climbed into her battered old car and the two lovers smiled at each other then drove off their separate ways.

Chapter 3

Lori groaned and pulled her robe on. Her next-door neighbor had come to take her two kids to the pre-school. Sandra’s daughter went to the same school, so she simply brought all three each morning and picked them up in the afternoon.

Sandra was more than a little miffed that Lori didn’t have them ready yet, though, and it looked as though they hadn’t even been fed their breakfasts or their hair combed, or their teeth brushed.

“You’re sick, that’s tough,” Sandra huffed. “You make yourself get up and do this,” and she quickly set about getting Jake and Suzy cleaned up and dressed.

Soon, but not soon enough for Lori, they left. She absently scratched at her crotch and stopped. She opened her robe and looked. Her crotch was bare; where there should have been a bright red thatch of hair was pink skin. The light dusting of freckles was barely visible through the welt of raw skin.

“What the fuck?” she asked and touched the bear skin again.

She groaned in pain, her entire crotch was sore. If she thought about it, so was her anus.

“What the fuck did I do last night?” she asked herself and poured a healthy sized glass of vodka.

She splashed a little orange juice into the glass, the last of the orange juice. She promised herself she would pick some up from the grocery store before the kids got home from school.

She vaguely remembered being dressed in her latex pussycat outfit, with the latex cat ears and tail. The daughter of the bitch that lived downstairs had agreed to take the brats trick-or-treating, then baby-sit until ten that night.

She had met a really cute guy at Tomfoolery’s, he’d given her a line of coke or something, bayan escort bursa then told her he knew where they could score some more. From there, it was pretty blurry. She remembered his face above her, then some other guy’s face, then…

She’d gotten home at 2:15 that morning, and that bitch from downstairs was in her face, screaming and demanding fifty bucks for the baby-sitting job. Luckily, she had the money socked away. She vaguely remembered that, and somewhat remembered being disgusted when she’d unsnapped the crotch of her cat costume and sperm dribbled out of her sore pussy onto the bathroom floor.

“”Shit, I hope I ain’t fucking knocked up,” she thought and with a shaking hand brought the glass to her lips.

Chapter 4

Gustav smiled tightly as Violet entered the lobby of Ubelhorn & Associates. She shrank back slightly, the man frightened her.

“Good morning, Violet,” he said in his crisp manner.

“Good morning, Mr. Ubelhorn,” she said in a very low voice.

“Ms. Smith, I have a real problem, and would like to talk with you about it,” he said and she stood and listened to him.

She sat as he stood over her and showed her which buttons to press for the phones, the transfer of calls, and the intercom system and then warmly patted her on the back.

“You will do fine,” he assured her and walked off.


“Ubelhorn and Associates,” she said. “How may I direct your call?”

“I love you,” a soft voice musically chimed on the other end.

“Excuse me?” Violet squeaked.

“It’s me, silly,” Scarlett laughed. “I’m between classes and just wanted to call and see how you were doing.”

“Oh! Hi!” Violet laughed. “It’s going great!”

“No personal calls,” Gustav barked as he strode purposefully toward the elevators. (He had intended for it to sound playful; he didn’t mind if his employees received one or two personal calls, just as long as it didn’t interfere with their work, but his gruff voice made it sound more like a bark.)

Violet shrank away, then realized he wasn’t mad at her. She smiled sweetly. “Did you want to talk with your father?” Violet asked into her headset.

“Not really,” Scarlett said.

“Does Scarlett need me?” Gustav asked.

“Hold on, please,” Violet said and put Scarlett on hold. “No sir, she doesn’t, she was just calling to make sure that I’m doing okay here.”

“That’s a good girl,” he smiled proudly. “You know, she’s the one that suggested that I put you on the phones today.”

“Really?” Violet asked, pretending not to know about Scarlett’s conversation with Mr. Ubelhorn. “That was so sweet of her.”

Gustav strode to the elevators, pressed the ‘Down’ button and nodded to Violet as he left the lobby.

“I love you too,” she whispered into the mouthpiece of the headset.

“And I miss you so much,” Scarlett whispered back. “Will you come over tonight?”

“You really want me to?” Violet whispered.

“More than anything!” Scarlett whispered and entered the classroom.


Lori groaned again. Someone was pounding on the door. She looked at the clock; it wasn’t time for the kids to be back from school, it was only 10:15 am. She took another gulp from her glass, her second drink of the morning, straight vodka, and no orange juice.

“What, mother fucker?” she shrieked and flung the door open. The shriek died in her throat; Mr. Ubelhorn stood on her doorstep.

“May I come in, he asked and walked into her dirty apartment without waiting for her response.

She meekly closed the door and gritted her teeth in horror as he picked up her glass and sniffed it suspiciously.

“Your doctor prescribed vodka to treat the flu?” he asked her.

“No sir,” she mumbled.

“Please cover yourself up,” he barked and sat down. “Sit down, we need to talk.”

She looked down at herself and had the good grace to blush furiously. The sash on her robe had slipped and he’d been able to see her small breasts and hairless pussy. She quickly tied the sash closed and sat down at the table. She wondered if she dared to take a sip of the vodka while he sat there.

He put several sheets of paper on the table and shoved them toward her.

“I printed out your absences for the last 12 months, and your actual hours worked,” he began.

“I’ve been under the weather a lot lately,” she tried to say, but a stern look from him silenced her.

She wanted to throw up; if she lost this job, it would be difficult for her to find another job, especially one that paid as nicely as Ubelhorn & Associates.

“If you will notice, you are most often ‘under the weather’ as you like to put it, on the days after a holiday and on Mondays,” he went on. “Why do you think that is, Ms. Taylor?”

“I um, I don’t know,” she stammered and looked quickly at the glass of vodka, then away again.

“I think I have a pretty good idea,” he said and shoved the glass her way. “Go ahead, finish it. No use in letting it goes to waste.”

She gratefully took a healthy gulp of the vodka and coughed slightly as it burned its way down her throat.

“Ms. Taylor, Ubelhorn and Associates has an insurance policy on each of its employees; you’ve been paying into it for the three and a half years you’ve been employed with us,” he told her. She took another gulp of her vodka and looked at him through her watery eyes.

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