Seducing Jennifer Pt. 03


After a long day at school during which I did not even manage to catch a glimpse of Jennifer on the girl’s side until the final bell rang, I walked her home. We swung our clasped hands between us as we negotiated the shabby city streets, and she frequently smiled up at me, a goofy smile on her angelic face, until finally she pulled me into a littered alley, pushed me against a brick wall, and kissed me hard. I kissed her back, boldly cupping one of her small breasts in my hand and pinching her stiffening nipple. “I can’t wait for Lesson Four,” she whispered shyly. “I dreamed all night about the things you might do to me…and when I woke up my panties were soaking wet.”

My cock immediately came to rigid, aching attention from the half-master I had been sporting since last night.

When we got to her mother’s modest row house she pulled me inside, shut the door, and kissed me soundly before running upstairs to change out of her school uniform. “Wait for me on the couch,” she called as she scampered up the stairs. “Mom won’t be home for hours yet. So maybe we ought to review Lesson Three…”

I went into the living room, my stiff cock tenting my pants. I certainly had a full load for her this time. I grasped my eager dick through my pants and squeezed it – just as I became aware of Mrs. C. already seated on the couch, her legs crossed demurely beneath a very short black skirt.

“Oh shit,” I blurted, my face burning.

“Is that any way to greet me?” Mrs. C. purred. She patted the couch beside her. “Sit down here and talk to me while we wait for Jennifer to change her panties. Or maybe if she’s smart she will just leave them off altogether.”

I gingerly seated myself a respectful distance away from Mrs. C. She immediately slid over, crowding me, and taking my hand in hers. “So, Jack: Did you and Jennifer do your homework last night?”

I was still having trouble discussing this openly with my girlfriend’s mother. Thoughts and images of last night’s events were swirling in my head, making it difficult to even think, much less talk. “We, uh, touched each other a little…it was nice….”

“Very nice, I would guess, judging from the dreamy smile on my daughter’s face this morning,” Mrs. C. said archly. “I suspect that you relieved both your own pressure and hers as well.” She squeezed my hand before disengaging hers and grasping my thigh. “Was it satisfactory for you?”

“Extremely,” I said fervently.

Mrs. C. chuckled and whispered in my ear, “Was it as good for you as it was when you came in my mouth?”

I squirmed uneasily, my ears burning like molten iron. “Um, well, really…it lasted longer, anyway…” My face burned with humiliation, remembering how I had erupted in Mrs. C’s throat on the very first stroke.

Mrs. C. laughed out loud and cupped my balls in her hand. “Don’t worry about that. With a little practice you’ll learn to make it last as long as you want.” She began lightly scratching my stiff dick through my tented pants. “I don’t think there’s going to be a problem there. But you don’t want to get in the habit of just shooting off every time something feels good.” She squeezed my cock and I moaned. “This evening I want you to hold off as long as you can. Make her work for it a little. She needs to learn –”

“Time for your massage!” Jennifer tittered, bursting into the room, brandishing her bottle of body lotion. “MOM? WHAT are you DOING? Why are you even HERE so early?”

“Just checking out the size of Jack’s tool,” Mrs. C. said casually, maintaining a firm grasp on my meat. “I really think it’s a bit more than you can handle at this point. Sit down here and I’ll explain.” She patted the couch on the other side of her.

Jennifer stood for a moment, stunned, before dropping the lotion bottle in my lap and slumping on the couch next to her mother. “Not acceptable,” she muttered. “This is SO not acceptable.”

“Now just calm down,” Mrs. C. said. “I’ve been thinking things over and I realize that I have been neglecting my baby.” She patted Jennifer’s thigh tenderly. “I’m going to stop working late from now on. And I’m going to supervise the neglected aspects of your education before it’s too late. You’ll be going off to college soon, and if you and Jack plan to stay together, it’s important that you start off the right way. The way you two have been fumbling around is almost certainly going to lead to disaster. So I’m going to help you.”

It occurred to me that there was a strong possibility that Mrs. C. was not exactly sane in the traditional sense of the word. “Uh, maybe I ought to get out of here and let you two talk this out,” I started lamely.

“You stay right there,” Mrs. C. said.

“I don’t care what you do!” Jennifer sobbed, rubbing her eyes. “I don’t ever want to see you again! Discussing our most PERSONAL stuff with my MOM? And then I catch Anadolu Yakası Escort her holding your THING??”

