Riley and Julie Ch. 02: Exploration

Big Dick

I franticly waved my hands, trying to speed up the drying process of the deep red coloured nail varnish I had just finished applying. I had been late leaving work and had rushed home to get ready for when Julie would arrive for the weekend, the usual quiet Friday proving instead to be busy and making me fret a bit as I wanted to make sure she returned to Riley and not Robert. I had spent the week since our ‘meeting’ and love making walking on clouds, dazedly daydreaming through the dull office hours about what had happened. Even now, with the night of Julie’s return upon me I had the need to pinch myself. Only the butterflies in my stomach made me sure this was real and not some wild imagined fantasy.

We had exchanged text messages during the week, Julie always referring to me as Riley, which had made me smile. It was mostly about what our plans for the weekend where going to be, which we agreed was to involve alcohol and sweet treats aplenty, and according to Julie, her not keeping her hands to herself. Any initial reservations and apprehension I had from getting caught and from our first encounter where long gone now, chased away by this glowing feeling of elation that had been a growing constant ever since.

I gave my nails a final blow of hot air from my mouth and stood up, moving to the mirror to make sure Riley looked her best. I had applied the make up the way Julie had taught me, with the smoky vampy look, some new liquid eyeliner creating wings which added to the effect. My painted red lips twitched into a smile as I admired my handiwork. I had practiced almost every night with newly bought make up since last weekend and it had really paid off. I had also purchased a new outfit and underwear, wanting to look my best. I had chosen a new dress, dark transparent mesh material made up its long sleeves and down off the shoulder to the bust where it was replaced by a panel of velvety black material for the torso and a pleated faux leather mini skirt. Underneath I had a new black lingerie set, its design embroidered with black roses along the cup of its bra, the panties and the matching suspender belt which clipped to black stockings, the mini skirt short enough to show the suspenders and about three inches of bare thigh. I had completed the look with my long straight black wig, a small plain black lace trimmed choker and a pair of black heels.

I was always slightly proud of how Riley looked but tonight was something else, tonight I beamed at the girl in the mirror, her sultry look, her confident stance and twinkling mischievous stare. She was ready. I was ready.

“You’ve come a long way Riley.” I said out loud, soaking it in before glancing at the clock and seeing it was almost eight o’clock. Julie would be here soon. With a final touch I sprayed some perfume on myself and made my way down the stairs.

I hadn’t had the chance to light the fire when I arrived home, being in such a rush to get ready, so I set about getting it lit and ready. The winter was still hitting hard outside and although the snow had cleared for now, the air still had an icy bite to it and I didn’t want Julie arriving cold without a means to warm herself. I didn’t take me too long to start it off and I glanced at the clock in the living room. 8:12pm.

I moved to the kitchen, listening for any approaching footsteps outside and opened a bottle of red wine to let it breathe and stood not knowing what to do with myself. I thought about lighting some candles but worried about it being to intimate, like I was setting up a date. It was silly, really, we had already been in bed together, but despite the numerous back and forth text messages the topic of what we were, if anything, never came up. I didn’t want to assume anything or do anything to make it look like I was. I wanted this weekend to be perfect so I decided to play it safe instead and avoid any potential awkwardness. Instead I opted to switch on the lamps in the living room to give it ambience instead.

My next glance at the clock showed it to be half past eight now and I checked my phone. No new messages or missed calls. I knew logically that Julie being on time was something rare, but I started to feel the creep of doubt nonetheless. Perhaps Julie had had second thoughts about all of this. Perhaps she had decided not to come and just didn’t know how to tell me. I began to pace as the drip of worry began, stealing looks at my phone and the clock before eventually making my way back to kitchen and pouring a glass of wine, figuring it would settle me. I had no sooner taken my first sip when I heard a chap at the window. I turned to see Julie’s face looking in at me with a waving hand before heading towards the door, just like the night she had met Riley for the first time. I breathed a sigh of relief and quickly made my way to open it for her and she stepped in out of the cold, closing the door and planting her freezing lips on mine.

I closed my eyes as our mouths worked together, feeling her tongue pressing into mine. Her mouth tasted sweet, Kurtköy Esmer Escort her warm breath a contrast to her cold lips. A soft hum came from one or both of us until breathless we broke. Julie smiled at me, blowing a strand of the wigs hair that had fallen over my face out of the way as I tucked it back behind my ears.

