My Little Brother Ch. 01


There is no sex scene in this episode, only teasing. Please don’t read if you’re looking for a quickie.

All characters are eighteen plus.

When I was a kid, my family lived in a broken-down trailer park. My parents were drug addicts and on top of that sold drugs illegally to earn money. So life was like a scary dream that never ended. Nobody’s childhood should be like mine. I’ll never forget what I had to go through. As far as I can remember I had to take care of myself. However I worked really hard in school to get a scholarship. That scholarship was my way out of that bad place.

I had a little brother who was six years younger than me. Basically I raised him. I was the one who had to feed him and look after him. Once he started to hang out with other kids he became an absolute brat. Normally I’m not a person who loses patience so quickly but in my brother’s case it was totally the opposite. I think I even slapped his head over drinking water. Who makes sounds while drinking water? Fucking annoying. Anyway things got even worse at home and I knew I had to leave. So, when I got the scholarship, I took it and never looked back.

Though I didn’t forget about my brother, I wasn’t the best big brother either. When I found out he dropped out of high school, I was mad and sad. So, I stopped talking to him. I thought it was the right thing to do to move forward and become something. I was in no condition to help him. If he studied hard as I did then I could help him with the scholarship. You need to do great in the academy to apply for a scholarship like I get mine. He was good at handball but never showed interest in sports either.

After finishing college I applied in some company as an intern. First six months were very hard as they only covered my living expenses. I don’t know how I survived that period but once I got the full time job in marketing, I started to forget about my past life. I was done with the struggle for food and a place to live. My job was pretty awesome. Basically, I helped people know about cool stuff they could buy. I was really good at it. Eventually, I became the boss! Yeap that’s easy when you’re passionate. Nothing good comes with force. You have to be talented at something to be successful in your life. Everyone is good at something but finding out and using it the right way is the hardest part. Yeap, you heard me. You will get only what you deserve.

But I wasn’t satisfied just being a boss of a small department. I always wanted to be something big or at least part of it. I’m always full of ideas but implementing them is the real challenge. Nobody cares about your idea until you make it happen. So I did what I had to. It was a very hard decision. Leaving a good job to start a business where no guarantee is really nerve wracking. Me and some friends started our own little company. And guess what? We became super successful in just two years! We weren’t making millions but our company was getting more than enough profit that we estimated.

By the time I was 29, I was a big deal in the business world. Our company helped lots of other businesses. It was like being a superhero but with computers instead of capes.

Now that our company was running well, my bank balance was also getting high. I wasn’t extravagant so it didn’t take long to save enough money to buy an awesome beach house in North Carolina. It’s near the ocean and so pretty with lots of windows to see the ocean.

If you ask me why I bought the beach house then I’ll say why not? My beach house is my sanctuary away from the chaos of the city. It’s where I can truly relax and unwind, far from the noise and pollution. When I get some time, I like to do fun things like surfing or playing volleyball on the beach. And I have friends over in my house all the time. We always have a great time together, chilling, having parties and enjoying the beach life.

I guess I just need a wife at this point. I dated a few girls but mostly gold digger or not wife material. I’m rich now but I actually don’t spend like my rich friends do though. Maybe it is because of my harsh childhood. When I see a girl who likes to spend money rather than saving it it is just a red flag for me. Yea, it’s fun to fuck for a while but I’m not spending my rest of life with you. All my friends are settling down or starting families and there’s me, still flying solo. But hey, I’m not complaining. It’s more fun being single. You can bang hot girls whenever you want. There’s plenty of time for all that serious stuff later. Right now, I’m all about living life to the fullest, kağıthane escort checking off those bucket list items one by one.

But a part of me is always sad. Because I miss my family, especially my little brother. He’s been through so much. Yea I’m pissed off that he dropped out but everyone is not like me. The life we faced wasn’t easy to ditch and become something good. I always wonder if there’s something I can do to help my brother out. Maybe give him a job at the company and a place to crash until he gets back on his feet. I still believe I can really make a difference in his life. But every time I pick up my phone and think about calling my little brother I stop. Not because I abandoned him because I really was not prepared for the bad news I’ll hear. But maybe it’s time to bury the hatchet, reach out, and see how they’re doing. After all, they’re family and family sticks together no matter what.

So, I take a deep breath, dial my brother’s number, and wait anxiously to see if he’ll pick up. Will he still be using the same old number? Only one way to find out.

I waited nervously as the phone rang, wondering who would pick up on the other end. And then finally I heard a voice. It’s a girl’s voice. Maybe my brother’s girlfriend.

“Hello?” she said, her voice soft and gentle.

“Um, hi,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. “Is this William?”

There was a pause and then she spoke again. “I’m William. I mean, I was William.”

“You must be his girlfriend,” I blurted out. “William? Is that really you?” I asked, barely able to believe what I was hearing.

“Yeah, it’s me,” William confirmed. “I know, it’s a lot to take in brother. But yeah, I’m still here.” There was a pause. “I thought you died.”

This is how he used to talk but I’m not convinced with the voice. “Okay, say something only my brother would know,” I said.