“Now that’s exactly what I’m talking about,” Mrs. C. said. “Jealousy is the quickest way to drive a man away.”

“So I’m just supposed to ignore it when I see him letting some SLUT play with his…THING?”

“I’ll forgive you for that, one time,” Mrs. C. said coolly. “And in fact, in this case he doesn’t have any choice in the matter.” She squeezed my softening cock and winked at me. “Do you, Sweetie?”

“I, ah, well…” I silently prayed that she would not find it necessary to mention what else we had done. I had dreamed all night of the taste of her, the feel of her lips closing around my rigid cock….”I only know that I love Jennifer more than anything, and I’ll do whatever it takes to stay with her.”

“But what about your famous religious principles,” Jennifer said bitterly. “You’re always preaching about mortal sins and all that –”

“Ignorant people,” Mrs. C. began, “have somehow got the idea that all sex is sinful. Of course that is absolutely wrong. ADULTERY is a sin, obviously. But that is sex between two people who are married to someone else. None of us is married, so there is no harm in enjoying each other. What IS a deadly sin is masturbation. As the Bible says, ‘It is better to sow one’s seed in the belly of a whore than to spill it on the ground.”

I cringed as I noted the fanatical light beginning to glow in her eyes. I longed to be somewhere else; anywhere else. But I also longed to slip my tongue into her dripping slit.

“OH GOD,” Jennifer moaned. “I don’t want to talk about this.”

“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Mrs. C. intoned. “And pay attention. I hold YOU responsible for causing Jack to spill his seed on the ground, thereby endangering his mortal soul. You should have come to me months ago, before this became a problem.”

“Right,” Jennifer muttered.

“So, Jack,” Mrs. C. continued, “Tell Jennifer how many times she has caused you to sin already.”

“It’s not her fault,” I stammered. “It’s not fair to blame her. She never knew—”

“Exactly. But she would have known had she only confided in her MOTHER…” Mrs. C. glared at Jennifer.

“You’re sick, Mom,” Jennifer mumbled into her hands.

“How many times a day have you been abusing yourself, Jack?” Mrs. C. demanded.

“Uh, maybe two? Or three?” I lied. It was more like four, on days when Jennifer and I were together.

“And how many times have you done it today, so far?”

“I didn’t,” I said. “I almost did this morning, but then I thought about last night and I wanted to wait….”

“Exactly my point. Last night Jennifer did her duty, and that saved you from committing another sin.”

“So it’s all my fault,” Jennifer said. “Maybe I should have just stripped down and let him FUCK me the first time he got a hard-on.”

“I didn’t say that, Honey.” Mrs. C. stroked Jennifer’s thigh. “In time that will be an option, and, in fact, your duty if you’re going to stay together. But in the meantime, there are other things you should be doing.”

My heart pounded heavily in my chest. On the one hand, Mrs. C. was obviously as nutty as a fruitcake. On the other hand, it looked like I was about to get free access to Jennifer’s panties. Hmmm…which hand to choose?

I chose the panties.

I reached across Mrs. C. to clasp Jennifer’s hand. “Please forgive me, Sweetheart,” I said in my most sincere tone. Unfortunately my arm brushed against Mrs. C’s soft breasts. I couldn’t help remembering the feeling of cupping them in my trembling hands. “I, uh, love you too much to ever want to hurt you, but really, your mom is just trying to help…”

“Whose MOM ever groped her boyfriend’s dick?” Jennifer screeched. “I’m going to my room. Do NOT even THINK of disturbing me.” She jumped up from the couch and stomped away. I couldn’t help admiring her firm ass beneath the short-shorts she had donned after school, and the four-finger spread between her slender thighs. Where I hoped my cock would soon be headed.

“Why don’t you go have a nice bubble bath and change into something sexier,” Mrs. C. called after her. “Jack and I will fix dinner –” here she leered at me in a way that made me feel like my insides were liquid — “and after that I’m pretty sure he will need your help…”

“No WAY!” Jennifer screamed. Her bedroom door slammed closed and I distinctly heard the click of the lock. Her bed springs squealed as she threw herself down, no doubt to sob angrily into her pillow.

“So, Jack,” Mrs. C. said calmly, “What would you like for dinner?”

I really, really did not intend to let my eyes wander to the space between her parted thighs, barely covered by her short skirt. She was wearing lacy black panties, but…oh my god, they Bostancı Escort had no crotch at all, just two strips of lace which framed her…

“That’s just an appetizer,” Mrs. C. said, clasping the back of my neck and urging my face closer to her fragrant mound. “But by all means enjoy it before we discuss the main course.”

