Nothing But Knit


Nothing But Knit

*Author’s note: Those of you who’ve read my personal crossdressing stories (those written in the first person) know I have a huge fetish for knit tops—particularly the ribbed-knit variety. I often use the word ‘sweaters’ for the things I like in a generic sense, but pretty much any form-fitting top that are not sweaters fit the bill quite nicely.

Being the ‘girl’ who was found for the modeling job in this story was once a serious fantasy of mine. Now I’m happily living with the love of my life who loves me more as Callie than my male self. Maybe one day, I’ll be able to open a business with the name of the title of this story.

Until then, my imagination will have to do.

I also shared my own personal experiences as far as dating goes, and in Serendipity, I explained how I met a female Navy officer who fell in love with my feminine persona. She was the first and only woman I ever dated since divorcing my ex-wife. We live together and what we have works for us. It is extremely rare, but it does happen.

That said, I hope no one who reads this fictional tale will bother trying to explain how ‘most crossdressers are heterosexual’ as though I haven’t heard that before. Many, many times. 🙂

It’s been quite awhile since I wrote one of these, and I hope you enjoy it.


“Have a seat. I want to hear all about this new concept of yours. What are you calling it again?” she asked her older brother.

He sat down and began explaining. “It isn’t just a concept. I’m actually opening my first three stores next month and we’re calling them ‘Nothing But Knit’.”

“Catchy. I love the play on words from basketball’s ‘nothing but net.’ Are all three of them in the local area?”

“Two here in Seattle and one in Portland, Oregon.”

“That makes sense,” she told him. “This kind of store probably wouldn’t fair as well in Florida or Hawaii.”

“I think you’d be surprised. If you’re assuming it’s just a sweater store, that would be wrong. As the name implies, it’s all about knit tops of every kind. Sweaters are a subset of what we’ll be selling, but only account for a portion of the market. Granted, that part would tend to do very poorly where it’s hot or even warm all year around, but I think the rest of the clothing line would sell well anywhere. We’ll be offering an all-knit collection of the top names in women’s fashion, the only restriction is that as far as tops go, we sell nothing but knit tops with one exception—sweater dresses—which aren’t tops, of course, but they fit perfectly with the theme and no one will find it odd.

We’ll also offer skirts, shoes, and accessories like handbags and jewelry, but our focus is on all things knit.”

“Fascinating. What are you looking at in terms of advertising the new line and your stores?”

“Some radio. Internet ads on sites that make sense but TV mostly. I have a couple of models on contract with my other stores, and they’re both perfect for the kinds of things we’ll be selling. One is a full-C kind of girl and the other is well…pretty much flat as a board. Both of them are gorgeous and will look great in our clothes. They’ll demonstrate that any girl from a AA to a DD can wear our products.”

He paused for a second then said, “I uh, I’m thinking about trying something new and rather bold, too.”

“Oh? Do tell,” his sister said, her curiosity now peaked.

“I want to hire a transgendered woman to model our clothing, and I want to do that for two primary reasons. The first is to establish a strong connection with the LGBTQ community. That never hurts in a city as progressive as Seattle, or Portland for that matter, and it can actually be a huge plus. Secondly, I want everyone—both women and men—to feel comfortable buying our clothes. I think you’d be surprised to learn how much money men spend on women’s clothing. A lot of it is for gifts for wives and girlfriends, but there’s definitely a market for crossdressers, as well. No, it’s nowhere near what women spend on themselves, but it’s significant enough to merit targeting them specifically without alienating our female customers. What could say that better than having a very cute, very chic-looking boy dressed as a beautiful girl in the mix with two very different, very beautiful, genetic females? As they model whatever it is they’re wearing, each of them has one quick line to say. The genetic girls say their bit, then the TG girl shocks everyone as ‘she’ says in her male voice with a big smile, ‘My friends and I love shopping at ‘Nothing But Knit’, a place where all girls are welcome’.”

His sister sat there staring at him for a few seconds then surprised him when she said rather loudly, “Oh, my God. That’s a home run! It’s freaking brilliant! I love it! Who is she? I want to meet her!”

“Well…that’s the problem. I haven’t found her yet.”

Barry Gunderson already owned over a dozen women’s clothing stores in the Seattle-Tacoma-Portland-Vancouver, BC, area, and was opening three new stores, all in large-scale Pendik Olgun Escort shopping malls, within the next 30 days.