Without hesitation, William replied, “You pushed me from the trailer roof when I was 8.”

“Haha, you’re my lil bitch. What’s wrong with your voice?” I asked

William chuckled softly. “Yeah, don’t get too surprised by the girly voice. It’s me now. I guess I became your lil bitch from outside too.”

“Haha. Joke aside,” I chuckled nervously. “Where are you these days? How are you? Are you having any trouble? And are our parents still alive?” I blurted out, my words tumbling over each other in my rush to catch up on lost time.

“Slow down, bro,” William replied calmly and steadily. “I’m okay, really. Just taking it day by day, you know like old times? And as for our parents, yeah, they’re still around. Things are… complicated, but they’re hanging in there. I don’t know much but if they die I guess I’ll get a call or something.”

It was good to hear that he was okay but the mention of our parents reminded me of my childhood.

“Listen,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I know things haven’t been great between us but I want to make things right. Can we meet up? I really want to talk with you and spend some time.”

There was a pause on the other end of the line and then William spoke, his voice softer than before. “Yeah, I think we should do that. It’s been too long.”

“Where do you want to meet?” I asked, eager to finally see my brother face-to-face after all these years.

“Where do you live?” William asked in return.

“North Carolina,” I replied.

“Perfect. Can you buy me a plane ticket?” William replied, his urgency evident in his tone. “Please don’t say no.”

“Yes, of course. Is everything alright there?” I asked, concerned creeping into my voice.

“No, not at all. I need to get out of here asap,” William replied, his words sending a shiver down my spine. “You may be doing good but I’m still in the same shit you left me.”

“Alright then. Call me when you reach the airport,” I said.

The next morning was filled with nervous anticipation as I waited for William to arrive. I had promised to pick him up but he insisted that I wouldn’t recognize him so I had to give him my address instead.

As time went by, every time the doorbell rang, I got super excited, thinking it might be William.

Right when I was getting worried, I heard the doorbell. Excited, I hurried to open it, my heart beating fast. But instead of my brother, there was a girl at the door. She was really pretty and attractive but she definitely wasn’t William.

The girl stood in the doorway wearing a stunning emerald green slip dress that left little to the imagination. The silky fabric draped kaman escort effortlessly over her curves and the plunging neckline teasing a glimpse of her decolletage. Delicate spaghetti straps adorned her shoulders and trailing down her back in a tantalizing display.

“Do I know you?” I asked.

“Brother,” the girl said, throwing her arms around me in a tight hug. “I knew you’d become rich one day but I never thought you’d be a millionaire.”

“Who are you calling your brother, Miss?” I asked, utterly bewildered by the situation.

“It’s me, brother. William,” she said, her voice filled with emotion. “Oh, my appearance. I transitioned five years ago. Do I need to talk about our trashy trailer park and drag-addicted parents to confirm that I’m your brother?”

I just stood there, shocked and quiet, thinking about what she said. My thoughts were all over the place, trying to understand how the little brother I remembered could be the person standing in front of me now.

“Alright, let’s get inside,” I finally said, shaking off my shock. “I knew I’d be surprised but now I’m blown away. You literally meant it when you said you became my lil bitch.”

Her dress skimmed her thighs, accentuating her legs and swaying with every step she took. Its lustrous sheen caught the light, casting a mesmerizing glow around her. Then we sat on the couch.

“I thought you’d be homeless or some drug addict but now you’re… a sexy girl. Darn, you really surprised me,” I said, still trying to wrap my head around the unexpected turn of events. “But I’m still a little paranoid. My brother has a birthmark.”

“Oh yeah, it’s right down there,” she said, pointing towards her crotch. “I can show you.”

“No, it’s alright, I just needed to know,” I replied quickly, feeling a little flustered by the offer. “So, how come this big change?”

“We can talk about it later but first tell me how long I can stay here?” William asked, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

“William… um, you must change your name too?” I said, the realization sinking in.

“Yep. It’s Sandy now,” he replied.

“Nice name. So, you’re my sister now?” I asked tentatively, unsure of how to navigate this new dynamic.

“Yep, but not with a vagina,” Sandy replied with a smirk, breaking the tension with a touch of humor.

“You can stay here as long as I’m not married or have a serious girlfriend but before that you need to tell me why you left your place in such a hurry?” I asked.

“Okay, people are looking for me. I borrowed some money. Actually, it’s a lot,” Sandy replied.

“How much?” I asked.

“Around 40k,” she replied, her words hanging heavy in the air.

I took a deep breath, processing the situation. “I’ll give you the money but you have to become my bitch for life, deal?” I proposed, trying to lighten the mood with a hint of humor. “I’m gonna treat you even worse than before.”

“If they find me, they’ll either snuff me out or sell me off. Then I suppose I have no choice but to become your little plaything,” Sandy replied, her voice taking on a sultry tone that sent a shiver down my spine. “Hehe, you didn’t expect that, did you?”

“Now I really want to talk about your transition,” I said.

“Alright. After Mom got arrested for illegally selling drugs, I had to take her place,” Sandy replied.