I knew I shouldn’t do it. But really, what else could I do? I told myself that if I had a choice between Mrs. C. and Jennifer, I would definitely rather eat Jennifer’s pussy. But Jennifer was locked in her room, acting unreasonably bitchy, and this juicy snatch was inches from my nose. And it smelled delicious. I nuzzled her furry mound, and tentatively extended my tongue to flick her emerging clit. She flinched and pushed at my forehead.

“A little finesse, Jacky!” she gasped. “No hurry this time around. Tease me first. Just go with your instincts.” She leaned back on the couch and threw one leg up over the back, while the other dangled to the floor. I dove into her moist snatch like a drowning man at an oasis, flattening my tongue to lap her crack from bottom to top, reveling in the taste of her, then burrowing my tongue into her hot snatch to scoop out more of her tangy nectar. The crotchless lace panties were not as soft as they looked. In fact they were downright scratchy against my chin and cheeks.

“Just pull them off, Jack,” she gasped. “Make it comfortable for yourself.”

She lifted her hips and I stripped the wispy article off her, leaving the panties dangling from her left foot. Then I buried my face in her mound once again, tracing her cleft up to her protruding clit, but being careful not to touch it.

“So nice,” she murmured. “I truly need this. You won’t believe the day I had…”

I nudged her clit with the side of my nose and she shivered, thrusting her hips upward toward my questing tongue. “I sucked that nasty little man’s cock until I got jaw cramps and he still couldn’t come. Then he gets called to an emergency board meeting that may still be going on for all I know…oh yes, do that.”

“Your boss?” I mumbled into her bush.

“Don’t talk,” she moaned. “Just…do…that. Oh dear God. You have a natural talent. But yes; my boss. That filthy little pervert. I’m so sick of him and his limber little prick. But like I tell myself, it’s all part of the job….”

I circled the hood of her clit with the tip of my tongue, holding the lips of her pussy apart with my two hands so I could see what I was doing. Her clit had grown an stiffened, poking out at me aggressively. I flicked the tip of it with my tongue and she gasped and squirmed.

“He used to fuck me at least once a day,” she continued breathlessly, “and if I was quick about it I could sometimes get off myself. He never lasted more than a minute or two. But these days he can barely get it up, and all he wants is blow jobs. With never a thought as to what I might need…oh, YES! Suck it! Just like when I sucked your cock!”

I pulled her inch-long clit into my mouth and molded my tongue around it, massaging it, feeling the tension mount in her slender body. I reached up and cupped her breasts with both hands, squeezing gently, feeling her stiff nipples against my palms. My cock throbbed painfully. I imagined lining the head of my dick up with her sopping hole, pushing in, watching her dilate to take me…

“I’m going to come, Jack,” she gasped suddenly. “I really really am, and I should warn you, sometimes I’m a squirter. And it been a very long time, so….Oh dear Lord. Oh I wish I could have your cock in me right now. Oh God. Put your finger in me, Jack dear, and I’ll pretend it’s your lovely cock.”

A ‘squirter?’ I wondered hazily. What the hell was she talking about? I gingerly bored my forefinger into her clenching pussy, pushing in as far as I could. It was silky and hot, and I imagined what it would feel like to slide my throbbing dick into her.

“Now crook your finger, like you’re saying ‘come here’,” she sobbed, her hips bucking lustily against my face. I did as she asked, feeling a spongy lump at the top of her vagina, and she shrieked as her pussy grasped my finger firmly and rippled around it. I drew back slightly in surprise, and a spray of hot liquid hit me in the face. I got back on her swollen clit and felt two more weak spurts of fluid against my chin before she relaxed and pulled away from me.

“That…was quite possibly…no, DEFINITELY…the most intense…” she paused to catch her breath. “I don’t want to give you a big head, Jacky boy, but you are very very good at that, and you certainly deserve a reward.” She slipped her hand between us, right into my pants, and caressed the head of my greedy cock. “So what kind of reward would you like?”

I knew exactly what I would like: to ram my hard cock into her sopping pussy until I came deep inside Erenköy Escort her. But I knew I shouldn’t want that. I should be thinking of going upstairs, wheedling my way into Jennifer’s room, and maybe persuading her to jerk me off.