“Hey baby, sorry I am late.” She said, peeling off gloves and removing her hat and letting her red hair fall free.

“It’s ok.” I said, playing off the doubt I had felt just moments before. “How are you?”

“I’m good, I just went to visit the parentals and got caught up.” She made a puppet motion with a hand meant to indicate chatter and rolled her eyes. “Listen, I know I just got here but is there any chance I could ask a favour?”

“Of course.” I replied.

“Would you mind if I used your shower? I’ve been on my feet all day and it is bloody cold out there, could do with it to clean up and some heat in my bones.”

“You don’t need to ask, feel free.” I said. Julie flashed me another smile and reached down to pick up her back pack from the floor besides us. I hadn’t even noticed her dropping it there so quick and distracting was the greeting kiss.

“Thank you.” She said, taking a step back and looking me up and down with a small whistle before stepping in again and giving me a peck on the lips, her cold cheek sliding up against mine as her face pressed in and her mouth moved up to my ear. “You look absolutely incredible by the way.” With that she gave my ear a kiss and reached around and under my skirt with one hand to grab my ass cheek. Her hand was like ice and I gave a small gasp as it gripped me.

“Jeez, your hand is freezing!” I yelped.

Julie laughed and gave another squeeze, planting a kiss on my cheek this time and broke away heading for the living room and the stairs to the bathroom. She stopped as she came to the wine glasses on the counter, one filled and one empty and looked back at me.

“Couldn’t wait for me, eh? Well, guess you’ll have to get another.” She grabbed the full glass and moved on.

I watched her go upstairs from the kitchen and poured myself a new glass of wine, taking it to the couch in the living room and sat down to wait, relief and eagerness welling up as I heard the shower turn on. I sipped my wine and decided to turn on the television, putting on the music channel Julie had chosen last weekend. It wasn’t really my kind of music, more pop and dance for my taste, but I watched a few of the videos, admiring the female singers and dancers and taking notes of their look and their outfits. I studied how they moved, gracefully agile and self assured, finding my foot tapping along subconsciously after a while to the songs as I drank my wine and watched and waited.

Six upbeat songs and two ad breaks later I heard Julie making her way down the stairs. She stood at the bottom, towel drying her hair that had gone almost black when wet. She had a pastel yellow t-shirt on that hugged her figure, her still slightly damp skin making the tight cloth cling further showing the full outline of her breasts and the erect nipples underneath the shirt. Her bottom half was a pair of red boy shorts, just as tight as the top. I admired her body as she towelled her hair, her motions drawing my eye to her breasts and her midriff, the t-shirt lifting to show flesh when she stretched. I spotted a rogue droplet of water run down her stomach and onto the crotch of the boy shorts, watching it as it slowly disappeared between her legs. She finished and looked across and smiled at me, bringing up the wine glass she had taken upstairs in her spare hand, now empty.

“Refill?” She asked. I lifted my glass and looked, it was three quarters empty.

“Sure.” I said. “Have you had something to eat?”

“Not yet. Honestly, I’m not all that hungry, I’d rather just get drunk.” Julie replied as she made her way towards the kitchen. “Have you had anything?”

“I’ll grab something later.” I said, not wanting to spend time away from her on a menial thing like eating.

Julie wandered back into the living room with a full glass and the wine bottle, filling my own glass and setting it down. She leaned down and gave me a slow kiss, biting my bottom lip as she, to my dismay, drew back and flopped down on the seat beside me.

“Thanks for letting me take the shower. I needed that.” She said, sipping at her wine.

“It’s not a problem. You should make yourself at home when you’re here.” It was platitude on my part, I knew Julie could and would make herself at home anywhere, but judging by the smile I got it won me some points.

“So… we got wine, we got a fire, we got any more ideas?” She asked.

I had plenty of ideas. I didn’t want to be forward though. I was never good at initiating anything, always following my partners lead. Instead I suggested watching a movie.

“Sounds good to me.” Julie agreed, grabbing the remote and bringing up the Netflix menu on my TV.