“I won’t blame you for that but why did you drop out?” I asked gently, wanting to understand her journey.

“You are still mad over that. I didn’t want to but things went south. I got mugged by some brats and I had to flee for my life. They would’ve killed me. I lost $5k worth of coke in the process. I moved to a new city and started living with some sissies. I was still dealing drugs and I also got addicted to it. My roommates helped me overcome my addiction but I got addicted to something else,” she confessed.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Porn, haha,” she giggled. “And after a while I started transitioning with them. I don’t know why but I feel more myself this way.”

“So you suck dick for money now?” I blurted out.

Sandy’s eyes widened in surprise and her expression shifted to one of disbelief. “Really? This is how you talk to a girl?” she shot back with a mixture of indignation and hurt. “But I’ll allow it. You’re my jerk brother after all,” she added with a smirk, her playful tone easing the tension between us.

“Come here. Give your brother a hug. You know I always loved you, in my way,” I replied, opening my arms to her. “And I’ll always love you no matter kapaklı escort what.”

“I know and I knew you’d take me in one day. That’s why I never changed this number,” she replied.

“Let me show you your room then. Upstairs or downstairs?” I asked, leading the way.

“If it has a bathtub then it doesn’t matter whether it’s up or down,” she replied.

“Then upstairs it is,” I replied.

As we went up the stairs, Sandy’s hips moved from side to side and made her steps look even more graceful. Her figure looked like one of those models you see in magazines, all curvy in the right places. Her dress fit her body perfectly, highlighting her curvy figure. Her waist was so small it seemed like it was meant for holding onto. And her hips? They swayed with a smooth rhythm, almost like they were dancing on their own.

“Like, what are you seeing?” Sandy teased, a knowing smirk playing on her lips as she glanced over her shoulder, catching me checking out her behind.

“You got a killer figure. I have to admit,” I replied, feeling a little flustered but unable to deny the truth of what I was seeing. “I couldn’t help but look at your curves.”

“If you want a clear view, then you’ll have to buy me some bikinis,” she winked with a playful tone.

“Then I’ll take you shopping right now,” I said, unable to resist the opportunity to spend more time with Sandy.

“Haha, brother, when did you become a sugar daddy?” she said, accompanied by a teasing sway of her hips and a flirtatious toss of her hair.

“Are you complaining?” I asked, returning her playful banter with a grin.

“Nope, as long as the sugar’s meant for me,” she replied, blowing me a playful kiss from upstairs. “Wow, you got a nice house,” she said, her eyes scanning the surroundings with admiration.

I showed her one of the master bedrooms. The room was spacious and tastefully decorated, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light.

“There are three master bedrooms in the house; two upstairs and one downstairs,” I explained, gesturing around the room. “It’s a pretty big house with a total of five bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms.”

Sandy nodded, taking in the details of the room with a sense of appreciation. “Your place is amazing,” she exclaimed. “I think I’m going to love it here.”

“Don’t get too comfortable,” I said jokingly.

“Ohh, now that you’ve taken me into your life, I’m not letting you go, brother,” Sandy replied playfully.

“I’ll give you a job at my office,” I said.

“Your secretary? I can play the part like in that movie,” Sandy teased.

“Haha, I know you can, but you’re not qualified to do other tasks,” I replied, chuckling at her antics.

“Is it that hard?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

“For you? Not really but you won’t be able to do it properly without training. First you need to know how we work. You can start from the mailroom; sort the mail and deliver it to the employees,” I explained.

“You sure? Your colleagues will take it easy knowing that I’m your sister?” she asked.

“They don’t need to know that part. And don’t tell anyone either. People might not react well,” I replied, trying to be practical.

“Are you embarrassed or something?” she asked, sensing my hesitation.

“No, I’m just worried that they might feel uncomfortable with the things I’ll do with you,” I said with a playful wink.

“Now that’s my brother talking,” Sandy replied with a sly grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. With a subtle flick of her hair, she leaned in slightly, her lips curling into a playful smile. Then, with a graceful movement, she ran her hand down her curves, accentuating her figure.

“Dang,” I breathed out, my eyes lingering on Sandy’s enticing gesture. “You really know how to turn a man on.”

Sitting on the bed, legs crossed seductively. She leaned back, running her fingers through her hair with a coy smile. “You won’t be my first man but definitely you can be my last,” she said, her words dripping with a tantalizing promise.

“It’s getting too hot here. I’m going to my office and will come back before lunch. In the meantime, unpack your bag… Wait a minute, where is your bag?” I asked, scanning the room for any sign of luggage.

“I thought you’ll buy me those,” she replied, her voice dripping with suggestive undertones as she playfully put a finger in her mouth, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

I raised an eyebrow at her suggestive gesture, a smirk playing on my lips. “Then I’ll buy you a whole wardrobe,” I replied.

To be continued…I like to explore new ideas instead of grinding through one story and filling it with repetitive sex. I know lots of readers want to know the ending but here I draw the line. There is no ending. We can continue the story in our heads. In my opinion, that’s more exciting and satisfying.

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