Life Is Good


Tess was thinking about Martin as she was driving to work. The morning was one those gray ugly ones. There was a slight mist and the road wash was trying to stick to the windshield of her car. “Damn I hate this weather,” she said to herself while turning on the windshield washer. She finally reached the parking lot and went to her office.

Tess was a pool secretary and had worked for the same company in the same place for fifteen years. She was very happy to have the job and considered herself fortunate considering how she ended up there.

“Morning, Tess,” said the security guard at the door, “lousy weather, isn’t it.”

“Morning, Dutch,” said Tess, “yes, crappy and I hate it, you Ok?”

“Yep, just keeping on keeping on,” Dutch said. He couldn’t help but notice the faint aroma of her perfume as she passed through the security check-point. He had always admired her appearance in the three years he had worked there. She was very well put together for a woman of her age. She had never mentioned how old she was but she had told him of her children and grandchildren, giving him the impression that she was in her fifties.

Every work day morning Dutch greeted Tess in much the same manner as this day. It was a special moment for him. He watched her walk through the door leading to her office and could not help noticing her beauty, as he always did.

Tess was a bit overweight but not in a distracting way. Her curves only enhanced her pin-up looking face. She had full red lips and dark brown eyes that had a seductive look about them. Dutch watched Tess disappear down the hall and thought, “Man, I sure would like to have some of that, her husband is a very lucky guy.” Then he sat his big burly body back down on his chair and stared out the door into the filling parking lot.

As Tess was walking down the hall to her office she still had her husband, Martin, on her mind. They had a very serious conversation the night before and the ramifications of that conversation were swirling in her mind.

“Hey Tess, did you hear?” A voice from behind Tess snapped her back to the present. It was Gloria, her good friend who worked for the same company but on the second floor.

“Hear what?” asked Tess as she put her purse and keys on her desk.

“All the computers are down,” said Gloria as she rounded the corner into Tess’ cube, “and they say that it’s going to take all day to bring them back up.”

“What the hell are we going to do all day if the computers are down?”

“Well, they just posted this bulletin saying that we can take the day off if we want,” said Gloria, a big smile on her face.

“That’s great, but what am I going to do? The weather is lousy and dreary and I don’t want to just sit around the house with nothing to do. Martin is gone to his sister’s for the day and I would be all by myself. Can’t we find something around here to do?”

“Yes, we could do a lot boring filing shit, if you call that something to do,” said Gloria in her own cooing way.

Tess wished she had Gloria’s energy and exuberance. Gloria was always “up” and bubbly.

“Not for me, but I don’t want to sit around the house. Maybe I’ll go shopping.”

“I’ve got an idea,” said Gloria, “Why don’t we go over to my house, have some coffee or something and do a bit of gossiping? Doug will be at work all day and we can be good company for each other.”

“Sounds like a plan to me, I’ll meet you there in about thirty minutes.” Tess was relieved that she wasn’t going to have to brood about the house all day thinking about the conversation with Martin last night.

“Great!” exclaimed Gloria in her own energetic way, “See you there.”

Tess and Martin had visited Gloria and Doug in their home on several occasions and Tess knew the way very well. That was fortunate because Tess had what felt like a bag of rocks on her chest and was paying more attention to that weighty feeling than to her driving. It was as if she were in the bottom of a dry well and had no way to get out. The loud honk from the car behind her brought Tess back to her senses. The light had turned green and she was just sitting there. She looked into the mirror and saw the angry man in the car gesturing for her to move on. As she accelerated her thoughts went back to the conversation with Martin.

“It’s entirely up to you,” Martin had said, “we can go on like this and have a decent sex life or we can do what I propose and have a great sex life. I think our whole life would be enhanced and we would both be happier. We are not spring chickens and don’t have a lot of time. But, like I said, it’s entirely up to you.”

That thought filled Tess’ mind as she turned into Gloria’s half-circle driveway and parked in the center next to the front door of the house. She noticed Gloria’s car in the garage and wondered how she could have beaten her here. In a moment the front door opened. Gloria appeared in the doorway and waved to Tess, “Come on in, I’ve got a pot of coffee going.”

Gloria’s home was one of those old English tudors that she and Doug had bought for a song and spent thousands fixing up. The charm of gaziantep escort bayan numaraları hardwood floors and beveled glass was still there and was complimented by the antique furniture that Gloria had so tastefully chosen. The flames in the stone fireplace in the den were flickering and weaved their way through the oak logs. The effect was warming and took the chill off the cold drizzle that fell outside. Tess shivered as she removed her jacket and hung it on the coat rack hanging from the adjoining entrance foyer.