His sister, Ada Gunderson-Healy, was not only his younger sibling, but also very wealthy in her own right as a successful fashion designer, and she was now willing to throw her financial support behind her brother and his ‘Nothing But Knit’ clothing stores. His bottom line had been taking a beating lately, so Barry was closing three of his traditional locations in order to finance his new idea, and getting Ada’s support was huge.

“How do you propose finding her? Are you going to go through a modeling agency?”

“I’m not exactly sure yet. I really need to find someone from the local area who’ll find this special…someone willing to work for um…let’s say…free clothes or maybe a huge discount on clothing and accessories and perhaps a small salary. There’s got to be at least one very thin, very androgynous-looking older teen boy out there who’s maybe 18 or 19 or even 21-ish who’d look absolutely amazing as a girl who’d also find this a lot of fun.”

“Oh, I’m sure there are plenty of them. The question is how do you find them? Where do you even look?”

Ada laughed then quipped, “Craig’s List?”

Her brother chuckled then said, “I have several ideas and now that you’re on board, Ada, I’m going to put someone on this full-time. I can promise you this—we will find him! Or…would that be…her?”

Ada chuckled again then told her brother, “Good luck, Barry, and by all means, keep me informed. Oh, I’d like to meet this um…young lady…whenever you do find her. You know, just to make sure I’m comfortable with her representing us. The wrong choice could be disastrous.”

“You know I’m going to choose the perfect person, but I will, of course, bring her by to meet you.”

“Okay, ciao, big brother! Do stay in touch,” she told him as he got up to kiss her cheek before leaving.

The first thing Barry did after leaving Ada’s office was call his personal assistant.

“I need you to find someone who knows how to find hidden talent.”

He told her what that meant and she said, “That’s gonna be a challenge. Even a modeling agency would have a tough time with that one. Okay, let me see what I can do and yes, I understand the urgency. I’ll get right on it.”

Late the following day, Gunderson got a phone call from his PA. “Good news. I found the guy who finds the guys—and gals,” she told him.

“Can you speak English?” he said a little annoyed with her code talk.

“Your ‘talent finder.’ I found him. His name is Erik Williams and he’s very good at this kind of thing. Between his own personal contacts, social media, and numerous outlets to find people like your ‘new girl’, Erik has the answers. Just so you know, he’s expensive and you might end up paying him more than the model is worth.”

“How expensive?” Gunderson asked.

“Just expenses upfront until he finds the talent. You pay nothing upfront, but he charges a $10,000 fee once you sign a prospect.”

Gunderson ran the numbers on what he paid his other models, and, by comparison, that wasn’t expensive at all. In fact, it was dirt cheap. He could still fork out a couple of thousand in salary each month along with promotional giveaways and still come out way ahead.

“Okay. Do it,” he told her. “And keep me informed.”

He almost hung up then said, “Oh, tell Stella to be on call for me. As this Erik guy sends us potential candidates, I need someone who can do hair and makeup so we can see what ‘she’ looks like in drag.”

“Will do,” his PA cheerfully replied.

Within 48 hours, referrals started flowing in. A couple of them looked reasonably cute, but they had no…grace. They looked great in drag but they weren’t model material. A half dozen others had no business being there and Gunderson was ready to let this Erik guy go when his PA brought in another candidate for the initial interview.

“Mr. Gunderson, this is Steve Marin. Steve, this is our CEO, Mr. Gunderson.”

Steve was 19 years old, about 5’9″ and very thin. All of the candidates had been thin, but none of them had Steve’s facial features. Gunderson got excited when he realized this kid had potential. The long eyelashes, the high cheekbones, the soft, full lips, and his own thick, dark hair worn in a ponytail. And while 5’9″ was fairly tall as girls went, it was nearly perfect for female models.

“Steve, can you lift your chin up for me, please?”

Gunderson looked from all angles and couldn’t see a visible Adam’s apple.

“Perfect. Thank you very much.”

He asked Steve to have a seat then said, “Why are you interested in modeling female clothing for us?”

“Um…well, I…I’ve had a secret interest in crossdressing for a long time. But I live alone with my dad who’d…freak out if he knew…and I don’t have anything to wear. I sort of have this ever-present dream about looking like a really pretty girl, but other than wearing Pendik Sarışın Escort my cousin’s things a few times, I’ve never had the chance to do it. I don’t really even care about the money. That doesn’t matter. I’d just like the chance to be able to look like that as often as possible.”