We Kurtköy Eve Gelen Escort spent time going through the choices. I was happy to let Julie have the say and watch whatever she chose. We made small talk and chatted about the movies as she flicked through menus and categories, eventually deciding on comedy, romance, or both for the genre. We drank our wine as we browsed, finishing off our third glass. Julie finally found a film she was interested in.

“What about High Fidelity? I’ve never seen it but someone was talking about it to me just this week.” She said, remote control hovering in her hand.

“You’ve never seen High Fidelity?” I sounded more shocked about it than I had intended.

“No. What? Why?” Julie made an exaggerated pout, leaning over and giving my thigh a slap with the remote. “Sheesh… It’s not like I’m not aware it exists, I’ve just never watched it. Is it any good?”

“It’s one of my favourites actually. I have the book it was based on too. Same author behind Fever Pitch and About a Boy, you know the one with Hugh Grant.”

“Haven’t seen them either.”

“Have you seen any films?” I chided.

“Hardy-har-har. If you weren’t so cute…” The remote waved in her hand, like a disapproving pointed finger giving me a mockingly stern telling off. “Okay. So, how about it? High Fidelity?”

“Sounds good to me.” I said. “I think you’ll enjoy it.”

She aimed the remote control and set the film in motion, picking up the wine bottle and pouring another glass.

“Almost out. Is there more?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’ll fetch it and some snacks.” I wobbled to my feet in my heels and went off to the kitchen to fetch our supplies. I could feel the alcohol already working on me with my empty stomach so I was glad for the chance to grab a bag of pretzels and a packet of chocolate brownies.

When I returned Julie was seated on the floor with a cushion beneath her, her legs stretched out and her back leaning against the couch. She looked up as I came back and set our movie rations down, leaning forward to pat the floor in front of her.

“Sit.” She said as her hand tapped the carpet in front of her.

I sat where she motioned, facing the TV. Behind me, Julie leaned forward, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulled me back so I was sitting nestled between her outstretched legs. I could feel Julie’s breasts pressed against my back as she held me, and she leaned forward to kiss the top of my head. I sat tensed, not wanting to put my weight on her and make her uncomfortable. She held me with one arm as her free hand reached for her wine and we settled down to watch the movie as John Cusack’s character, Rob, opened his record shop.

We watched the film, drinking out wine and digging into the snacks. Julie’s arm never moved from my waist and after a while of sitting with a strained back I leaned back into her, eliciting another kiss from her lips to my crown. Cushioned against her I could feel her body heat and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. I had never been held like this before. Plenty of girlfriends had used me as a pillow, often leaving me with a dead arm or leg with the way they positioned themselves. It was nice to be on the other end of it now, it felt kind of right. If I was making her uncomfortable where she sat, she was showing no sign of it.

“He likes his lists doesn’t he?” Julie asked as top five list was discussed and debated by the characters.

Top five lists come up often in High Fidelity, top five break ups, top five song lists, top five reasons the main character fell for the movies love interest, Laura.

“It’s become a bit of a cliché thanks to this film.” I laughed.

I snuggled back into her, enjoying the feel of my head resting against the top of her breasts and felt her shuffle slightly forward in her seated position. Her body was warm, warmer than before, and between that and the wine I was completely relaxed.

“Okay, well let’s get cliché.” Julie said, and I could hear the playfulness in her tone.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“All time top five sexual fantasies? Go.”

I was taken back for a moment. I’m not exactly the world’s biggest prude by any means, but I don’t really delve into such things with others either. I knew Julie had something mischievous in her head but that took me off guard, so I made a noise like I was pondering it to buy myself time. Really I was buying myself time.

I thought about it. I didn’t really have sexual fantasies, not as such. Sure, technically I was a crossdresser but I wasn’t sure if that counted, and besides, I was living it right now so it was a reality. I always had a thing for school girl uniforms but that was more a turn on than a fantasy. I never had any recurring dreams about having sex in public, being part of an orgy or tied down by a leather clad dominatrix. Maybe I lacked the imagination. I thought about the porn I watched. Shemale and crossdresser were the two main categories, closely followed Kurtköy Evi Olan Escort by teen, but I didn’t watch any porn video I found online, I searched for ones where I found the stars attractive, that was my main pull towards a video.