“Don’t be shy, Jack,” Mrs. C. said silkily. “Just tell me. Anything you want. I could suck your cock, like I did last night. You liked that, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” I mumbled, blushing furiously. “But….”

“Why don’t you take those clothes off while you think about it,” Mrs. C. encouraged. She sat up and unbuttoned her blouse, then wiggled out of her tight skirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra and didn’t need one.

I hurriedly stripped off my pants, shorts and shirt and settled back between her spread thighs. She sighed as I tenderly kissed her wet pussy. “Now we’ve already done that, Jack, and while it was most satisfactory I’m a little sensitive right now, and if you touch my clit I may pee myself. So why don’t you come up here and whisper in my ear so I know what you want for a reward.”

I somewhat awkwardly knelt above her, her thighs coming together to embrace my naked hips. I gazed down at her exquisite face, losing myself in her deep blue eyes. “You can kiss me,” she said drowsily. “It’s quite all right, you know.”

I pressed my lips to hers, and my cock jumped against her flat belly. She pulled me closer and I felt the fur of her pussy against me. The tip of her tongue caressed my lips and I opened my mouth to accept it. It was so WRONG. But completely irresistible. I gave myself up to the kiss, our tongues sparring first in my mouth and then in hers, and suddenly I was aware that the bulbous head of my cock was encased in the hot, wet grasp of her tight pussy.

She broke the kiss and whispered, making intense eye-contact all the while, “Tell me what you want, Jack. What you want most in the whole wide world. Whisper it in my ear. And I’ll make your dream come true.”

I nuzzled her shell-like ear, completely tongue tied. I nibbled gently at her earlobe and she squirmed against me, pulling my cock another inch into her warmth. I knew what I should say: that what I most wanted was to be doing this with Jennifer. But I also knew what I really wanted most at that moment: to thrust my aching cock all the way into her. I would mortgage my soul for that.

“Tell me, Jack,” she murmured huskily. “Tell me what you want to do to me right now.”

“I want to fuck you,” I moaned, and her pussy obligingly opened to me and I eased in all the way until our pubic bones bumped together.

“I can’t believe I’m taking all of that,” she whispered. “I think I’m paralyzed. Don’t move!”

I was aware that I was covered with a thin film of sweat, and my knees and elbows were trembling with the effort of holding my weight off her. I wasn’t sure what was expected of me next. So I just knelt there, absorbing the sensation of her wet snatch embracing my cock.

“Good, good; you have some control at least. And you’re definitely fucking me, so you got your wish. So shall we call it even?”

I shuddered at the thought of pulling out of her, and involuntarily settled further into her, the head of my cock nudging a hard protuberance inside her.

“Oh!” she gasped. “You hit my cervix. Very sensitive spot. I bet you’d like to shoot your come right there, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” I whispered into her ear. “I want to come in your pussy.”

Mrs. C. twisted her hips, expertly causing my cock to slide nearly out of her. “And that could be a problem, Jack,” she said, pushing against my chest with her hands. “We haven’t discussed birth control, have we.”

“No,” I muttered, trying to push my length back into her.

“Nor have you discussed it with my daughter, am I right?”

“No.” My dick found this subject uncomfortable and actually began to wilt. Slightly.

“Bad boy. You got your reward, and I probably should refuse to let you come as punishment. Does that sound fair?”

“No!” I gasped. My hard cock was slowly inching back into her. I desperately wanted to jet my load all over her cervix.

“Well, I’ll confide in you, Jack. Tomorrow morning both Jennifer and I will be going on the Pill. But that doesn’t help us tonight, now, does it? So maybe you should stop what you’re doing before–“

In response I thrust into her with all my strength, captured her mouth with mine, and emptied my balls deep within her. She entwined her fingers in my hair and ground her hips against me, taking me deep, deeper, as I shuddered in orgasm. “Do NOT come in me! Do NOT! Pull out NOW! Oh God you’re making me come too! You sneaky little bastard!”

Way too late, I pulled out of her spasming cunt and deposited the last of my gooey load onto her stomach. An intense wave of shame hit me like a tidal wave.

“That felt so good,” Mrs. C. said drowsily, as she deftly milked the last drops of come out of my still-stiff cock and rubbed it into her skin. “But was it really worth it, Jack? Are you prepared to marry me if you’ve knocked me up? Go ahead, look down at my pussy and see your come leaking out of me. Proud of yourself?”

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