“So…do you want to actually become a girl? You know, sex change and the whole nine yards or just look like one sometimes?”

“Um, I don’t really know,” Steve told him truthfully. “I’ve never actually thought a lot about it beyond just wanting to look pretty. I suppose if I was a transsexual, I’d know it, though, so perhaps I’m not. But I think about being a pretty girl at least part-time, all of the time. I don’t know if that even makes sense, but that’s how I feel.”

Impressed with his candor and maturity, Barry told Steve, “No, that makes perfect sense. So listen…I’m gonna have you get with our makeup artist and see what she can do with you then she’ll bring you back in dressed as…Stevie? How does that sound?”

“It…it sounds like a dream come true,” Steve told him, the eagerness showing through his inherent shyness. “But I kind of already have a name for myself when I’m, you know, dressed up as a girl or rather—thinking about that.”

“No problem. What name would you prefer to be called?”

“Well, I…I really like Stephanie because it’s so close to my real name. Is that okay?” he asked.

“Steve to Stephanie. I like it! Yes, that’s absolutely okay,” Barry assured him.

Stella came in and Barry let her meet Steve before asking her to bring him back as Stephanie.

“Oh, she’s gonna to look amazing!” Stella told her boss as she looked at this young boy’s facial features from all sides.

She looped her arm through Steve’s then said like the Wicked West of the West, “Come with me, my little pretty!”

Stella grew up in the Bronx and not only still had that heavy, New York accent, but had the attitude to go with it.

“I’d die for those cheekbones,” she told Steve as she took him into the back to get him ready. “Or those eyebrows.”

She removed the rubber band holding his hair and shook her head.

“My Gawd! This hair. It’s…amazing!!”

Stella had him strip down to his briefs to see what else she was working with, and as she began showing her new client the first rack of beautiful clothes, she smiled when she saw him squirming.

“They’re beautiful, huh?” Stella said, as she glanced down at the growing bulge in his underwear.

Steve realized she noticed, and in spite of a mild blush, agreed with her.

“All right. Let’s find somethin’ kill-uh to ‘wow’ Barry with, shall we?” Stella told him as she began flipping through dozens of items.

She laughed when Steve said, “Oh, I love that!” or “How about this one?” to nearly every item she flipped through.

“Those are all very pretty, but we need something stunning. Something to…take Barry’s breath away.”

Two racks later she was still looking when suddenly she stopped.

“Oh, my gawd! This is it! Right here!”

She pulled out a dark-red knit dress with long sleeves and a plunging neckline that was floor length with a slit up the right side all the way to the top of the thigh.

She held it up to him then said, “Oh, yeah. This is poi-fect! Now…what size do we need?”

She was holding a small which was clearly too…small, so she put it back and grabbed a medium.

“Oh, hellz yeah!” Stella said as she chewed her gum viciously, snapping and popping it.

“Okay. Let’s get stah-ted, sweet-hot,” she said, pronouncing ‘heart’ as ‘hat’ or maybe ‘hot’ or somewhere in between.

Steve was told to go finish undressing and put on the white robe, black bra, and C-cup breast forms, as well as some computer-designed pads to give him an actually set of hips and an ass, neither of which the slender boy had on his own.

The first thing Stella did was shampoo and blow-dry Steve’s long, thick hair. When she finished, the soft, silky hair fell to the top of his shoulders; hair Stella then carefully trimmed along the bottom edge before putting up in large rollers as she began working on his makeup.

The shape of Steve’s face was perfect for long hair, and Stella couldn’t wait to see the end result of her efforts. In the meantime, she went to work on his eyebrows until they were perfectly trimmed and shaped. In less than 30 minutes, she’d transformed his face from that of an androgynous-looking male to one that was so fully female even she could no longer find any trace of masculinity in it.

Using a large makeup brush, Stella then carefully created the illusion of cleavage around his breast forms, which, even from close up, looked virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

“And that is why Barry pays me the big bucks!” she proudly said as she got close to being finished.

“Is it okay if I look?” Steve asked.

“Uh-uh. No way, sweetie. Not until my mastuh-piece is finished!” she told him. “But Pendik Şişman Escort I do need you to stand up for me so we can get you into that goy-juss dress.”

Not the least bit shy, Steve took the robe off and stood there waiting for further instructions.

Stella helped him get into it without getting a speck of makeup on it then straightened it out over his ample ‘boobs’ and nicely-rounded butt.