Then I had another thought. I was thinking like Robert. I had never considered Riley as being capable of having her own separate fantasies. I thought about that, finding it difficult to wrap my head around, my mind dulled by the wine I had consumed. I consider Robert and Riley separately from one another, each their own individual who just happened to share some space. I had for sure already lived out one fantasy last weekend, even if I didn’t know it at the time. I began to think about what I thought about when I watched porn but Julie interrupted me.


“I don’t know.” I admitted.

“You don’t know?” I could hear in her voice she didn’t believe me.

“Never really thought about it, as such. I guess I’m just boring.” There was a silence after I spoke that filled with my shame for not having an answer. “What about you?” It was both a way to break the silence and a deflection.

I felt Julie tighten her arm around my waist and my hair being moved from the back of my neck, replaced by her hot breath. Her lips brushed against the nape sending tingles up my spine and an almost inaudible exclamation from my throat. She kissed up my neck and brushed those lips of hers against my ear.

“Number five…” She whispered, so quiet and sensuously my heart skipped a beat then pounded in double time.

Julie’s feet wrapped around my calves, hooking them and pulled, spreading both of our legs and forcing me to lean further backwards into her. Her lips closed around my earlobe, sucking it in, her teeth gently nibbling. I sucked in a breath and involuntarily closed my eyes at the sensation. The hand at my waist tugged at the skirt of my dress, drawing it up to reveal my panties, and Julie slid her hand delicately down over my crotch.

I could feel the blood rushing to my dick as it started to get hard. Julie pushed her hand down between my legs, applying pressure. My cock fought to stand tall, but she pressed it down. Her fingers moved in small strokes, rubbing at it through the soft fabric of my underwear. Her tongue snaked into my ear as she rubbed and the two sensations melded together into something so tantalizing I could focus on nothing else. I wriggled under Julie’s touch and felt her apply more weight to her legs, pinning mine in place with them. Her crotch pushed into the small of my back and I could feel the heat from between her legs on the small of my back.

Julie continued to kiss my ear and my neck softly as she caressed me through my panties. I opened my eyes and watched her hand as she rubbed me tenderly, stroking between my legs as if Riley had a pussy. The thought, the feel, the view, it drove me wild. I made a long pleasured sound as her palm pressed down on my stomach, changing the sensation. Her free hand turned my head and Julie leaned down and kissed me full on the mouth mid-moan, muffling it as she pushed her tongue in, rolling and twining it around my own.

I closed my eyes again and melted into it, all thoughts fleeing as I succumbed to stimulation. Julie’s hand controlled me and her mouth stole my breath, my knees and arms weak. I couldn’t fight against it if I wanted to, and I really, really, did not want to. I was completely hers, and I hoped that she never stopped.

And she didn’t. Lost in my reverie I didn’t notice Julie’s hand slide under the waist of the panties at first until the warmth of her skin met the warmth of my own. I kept my eyes closed, kissing her back, pulse racing, the film forgotten. I wasn’t able to see but I could feel she was now using three fingers to control my pleasure. Her index and ring finger pressed into either side of my cock, keeping it squeezed in place, as her middle finger pressed down from the top. They all moved in rhythm, stroking me.

Julie’s free hand moved the back of my neck, her thumb grazing and tracing across as she began to kiss me more passionately. Her stroking became faster and small sounds bubbled from me. My hands finally moved, gripping onto her thighs as the pressure in me began to build. Our kissing became more passionate, the hand at my neck now grasping, pushing me further into to her. She massaged my swollen cock with more vigour, it still struggling against the restrictions of my panties, the fabric rubbing and adding to the sensation and the ecstasy.

My orgasm built slow, waves and waves rolling over me as the sensitivity of my cock spread over my entire body and I fixated on it, riding it and then swam with it as the dam finally broke, washing me away. I came hard, my back arching and my lips slipping from Julies. Her hand did not stop and she continued to guide me through my zenith, cum soaking my panties and dribbling out with each throbbing spurt.

My head fell back on Julie, my side of my face burying into her breasts as I thought to get my breath back. Her fingers released their grip on me but kept slowing brushing against my cock as it grew limp, causing shooting tingles through me as I lay in her arms. Eventually her hand withdrew from under my panties, and I heard her suck on them with the satisfied purr.

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