“That fire looks so good, it’s just awful outside.”

“The coffee will be ready in a few minutes.” Gloria said, “What’s with the serious look, something bothering you?”

Gloria and Tess sat down in two big easy chairs that faced the glowing fireplace. “Oh, nothing that concerns you, I’ve just had a few things on my mind lately.”

“Well,” said Gloria, “Sometimes it helps to talk to an old friend and get things off your chest. Back in flash, gotta get the coffee.”

“I’ll help,” said Tess as she followed Gloria into the kitchen. “I just love your place. It has that old-world charm yet is very functional. I especially like this hutch where you brewed the coffee. It is an antique isn’t it?”

Gloria was getting the cups and saucers from the glassed-in cabinet of the hutch, “Not really, we got it at a garage sale and Doug spent one whole summer refinishing it, making it look like an antique.” Gloria poured the coffee and she and Tess walked back to the den.

“Whew,” spewed Tess, “This feels so good. I haven’t had time to relax like this in a while.”

“Does, doesn’t it.”

They both sat in the easy chairs and sipped their coffee. After a few minutes Gloria jumped up said, “Let’s go out to the sunroom. I’ve got to have a cigarette and the sunroom is the only place we allow smoking in the house. Doesn’t stink up the place,” she laughed.

“What?” gasped Tess, “I thought you had quit smoking, your new health kick, you know.”

“We did,” said Gloria as Tess followed her to the back of the house and out into the sunroom. It was attached to the rest of the house by a short enclosed walkway. “For one day,” she laughed again.

Gloria and Tess made themselves comfortable on the glider lounge that faced the gaslight fireplace that was situated in a corner of the room. “We stay out here more than in the house,” said Gloria, “Warm enough?”

“Yes,” said Tess as she sipped the last of her coffee, “this feels good.”

Gloria pulled a Winston out of the pack and lit up. The smoke she exhaled swirled up to the smoke eater that quietly hummed as it hung from the ceiling above them. “Now that’s good coffee. Do you remember that line?”

“No I don’t, but if you don’t mind I’ll have one of those Winstons.”

A shocked look came over Gloria’s face. “You? You the most proper and no-smoking Tess wants a cigarette? I can’t believe it!”

“Well, believe it, I’ve just hidden it better than you. I usually have a few with Martin when we have our happy hour on the deck or in the garage.”

“You mean that you go to the garage to smoke?”

“Sure do, other things, too.”

“Ooooh,” cooed Gloria, “I’d like to hear more about those “other things”.”

“You just might,” laughed Tess, “but may I ask a big favor?”

“Of course, darling, what would that be?” asked Gloria with a distinct sound of curiosity in her voice.

“I would like a glass of wine, if you don’t mind. This is good coffee but I feel like a glass of wine and I don’t care if it is just ten o’clock in the morning.”

“Well, well,” said Gloria, “A lady after my own heart. What will it be? Red, white or what?”

“White zinfandel if you have it,” Tess said with a sly smile.

“I do.” With that Gloria skipped out to the bar. In a minute or so she appeared back in the sunroom with a bottle of white zinfandel and two crystal wine glasses. “Here you are, my dear.”

Tess poured the wine and lit up her Winston. As she exhaled she let out a definite sigh of relaxation.

“Girl, I never thought I’d see you smoke.” laughed Gloria, “And I mean this in the most positive way, it seems that you have let loose a little bit. I mean, you are the one that’s always little Miss Proper.”

Tess leaned her head back on the comfortable lounge and blew another stream of blue smoke up to the smoke eater. Her eyes closed for a moment and another sigh of relief came from deep within her.

“Ok, let’s have it,” said Gloria, “what is on your mind?”

Tess took a few sips of wine and another drag off her Winston. “Oh, it’s really nothing.” she sighed, “Martin and I have an issue that needs working out and I am kind of at a loss on what to do. Don’t worry, it’ll all work out.”

“Right, and the Pope sells rubbers on the side.” snapped Gloria, “Talk to me, maybe I can help. And if I can’t what have you lost?” She then took a big swig of her wine and waited for Tess to say something.