“Oh, my gawd!” she said again when she saw the near-finished product. “If I don’t get a fucking raise…”

“Okay, hun. Now sit back down fuh me and we’ll get yuh shoes on then do yuh nails and lipstick while your hair finishes doin’ its thing, okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said as he backed into the makeup chair with Stella’s help.

“I’m glad you ain’t gettin’ paid fuh that voice of yours,” she told him. “But uh-thuh than that, you look freakin’ goy-juss!”

Stella double checked the shade of nail polish against the dress and laughed.

“Like I needed to check,” she smugly said to herself.

“Now do not touch anything, okay, hun?” she told him once the last nail was done.

“I won’t,” Steve promised.

A few minutes later, the hair was ready, and Stella carefully removed each roller then brushed it out.

“Oh, yeah. I’m a freakin’ GENIUS!” she said as she looked at the beautiful ‘woman’ in front of her.

“Now that’s a Stephanie,” she said before asking ‘her’ if she was ready for the big reveal.

“Yes. I’m so turned on I can’t stand it,” Stephanie told her. What she didn’t say was that she was on the verge of cumming just from the feel of the panty hose, the clingy dress, and the hair on her bare skin. Were she to receive any more stimulation, the beautiful dress might end up getting stained and the pads she was wearing would definitely be a sticky mess.

“Well, then it’s a good thing you got those pads on, because a goyl can’t be havin’ no bone-uh when she’s modelin’, you know what I’m sayin’, hun?” Stella said, mostly teasing.

Stella helped her stand up, then get used to the four-inch heels she’d strapped on the young model before taking Stephanie’s hand and walking her back to the full-length mirror near the changing booth.

Standing directly behind her with her hands on Stephanie’s shoulders, Stella said, “Okay, sweetie. Open them long-lash eyes of yours and take a look.”

When Stephanie opened her eyes, the weight of the false eyelashes was the first thing she noticed in spite of having had them on for some time. But what she saw nearly made her pass out.

“Oh…my…God!” she said. “Is that really me?”

“Oh, yeah. And…yuh welcome,” Stella said in her NY accent. “And smile, okay. Chicks smile a lot.”

Stephanie turned toward her then smiled, and when she did, Stella covered her mouth with her hands. As a young teen, Steve had worn braces for nearly two years, and as a result, his teeth were perfectly straight and very white, another feature that added even more beauty to his new alter ego.

“I…you…you’re…freakin’…goy-juss!” Stella exclaimed.

Between the hair, the makeup, the dress, and the black-and-gold jewelry Stella had selected, Stephanie was as pretty—and as sexy—as any woman she’d ever seen.

“Okay. It’s time to go see the boss. But let me help you a little first, okay?”

Stella showed Stephanie how to hold her arms when she stood or sat, and the proper way to extend them when she was either just standing or walking. And just as importantly, to make sure and stand up (or sit up) straight at all times and…smile.

“No slouching! Evuh! And keep those legs crossed or yuh knees tugethuh, okay?”

Stephanie was going to need some work, and most likely a lot of it, but she had the general gist down, and between that and the way she looked, Stella felt confident this was going to be the new transgendered face of Nothing But Knit.

“We could spend ow-uhs on this stuff, but that’s the basics. You totally look like a goyl, hun, but it’s the way you carry yourself that’ll give you away. Oh, and that gawd-awful voice of yours, but one thing a time, right, sweetie?”

Stella didn’t know her boss didn’t care about the voice let alone what his specific plans were, but Stephanie cared, and she was like a sponge taking in every nuance of every detail and storing them away as mental notes. The voice could wait, but she wanted to sound as much like a girl as look like one, and after seeing herself for the first time, she knew she looked like one, and a very pretty one, at that.

Stella had Stephanie stay out of sight while she let Barry know she was ready.

“So?” he asked when he saw the look on his makeup artist’s face.

“I uh, I been havin’ some trouble gettin’ this kid Steve or yours ready. But we got us a walk in I want you to meet, okay? She ain’t no transgend-uh, but she’s freakin’ goy-juss, so hume-uh me and have a look, okay?”

“Stella, I don’t have time for this. What’s the problem with the boy? Steve, right?”

“Yeah. Steve. I just need a little more time. So while you’re waiting, you really should take a look at this model. I mean, what’s the harm, right?”

“Fine. Send her in, but get back on the kid!”

Stella turned around, opened the door then invited Stephanie in with a whispered, “Glide! And smile!”

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