Marine Girl


Chapter I – Let the punishment fit the crime

Swimming is compulsory at my school and unfortunately I hate water, getting wet and having to change publicly. Our school changing rooms are smelly, dirty, noisy and seem to bring out the worst from the class bullies. That’s tough on me as being a small, frail, underdeveloped lad with a girlish completion meant I’m frequently their target and find the whole experience terrifying. Little did I realise how I was to develop and the life changing experience I was to undergo…

I tried but I couldn’t get out of swimming, any avoidance is frowned upon and treated severely. Believe me, if you didn’t want to go swimming its better to miss the whole day.

Today I was in for a nasty shock when I unroll my towel to find not my trunks but my sisters one-piece lycra swimming costume. My face drops like a stone. You can imagine the scene, a steamy changing room full of boisterous lads. I knew they thought of me as effeminate and finding my sisters costume was not going to help my case. I stare at it in sheer disbelief. How could I have been so stupid?

You’d love it, it’s a rather naughty, high-cut one-piece costume in turquoise. Her personal favorite with a gold “sphinx” print and fully lined front. I stood for sometime with only my towel around my waist while all the others dress noisily.

‘Get dressed you horrible lot,’ Sir, the games master screams. He walks among us clipping any unfortunate lad within range on the head with his huge fist in his normal unpleasant manner. I feel my heart beat faster and nervously stuff the costume back in my bag. I consider gathering my things and making a dash for the door.

Too late, he saw I hadn’t changed. ‘What’s up with you, boy.’ he bellows. ‘Come here, Nigel now!’

Head down I trudge to the front of the class. ‘Yes Sir?’ I mumble staring sheepishly at the tiled floor.

‘Why haven’t you dressed like the rest of the class?’

‘I, I, I’ve forgotten my trunks,’ I stammer. The other lads smirk and as expected Sir goes berserk, exploding like a firework. ‘Pathetic excuse,’ he bellows. ‘Go to your place while I think what to do with you.’ He grabs me by the back of my neck and with his free hand roughly inverts my sports bag scattering my things everywhere.

‘What’s this,’ he cries, as my sisters costume tumbles out onto the damp floor. The class burst into hysterics as they all gaze at my sisters high-cut one piece, it’s print glimmering in all it’s splendor. ‘Perfect,’ he smirks. ‘What where you Kartal Grup Escort mumbling?’

‘I’ve forgotten my swimming things,’ I say again.

‘No you haven’t,’ he says with a wicked smirk, scooping my sisters, now dirty and damp costume from the floor. He pushes the shining costume into my hairless chest. ‘What’s this then?’

‘It’s my sisters. I seem to have picked her swimwear by mistake,’ I mumble apologetically.

‘I see.’ He rubs his head and looks thoughtful. ‘You’re a pathetic twerp. What are you?’

‘A pathetic twerp,’ I say quietly knowing that any challenge would fuel his anger and double my punishment.

‘What do you expect twerp? Too miss one of my lessons because you’ve bought the wrong things.’ he laughs loudly and the class titters in support.

I shake my head. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.’

‘This is no excuse! I can’t see a problem, can you?’ Sir snatches the towel from my waist. The class gather round and point at my little cock and laugh.

‘You’ll have to put your sisters costume on and hurry up.’

‘No, please don’t make me,’ I sob.

‘Nonsense. No boy in my class gets off swimming that easily.’

‘Sir, Sir, please Sir’ Mark, shouts enthusiastically. ‘I bet Nigel wants to wear his girly costume as he’s such a pansy poof.’

Mark is an athletic lad and one of Sirs favorite pupils, with wide shoulders, chiseled jaw and muscular thighs. I despise him. Mark unlike me excels in all physical activities and am consequently subject to his cruel bullying.

Sir eyes me suspiciously. ‘You’re right Mark when dressed in this costume he will look more like one of the girls.’ The whole class titters in support. ‘I’ll have a word with the Miss Grim, the games mistress next-door and see what I can arrange.’ The class again roar with laughter and I feel a tears welling in my eyes.

As a mixed comprehensive we share lessons and even at swimming we share the huge pool but are taught by male and female instructors.

Humiliated yet strangely excited I try to protest but Mark was right despite the humiliation I secretly loved the idea of wearing it in front of all the other boys and prancing around like a soft girl.

‘Please Sir do I have to wear it?’ I say again rather weekly thinking that I should appear to protest.

‘Don’t question me again boy. Of course you do.’ he raps me on the head with his fist. ‘You shouldn’t have forgotten your trunks. And now You won’t ever again.’ A smile spread across his face as Kartal Manken Escort he looks at me pleased with the punishment he had administered.