They both sat on the lounge smoking their Winstons and drinking their wine. After a few minutes that seemed gaziantep escort pornoları forever to Gloria, she jumped up and poured more wine. “Well?” she whispered into Tess’ ear.

Tess could feel the warming effects of the wine and she felt her tense muscles relaxing. She was beginning to feel very comfortable. “Promise me you won’t laugh or something? It’s a little embarrassing.”

“Maybe a little,” kidded Gloria.

“Come on, I’m serious.”

“I’m sorry. I know you’re serious and I will be, too.”

“Ok.” said Tess as she took her wine in larger and larger sips. “Here I go. Gloria, you and I have been friends for what, ten years? We first met when Martin and I started seeing each other. You knew then how much I loved him and what he meant to me.”

“That’s true,” said Gloria, “you really fell for him. Must have been his big cock.”

“Serious, remember serious?” hissed Tess.

“I’m sorry, go on.”

Tess continued, “We’ve always had great sex. Before we were married we simply blew each other away. Then one day about a year before we got married Martin told me that he wanted to swing, you know, wife swap. I was startled but agreed to talk about it more. Gloria, I know that you think I’m a prude, but I’m not really. I’ve always been sexual, from the time I was a little girl. So this new revelation didn’t so much shock me as it did surprise me. Martin had never shown me that side. He told me that he and his previous wife had dabbled in swinging and he was really turned on by it. We discussed the ramifications of it and I decided it wasn’t for me. I told Martin that I was very happy with things just as they were, you know, monogamy. Martin was very disappointed, to say the least.”

“After we were married the subject came up again. Martin reminded me that he had told me of his desires prior to our marriage and wanted to readdress the issue. I reminded him that I had told him I didn’t want to swing and thought that was the end of it. Well, it wasn’t. Martin kept pestering me and after a while I reluctantly agreed to give it a try. I love sex and I love Martin and maybe we could try it. Gloria, I won’t bore you with many of the details but here is what happened.”

“We put an ad in a swingers site, started going to a swingers nightclub and met a few couples. Much to my surprise all the wives were bi. That really turned me off. We did swing with a few couples but they soon stopped calling because I was not bi and wouldn’t engage in those activities with any of them. That’s not exactly true. One gal was sucking my tits while Martin and her husband were fingering and licking my pussy. They were really having a good time and I was loving getting my pussy worked over by two men. But I just couldn’t take her sucking my tits. I yelled out that I was not bi. That did it. They got dressed and left, never to be heard of again.”

Gloria interrupted, “Did you suck the other guy’s cock?”

“Of course!” exclaimed Tess, “I had rather suck cock than eat and I have sucked many a cock. I loved the extra cock I was getting but was turned off by the bi women, so Martin proposed that we go in a different direction. He proposed that we seek out only single men and we would have threesomes. Martin loves to watch me fuck other men and I must admit that I love him watching me fuck. It’s a big turn on for both of us. So, we met this guy in the swingers nightclub.”

“Lordy he was beautiful, Gloria. He had beautiful gray hair, was tanned and muscular. We were sitting at the bar when he came in and I nearly fell off my barstool when I saw him. It didn’t take too long before he came over and sat by Martin. They soon started a conversation and he introduced himself to us. His name was Vince.”

“We small talked for a while and then Vince asked me to dance. I could hardly breathe must less walk and didn’t know if I could make it to the dance floor. Somehow I did and before I knew it Vince had me in his arms and we were moving, not so much dancing, just moving with our bodies pressed together. His aroma made my pussy wet. I couldn’t believe it. Anyway he asked me what we were doing there and I told him we were looking for couples, my mind wasn’t working so well. He said that we were in the right place but if we would settle for a single man he was available. Then he cupped my breasts and kissed me deeply, his tongue probing my mouth. I thought I was going to faint. Are you listening to me, Gloria? You seem to be distracted.”

“Are you nuts? I’m enthralled. I was just listening in a kind of glow.”

“A glow? Whatever.” said Tess. She refilled her glass and lit up another Winston. She looked at Gloria squarely in the eyes, “Shall I continue?”

“Absolutely,” said Gloria, “It’s just getting interesting.”

“Alright. After the dance Vince and I rejoined Martin at the bar. I was careful to sit between them. Vince discreetly pulled his rock hard cock out of his pants and guided my hand to it. I took his cock in my hand and started rubbing it. With the dance and feeling Vince’s cock my pussy was really getting wet.”

“Martin gaziantep escort portalı had seen all of this and he nodded his approval to me. He asked me if I wanted to fuck Vince and I eagerly told him that I did. Martin and Vince talked for a moment in a sort of huddle. Martin then looked at me and told me to get my wrap, we were going to meet Vince at our house. God I was nervous.”

Gloria interrupted again, “Why were you nervous? You had already screwed other men in Martin’s presence.”

Tess took a gulp of wine and turned to Gloria, “You know, having sex with the other men was good and I know Martin loved it, but this guy Vince was something else. I longed and ached for him. I wanted him badly and that is what was making me nervous. I was afraid of the effect my longing for Vince would have on Martin and on me.”

Gloria was listening to Tess intently and she noticed that her pussy was starting to moisten. She changed positions on the lounge in hopes that Tess would not notice her emerging excitement. “Look, wine’s gone. No prob, I’ll get another bottle.”

As Gloria rose from the lounge Tess said, “Don’t get more just for me, I’m not feeling much pain as it is.”

“Well, I want some more and you have more if you want. Don’t lose your buzz, you’re just now getting to the good part. Be right back.”

While Gloria was gone Tess was thinking about the discussion she and Martin had the night before.

“Look, Tess,” Martin was saying, “I have always said that I would never expect you to do anything that you didn’t want to do. Before we were married I explained to you my sexual desires. You were shocked but agreed to try the swinging scene. After we were married we did just that. However, that ended when you discovered that most of the women were bi and you just could not bring yourself to engage in bi activities. Then we tried threesomes with other men as the third party. That ended for some reason that I can’t put my finger on. Seeking anything that would somewhat satisfy my kinky desires I asked you to at least openly flirt with other men and then tell me about it. Nothing happened. Then I asked that we do some light submissive role play. No way.”

“My point so far is that I have been true to my original stance that I would never ask you to do something that you didn’t want to do, whatever the reason. In fact, I admire you for at least giving some things a try, even though the result has always been the same, you didn’t want to. So here we are just about where we started. And that’s OK. I love you and respect all your feelings. I just want you to know that, in my view, you are missing out on some very exciting activities that we would both enjoy and would enhance our life.”

“What I need from you is a final decision from you because I am frustrated. Are we or we not going to pursue any of the kinky activities I want? I don’t want your decision now. I want you to consider everything and perhaps tell me your decision later this week. Whatever your decision, we will move forward and live our lives accordingly.”

Tess said, “Martin, you know that I love you above all things and would do almost anything for you. All I have ever wanted is to love my husband and children. Why do we have to have any of those things in our life? Don’t we have a good sex life? I think we do. I am very satisfied with just the way it is. Are you saying that just me is not enough?”

“You are enough.” Martin replied, “In a vanilla relationship you are enough. It’s just that I don’t want a vanilla relationship. However, I’m willing to live that way with you and enjoy whatever satisfaction I get out of it, but I do want more. Wanting and having are two different things.”

Tess snapped back to the present as Gloria came back holding a fresh bottle of wine. “Want a refill, Hon?”

“Just a bit more.”

“So, you, Martin and this guy Vince had a really good time?”

“We sure as hell did. Vince was one of the best fucks I ever had. And he was so good looking and sexy. He fucked my brains out and I nearly sucked his beautiful cock off. Gloria, after it was over and Vince went home Martin and I had the very best sex together.”

“We had a couple more threesomes, one with this guy named Darren that had a cock that was just too big. But sex with him was wonderful and he was wonderful. The problem with him was that I thought he was falling for me and I cut that off.”

“So that is what’s bothering you? You feel guilty about loving sex with other men?” asked Gloria with a slight sarcasm in her voice, “And you were afraid they might get serious with you? Did you tell Martin about those feelings?”

“No, that’s not all that’s bothering me. I did tell Martin about those feelings and he thought I was silly. He said that he loved the fact that I liked Vince so much and that Darren might be falling for me. He said all that made it all the more fun and intriguing. The other thing bothering me is that Martin has tried light submissive stuff with me and I just don’t like it. He sent off for some sort of nipple rings that attach to my nipples. Martin said they were supposed to bring me pleasure but they hurt. So we don’t do that any more. He has asked me to flirt with guys and then tell him about. I can’t bring myself to do that. He even would like me to fuck someone without him there and then tell him about it. I can’t do any of that and I’m afraid it will hurt our marriage.” Tess fired up another Winston and sipped her wine. “What do you think about all that, Gloria?”

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