‘Please no.’ I cry but it was hopeless I felt at knifepoint forced to do as he commands. I felt the mucky dampness in the air from the last class shower. Fat drops of condensation dribble down the sweaty red lockers. Standing naked in the room I gather the swimming costume in my trembling hands and stretch the neck just wide enough to gingerly step one smooth leg, into the stretchy fabric. I pause and look at the other boys, silent now, watching my every move. I steady himself, lift my other foot and plunge it into the neck of the costume. I gasp awash with a strange sensation as I draw it slowly up my legs. I’ve never felt anything like it as at holds my legs together like heavy manacles. Oblivious to these sensations the class cheer as holding the material by the sides I pull it up my thighs until it was tightly in my groin. My cock practically disappears as the strong stretchy Lycra holds me in a vice like grip. I sigh with relief as my captive audience stop poking fun at my diminutive cock. Then with a struggle I stretch the taught fabric over my hips and buttocks deciding to leave it bunched around my waist as if a pair of trunks.

Sir impatient with my progress ushers the rest of the class out towards the pool. As they all troop out laughing, Mark and Steve both look back at me hungrily and wink at each other knowingly.

‘Sissy go play with the girls.’ Steve sneers.

‘Come on in sweetie the waters lovely.’ Mark taunts in a high pitched camp voice.

Sir doesn’t hear their cruel heckling. ‘Boys, leave our pretty marine girl to get ready. Hurry along you horrible lot and join the girls in the pool.’

I smooth the top of the costume around my waist and go to follow the lads.

‘What do you think you’re doing, boy? Unroll the costume immediately. It’s not a pair of boys trunks. I want you to wear it probably like a girl. Get those straps stretched over your shoulders.

Alone, with the gusset firmly in place I struggle to haul the bodice up over my chest, slip my slender arms under the straps and pull them over my slim shoulders. The severe cut of the swimsuit highlights my collarbone perfectly and the lined front gives me a beautiful padded pair of petite breasts. I smooth the material down with my hands, wiggle my bottom, remove the painfully tight material from my backside and adjusted the padded cups. I felt as Kartal Masöz Escort if I was being cut in half. I didn’t realise at the time, but because it was slightly too small for me – the costume made my body seem undeniably feminine. I mince about in the changing room enjoying the strange feel of the incredibly tight costume. I couldn’t deny how good the Lycra felt between my butt cheeks, or more specifically how the stretchy material massaged my pink little hole. I repeatedly bend at the waist and marvel how the shoulder straps pull the costume higher and it squeezes my cock into a feminine mound and crawls further between my butt cheeks.

Suddenly Sir reappears and looks at me almost sympathetically, surprised, I think how girlish I look.

‘Girls don’t like to get their hair wet do they? And you’re no exception.’ He sneers. ‘Miss Grim says you can join her class but you’ll have to wear a swimming hat.’

‘I don’t want to join the girls class,’ I lie finding the idea a real turn on.

Sir looks at me pathetically. ‘Dressed like that you’re not going to swim with my boys.’ He shows me a flexible, tight white rubber hat with a beautiful flower motif. He chuckles to himself as he pulls the hat apart toyfully like a chest expander. ‘Your hair is not really long enough to warrant this, nevertheless, rules are rules.’

‘But I’m not a girl.’ I remind him, my voice trembling.

Sir smiles cruelly. ‘You don’t look it from where I’m standing. Now bend your head down while I put this on you.’ He beckons me to sit on the damp wooden bench in front of him and as I do so he slaps the back of my head forcing me to drop forward. Cold and humiliated I happily sit, feet together wanting to revel in the now familiar sensation as the Lycra forces its way between my spreading cheeks. ‘Mmm!’ I try not to look too comfortable but this time I feel the wet bench soak into my pretty costume reminding me horribly that I still had to go swimming.

Smack – He stretches open the cap and forcibly pulls it over my head trapping small strands of hair making me wince. The elasticised sides snap back over my ears. Tears fill my eyes.

‘Hmm! As I suspected ridiculous, weak and very girly.’ With my small frame poured into my sisters tiny costume and now with the tight swimming hat, holding my hair in place it really did complete the picture. I look just like one of the girls in my class, with my petite frame tightly enclosed in the silky material of my costume. The one-piece gave the allusion that I had an hourglass-shaped figure, making my hips and buttocks look very girlish.

‘How does your sisters swimming costume feel on you, boy?’ he snarls but he gave me no time to reply. ‘Now, Nigel, get your butt into that pool. We’ve wasted enough time.’ He then practically frog-marches me outside.

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